The True Form Podcast
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Hosted by personal trainer Jack, The True Form Podcast explores the journey of finding your true form—both in the gym and in life. With a focus on health, fitness, and personal growth, Jack dives into the intersection of physical strength, mental resilience, and living authentically.
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The True Form Podcast
10 Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain Over the Holidays
🎄Get your free Holiday Survival Guide: https://www.in-situcollective.com/holiday-guide
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10 Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain Over the Holidays
1. Don't skip meals: It can be tempting to skip meals in anticipation of a big holiday feast, but this can actually make you more likely to overeat later. Instead, try to stick to your regular meal schedule and make sure you are fueling your body with nourishing foods throughout the day.
2. Choose your indulgences wisely: It's okay to enjoy the occasional indulgence, but try to focus on the treats that are most meaningful to you. This way, you can enjoy them without feeling like you're missing out on something else.
3. Stay active: Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can help you burn off extra calories and keep your metabolism revved up. Try to fit in some form of exercise, whether it's a walk with a friend or a workout at the gym, on a regular basis.
4. Be mindful of portion sizes: It's easy to overdo it on high-calorie foods, especially when they are served in large portions. Be mindful of your portions and try to eat slowly, paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues. PROTEIN
5. Don't beat yourself up: It's okay to indulge in your favourite holiday foods, and it's important to be kind to yourself if you do overdo it. Remember that it's about balance and moderation, and try to get back on track with healthy eating habits as soon as possible.
6. Keep healthy snacks on hand: Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy snack options, such as nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, so that you have something to munch on when you're feeling hungry between meals.
7. Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is important for maintaining energy levels and preventing fatigue. Fatigue often leads to poor choices. Make sure you are drinking enough fluids, especially water, throughout the day.
8. Plan ahead: If you know you'll be attending a party or gathering, try to eat a healthy snack beforehand so that you're less likely to overindulge.
9. Bring a healthy dish to share: If you're attending a potluck or party, consider bringing a healthy dish to share. This way, you'll have at least one healthy option to choose from.
10. Don't go to parties hungry: M
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just take five everybody we got a Mozzyin theroom going you're not keepingthat all right what is up everybodywelcome back to another episode andMerry Christmas I know it's notChristmas just yet but this episode isall about keeping you healthy activestaying on track track not trackjust so you can stay healthy over theChristmas period tends to get prettycrazy lots of food lots of activitieslots of alcohol lots of alcohol and alot of non-movement so this episode isall about trying to combat that if youlike the sound of all this this episodeand you're like yeah I want a little bitsomething that's a little bit more Ttangible they can get they can get whatcan they get oh yeah the holidaySurvival Guide so if every year for thepast 3 years I think I've made a guidewith it's basically a book I think it'slike 30 pages long and it's gothomeworkouts because obviously over theholiday period it can be harder for youto get into the gym it's got recipesthat are kind of festive so like thingsthat you can share and stuff but stillhealthy um and it has just like tips onportion control and how to like manage Iguess the in the increase of food that'savailable to you over like the holidayperiod um completely free all you haveto do is go to the link in thedescription um and put your email in andthen you can get it keep it yoursforever and yeah I don't know it'sreally good and the last couple yearshas the biggest thing has been therecipes everybody's looking for dessertsand things to take to people's places CUthere's a lot of gatherings happeningyeah and desserts are one thing youalways take and I remember last year thebig thing was uh the recipes were a bighit yeah so it's just worth out just forthose Link in description mhm go get itall right do you want to just give aquick rundown of all 10 tips first Mjust and then we'll come back to themand then we'll come back to them and goover them in detail okay so I don'tthink that they're in order ofimportance they're just