The True Form Podcast

Episode 227: Ask Me Anything - Tips to Stay Consistent, Build Habits, and Boost Your Health

Jack Graham Episode 227

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In this Q&A episode of The True Form Podcast, I answer YOUR questions! From staying consistent with workouts to understanding metabolic age, we dive into practical advice for a healthier, more balanced life.

Topics include:

- Why I started learning Korean
- Supplements I take and how I use them
- The meaning of "True Form" and why I rebranded the podcast
- Tips on calorie intake, rapid weight loss, and shredding safely
- Motivation vs. discipline and how they shape success

Submit your questions for the next Q&A using the link in the show notes! 

Watch and comment on the episode on YouTube:

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What is up everybody? Welcome to the True Form Podcast. First Q&A of the year. Big thanks to every single one of you that submitted a question. If you want to submit a question or have your own opinion on my answers, or you just want to have your say, please follow the link in the show notes where, you can submit a question.

00:00:24:21 - 00:00:34:22
Like I said, have your opinion. Obviously, if you're giving your opinion, give me a name so I can have a bit of back and forth with you and know who I'm talking to. So yeah, make sure you do that for next time.

00:00:34:22 - 00:00:45:19
before we get into today's episode, I've got a question for you. Yes, you. If I was to message you every single day for 30 days with health tips, fitness tips, how to build good habits,

00:00:45:19 - 00:00:51:01
What you should be thinking about when approaching your health and wellness every day for 30 days.

00:00:51:01 - 00:00:54:13
Do you think you'd be a healthier version of yourself? Of course you would.

00:00:54:13 - 00:01:10:05
And that's why I created this. So I could message you every single day so you stay consistent in your every single day, just giving you little bits of information that you can implement that this isn't a long message of how to do this. And you get by the end of the read, you just bored with it. You don't even implement anything.

00:01:10:09 - 00:01:16:00
These are short little messages that you can use to implement and start improving all aspects of your life.

00:01:16:00 - 00:01:27:16
And it is for 30 day. So this is an email list once you jump in on it for 30 days and once the 30 days is up, that's it. I'm not going to send you any more emails. I'm not adding you to another email list. It's just those 30 days.

00:01:27:16 - 00:01:32:11
So, you know, it's information that's going to work and help you live a long, healthy life.

00:01:32:11 - 00:01:39:08
So make sure you hit the first link in the show notes. Sign up to it, and I'll be talking to you every day for the next 30 days.

00:01:40:12 - 00:02:01:07
Let's get into the questions. First one is from Kenny. Are you sponsored by KD? No, I am not. I know a few of you have asked this question, and I just like it. It's just what works for me. I tried a few different brands. I just found that they just didn't quite fit. They weren't that comfortable, like they just worked for me.

00:02:01:07 - 00:02:16:19
So I'm lazy when it comes. This sort of stuff. I just when I find something that works, I just double down on it and buy a lot of the same style ends, different colors, and that's what I do. So unless, like Katie wants to sponsor me, I am definitely open to that.

00:02:16:19 - 00:02:38:02
Our second question is from Jenny. Why are you learning Korean? Good question. When I put that post up on Instagram, a lot of you reached out and like, why Korean? Why you learn Korean. And I've always wanted to learn a different language. And from my research, Korean just seemed to be the easiest one to learn that wasn't using the alphabet.

00:02:38:04 - 00:03:01:01
So yeah, that's why I am enjoying it. It is cool to learn another language and work my brain in a completely different way. And I've always wanted to learn a different language to improve my speech. Like Korean especially, you need to use your maths and articulate each, words and all that sort of stuff. And being Aussie.

00:03:01:03 - 00:03:22:14
We spend our whole life trying to do the opposite and abbreviate everything and use as minimal facial expressions as possible. And I'm trying to reverse that. After moving to Melbourne, I realize how bad my language and my speech is. So it's my way of improving my speech because I want to have guests on from all around the world, and I want them to understand me.

00:03:23:20 - 00:03:50:10
Third is from Alex. What supplements do you take? Nothing crazy. The main ones are just protein powder. Fish oil and creatine. They're my main ones that I have pretty much every day. Once I have them, every single day. I have others in there every now and then. Just to see if they work. At the moment, I'm trawling with Tonka Ali and a magnesium three night.

