The True Form Podcast

Episode 216. Wrap-up - Sleeping Arrangements, Picking Up In The Gym & 10 Commandments For Living a Long Healthy, Happy Life

In-situ Media Episode 216

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.

In this episode, we dive into the essentials of living a strong, healthy, and resilient life. From training principles that stand the test of time to the impact of sleep deprivation, the biological benefits of human connection, and navigating gym etiquette—this episode covers it all. Plus, we outline the 10 commandments for a long, happy life. Tune in for practical tips and thought-provoking insights! 

Lex Fridman Podcast; #129: Lisa Feldman Barrett: Counterintuitive Ideas About How The Brain Works: 

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what is up everybody welcome back toanother episode where we're going toteach you the habits and strategies tolive a long healthy and happy life if Ican get through the words before we getinto today's episode if you are enjoyingour content and you've been here for awhile and you want to support us in amore meaningful way make sure you becomea supporter of the show we appreciateevery single one of the one of you thathave done it already we going toappreciate everybody is going to do it Idon't know where I'm going with thissupport the damn show that's all weask enough about that let's get into theepisode okay I feel like this is goingto be a really good episode today thatand because all of our listeners arebringing us excellent topics andexcellent perspectives so let's startwith Nathan's topic which is sleeping inseparate beds to get a better night'ssleep thoughts pros and cons so he'stalking about I think he said he hasfriends who are into health and fitnessand they sleep in separate beds and inseparate bedrooms even when they go onlike family holidays so it's all of thetime um and I'm pretty sure he saidthey're doing it for like healthbenefits go what what are your thoughtsbecause I could see you almost almost Icould almost hear you thinking whenNathan and I were discussing this at thesoccer field and I was like I just knowthat you have a strong opinion on thiswhat do you think what strong opinionwas going be you tellus I was just thinking about it I Idon't know I just think it's more hasslethan what it's worth it's a it is a lotof hasslelike I don't know I feel like um it's inpractic personally I think it'simpractical because you have to ifyou're like a couple then you have tohave a two-bedroom house I was going tosay do you just separate the beds in thesame bedroom or do you have separatebedrooms I think separating the beds inthe same bedroom defeats the purpose ofit like the only reason that I wouldwant to sleep in a separate bed would beprobably to get away from maybe snoringso like then you'd have to sleep in aseparate bedroom Al together right umwhich then means you have to have like atwo-bedroom apartment at least minimumor two-bedroom house potentially thenthree bedroom if you like to have guestsover all of the time so there's thatoverarching thing umbut I think like the major should we dothe pros first okay if snoring is anissue you can run away fromsnoring Pro maybe you'll get a betternight's sleep because you won't bedisturbed by your partner rolling overmaking noises dreaming kicking yougetting up to go to the bathroom they'rethe only Pros I thought of do you haveany uh I don't really know any like yeahthey're Pros but are they well like D dofit people heal fit and healthy peoplesnore okay maybe not but what if you arethe fit and healthy person in therelationship and your partner isn't andyou really care about your sleep andyour partner's in bed on Tik Tok beforethey're falling asleep and then they'resnoring like that's that's a big that'sright and that's where this sort ofconversation went with Nathan down atthe when we're playing soccer um likeathletes I would get this 100% like ifyou're getting paid millions of dollarsto perform a certain way sleep isextremely important and obviously bunchof studies and even just performanceback that up so you need sleep so inthat circumstance yeah hell yeah I'd belike you know what you got a gametomorrow or you know you're in yourseason or whatever your sport is youneed sleep so remove yourself so you canhave thatsleep I think that's personally I thinkthat's the only circumstance where thiswould make sense for a couple I don'tthink it does but for general public Ishould say yeah so the cons what do youthink like why is it why is it a anegative thing to do I just again wellmoney would be a big issue if you need abig house just to sleep in differentbeds and different bedrooms um but alsojust that disconnect from you yourpartner I I think through Evolution wehave slept together like slept in groupsor slept you know slept with yourpartner but you go back through