one to 10 okaythat means everybody's going to have tolisten to the whole lot to the whole lotso we have don't skip meals this mightsound count intuitive choose yourindulgences wisely how to stay activebeing mindful of portionsizes um don't beat yourself up keephealthy snacks on hand stay hydratedplan ahead bring a healthy dish to shareand don't go to parties hungry I don'tknow if these feel like common sense butlet's start at number 10 work our wayback to that one you want to start atnumber 10 okay don't go to partieshungry why why do you think I've beenpracticing this what have you well we wealways do I feel like it's ingrained inus now yeah always and I've been tryingto not do this anymore cuz we werewatching some sort of I don't know weirdinterview podcast St style thing withher bunch of actors and the lady waslike oh I ate before I came so I didn'toverindulge and she called it a certainthing I cannot remember I should havelooked it up a week ago but I've beenpracticing that uh it's like apparentlyyou eat more so when you go on a date itdoesn't look like you're a pig a pigyeah and I definitely probably look likeI'm a pig when I go out or go topeople's places so I have been trying tochange thatso hitting we've spoken about thisbefore on the podcast and in our groupchat it come up a little bit like whatorder food you should eat and all thatsort of stuff and proteinis you know a better option to eat veryfirst like before you go and eatanything else for a bunch of differentreasons so I have been trying to justsnack on a bit of protein before I goout yeah it fills you up you don't needmuch of ituh yeah it's more satiating so you'renot going to Crave those car carb heavychips and Entre and all that sort ofstuff when you first get there so thathas been a little bit helpful for me Idon't know I feel like I'm just I'm areally hungry person all the time anywayso I feel like intuitively I have asnack before we go out anywhere becauseI'm not sure what the food situation isgoing to be like when are we eating whatare we EA eating like how long am Igoing to have to wait am I going to gethry um so I just feel like having andlike it's more in your control what youeat before you go out is fully in yourcontrol mostly um so then like you cango to an event satisfied and you're likeoh like I could take a leave the food umthat's like given to you when you'rehungry and you go to event you're justlike nothing matters you know what Imean like it's just like oh I'm at aparty let's just eat everything andanything um yeah so I feel like it'sjust such a simple thing but it's so souseful what you go tosnack that's really hard I don't knowprobably like off the top of my headyopro yogur cuz it's like doesn't makeme feel like over full or bloated andit's high in protein yep what your andit's very satisfying it's verysatisfying yeah uh I'll go like for somecooked meatlike like a chicken nugget homemadechicken nugget so generally we've got abit of you know food prep in the fridgewhether it's cooked steak or chicken orwhatever it is so I'll just go for youknow 100 gram of meat 100 gram I don'tknow just a fist like I think we'regoing to go over this but a palm-sizedportion of some sort of meat uh you knowit's not very tasty but it does hit thespot and it keeps you Fuller um I feelfeel like it's a little bit less incalories if I was to sort of have meatand something else and something elseand a bit of sauce to go with it that'spretty much a whole meal so just themeat on its own yeah is my sort ofgo-to yeah good hack okay number nine isbring a healthy dish to share likeanother thing that you can control iswhat you take to the party so then ifyou're bringing a healthy dish then alsolike make sure you eat it like don'tjust bring the healthy dish and then noteat it and eat all of the otherunhealthy things but I just feel likehaving like you don't know what else isgoing to be there so bringing an optionthat you know is going to be beneficialfor you and then you have it there as anoption you can put it on your platefirst you know exactly what's in itum maybe this is just a me thing buteverybody listening could probably chimein with this as well if you takesomething to a gathering do youautomatically eat that first just out ofpoliteness your own thing yeah I mean Ido because it's a health thing like aswell that's probably why yeah but likeif there's a big like table like thisfull of food I'll just you know whateverI I'll put that on my plate first justbecause no I would probably do theopposite okay if it was like everythingwas if I was going to have everythinglike everything was quote unquotehealthy then I would probably not choosemy thing because it's this like there'sno doubt that I've had my thing beforeyou know what I mean like it's probablyboring to me I don't know okay all rightinteresting um okay number eight is planahead so if you know you'll be attendinga