00:03:50:12 - 00:04:08:10
Normally I just go on them for two months, see if they have any effect, go off, and then maybe go on them again to see if they're off and on if there's any difference. Strongly recommend you do that as well. Like a lot of the research out there shows that most of the supplements, even creatine, doesn't work for some people.

00:04:08:12 - 00:04:28:00
And it does work for some people. So you might not be getting any benefits from it, but you're having it every single day. So it's good to go on and off it and notice the difference, if any. But any other than that, I really think you should focus on your food, getting everything you need from Whole Foods and supplements there just to supplement that.

00:04:28:02 - 00:04:41:11
The magnesium three night was is to help with sleep. I'll let you do your own research on that. Again, I'm going off it on to see if if there is any difference. Yeah. Other than that, nothing too crazy.

00:04:41:11 - 00:04:51:22
Why did you change the name of the podcast and why? True form from Dave. Just going through a rebranding, obviously.

00:04:52:00 - 00:05:13:23
Going from doing this with Mac and then now doing to myself with must to with myself. I just felt like it was time for rebranding. Bit of a shake up. Just making my own thing. So, true form or just like that name. Unfortunately, I didn't think of that. That come from Steven. Shout out to you for bringing that up.

00:05:14:01 - 00:05:32:07
He was a big push out of me trying to rebrand and restructure and make it my own. So Steven, I appreciate that and thank you. And he sent out. He sent me a lot of different names and the reason why, like the meaning behind the name, I guess you could say, and true form just stuck out to me.

00:05:32:07 - 00:05:52:01
Like I'm a big believer in true form in the gym. True form in yourself. True form in life. Like just trying to be your true form in everything you do. And that's why I want this podcast to be moving forwards, like the true version of whatever the topic I'm talking about. So you can use that to be your true self.

00:05:52:03 - 00:05:55:03
Hopefully that makes sense. That good question, Dave.

00:05:55:03 - 00:06:13:07
Kimberly asks, what is your favorite type of music to listen to during a workout or anything? I actually reshared this and some of the some of the music that you guys listen to. I wouldn't listen to it. That's not me. I don't mean that's in a bad way.

00:06:13:07 - 00:06:34:20
Like, whatever gets you hot. There is a lot of studies to show. Listening to good music that gets you hyped actually gives you a lot more performance in the gym than creatine. Like, a lot of people put so much weight on creatine as a supplement to get benefits from the gym, but actually listening to music will actually give you more, power.

00:06:34:22 - 00:06:58:01
Like just that extra bit of grit in the gym then creatine. So the music you listen to does matter. And I listen to it just depends on what mood I'm in. When I listen to music, it's morning to pop me up for this podcast. Was a Spotify. I don't know what the hell happened, but I got,

00:06:58:03 - 00:07:22:08
I don't know if I should say this, but call him a no. Come on. Okay. Call him, and I don't I don't think of Amy. Ever search for Kylie Minogue on my Spotify account? I don't think she's ever been played there before, but I just listening to my normal playlist and you got the little suggestion you can put the suggestions on your playlist, and it and Spotify will pop pop a couple suggestions in every now and then and call them and I come on and I was like, oh, I'll just give it a go.

00:07:22:08 - 00:07:39:06
And it it pumped me up. So I don't know, call them. And I just did it for me this morning. Again, it just depends on what majoring. But still like I said, listen to music and listen to good music that you like. Just doesn't matter if anybody else likes it, because it will pump you up and it will give you a better workout.

00:07:39:08 - 00:08:05:07
Alright, next question. I don't know what number we're up to, but next question. What does a metabolic age actually mean in that in body scan that you posted? This is an unknown. Yeah. So if you missed it, I posted a body scan at the gym I work at. There's a in body scan, and it scans your metrics in internal everything, and it gives you a metabolic age.

00:08:05:07 - 00:08:37:23
So the age of your body. And I think mine was like ten years younger than what I actually am. So technically my body is ten years younger than my actual age. And a lot of you reached out and, big thanks to that person that did submit the question, because yes, it looks impressive. And I try to post that and follow that up with things I'm doing in the gym, because I've got a couple of elderly or one elderly client that has done the scan who is about 15 years younger than his actual age, but he struggles to move.