historyI'm just trying to think of acircumstance where you wouldn't be sohumans have always slept together in alike room cave whatever you want to callit uh Huts so it just feels weird thatyou would separate from that to improveyour health yeah well I actually noteddown some biological benefits of beingclose to other humans because I've beenthinking about like just relationships alot lately like just any relationshipyou have with another human whether it'sromantic friendship work relatedwhatever um but first I feel like my twocons that I wrote down was reducedintimacy CU like you're not like closeto them and maybe if you work like bothwork N9 to fives and you don't see eachother all day um and then you come homeand you're like doing chores and eatingand cooking and watching stuff on thecouch separately a lot of the time whenyou go to bed that's the only time likeyou might actually like touch or likecuddle or whatever for a longer amountof time and the second con I think isthere's no pillow talk like the end ofthe day debrief or like the end of theday random thoughts I [ __ ] with that somuch like I love doing that I feel likeJack doesn't even listen but I like ityou know what I mean so I feel like youwould lose that as well also from anevolutionary standpoint I'm pretty surethat mortality rate is lower when youare a lonely person not necessarilysaying that just because you're in arelationship and you sleep in separatebeds means you're going to be lonely butI just feel like sleeping in the samebed sort of counteracts the feeling ofloneliness in a physical sense right sothe biological benefits of being closeto another human being is that whenyou're physically close together itactually reduces your cortisol levelswhich is your stress hormone lesscortisol means lower blood pressurebetter digestion improved mental Clarityand ultimately better sleep being nearanother human closeness also activatesthe parasympathetic nervous system soyour rest and digest so being closetogether actually helps you rest anddigest better helping you have bettersleep right um it can also physicalcloseness can also decreases symptoms ofdepression and anxiety through hormoneregulation creating a sense of securitybecause you feel safe because there'ssomeone else around you while you'resleeping an attachment ultimatelyleaving to a better relationship rightand then there's social bonding so youfeel less lonely which is linked tooverall mortality so I feel like the conor the pros of sleeping in separate bedsare obliterated by the cons yeah I dothink a counter argument might be likeoh my partner likes to watch TV and Idon't or my partner jumps on their phoneand I don't there shouldn't be phones orTVs in your bedroom period like thatshouldn't just like if you want toimprove your sleep your relationshipeverything else your overall healththere shouldn't be any devices otherthan maybe an alarm clock in yourbedroom so I think that's just peopleusually Arc up and say what about TVwhen I'm trying to watch TV it isinteresting though because I do knowlike I have noticed like it's coming upmore on social media and stuff like thatbecause we're in this weird optimizationera like is either a group of peoplethat are doing absolutely nothing tobenefit their health longevity Fitnessproductivity or there's a group ofpeople that are doing way way way waytoo much and there's not that manypeople in between yeah um and I havenoticed yeah like the group that's doingway too much this is something that theyadvocate for and it's the same kind ofgroup that ice bars every morning getsup and does yoga journals meditates doestheexercise eats 50 grams of protein likeall within the first two hours of beingawake you know what I mean like I feellike if you're doing that then maybe youfall in this Camp of people I don't knowyeah I still think the middle is thehealthy ground yeah um we always talkabout that don't do go to extremesbecause those extremes can be unhealthyand create bad relationships withcertain thingsum and extremes are extreme becausethey're harder to maintain like they'renot easy to be like normal behaviorbecause it takes a lot more energy andeffort and thought tomaintain well the higher end of theextreme anyway maybe not the low endyeah I think that speaks for itself yyeah yep yeah okay um the next part isin regards to what I was talking abouton Friday regarding the sleeping inseparate beds could you also do anotherscenario where if you don't get enoughsleep what happens to your body so forexample some of my Greek workmates getto bed at around 1: to 3:00 a.m. andthen get up at 6:30 a.m. to arrive atthe site by 7:30 but for some reasonthey can still work and kind of beproductive they've been doing it for solong now that their bodies have adaptedto this sleeping schedule I'm justwondering what the side effects of thispattern are these guys don't gym but I'mcurious if they are doing damage to theinsides of their body 100% they are thisis a good question because I feel likeintuitively we know the answer so wedon't talk about it right and but it's avery hard to show people this is whathappens because it's internal becausethere negative effects internally andthis is a good good example of how yourbody can adapt so well to externalenvironments effects relationships allthat sort of stuff your body will adaptand and given enough time it will feelnormal yeah but that doesn't that normaldoesn't mean it's healthy no so whythese people feel normal I think isbecause they can still function butthey're functioning on um the stresshormones of cortisol and adrenaline solike their like their hormone system islike hijacked all of the time so likethey're functioning but I think it'slike the equivalent of driving your caron when like the fuel lights on likelike it will still keep going even whenit has a tiny amount of fuel in it butyou are potentially damaging the engineright oh I'd say like if you haven't gotany oil in your car and the oil runs outyou can put as much fuel in as you wantbut if there's no oil yeah it still runbut it's overheating inside andeventually it's going to explode yeahit's just you don't know when it's justlike time it's like over time thingslike weight gain mood swings chronichealth conditions will start to pop upand they'll be like oh I don't know whatI've done to ca this but it's like it'slike a very slow gradual domino effectright of not getting enough sleep um soshould I go over some of the biologicaleffects of chronic sleep deprivation Iwould say this is chronic sleepdeprivation right yeah 1 to 3:00 a.m.they're sleeping like what 5 to 3 hoursI can't even imagine functioning Iwouldn't function on that amount ofsleep oh just yeah the it just thetopics or the points you're going to hitas I was reading through them I'm justlike this is just a uh the mostunhealthy lifestyle we can live and itjust it's just going to induce all sortsof really bad issues like heart attackscancer like you name it all like the bigthree like what was what would be bigthree Al no yeah brain health like Ifeel like your brain health is so it'sso overlooked like brain health is sooverlooked because you can't see it yeahuntil it's too late and you you can'tfunction properly anym and I did want tosay like this is what I reckon this isthe hardest part of our job trying toget people to realize what a goodnight's sleep consistently feels likeand how good it feels but it's just sohard to get people to do it and youcan't you can't there's nothing physicalto show and you can't you can explain itand I feel so amazing but then likesomebody will try it for a night or twoand they're like oh well I tried to goto bed at 9:00 but it just didn't workI'm like it takes a long time to getthat Rhythm but it's just something wecan't explainor show but yeah and I just wanted toyou basically have to just come to therealization yourself over time yeah whenyou do build that routine and you dosleep night to night like really goodlike we have and then you have that onebad night sleep or two bad night sleepsit it just goes to show how bad and howshitty you feel and how much you can'tget done so these guys working like thisobviously they're working very hardgetting a lot done during the day but ifthey got more sleep like say 8 hoursinstead of four their productivity wouldprobably be even higher and they'd makemore money so it's just again it's hardbecause they're probably working so muchand then to make more money but then youknow if they flipped it around theycould do more in less time if they andprobably make more money and live a lotlonger anyway you know what's also crazyis that your brain functions in asimilar way to when you're drunk whenyou're sleep deprived so like yourreaction time and your decision- makingskills are significantly negativelyimpacted so like I don't know for from atrade's perspective I feel like they'rereally important things to have as welland so like if you're really slow atmaking decisions or really slow atreacting to your environment then alsolike you know that's just going to makeyou a bad worker and and I've seen thatwhen I was in construction I've seen itall the time you see healthy guys thatare looking after themselves absolutelySmash It and get jobs done a whole lotquicker than guys that aren't they mightget it done just as quick but you cansee they're struggling to keep up so itdoes make a difference but it's justhard to communicate and can't reallyshow it until they actually it rightokay so the first one is your brainhealth how it negatively affects yourbrain health um so your brain basicallyrelies on sleep to consolidate yourmemories and clear out waste I feel likein the past we've spoken about how atnight time your brain goes through likea pruning process of things that itdoesn't think you need to remember andor like old things that it can get ridofand it has to do that has to do thecleaning to keep your brain healthy andprevent you from getting Alzheimer'sdisease so if you aren't sleeping enoughthen one you're not consolidatingmemories and two you are reallyincreasing your risk of gettingAlzheimer's disease um it also increasesyour risk of getting depression andanxiety because you can't think throughthings logically and it like negativelyaffects your brain's ability tointerpret the world predict and act isbasic basically what our brain is doingall the time predicting and then we haveto act on what it predicts so like ifyou aren't sleeping well enough and yourbrain's not consolidating memories andit's not getting cleaned out um thenobviously yeah you're going to feel justlike G you know what I mean um so thenthe second part would be probably yourheart and cardiovascular health becausesleep does help regulate your bloodpressure and your heart rate soobviously not sleeping enough is goingto negatively affect those which canlead to higher risks of heart diseasehypertension stroke like all of thestroke is the other big one The BigThree um then your immune systemobviously when you're sleeping your bodyrepairs itself helps you fight infectionhelps regenerate cells so less sleepweakens your immune system leaving youmore susceptible to coldsinfections probably slower recovery frominjury as well um yeah and then there'sthe hormonal balances that need like Ijust can't even with how many thingsthere are that not sleeping enougheffects um but basically for men inparticular poor sleep reduces yourtestosterone levels a lot right Y whichaffects your energy your libido yourmuscle recovery even if you aren'tjimming just Muscle Recovery from likeexisting painting um very important andthen your hunger hormones as well so wehave spoken like a lot about in the pasthow when you are sleep deprived you feelmore hungry because your body's or yourbrain is searching for energy fromsomething and generally it's going totell you to get food for that energybecause it's impractical for you to goto sleep at 2:00 in the middle of theday when you're working um so yeah notsleeping enough also makes you morehungry and less able to satisfy yourCravings leading to weight gain leadingto like all of these chronic diseasesthat we're talking about um and then thelast one that I wrote down was yourmetabolism and your gut health so a lackof sleep messes with your insulin whichcan lead to type two to diabetes or evenjust poor gut microbiota which affectsyour digestion and poor gut microbiotaalso affects your mood as well which isalways overlooked so I just can't andthis is what I mean like it'sendless just imagine these guys howproductive and how much they would besmashing it if they were sleepingmore uh like they probably can'tremember what they done two days agowhat jobs and all that sort of stufflike I don't know what the circumstanceare but if they're doing jobs invoicinglooking for more clients all that sortof stuff like how would you be doing ityeah like maintaining relationships dothey have kids do they have Partnerslike other family members I don't knowthere's just like so many things how farare they traveling like are they drivingto and from work for hours because likeare they a risk to everyone else on theroad around them as well I don't know Ifeel like the negative effects like andwhat are they doing anyway until 1:00a.m. in the morning like why do theyneed to be aw wake for that longdrinking beers probably all rightstereotyp so we we know that it'sextremely unhealthy not to get muchsleep long term for that circumstancethose that group of guys tradies thatare doing that what's something you'drecommend just one thing what would yourecommend they start doing just pickingin earlier bedtime and going to bed atthe same time every day like I think Ifeel like it's Common Sense What wouldyou recommend yeah like a minimum Iwould say try to get a minimum of 6hours if they're only getting four tothree now adding another two is probablygoing to feel like a lot so I would saya minimum of 6 hours sleep going to bedthe same time getting up at the sametime feel like there's nothing morebeneficial that you can do than going tobed and getting up at the same timeevery day but when I go to sleep at12:00 I can't fall asleep well what areyou doing are you on your phone do youhave the TV on have you been drinkingalcohol like when was your last coffeedid you just eat how much sugar have youhad have you had a hot shower do youneed to do something to wind down fromwatching TV have I missedanythingno um I'd recommend the 32one 3 hours remind us no food 3 hourswas it food first I think so no food 3hours before you go to bed no water 2hours before you go to bed and noscreens Tech technology or anything likethat 1 hour before you go to bed mhm soif you can do those again super hardsuper hard but even these guys I'd saystart doing it at like say 10 10:00 isyour last meal don't eat anything after10 then 11: same thing no water and thenat 11: you're turning off everything andat least you might start again I knowcuz I've worked with people like thisbefore it's going to take a few nightsit's not going to happen in one weekprobably won't even happen in two weeksbut it eventually start happening andyou'll feel better and live a lotlonger that's what we're here for tohelp you live a long life happylife so 3 two one just sleep guys it'snot thathard okay the next topic yep okaythoughts on guys trying to pick up womenin general in the gym is there any morecontext that I should add to this yeahPhil was just saying that like backpiggybacking from what we said like wewere talking about like trainers likehe's like oh yeah it's all well and goodfor you being a trainer approachingpeople like females males in the gym butwhat about me general public guy just inthere doing a workout should I beapproaching and he's like I wouldn'tapproach any female I think it shouldjust be left alone they there to dotheir workouts I'm here to do myworkouts it's not a pickup joint justget your [ __ ] done and leave femalesalone basically mhm and I was like likeoh yeah like I don't actually I didn'teven think about thatcuz even when I'm just working out inthe gym I've usually got my PT hat onlike not a little not a little hat butjust I'm just saying hi to everybody ifsomebody struggling do you need ahand um but what yeah what do you whatdo you reckon I think it depends on thecontext of the gym so I was going tobring that up as well is the gym a groupclass because a lot of the time peoplegoing to group class Fitness classes tomeet other people not even necessarilyin a dating context but just to meetpeople in general but also maybe morepotentially in the dating context or isit like a 24hour style gym because Ifeel like a lot of the time people gothere to just get [ __ ] done like puttheir headphones on don't want to bedisturbed or is it a gym like what's inour building like our building is veryCommunity oriented so I've made a lot offriends in the gym because I am moreinclined to talk to people because Iassume that people living here also wantto be likemeet other people like that's the wholepoint of this company is to build acommunity within the building thatyou're living in so I think the contextmatters um like where and I also thinklike you should be able to pick up onsomebody's body language if they want tospeak with you period whether it's inlike a dating context or a friendcontext and if you can't do that thenyou should try to become more aware ofwhat other people's body language lookslike right yeah uh both male and femalesyeah in my experience are terrible notall of them but most people are terriblereading body language like so many somany people will just come up and set upright next to you like yes like sayyou're got your bench you're doing yourexercises I've seen some guys/girls pulla bench up because it's more optimalright next to and then like literallytouching elbows as you exercise and thenjust like what I'm still and it's likethere's all this room and you've movedand they just don't even pick on it sobody language is a funny one um but yeahI I definitely say the context of thegym matters cuz again we were inCrossFit for a long time and the idea ofa CrossFit gym is to create thatcommunity and literally talk toeverybody when you're in the like it's acommunal social thing a way to exerciseso yes you know if in that circumstanceif you're working if we're working outnext to each other and we don't knoweach other too well and you're doingsomething wrong but I've been doingCrossFit for many more years I'd be likehey Mac just like lift your chest up alittle bit when you're doing that orwhatever and that's completely fine buttake that to a 24-hour gym yikes yeahand look obviously if like I've said Ithink I said this in that previouspodcast like some girls have theirheadphones on all that sort of stuff andthey're just like zoned out and they'rejust there to do their thing and oftenI'll just give him a wave and a goodmorning or good afternoon like apolite introduction or greeting um andmost of the time I just get ignored butthat's okay I've like did my attempt tobe a good human yeah um if they're justthere doing their thing I can respectthat and leave them alone yeah I don'tknow though because I do think like I Iunderstand Phil's perspective of likejust leave girls alone butalso as a like I feel like it's also agood place to meet someone that hassimilar values as you because they'regoing to the gym to work on themyourself you're going to the gym to workon yourself and you immediately have ashared interest yeah I'd just say pickyour gym better yeah if you're doing itin a gym and it's not really Landing toowell you're in the wrong gym I thinkalso just like be friendly but then payattention to how the other person isresponding if they're responding at allyeah definely again body language yeahthat's a a skill in it in itself becausethen if we if we're saying that guysshouldn't should just leave chicks alonein the gym what about girls approachingguys should it be the same rule cuz Ifeel like there's double standards Ifeel like it's okay for girls to go upto guys if they want to but it's notokay for guys to do that because likeeven when we were living on South Bankand I met people at the social drinksthey would be guys would be like oh I'veseen you in the gym like I'm so and soand I like oh I've seen you in the gymtoo but you never like want to talk tome and they're like because guys can'ttalk to girls in the gym and I'd be likewhat do you mean um that's unfortunatebecause then we had to wait like a monthto actually be introduced to one anotherbecause the social Norm is don't talk togirls I think talk to them just ashumans notlike like I said just a polite greetinglike hey how are you or good morning orsomething like that I believe that'sfine yeah and that's what I do hopefullyI don't come across as a creep in thegym um I think I'm good good at readingbody language but I think that's finelike again just being a normal humanbeing and I think it's fine um buteveryone's different like you can neversatisfy everyone right yepanyway okay the next segment is what arethe Ten Commandments for living a longhealthy happy life this was good contextum so Z just basically said you knowwhat are you know certain things thatyou could do every single day or yourecommend doing every single day or whatyou would do every single day to makesure that you achieve whatever you'retrying to achieve and um I thought ohthe Ten Commandments of being a healthyfit person oh so the Ten Commandmentspart of Z's question came from you yeahso the Ten Commandments is basically asummary of what Z was trying to say Istruggled to write this I'm going behonest it was good when I read it I waslike oh this I was actually giggling andthat was good okay should we go throughall 10 then 10 just feels like a lotlikewhose idea is this whose ideaa is 10Jesus Christ right yep okay Thou shaltmove daily right obvious prioritizemovement every day whether it's walkingstretching lifting playing a sportwhatever just move your body number oneThou shalt eat to nourish thybody okay fuel yourself with wholenutrient dense foods most of the timetreats are fine but balance is key sowe're prioritizingnourishing the body M um you can pipe inwhenever you have additional thoughts umThou shalt sleep like Thy life dependson it aim for 7 to n hours of qualitysleep per night as it's a foundation forrecovery and mental Clarity and as wespoke about at start of this podcastyour life does depend on it literally umThou shalt manage stress wisely practicemindfulness deep breathing journaling umunder stressful oh to keep stress undercontrol chronic stress is a silentkiller I'm so bad atthis yeah um yeah yeah you are yeah I'mbad at as well I feel like I'm a verythis is probably the weakest link in ourTen Commandments but I do think likepeople say oh de-stress and you got todo yoga and all that sort of stuff butit'sjust I see it as your life is going tobe stressful anyway mhm like you can'thave a de-stressed life where you likeeven if you removed everything and wentand lived in the bush you still have youknow stress of trying to find food orsomething or shelter or whatever soyou're always going to be stressful it'sjust trying to be okay with thosestresses in your life so work is goingto happen you know work's going to bestressful but it's like well okay workstressful I need to get better at justaccepting that and working with it andnot letting it affect me as much I thinkthat is doesn't have to be somethinglike journaling meditating Ying yeah umEtc I think justpeople when I hear that I'm like I'vegot to add something else in to D stressand it's not necessarily adding thingsinto de stress it's just whoever'slistening to this is you're going tohave some sort of stress in your lifeit's just being okay with that stressand accepting that stress almostde-stresses that stress yep does thatmake sense y yeah um and I think that'swhat a lot of people forget it's justlike everybody gets even I'm probablytalking to myself at the moment now likeI get way too caught up in things andI'm stressing about it and I'm like it'smy choice to be doing this why am Istressing about this it's okay that it'shard and that it's uncomfortable just doit yeah and just even saying that tomyself I'm like ah yeah it is okay it'sand then it's less stressful but I'mstill doing that stressful thing yeahyou're choosing it um okay Thou shaltconnect with others build meaningfulrelationships regular social connectionis vital is as vital to your health asyour diet and exercise I feel like weneed to talk about this on the podcastmore often because I think it'sdefinitely overlooked especially withsocial media right now right yeah theyounger generation yeah so we we'll comeback to that in another episode um Thoushalt keep the Mind active never stoplearning read solve problems challengeyour brain and stay sharp I feel likealso we should talk about this a lotmore because I feel like it's so soimportant um I was listening to a reallygood podcast with Lex fredman and LisaFilman Barrett the other day about umlike emotions and she was talking abouthow research shows that once as you ageyou often like lose a lot of um likeyour ability to problem solve and likemaybe you don't do as many activitiesand stuff because you're getting olderand then what happens often when olderpeople go into retirement homes and theydon't do things with their brains likethey just watch TV or they knit like andknitting is second nature you're notthey're probably not learning it anymoreit's not a challenge um then theydecline rapidly because there's nochallenge for their brain and theirbrain's like well what's the point ofanything we can just like slowly startto shut all of this off so I just can'teven emphasize how important that isright um to keep your mindactive I could go on but we we'll do itin another one um Thou shalt spend timein nature get outside regularly torecharge sunlight fresh air are powerfulmood and energy boosters especially ifyou live in the city right just go touchsome grass um thou shout avoid harmfulhabits limit smoking excessive alcoholand any other habits that negativelyimpact your health because these smallchoices add up sleeping 3 hours a nightyeah um Thou shalt find purpose also weused to talk about this so much and wedon't anymore um I just think it'simportant to have goals and Pursuitsthat give you a sense of meaning becausewithout purposeful livinglike we're going to be here for a longtime you know what I mean ideally it'sif you're listening to this podcast thenyou probably want to be here for a longtime so I think it's really important tohave purpose and that purpose can changeas well I don't think it needs to belike one purpose for your whole liferight um and the last one Thou shalt begrateful practice gratitude daily youdon't have to get a journal just thinkabout what are you grateful for rightnow you know what I mean how good wasyour coffee this morning I am always Ithink having a coffee I've somehowconnected my brain to think aboutsomething I'm grateful for when I have acoffee cuz I freaking love coffee like Ilove it so much and I used to be likethere's someone is it nval ra rant thatsays if you can't enjoy your cup ofcoffee in the morning then you're notgoing to enjoy your yacht basically youknow what I mean if you can't enjoy thesmall things then nothing bigger thanthat is going to bring you Joy either umand so I used to try and be like okay mycoffee is like the best thing ever andnow I automatically know that my coffeeis the best thing ever and I try tothink about something else that I'mgrateful for at the sametime um yeah final thoughtscomments that was a lotright the Ten Commandments to living agood life should I put them somewhere umbut there is a lot to unpack there soanybody listening if you do want tosurvive into a certain topic or one ofthose things definitely let us know I Ido think purpose is a big onemhm it's it's again I think it's likethat sleep hole scenario at the startlike it's very hard to show somebodypurpose um and like it doesn't have tobe something crazylike like what's a crazy example likeyour purpose doesn't have to be to buildlike a million dollar company or cureworld hunger or like something like thatcan literally be like I want to growsome vegetables like I'm going to plantthis carrot and I'm going to tend tothis carrot until it's grown and I caneat it and put it in my salad you knowwhat I mean like it can be something assmall as that like something that youprogressively put a little bit of effortin every single day to get somethingthat's going to benefit you back from itI think yeah I don't know mine change Ifeel like mine changes all thetime I would love to hear what thecommunity has to say about that aboutwhat their purpose is well what theythink purpose is and what their purposeis or how people should think abouttrying to live a purposeful life alsolike the per what's their purpose behindexercise because I feel like I don'treally have a purpose behind it anymoreother than like not a specific purposelike a goal other than just to move wellI guess feel strong um for be able topick myself up when I'm an old lady youknow what I mean like butit's yeah it's still a purpose it stillhas a purpose did you purposelyput the first one asexercise yeah the first commandment yeahnumber one commandment is exercise Ithink I just yeah you don't think I Iagree yeah I think everything stems fromthereand like just trying to do somethinghard each and every day and that thelevel of hardness is going to vary sosome days you feel like you canabsolutely Smash It and you smash it inthose days the next day you might needto you might not be able to do it ashard but a walk or something like thatis just as good and that could be hardon some days and that's okay um somedays where you feel like you haven't gotmuch purpose and what's the point andall that sort of[ __ ] going out for a 30- minute walk isvery hard to go and do and that that'sgood like go and do that um I do thinkexercise is the most importantthing it seems to be the only thingwe're talking about lately right umthat's all of the things that I put inthe in the podcast notes but I have onelike final thought that I wrote downfrom an a podcast episode yep do youhave anything else you want to discussbefore I do not because it's going toget philosophical still okay um so thesentenceis you can change your present whichthen becomes your pastso you are continually cultivating yourpast as a means of controlling yourfuture by changing your present itsounds dumb okay but bear with mebecause everything you do in yourpresent immediately basically becomesyour past once we stop recording thisit's in the past like we can't changewhat we've done right now in the presentbut we can spend the present tryingto control the futurebut then the present immediately becomesthe past anywayso you know what Imean so should we be forgetting the pastand just focusing on the future I thinkso but like by focusing on the futureare you doing anything in thepresent [ __ ] right it's like it's like anever ending cycle Ijust I don't know I feel like a lot ofthe time people like think about thefuture the future but like what are youdoing right now that creates your pastbecause whatever is your past like yeahyou don't like forget about the pastbecause you can't change it but also youare who you are because of all thethings in the past you know what I meanso whatever you're doing now that'sabout to come become the past is alsostill adding to who you are as a personright now so it's just like I don't knowI don't think there's an answer it'sjust something for you guys to thinkabout because I heard it and I've beenthinking about it alotum I doyeah I like to think about the past andwhat I've done in the past to improvewhat I'm doing in the future to try anduse that to do what I'm doing now rightso we shouldn't forget the past nobecause you learn from your mistakes andlike we always say you want to fail moredo more things and fail so you can learnfrom them they're in the past try andimprove those in the future and thenyou're failing in the present to improveand start that whole circle again rightgeez jeez I come up with that sloganfoul more and I didn't even know that itwas changing people's lives oh god um Imight I might link the episode that Ilistened to that I got this sentencefrom because I thinkthat I don't know it's a really good umit's a bit older but it's a really goodpodcast episode just about how we thinkabout the way we react in life um andemotions and relationships andeverything like that and I don't know Ifeel like everyone would benefit fromlearning a bit more about that a bitmore about the brain because it's socool anyway that's it cool good thoughtprovoking end and because I always dothe intro Mac is going to to do startdoing the outros next week because Idon't have aslogan no next week I'm not doing I'mnot doing theoutro that can be myoutro stop I'm not doingit I'm not doing itsay something I'm not saying anything soyou either say goodbye or I just end ithere just end ithere just end it here please obviouslyif you've lasted this long you'veenjoyed the podcast and you've learnedeverything you need to live a longhealthy and happy life but if you'relistening along and you have beenlistening along now for a while and youstill haven't started or you don't knowhow to incorporate all that into yourgym life all that stuff then you need tojump on the Institue athlete programLink in the description that is theprogram I've written for myself for aquite a while now it's a program Macdoes and a bunch of the insitu communityare on it as well so it incorporateseverything that I've learned from guestsresearch for this podcast all that sortof stuff combined into one program thatis going to get you feeling greatfeeling amazing and get you some crazyresults and help you live a long healthyand happy life so if that sounds good toyou make sure you follow the link in theshow notes join us join the communityand we'll see you over there