party or gathering try to take snacksso I feel like this is a lot of the timeover Christmas it's like work then go tothe Christmas party or whatever afterwork so maybe you can't have like meatfrom the fridge um so if you know whatthe events are then I think you it'seasy like it is easy and it is in yourcontrol to plan ahead like are you goingto go somewhere and get food before likedo you need to make sure that you drinkenough water and eat enough water theday of like if you have an evening eventlike start thinking in the morning whatyou can do to I guess support yourselfto feel good for the event during theevent after the event the next day umbecause there are a lot of things inyour control like hydrating making sureyou still have full proper meals eventhough you're going out um maybe havinga protein shake or a protein bar likebring one with you to work or whateverif you're going straight to the party umwhat else can you think of anything elseno I was just going to double down onthe protein shake because I think that'sa everybody's like oh only have proteinshake when I work out yeah it's veryimportant there but in circumstanceslike this it's even more beneficialbecause you're getting probably 250 to400 Ms of water plus someprotein so it's going to hydrate you andsort of fill you up yeah yeah also alittle side hack for I guess the nextnumber seven was hydration like stayhydrated ahead of the event but I thinka side hack like hydration is probablythe thing that I use to my advantage themost when I go to events where alcoholis involved so I make sure that I drinka lot throughout the day I make surethat I have an electrolyte usually likea supplement electrolyte also like youcould just make sure that you're eatingfoods that have umwhat's the word that I'm looking forfoods that have you know electrolytesyeah no I don't think that's rightanyway foods that are going to help youstay hydrated so things with like if youdon't have a very salt heavy diet thingslike olives pickles um vegetables thatare higher in magnesium like dark leafygreens things like that throughout theday that are going to help support yourbody metabolize the alcohol the otherthing that we try to do is have alaninewith water or like you can now get Alinedrinks from woolies they're called Calthey're in a purple can anyway like ifwe're going to drink we try get somesort of alanine in somewhere um becauseit does help your body break downalcohol so in an Ideal World you'll beless hung over you won't probably get asdrunk um so there are small things likethat I don't know that you can dothroughout the day prior I wrote waitwhat day is it today it's going to beMonday I wrote WR a really flipping good2minute Tuesday email last nightdescription Hy yeah Link in descriptionabout hydration um and just like thesigns of dehydration because I feellike we spoke about it a couple of weeksago right like did we speak about it acouple weeks ago I can't remember um butthe signs of dehydration like there is alot and I feel like a lot of the timepeople just take these symptoms asnormal symptoms like like your skin notlooking bright your eyes being glossylike headaches headaches fatigue lightdizziness um dry skin in general reallyhungry mood like interruptions likethere's so many symptoms more than justfeeling thirsty so anyway I wrote areally good two-minute Tuesdayemail about that and how to stayhydrated so sign up everybody um yeahanything else on hydration uh one thingof hunger can be hydration so yeah youmight think you're hungry but you'reactually dehydrated so going into eventsand all that sort of stuff if you'redehydrated you're going to eat yourbody's just going to say eat because itwants something but you don't know whatso hydration just helps with that soit's very hard to tell whether you'redehydrated or hungry sometimes they canbe mixed so just staying hydrated canhelp with that willpower as well yeahalso while you're at the event too likedon't just preload with with a the butthe bunch of water um like I always tryto do drink alcoholic drink wateralcoholic drink water or alol drink twowaters yeah honestly um and sometimesyou just have to have something in yourhand when you're in an eventso this is like going to expose the [ __ ]out of me but in the past like if we areat an event and we have like beer orsomething in a can I'll drink the beerand then I'll go to the kitchen or thebathroom and fill the beer can up withwater and then drink that can of waterbecause it looks like I'm still drinkingbeer but we were doing this the othernight um couple of months ago I guess atan event and I didn't realize you weredoing it and you didn't realize I wewere both doing it neither we both hadlike one or two drinks but it lookedlike we were drinking all night likefour five six cuz we kept having beercans in our hand um and then I don'tknow you just have if you don't letyourself get too drunk