00:08:37:23 - 00:09:03:03
So like he he can't really get up off the ground. So yes, his metabolic age on this piece of paper says he's 15 years younger, but his movements and his abilities are definitely not like they're probably 15 more advanced than his actual age. So just because that number is there is it's only one part of the story. So like I strongly recommend you go and get one of these body scans.

00:09:03:05 - 00:09:24:07
They're actually going to come up, you know, another question down the track. But because it gives you more information just jumping on the scales. Scales are absolutely useless. When it comes to weight loss, like your overall health, like even weight loss, jumping on the scales isn't really a good measurement. I'm a I'm not a big fan of white, obviously, so it just gives you more metrics to go off.

00:09:24:07 - 00:09:43:09
Yes, it's probably not going to be the most precise measurements out there on the scan. The best one you could probably go and do is a dexus game, but I think they're about $400 a pop just to get the scan. So this just gives you more numbers and just numbers to go off rather than just standing on scales and go, oh, I think I've lost weight for, if you did, is that muscle?

00:09:43:09 - 00:10:06:13
Are you losing body fat? Are you losing bone density? Like, there's all the things that could be where this just gives you that information and what the metabolic age actually means, again, doesn't really mean too much. It's just one part of the picture. It just one thing that you can add into everything else that you're measuring. Do you need to measure it?

00:10:06:17 - 00:10:29:01
Probably not. It doesn't really matter. Do you feel good? Do you have energy? Are you moving pain free? Can you do things that you like doing? Do you wake up in the morning ready to smash the day? Like all those things matter? Probably more than that number on a piece of paper. All right.

00:10:29:03 - 00:10:56:01
What is the difference between motivation and discipline? Is this your go to question for your podcast guests? Now or. Relax. When I'm whenever I'm asking a question to a guest, it's usually coming from me. Like, it's not like I want to know their opinion on that question, especially this one. I think it's a good question to ask because you're getting different opinions and different ways of looking at it.

00:10:56:02 - 00:11:21:03
Discipline, motivation. They're very people confuse them a lot. People don't really understand them. So and myself included, like, I'm not sure. You know, sometimes I don't know what motivation actually is. And that's why I ask these questions. And like, although I'm asking every single guest, it's coming from me. So I want to know what their opinion is so I can use that.

00:11:21:05 - 00:11:40:11
And when I'm doing that, I strongly suggest that you do the same. So whenever I'm interviewing a, a guest, I want you to take away from that and not necessarily because this guest said that thing and you have to go and do that. It's like it's just another way of thinking about it, another way, looking at that question or that opinion.

00:11:40:11 - 00:12:09:06
So just take it on board, think about it, maybe use it, maybe don't. But at least give it time and think about the answer and whether you agree or disagree. All that sort of stuff. I don't know if this person actually wanted me to answer the difference between, motivation and discipline. I'm going to I don't know if you are smart ass or not, but I'm going to one second.

00:12:09:08 - 00:12:31:22
Matt, who was on the podcast recently, I think he had the best answer for motivation and motivation is just a buzzword. I think it's used way too much, and it's almost like a sales word now. Like, if I can motivate you to do something, I could probably sell you something. So I feel like it's been used in that sense way too much.

00:12:31:23 - 00:12:53:07
And same with probably discipline. Like, you know, I can teach you to habits, to be disciplined, to do this, just give me some money and jump join on my course and that sort of thing. I feel like those two words have been used in sales way too much, and they've lost their meaning. But like Matt said, on the podcast, you don't really need motivation if you're doing something that you enjoy.

00:12:53:12 - 00:13:14:19
So if you enjoyed doing it, you're going to want to do it because you're enjoying it. Like I know that sort of around the circle. But if you're doing some sort of exercise or business or work that you just don't enjoy and you're not motivated to do, or you don't want to be there, you know the outcome is not going to be great.

00:13:14:21 - 00:13:33:22
You just going through the motions. So it's better. You better off finding something you do enjoy because the outcomes are going to be better. You're going to enjoy the process. If you fail or you feel like you're failing or it's not working, you still probably going to continue doing it. Which means it's not a fail you. You'll eventually succeed.