then you stillhave like a lot more control over yourchoices right that's the whole point umokay number six is is keep healthysnacks on hand I feel like we kind oftalked about this but I want to talkabout it in the sense like in your houseI feel like this time of the year youmeal prep less you eat less regularmeals you go out a lot more you probablysocialize a lot more so you maybe don'tcook the normal foods that you cook so Ithink having healthy snacks ready isreally beneficial so if you aren'tcooking full meal prepped meals like younormally would or you aren't cookingdinner and having leftovers and stufflike that like you normally would justhonestly just cook some protein and havesome protein like just roast somevegetables and have some vegetableswhatever things that you like to thatyou can snack on like just have themready like whether it's I don't knowcucumber carrot and hummus like just buythat for when you think you're going tocome home from an event or you're notgoing to have time to have a proper mealjust have snacks like ready um this isprobably the one circumstance where I'drecommend again I don't really recommendthis often but again this is a time ofthe year where it might be helpful justgoing and buying a good quality proteinbar but getting like the 24 box like abig box of them it's going to be alittle bit cheaper they are expensiveagain we're talking about good qualityones uh they're just handy yeah but youknow generally if you get a goodone sometimes most of the time goodingredients but you're going to get25ish grams of protein in that supereasy just take it go type thing yeahdefinitely um okay next we have don'tbeat yourself up I feel like we're alllike be good eat healthy snacks drinklots of water but we still want you tohave fun we still want you to indulge bea part of the party eat delicious foodscuz we like delicious foods too um and Ithink I don't know I've noticed in thegroup chat a lot that it's sort ofthere's still like obviously there'sstill a mentality about like what isgood and what is bad um and and often Ifeel like when you stray from what theplan whatever the plan is um it's easyto beat yourself up and either decide tojust quit for the rest of the month likewhat's the point I'm useless at thisanyway like I'm going to gain weightanyway I might as well just enjoy myselfum or go the opposite and be like I'mthe worst like I'm just going to notindulge in anything at allbecause I'm a weak-minded human I don'tknow that's there the dramatic scenariosbut I just feel like it's important togive yourself some like leeway becauseyou can do both like who is making theserules up honestly in all of life rightyeah um like so I feel like it isimportant to indulge but just be mindfulof like yeah I'm indulging and I'menjoying it but doesn't mean that I haveto stop or beat myself up over havingwhatever it is that you're eating butalso all these tips are coming down tothe point of enjoy yourself eat what youwant but not tooo much yeah like I lovechocolate and I know if I go to a partyhungrythirsty and there's chocolate on thetable and that's the first thing that'sthere I'm going to polish The Whole Bowloff so and I enjoy and even if I do allthe right things and I'm hydrated andI'm not that hungry I'll still have oneor two and enjoy those chocolates butI'm just not going to have the WholeBowl so it's still go and eat the foodsthat you like enjoy the company drinkthings you like but just not too muchyeah moderation is key right yeah and ifyou do overdo it like who cares whocares di the next day no one died umokay the next one we have is be mindfulof portion sizes I feel like this iscommon sense but at the same time it'snotso the a little hack I guess that we tryto do and we have spoken about in thepast is when you're at like a Christmasevent if it's sort of like ServeYourself situation um put protein onyour plate first right so go like I'mjust imagining Christmas lunch orwhatever go get the meat and put themeat on your plate first and then youwould want to do like the vegetable orthe salad option next fill your plateyou can have as much vegetables andsalad as you want as much as you want gonuts like I want you to eat all of thevegetables and salads that you can fiton your plate and then do things likecrispy potatoes or potato bake ornoodle pasta yeah things like that umand do that last like leave the leastamount of room for that but you stillget to eat it it's still going to bethere but just fill your plate withprotein and then with like the thesalads or the veg and then the carbheavy thingsum yeah because otherwise it's so easyit's so so easy to eat like four timesthe amount of calories you wouldnormally eat in a day 3 days of the weekbecause there's lots of Christmas thingsgoing on and and then it adds up veryquickly yeah um also obviously havingmore protein on your plate makes youfeel Fuller for longer more satisfiedmaybe you won't want as much dessertmaybe you won't want to go back forseconds or thirds um yeah and eat thatprotein first and I don't mean just goget a plate of meat and then sit downand eat it like generally when the foodcomes out or you know when you're goingup to Serve Yourself it's been a whileand you are hungry so just putting themeat on your plate first is a good ideabecause you're probably going to put themost things on your plate first yeah umbut then like obviously fill it aroundwith the salad and veggies and all thatsort of stuff but just slowly go throughthe protein before you get to the otherstuff as well like you mean like whenyou sit down to eat actually eat theprotein first right um yeah yes therewas something else I was going to sayand it left my mind damn it anyway um dowe briefly go do we even need to go overportion sizes I feel like just go if youare considering portion sizes and youwant to know more about portion sizesthen the guide I feel like is morebeneficial because it's visual than metrying to explain it verbally right nowyum yeah anyway damn I feel like thething I had to say was really good butmoving on I might come back to me okaynumber three stay active no I got it Igot it okay back to number four let'srevert let's go back um I also feel likeit's really overlooked about eatingslowly when you have um when you're atlike Christmas lunchand I think it's like the easiest timefor you to eat slowly because you shouldbe engaging in conversation around thedinner table as well so like I noticesometimes when we do dinner things withfamily our families it goes quiet andeveryone's just like like smashing theirfood you know what I mean which is goodbecause like you should be enjoying yourfood but I don't know I feel like youcan enjoy it so much more when you eatit slowly like eat one thing think aboutthe thing that you're eating think aboutthe person that made the thing thatyou're eatingyou know what I mean I just feel aici todo it that way talk talk to the who madeit like this salad is so good like whatmade you put this in it I don't knowjust slow the heck down and appreciatethe food you're eating and the peopleyou're with a lot more um and thenyou'll be more satisfied and bettermemories yeah better enjoyment anywaygood point okay stayingactive I feellikego yeah so it's just that da minimumyeah like we always talk about it youknow our daily minimum is trying to get10,000 steps or whatever like certainamount of steps in each day it's justtrying to maintain that um it's again itgets super hard especially when familyand all that sort of stuff around at themoment we got a challenge in our groupchat about just trying to do a bit extraso push-ups sit-ups and squats for eachday like if it's the 5th of December wegot to do five of each so it's justadding those extra things in it's alittle bit more of a challenge to getthings done but more because it is achallenge it's more incentive to get itdone I should say but if you're notdoing that again like there's nothingwrong with just doing some I don't knowI I guess I'm a weirdo in this sense butI just go off and do some push-ups andsquats anyway yeah just to try and getsome muscle activation get some movementin but don'tunderestimate minimum movementeverybody's like oh no it's just acouple of push-ups it's not going to domuch it's going to do a lot compared tonothing it's going to do a lot justgoing for a small walk you know oh it'sjust a walk down the road and back it'snot much but it's a whole lot more thansitting on the couch and doing nothingalso I feel like a lot of the time whenyou start with the minimum like say yougo um you commit I'm going to go do fivepush-ups you're like oh that was easy Iwould do something I do five squats aswell now and then I can do maybe I'll dosome like skipping some star jumps likeonce you just start and you just get theball rolling a little bit you're like ohit's not as hard or uncomfortable ortimec consuming as I thought I might aswell just do a few more things as wellyou know what I mean um also I feel liketry to do activities like don't just sitaround and drink and talk like you canbe in the backyard and stand around andkick a ball and talk you know what Imean like go for a walk somewheretogether and talk like play cricket justactivities like that yeah they becauseyou're not just standing there for hourslike yeah it's a small movement but it'ssmall movement for hours on end that'sgreat that's what you want exactly and abig thing is in these busy times peopleyou know Miss a couple of workouts andthen it's like oh well I've missed thelast four workouts what's the pointthere's a lot of point and yeah youmight not have a lot of time but justgetting into if you can get into the gymin those busy times if you've missed afew just go lighter and just smashthrough the workout as fast and as hardas you can so instead of doing 10 repsdo 20 reps on each and just minimal restand treat it like a circuit so if yougot five exercises in your workout to doinstead of just going like four sets onthat one four sets on that one four setson the next one just make a circuit dolighter lighter weights it's going totake you half the amount of time you'regoing to smash it out you probably feelbetter because you're going to get agood sweat on um just and again thatjust comes down to experience and justyouknow getting into the gym I guess thisis you know we spend all year preppingfor this time so um yeah there's no alittle bit goes a long way yeah it'sbetter than nothing right100% um okay next we have choose yourindulgences wisely and I feel like we'vecovered this a little bit but what Imean by thisis choose like you can choose ahead oftime what you want to indulge in I thinkI do this the most all of the time umevery day of the year like when do Iwant to indulge in something and likethink about it like think about what Iactually want to indulge in like whylike am I genuinely going to enjoy thatfood or is it a fast quick easy sort ofindulgence you know what I mean like Iwould much prefer to go and get like areally good cookie from somewhere thatis like going to satisfy all of mydesires like the softness thecrunchiness the Warmness whatever thenbeing like I just really need some sugarI'm going to go smash a packet of Oreosyou know what I mean and then it doesn'treally satisfy the thing that I wasactually craving which is like a reallygood cookie um so I feel like doing thisin general like because at this time ofthe year people bring snacks into theoffice there's like always dessert atevery meal that you go to sojust like think about it just slow downand think about what you actually aregoing to enjoy the most um and then gowith that and then actually appreciatethat thing while you're having it whenyou said that the first place my mindwent wasguess it's the same thing but just adifferent way looking at it so if I'mcraving chocolate like I go well I wantto get the best quality chocolate cuzit's going to be way more enjoyable uhit's I'm going to appreciate a lot morelike it's s it's a lot more satisfyingthan you know a a box of favorites isjust the general thing that everybodybrings but if you go and just spend alittle bit more on a good quality box ofchocolates it's probably going to be alittle bit less but you're going to eatless yeah and people will appreciate awhole lot more they're going to have oneof those and go oh that was amazing butit's usually Super Rich yeah you don'tfeel like going back for a second onebut where a box of favorites you couldeat the whole box and still want moreyeah it's not very satisfying it's justand and like this whole sort of sidetangent but this time of the year isvery no one really pays attention to theI guess impact on [ __ ] like invol Iguess you could say environment mightnot be the best word but people just buystuff stuff stuff stuff stuff and it'sjust cheap shitty stuff there's a lot ofpackaging in it a lot of it gets thrownout cu no one really enjoys it or eatsit or uses it so if you just sort offlip the switch a little bit go betterquality there's usually less packagingpeople use it it usually gets used allup eat eaten at all so yeah it's alittle bit more expensive but you knowit's better for our world yeah um I justfeel like people just sort of just go ohthere's a cheap box of chocolates eachone's individually wrapped so there's alot of packaging in that that goes intothat but also you know how much energywas made to you package it all use itall where if you go to somebody like inthe markets that makes their ownchocolate it's very minimally wrappedsmaller business as well yeah it's justjust think about those choices as wellyeah choose your Indulgence as wiselyokay the last one is don't skip meals umI feel like intuitively when you knowyou're going out for a big dinner oryou're going to a party you're like oh Iwon't have breakfast so that I can eatas much as I want at the party but thenyou're going to eat twice as manycalories um because you're just likebeing ravenous like we already said Ithink when I also when I say don't skipmeals maybe you should consider alteringyour regular meals as as well so thatyou're not skipping meals but alsopotentially you're reducing your calorieintake before like just in generalbefore the party so say for example forbreakfast maybe you usually have like abowl of oats with a cup of berries andyogurt and honey and I don't know Ithink a lot of people put peanut butteron oats I don't know why it's disgustingbut anyway um that's a good meal buthigher in calories so maybe if you knowthat you're going to be going out andeating different meals then swap likethat for just a cup of berries andyogurt like get rid of the oats or makeit a smoothie instead with like justprotein powder yogurt and berries butjust like consider the consider ways youcould remove calories from other mealsbut don't get rid of the meal so thatyou're still eating enough protein cuzwe I can't I feel like we've emphasizedhow important that is like endless timesum and you're still putting something inyour stomach you're still eating like aproper meal but the calorie intakeis less and then like lunch for exampleif you usually have like I don't knowchicken pasta that you take to work orwhatever maybe try swapping that andhave like the biggest beefiest saladthat you can make with chicken becauseit's going to fill your stomach but thecalorie intake is so low and you'restill getting enough protein so I justfeel like there's little things likethat that you could do rather thanskipping meals that are going to be morebeneficial because you're not going tofeel like you're missing out you're notgoing to be hungry you're still going tobe hitting your protein Target andyou're going to have a lot moreself-control when you go to the partyyeah and I think this is a bigmisconception just not around Christmasbut around weight loss fat loss liketrying to you know look better thatpeople do starve themselves and theyjust have that one big meal we talkabout this all the time with umintermittentfasting people get this completely wrongso you're way better off consumingcalories throughout the dayand then yeah dinner might be massiveevery now and then you might have amassive [ __ ] in dinner so say you knowgo out Tuesday and Friday night and forsome reason you know the the caloriesjust Spike massively out of control butas long as you're being consistent withyour calories throughout the week andevery other day it's the impacts a lotless so yeah say you eat 2,000 calorieson a daily basis and then for you knowthose days where you do go out forChristmases Gatherings and all that sortof stuff it spikes a 3,000 2 3,000 youknow your body's going to compensate forthat and probably get rid of thoseexcess calories where if you starveyourself the day before eat 2,000calories in one meal starve yourself thenext day eat 2,000 like your body willprioritize trying to hold on to as muchas possible CU it's things that'sstarving yeah so it's going to hold onto all that body fat all the caloriesgoing in it'll store it everywherebecause it doesn't when the next meal'scoming so if you're consistently eatingyour body's like oh we're fine we'rewe're fine we're not we're not starvingyou know we're not in fom we're going tobe getting food regularly we can get ridof all the excess body fats we don'thave to store carbohydrates as much weknow we're going to be gettingconsistent food so consistency is waybetter than intermittent fasting andstarving yourself yeah especially foryou know just the holiday period butyeah we talk about weight loss feelinglike you know fat loss all that sort ofstuff but also just feeling energizedand feeling good and being able to makegood decisions you need regular foodyeah so don't skip yourmeals cool that's it that's the last onethat's itobviously you've enjoyed this you've gotsomething out of it if you've lastedthis long so I know you're going toenjoy that guide we're talking about thesurvive the Christmas holiday gu holidaySurvival Guide that's the one linkingwill be the link will be in thedescription I promise Nathan the linkwill be in thedescription we we'll try and get betterat that uh so yeah check it out all it'sgoing to cost you is an email um I thinkyou I won't spam you either I only giveyou like the highest quality [ __ ] that'sgoing to help you reach your health andfitness goals I swear to God yeah socheck it out and merry Christmas if wedon't if you don't tune in before thatbut you will bet you will so we'll seeyou all nextweek you're meant to be doing by faryou meant to be doing the outro what'sthe outro this week there is no outrodon't I don't want to do the outroever I'm not doing it is this this thisis the new outro me fighting you againsttheoutro okaybye obviously if you've lasted this longyou've enjoyed the podcast and you'velearned everything you need to live along healthy and happy life but ifyou're listening along and have beenlistening along now for a while and youstill haven't started or you don't knowhow to incorporate all that into yourgym life all that sort of stuff then youneed to jump on the Institue athleteprogram Link in the description that isa program I've written for myself for aquite a while now it's a program Macdoes and a bunch of the insitu communityare on it as well so it incorporateseverything that I've learned from guestsresearch for this podcast all that sortof stuff combined into one program thatis going to get you feeling greatfeeling amazing and get you some crazyresults and help you live a long healthyand happy life so if that sounds good toyou make sure you follow the link in theshow notes join us join the communityand we'll see you over there