00:13:34:00 - 00:13:47:23
Since, Thursday's podcast, I have actually been pondering this again, getting everybody's opinion and pondering it quite a fair bit. Thinking about it and.

00:13:48:01 - 00:14:10:08
Again, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, and I would love your all your opinions, but when it comes to motivation and discipline, I'll think of it about as happiness and being happy and nice. Happy and nice are two different things, but they, combined into the same thing. Somebody can be happy, but they it doesn't necessarily mean they're a nice person.

00:14:10:10 - 00:14:38:01
Happiness is a emotion. And now, like, it's always good to be happy. Like when happiness is there, life is awesome, but it's not always there. And then sometimes it's hard to be happy, but it's always easy to be nice. Nice is an action so nice is saying hello to somebody smiling at somebody. Although you're in a bad mood and life is absolutely shit at the moment, it doesn't mean you can't smile and greet somebody in a nice way.

00:14:38:03 - 00:15:08:04
So you can see what I'm saying here. Happiness is just an emotion that you feel, but nice is an action that you do. So somebody, if you if you think of somebody nice, it's usually the actions that they're doing that makes them a nice person. Not necessarily because they're happy person. They might actually be feeling like absolute shit inside miserable, but they still doing nice actions that make you think they're nice, which makes you think that they're happy.

00:15:08:04 - 00:15:32:21
Person that might contradict each other. But, hopefully that makes sense. And I would love to hear your opinion on it. But yeah, nice is an action that you do. Happiness is just an emotion. Discipline is an action. You do. Motivation is again a an emotion that you feel. I strongly think that motivation is just a thing that comes and goes.

00:15:32:22 - 00:15:52:22
It's there sometimes it's there. It's not the same as happiness. Sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad. You're not going to be happy all the time, every time. But when it's there, it's it's awesome. And you can absolutely do things that, you know, motivate you to be a better person. Okay. That was a that was a good question. Really.

00:15:53:00 - 00:16:16:08
That was your what you're after. But you got it. All right. Rowland asks, how strong do I have? How strong do I have to be to be considered healthy? So how strong is healthy or how strong you have to be to be a healthy person? Really good question, Rowland. And I think it comes down to what like what's your definition of healthy.

00:16:16:08 - 00:16:38:16
And this like I think that is a very individual thing like my opinion, you know, again, can you do the things you like doing throughout the day. Can you move without pain? Do you wake up with energy? Do you have energy throughout the day? You know, if you fall down, can you get back up? These are things that I consider to be healthy.

00:16:38:16 - 00:16:57:00
Like can you run? Can you jump? I can you have a good conversation? You know, can you meet somebody in small and greet them in a nice way? Those are all things that I consider to be healthy. And strength definitely does play into that. Like, you know, if you fall over, can you catch yourself and stop you from, you know, hitting the ground?

00:16:57:03 - 00:17:14:22
Or if you do fall over, can you catch yourself on the ground and then push yourself back up and get up and just walk it off? So strength comes into those things. But again, like if you enjoy lifting heavy weights and that's what motivates you to go back and keep doing it. And that's something you love and you want and you just look forward to lift nice heavy weights every single day.

00:17:15:00 - 00:17:37:11
How are we gonna lift those heavy weights? It's only going to improve your strength. Yes, you can go too far one way, but you're probably not going to be doing that for the rest of your life. Like powerlifters will usually do a couple of comps for a couple of years and then transition to something else because, you know, their body starts going is too strong and it gets too unhealthy, so they start doing something else.

00:17:37:11 - 00:18:00:03
So, it's just again, I don't think there's one definition of healthy. So what is healthy to you? Yes. You listening? What is what is health to you and how strong do you have to be to do that? You know, is it lifting your kids up, your grandkids, planning or running around with them or, you know, just being able to hang out them all day and have energy to do that?

00:18:00:05 - 00:18:17:16
Is that healthy? And, you know, I do think going to the gym and lifting weights in a heavy like heavy weights and, you know, running and jumping and all that sort of stuff is going to help you do that. So, yeah. Sorry, Roland, I don't really have an answer for you, but that is the best I've got.

00:18:17:16 - 00:18:41:08
How do you know what a good calorie intake is? We talked about this bit before, but I was looking online and there was and I was put off by saying recommended significant deficits for maintenance or weight loss while exercising. Laura. So yes, Laura and I have had this conversation before.

00:18:41:10 - 00:19:05:10
This is a hard one, and I'm going to straight up and say, just stop looking around online. Just choose one thing and stick with it for long enough to get results. And that is going to be, say, 3 to 12 months. I minimum three months to start seeing any sort of results from anything you're trying, whether that's a new gym routine, a new way of eating, tracking your calories.

00:19:05:10 - 00:19:25:12
Three months is probably the minimum you need to give it. So stop looking around for three months. Just focus on what you're doing for three months. See if that works for you. And then if it doesn't, let's try something else now. How do you find a good calorie intake? Laura is one of my clients, so she's actually done one of those in body scans that I was talking about before.

00:19:25:14 - 00:19:47:05
And it measures, your metabolic rate and your muscle mass and all that sort of stuff. So that scan is probably the best place to start for your calorie maintenance. So if you haven't got access to one of those scans, you can jump online and put it your height, age, body weight, activity level, all that sort of stuff into a calorie calculator.

00:19:47:07 - 00:20:02:03
And it will give you a maintenance calorie. So whatever your answers are and then it gives, you say, I'm just going to use 2000 calories, 2000 calories is your maintenance for the day.

00:20:02:05 - 00:20:31:02
Now from there, I at the scans for my clients will actually say your maintenance. Is this based on all the body, metrics that it's read? Use that as a baseline. Now, once you've got your calorie maintenance, I would say stick to that. Most people will go, oh, okay. So it's give me 2000. I'm going to drop down to 1500 to lose weight, but just at you at your maintenance for three months and see what happens.

00:20:31:04 - 00:20:53:01
Most people don't even do that. And they're fluctuating up and down, up and down. And they could be thinking that they are eating 2000, but actually eating 3000. Or you could be thinking you're eating 2000 and eating 1000. You don't know where you're at. So whatever your maintenance is, just start with that. Track that for three months and try and stick to that the best you can, and then start.

00:20:53:01 - 00:21:16:01
If your goal is weight loss, stop bringing it down by 1 or 200 calories per maybe fortnight and go from there. So if you're trying to lose weight, and your maintenance is 2000, you've done three months at 2000, I'd say after that, stop bringing it down by 200. I know this is super slow and you like Jack, but I want results tomorrow.

00:21:16:02 - 00:21:35:13
You better off playing the long game. You're. If you play the long game and do this properly, you're going to get way better results. That lasts for a lot longer. The next question is about rapid weight loss. But rapid weight loss will have rapid weight gain. I can't stress that enough. I see that every time I look at it.

00:21:35:13 - 00:21:58:16
Does it anybody does it when they're trying to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, which is awesome. You can do it, but as soon as you stop, your body is going to regain it all. So you're better off playing the long game, taking your time. Find your maintenance, do your maintenance for three months and then stop bringing it down fortnightly at a time 200 calories, 100 calories per fortnight.

00:21:58:18 - 00:22:18:11
And then find a level. Say you bring it down 2 or 3 times, so maybe you're at about 1500 over a couple of weeks or a month or two. If you start feeling hungry, sluggish, and you've got no energy, that's probably low enough and I'd stop bringing it back up slowly because you should be doing muscle building exercises with this.

00:22:18:11 - 00:22:37:13
Jesus, this is a complicated question, isn't it? There's a lot involved with it, is what I'm saying. So you should be lifting, like, regardless of what your result, your goals are, you should be lifting weights in the gym 2 or 3 times a week. You should be doing cardio. You should be doing mobility laws following what true form program.

00:22:37:13 - 00:22:59:06
So she's going to be doing all that. So that's why I'm not talking about it much. So she's doing all the above so that her activity is covered and weight loss and muscle gain and all that sort of stuff comes down to what you put in your mouth. So as long as you're doing everything right in the gym, it comes down to what you're eating.

00:22:59:08 - 00:23:06:01
Jesus, that was a long, complicated answer. Sorry, Laura. Hopefully that answers your question. All right, last one,

00:23:06:01 - 00:23:32:17
How do I do? A two month shred and shred is in quotation marks. Fully aware. It's not sustainable, but I'm just curious. I feel like I have done a 39 year bulk. Julian is 39 years old. Falling. Got the size where I want to be. So, shred for those that don't know, is trying to lose body fat.

00:23:32:17 - 00:23:58:19
So trying to shred the body fat off your body. Is there a term there that Julian's referring to? Yeah. So I've known Julian for a while. We work together for a little bit. And he has put on a lot of muscle. So now he wants to try and lose a bit of body fat to, make that muscle up and get that shredded look, I don't like the word shredded, but we're using it.

00:23:58:21 - 00:24:21:03
So how to get shredded? Let's just put it there. So again, it comes down to what you're eating. So obviously, Julian, I'm assuming you're doing all the right things in the gym. So you're lifting weights. I'd say three full body workout. Don't do the bloody bro splits or any split workouts like split body parts don't do back Monday.

00:24:21:03 - 00:24:47:08
Chest the next, legs next. You're doing three full body workouts each week. Throwing in a bit of cardio, obviously to keep your health a heart healthy. Maybe a, fourth or fifth day where you just hitting some accessory works work that could be mobility, just trying to bring up lagging body parts, all that sort of stuff. So making sure that you're doing all the right things in the gym to maintain muscle mass is the goal.

00:24:47:10 - 00:25:11:12
In the gym. Outside the gym, pretty much just refer back to Laura's question. So again, what is your maintenance? Cal? If you are serious about losing body fat and body recomposition or changing the way you look, I sorry to say, but you do need to count your calories. But you can't do this. You can't do this without counting calories because you're just guessing how many calories in, calories out, all that sort of stuff you do need to count your calories.

00:25:11:12 - 00:25:37:09
So again, find your maintenance. Bring it down. This is going to be different for everybody. But again, let's just use that 2000. 2000 calories per day as the guide for Jillian. And if you want to lose or shred body fat in two months, I'd recommend taking 500 off. You're going to be hungry. You're going to be shitty.

00:25:37:10 - 00:26:08:15
You could you're not going to have a lot of energy. But again, if you want to achieve that in the two months, this is just what you've got to sacrifice. Like you're probably going to lose a lot sex drive as well. But again, it depends on who you are. Like what you actually want. You might say you want all this shredded look, but yeah, once you start feeling hungry, feeling like shit, no energy, don't have a sex drive, don't want to do anything, can't do anything because you've got to stick to your meal like your meal plans or your calories.

00:26:08:17 - 00:26:32:09
You might start changing your opinion, but it's definitely doable. In two months. Your calories make sure protein is your priority. So protein is the most important thing here. You want to be eating as much protein as possible and then just whatever calories you got left you can add those other macros. Then obviously watch your fat intake so your body will store fat.

00:26:32:11 - 00:27:00:00
Yes. That's a good for you. And you need fats in your body for your body to function in a healthy way. But if you're trying to lose body fat, it's probably like you want to minimize those. So minimal fats, that's avocados, eggs, fish, olive oils, all the oils. Like nuts. Yes. Nuts are high in fat. They're not a good snack if you're trying to lose body fats.

00:27:00:02 - 00:27:22:23
All those sort of things, you pretty much you're going to cut them out for two months. Focus on a lot of protein, a lot of carbohydrates, whatever carbohydrates you can fit into your calorie, within your calories and minimal fats. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and that should get you there in two months. Yeah.

00:27:23:01 - 00:27:41:23
Any any follow up on that? Again, when you're submitting a question, the more the more detail the better, obviously. But I know Julian, so I know where he's at. But if you've got a similar question for next time, make sure that you give me as much detail as possible and let's leave it there. Big thanks to everybody that had submitted a question.

00:27:41:23 - 00:28:00:07
Again. If I missed your question this time round, I will answer it in the next show. If you want to submit a next a question for the next show, make sure you hit the link in the show notes and I'm going to stop talking. Thank you for your time. I appreciate you being here this long. First Q&A by myself is a little weird, but I enjoyed it.

00:28:00:11 - 00:28:06:21
I enjoy your company. All right, have a good day, everybody, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye.