The True Form Podcast
The True Form Podcast: Discover Your Strength, Shape Your Path
Hosted by personal trainer Jack, The True Form Podcast explores the journey of finding your true form—both in the gym and in life. With a focus on health, fitness, and personal growth, Jack dives into the intersection of physical strength, mental resilience, and living authentically.
Through inspiring conversations and practical insights, the podcast unpacks lessons on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and pursuing a meaningful life. Whether you’re working on perfecting your form in the gym or finding your true path, The True Form Podcast is your guide to becoming the best version of yourself—inside and out.
The True Form Podcast
Episode 215. Wrap-up - Are You Ever Strong Enough? Hard Workouts vs Progressive Overload
Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.
In this episode, we explore what “enough” strength really means for most people—finding the sweet spot between functional strength and practicality without going overboard. Plus, we discuss the sometimes over-hyped idea of progressive overload and how focusing on the basics (and doing things you enjoy) can be just as effective. Finally, we discuss the importance and benefit of doing something that “sucks” regularly.
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what is up everybody welcome back to theInu collected podcast on this show weare teaching you the habits andstrategies to live a long healthy andhappylife if you tuned in last week we spokeabout booties they're gonna give you along happy life are they I feel like wewe talked about the opposite thingbasically pretty much did and you askedme the question of what's the same bodypart for the guys I feel like a lot ofpeople have asked you that questionsince right yeah so if you didn't tunein last week good episode make sure yougo back and listen to it but we spokeabout the booty Trend what what are wecalling it The the glute epidemic I'msure H just how females at the momentare just all about the gluten over howbad it is to overdeveloped one body partand how it can cause imbalances in thebody and yeah you asked me last weekwhat the male equivalent was at themoment and I've got an answer it is abig fat juicy forearm a forearm Ithought you going to say bicep yeah nothat's what I thought it's a forearmwait okay that's what you thought wheredidd you get this information from goodquestion so you met n yesterday yeah uhn was standing there and he goes to meJack is there any part of my body that Ishould be developing like growinggetting more muscle and I said oh notreally he plays a lot of soccer so hedoes a lot of running stopping startingso I actually recommended he does workon his glutes and hamstrings becauseit's quite important for that uh andthey probably are a little bitunderdeveloped forhim and BET's like what about myforearms wow but I'm pretty sure hisforearms are like jacked already yeahthey are and he's like I'm like what doyou mean he's like oh well I just wantbig fat forearms you know who elsealways comments on their forearms isNathan yeah all and now now that hementioned it throughout the whole weekI've been watching and all the guys doforearm exercises in the gym all guysthere's some guys that will come in andjust do forearms and it's a most uselesslike not a you obviously you needforearm muscles for your hands to beable to function and to lift things andall that sort of stuff but you workingthem anyway if you pick up a dumbbellyou're working your forearm muscles okayso we don't need to go over forearmexercises not getting out forarm becausea couple of weeks ago I was in the gymwith Nathan's brother Daniel and therewas another guy in the gym trainingforarms with a 2 kilo dumbbell just likelike I can't how do I describe thatyou're just like moving his wrist he'shanging over the bench and moving hiswrist with two kilos just like obviouslyspecifically training his forearm forages though like ages and ages and I waslike if he was just like hang off thebar or like do some Farmers carries hewould get way more of a pump than usinga 2 kilo dumbbell to do that but I'veseen him do it multiple times in the gymas well oh there's one guy in the gymgets on the cable machine and at at thegym I work at there's like handles thattwist with the cable so like on a g inthe middle and he just sort of grabsonto it and just moves his hand like noteven his hand like his fingers I guessyou could say and it gives you forearmpump but but is it building biggerforearms no and like if if you want ifyou want a big like big juicy forearmswhy do you have to use the wordjuicy um just lift heavy [ __ ] yeah it'sreally that easy you get as you getstronger and bigger your forearms arejust going to grow so they can hold onto that heavier weight um yeah sotraining forearms is useless it's funnyand going back to last week we had acouple of comments about exercise andall that sort of stuff now there like Isaid there's definitely no bad exerciseand with glued exercises there's no badexercise but there are certain exercisesthat work better to grow muscles thanothers MH so for example I see somegirls in the gym with the band aroundtheir knees they get right down into asquat and do like a crab walk a sidewalktype thing with the band around yourknees great exercise not to saying it'sa bad exercise it's not going to growmuscle uh it's really good for thestabilizer muscles through your hips andyou do get a big burn and that's the bigissue here a lot of these bootyexercises especially with the cablemachine Kickbacks and Donkey kicks andhydrants and all that sort of stuffgreat exercises but they burn the musclebut it's not in a way that's going togrow muscle yeah the Burn's completelydifferent too to like if you're doing Idon't know hip thrusts or like lungesfor example right the burn that you getfrom the band and The Sensation that youget from like lifting weights are twodifferent things and I feel likesometimes if girls go from doing likehome workouts with booty bands to thegym and then they start lifting weightsand The Sensation is different theyassume that it's not as good as thebooty band because it doesn't feel thesame when in fact it's just differentkind of stimulus and a better stimulusif you're trying to grow the muscleright exactly good rule of thumb is areyou sending the muscle through range soagain that booty band around the kneesdoing a sidewalk not much range in it aback squat if you you go all the waydown all the way up any kind of squatyou're sending your legs through a lotof range so just think about how muchrange is actually going through themuscle rather than the burn why is therangeimportant cuz the bus is actuallyworking uh through a range so the fiberswill actually tear more but you have toget it fullyextended as much as you possibly can forthem to tear yeah this is this is we'rediving deep we're diving deep youbrought it up I did didn't I a lot ofpeople are going to end up with injuriesnext week okay range but under controlokay sohow to the I'm just we'll just leave itthere but like are you going to fullrange in an exercise but still stayingin control of it so you can go through afull range in a back squat and bounceout of the bottom and look terrible youhaven't got control of it MH so slowcontrolled movement through the squatall the way down all the way up makingsure that you've got control nothing'swobbling all over the place you're notusing momentum all that sort of stufftake that into your exercises I don'twant to dive into it too much becauseyeah people can try unfortunately peopletake little bits of pieces that I sayand then do it and then hurt themselvesdo it to the extreme so just be smartabout your training but like okay ifwe're not talking about say squatssomething more simple like a bicep curllike what's the benefit of going fullrange for a bicep curl in comparison tolike partial reps because I see a lot ofpeople do partial reps I think they allhave their placebut your muscles are designed designedyeah they're designed designed um to gothrough a full range so full EXT so ifyou're standing there now sitting therenow just extend your arm out in front ofyou full extension like as far as youcan imagine somebody's pulling that armout that's the end range of your bicepnow bring your hand into your foreheadthat's a bicep curl now that's as muchrange as it's got so if you only do halfthat you're only working the muscle halfthat range so there's no there's nothingwrong with partials and like e eitherend of the range but you might as wellwork it through the whole range cuz youknow getting you're going to extend yourarm like functionally yeah in lifeyou're going to be extending your armout so you want strength in that rangebut if we're talking about muscle growthright yourthere's how do I explain this there'sfibers in your bicep that move differentl so there's fibers in your bicep thatare working at full extension um rightout to the front and there's differentfibers right in here working there'smore fibers out there working so themore fibers you are tearing the more isgoing to rebuild in between them whichis musclegrowth yeah that's clear that's clearokay cool I try to make that as simpleas possible sorry for the science Geeksout there probably like Jack that'sterrible an but this is not a sciencepodcast exactly um so yeah cool justwant to start off that I think we shouldgo next to aquestion that is oh more of a statementor a discussion point from Z I thinkDon't Force Progressive overload I thinkit's slightly overrated I feel like thislike this relates to weightlifting whydid this come up what was yourdiscussion for him to say this obviouslywe talk about Progressive overload likeendlessly on thepodcast is that why he brought it uplike oh guys just like cool it with theprogressive overload or are you guysseeing something something in the gym umit could come from two I guess you couldlook at it from two different ways firstway is people just diving in too doingtoo fast too quick and relying onProgressive overload so if you're tryingto add 5 kilos to a lift every singleweek you're going to max out pretty badlike pretty quick sorry and then if it'syou know if you're di hard Progressiveoverload you're going to get to thepoint where you're going to injureyourself your muscles grow a lot fasterthan your tendons your ligament and allthat sort of stuff so your muscles mightget strong but your joints aredefinitely not sopeople just go too hard toofast uh there's a couple of guys in thegym taking testosterone at the BS yeahuh and again samethingthere this is a difference I know mostpeople listening to our podcast don't doit it's up to you whether you want to doit or not but these guys are like oh I'mfeeling I feelenergized I feel like I'm a teenageragain and to them about it like they'rereally open about it yeah um I'll goyeah and they sort of say that all myinjuries are going my joints feel greatall this sort of stuff and yeah they dobut again they're they're pushing theirthey can push their body a lot harderbecause you're on like testosterone isjust like a turbo boost for your body uhand your joints are just going to failso yes you can progressively overloadyou're feeling goodbut you're you're actually yourligaments and your tendons and thethings holding your muscles together andyour joints together aren't catching upeven though you are enhanced so evenenhanced people need to take it easy andnot progressively overload toofast um and it goes back to a fewepisodes ago where I was talking oh whenwe had Zack on about um you know he tohe talks about perceived exertion forthe clients you know you want to go toabout an 80% effort each timeand that sort of goes into the progressProgressive overload as well but like weyou sort of talk about you got to adjustyour training to suit how you're feelinglike some days you're feeling awesomeand yes you're going to throw maybe 10kilos on your lifts from last week otherweeks other days you haven't had enoughsleep you haven't hadn't have enoughfood water all that sort of stuff you'renot going to be able to lift as much andthat is okay that's you don't need toprogress with overload every single weekyou've just got to train to your bodyand how you feel now again you can't usethatto I guess be soft and cheat and notpush yourself so it's very hard yeah youwere actually talking about this in thegym the other day how I was pushing hardand you don't push that hard so maybeyou can talk on that I just feel like Ifeel like I push hard butlike I don't train with Jack that oftenbut when I do train with Jack he is likeputting in full effort like he's likehe's being a Gym Bro in the nicest waypossible like the noises the effort thestrenuous like amount of effort that youput into each exercise and I'm just likeI don't really do that like I do trainclose to failure majority of the timedepending on how I feel and obviouslyclose to failure varies depending on howI feeland yeah life things um but I just feellike I like could I be putting in moreeffort in my training if I don't lookhow I look and sound how you look andsound in the gym but at the same time Istill feel like I'm going close tofailure I still get like the shakes alittle and like I feel I still getphysically sore not every session butoften enough to like still be makingsome sort of progress also I'm obviouslystill building muscle because everykeeps commenting on how jacked I am so Idon't I don't know thoughlike what your Progressive overloadlooks like very different to mine is iteven Progressive overload because I'mnot necessarily adding weight anddefinitely not adding weight in bigincrements anymore I haven't for ageslike yeah you know what I mean and thisKlein actually asked this question theother day youknow about sets and Reps and all thatsort of stuff if she adds more weightdoes it matter and do let and at the endof the day it doesn't really matter whatwhat you're going for is that feeling ofexhaustion so pushing yourmuscles like again if you're doingcardio your heart is a muscle trying topush that heart to failure as well notnot failure like just pushing it harddeath but muscle as well like you'retrying to push those muscles so whetherit's five reps or 15 reps you by thetime you finish your set you want tofeel like your muscles have worked hardand you you can't do many more reps likeyeah I feel like I try Mo on mostexercises I try to make like the lastrep or the last two reps really like I'mfighting for the rep you know what Imean but in saying that I could likefight for the rep and then I couldprobably do another rep it just dependson my mental strength for the day aswell exactly and that comes down to foodsleep you know how hard you've beenworking have you been sitting at thecomputer too long all that sort of stuffsoyou know some days I don't push thathard and don't Jim bro each set that'strue but when I'm feeling good whenBradley's around when Bradley's aroundI'm I'm pushing hard yeah because I'vegot that energy there and you know Idon't really track my lifts anymore youdon't even follow the damn program justmake it up as you go it drives me crazyI do sometimes um I but I do what I canwhen I can um so yeah it's that sort oftouch on that yeah but I think before wemove on to the next thing I feel like alot of the time on the internet andprobably our podcast like the focus isonly on Progressive overload like in thegym and I feel like we don't focusenough on like the enjoyment of justexercising like you don't have to begoing in and beating yourself everysingle time sometimes just going in andjust being in the gym and going throughthe motions and doing the workout evenif it's the same weight that you did thelast two weeks at least you're stillgoing you're still going to get likesome physical and mental benefits fromlifting any weights period whetheryou're adding weight or not and I alsofeel like people underestimate the likebenefit of not constantly focusing onprogressively overloading and justfocusing on like the Mind muscleconnection cuz you also kind of have toprogressively overload that like it'ssomething you have to build likeconnecting your mind to your muscle tobe able to progressively overload rightso if like you're feeling like crap Ifeel like sometimes just taking it backa notch and literally just focusing onlike the form that looks and feels bestfor your body and like your mind muscleconnection actually like makes a hugedifference in like the soreness yourprogress enjoyment enjoyment and thenultimately Progressive overload in thefuture as well yeah I don't know like atthe end of the day if you're liftingweights regular enough and beingconsistent you're going to get strongeryeah I haven't done a 1 RM deadlift in along time but I reckon if I spent alittle like a few weeks training up toit I could hit a PB cuz I'm I'm beenlifting you know forever for a long timeI can't even remember last time I did adeadlift PB like 1 orm but I know I'd bestronger there because I have beenlifting consistently and it doesn't endof the day again I've been in the gymwatching people for years now and I'veseen all sorts of people people pushinghard people just turning up and justdoing whatever they feel like peoplefollowing AO prog people Progressiveoverloading everybody in between and theones that get results are the ones thatare just turning up and being consistentit doesn't matter like yeah good programdefinitely helps if you're going to thegym you might as well be filingsomething so you actually get resultsbut at the end of the day consistencylike you could have the best program inthe world but if you're only doing itonce a fortnite you're not going to getresults so consistency matters more thanall the other stuff Progressive overloadI think anyway mhm okay the nextquestion for you is then are you everstrongenough where did this come from yeah Iasked they that today this morning andI'm like what do you mean by that he'slike well like are you ever strongenough like should you ever stoptraining in strength should you everstop being strong and like what do youthink he's like no he's like you shouldalways be trying to be as strong as youpossibly can and I agree like I when Iseen that I was like as long as you arestronger than what you are doing inday-to-day life yeah that's literallywhat I that's the note that I wrote downlike yeah as long as your minimum isenough to have strength that allows youto live comfortably and meet all of yourphysical dailydemands like than anything upwards ofthat is always going to be a benefitright unless we're talking about likepeople that take testosterone and thestrength is outweighing the benefits ofbeing a healthy functioning human rightyeah exactly exactly so but again likethose guys like why taking takingtestosterone trying to be as like whatyou know that is a very extreme way andyes you can be too strong and musing andall that sort of stuff uh but when I seethat for those that don't know I was inthe construction industry for like 14years or something like that when I wasyoung in in my younger years I seen thisolder trade and he was always workingout being healthy and all that sort ofstuff and he's he's I think he was about50 at the time is he said to me youalways got to be stronger than whatyou're doing in life and the Traders outthere know especially Carpenters cuzthey got it the hardest I reckon puttinga nail bag on lifting stuff carryingnail uh nail gun all that sort of thinghanging off your hips it is quite harshon your body and you need to be strongerthan that otherwise your body will breakdown over time and look I've been thereI know how hard it is to be a trady andworkout and be healthier than work soit's not definitely not easy but insaying that now I have clients that are80ish and if they fall over they can'tactually get up and that's scary so youlike that could just be as strong as youpossibly can being able to catchyourself from falling for one or justgetting up off the ground like are youstrong enough to do that yes then thatmight be strong enough for you so againjust yes sorry stronger than what youneed yeah um I also feel like when yousay strength a lot of people are goingto like Envision size and I feel likethat they're definitely not correlatedlike you can train for strength and notbe huge or you can train for you cantrain to be big and not necessarily bethat strong um and I feel likedefinitely a lot of women that listen tothis will be like oh like I want to bestrong but I don't want to be bulky yeahtrust it's so hard to get bulky yeahit's so hard but like you can be strongand still look feminine or whatever itis that your aesthetic goal is like Ijust think that you shouldn't neglectworking on strength out of fear oflooking too muscular I don't know I feellike the strength is far more importantfor your longevity and health than maybehaving like a bit of muscle you knowwhat I mean yeah again but like widerlooks have to come into it I know we'reall because we're visual creatures whatdo you mean like I guess people thatjust run sometimes they might look greatand all that sort of stuff but you getthem to to you know do somethingdifferent that's outside of running likepick something up and put it overheadthey might not be able to do it becausethey haven't got the strength to picksomething up properly and extendoverhead and put it on a shelf orsomething like that and they mightinjure themselves so you just need to beable to move in a whole range whole widedifferent range of movements withouthurting yourself and keep that strengthup throughout your whole life so that'swhat you think strength is defined aslike being able to do things this is sovague being able to do like like livelife without getting injured essentiallyI think so yeah yeah cool do you want togo to do the minimums Jack's notes arehorrid by the way or answer somequestions uh do the minimums and thenwe'll get into the questions okay so I'mjust going to read the paragraph andthen you can explain your thoughtprocess do the minimums something that Ithink is important to do a couple oftimes per weekwhether these whatever these things aresomething heavy something fast somethingto challenge your range of motionsomething of High Reps something thatsucks training a couple of these eachday means you can train more frequentlyand you are constantly stimulating andnot annihilating people think it's aboutkilling yourself and it's really notwhere did this come from zvezve Z when are you going to come on TheFlipping podcast honestly when you sentthat through I'm like when are youavailable to come like he's going tocome on in the summer he's got kids soonce the kids are on school holidayshe'll have a little bit more time hereckons and he'll be able to come onokay um and I think that just goes backinto the strengththing plus something that we're talkingabout in the group chat so each weekendif you're on the program athleteprogram uh you there's a challenge everysingle weekend and there was just alittle bit of discussion of you knowmaking it easy making sure you're doingit safe all that sort of stuff and I wassort of like well once a week you wantto do something that sucks that that ishard and not NE and not necessarilyphysically hard but mentally hard sojumping on a rower and Rowing for 5Ks ashard and as fast as you can not reallyphysically hard yes it's going to taxyour body but it's mentally hard to pushyour body maintain a pace your lungs areburning your body yeah it's fatiguingand you want to stop but you knowtelling your brain to keep going that'ssomething that sucksnot necessarily just absolutely ruiningyour body and going to into a risk ofinjury so you know doing something likethat lifting somethingheavy yeah I feel like there's I don'tknow I feel like most people are reallycomfortable and most people don't dohard things like period so I don't thinkthat the hard thing has to be thatextreme for it to be hard and likebenefit you mentally right like and Ithink that's what I said in the like Iput those in there because I want peopleto challenge their body when you startto realize the physical limits of yourbody and you push past those you're likeoh [ __ ] I'm capable of more that doestranslate to your rest of your life aswell um and you realize you can do morein life you can you know be a bit moreresilient towards people's attitudestowards you you know things that happenin your life that are unseen you're alittle bit more resilient because youknow you've had that practice of pushingthrough those you know things that suckyeah is this why you keep trying to makeme sauna yeah sauna is a good example umobviously we're in our new location nowand there's a sauna here um I haven'thad access to a sauna just going beingable to go and do it so it's been ableto it's been good for me to do that soI've been trying to do a minute longeror two minutes longer each time and itdefinitely sucks and you're sitting inthere and it's hot can't breatheproperly and your body's saying get outget out get out but you know it's and itcan be something as simple as that butit's your mind that you're pushing yeahI also like how Z mentioned somethingheavy something fast something tochallenge your range of motion somethingfor High Reps and something that sucksbecause I feel like when you find athing usually with exercise you do justthat one thing like that one modalitylike if you're a runner you just run ifyou live weights you just live heavyweights like it feel like it's reallyeasy to just find a thing that's kind ofhard but also kind of uncomfortable atthe same time and never try any of theother things and like there's endlesstypes of exercises and movements thatyou can do to be healthy right andanything that's different from what younormally do is going to feeluncomfortable so I feel like there'sbenefits in that as well yeah and that'swhy I have the athlete program likethat's a program we follow pretty mucheverything Z said in there is in theprogram because you should be doing oneof those things every single week andyou know sometimes you might not do asomething fast in the program but theweek after you will yeah you know youcatch that up in the weekend challengeor something like that so but that justcomes down to like you know are youbeing strong enough I think those thingsis you being strong enough yes strong ismoving heavy things but also can you runcan you jump can you do you know can youdo 100 squats without stopping in caseyou had to do I don't know whatcircumstances thatbut you know what I mean have you gotmuscle endurance so it's just all thosethings tied up into one like you saidpeople get too comfortable doing whatthey're good at and look I definitelythink I fall into that category andthat's why I follow the athlete programas well try to um because I putuncomfortable things in there that I'mnot used to so I will do them as welland try not to skipthem are you waiting for me to fess upwhen was the last time you did a weekendchallenge um probably the last weekendchallenge was with Bradley at the bathsoh [ __ ] that was a while ago that was awhile ago because I don't like it'sboring doing them by myself but I guessthat's part of the challenge isn't itexactly are you going to do the hardwhat's the challenge thisweekend 100 cows on the assault bike ewthat's it that's it can I do lastweekend what was last weekends yeah youcan do last weekends um but again like100 cows on an assaultbike not necessarily hard but it's goingto suck yeah it's an assault bike ofcourse it's going to suck and if you cango and do that on your own and getthrough 100 calories I think that ismental resilience because no one'swatching no one cares it's only you whocares and it's only you fighting youwhether you do or watching no one caresany of the time what do you mean so it'syou it's your own battle you got to goand do it 100 Cals on the air bikeassault bike whatever kind of bike youhave to access to one preferably with afan because that's going to suck morethan just a road bike or something likethat okay cool questions questions okayum okay I eat I don't know how to saythis the the brand of thisi Musashipeanut crunch protein bars and within 30minutes I can see my urine color changeto match the color of the inside of thebar what it's a brighter yellow color ifyou need a visual I'm definitely notdehydrated and the color change islinked to the bar does this mean theprotein contained in the bar might bebypassing my system how do I tell ifit's being absorbed that's a goodexample of it's not being absorbed nothis is actually a good question like itcan't you won't we out the proteinfirstly I think the color will be comingfrom the additives and preservatives andcolors in the protein bar because likethe vitamins like synthetic vitamins andminerals that they put in can contributeto the color of your urine because theyare water soluble so your body willabsorb it and then like it will come outand your pee because it can be absorbedlike vitamins and minerals can beabsorbed because they're water solublewhereas protein goes through yourintestines your small large smallintestine so it doesn't necessarily comeout in your Wii but um it has to beturned into amino acids before it goesinto yourbloodstream and I think the symptoms ofthe protein not being absorbed in thissituation would actually be more likebloatingum that's probably like the main onelike it's like stomach discomfort islike a big sign that your body's liketrying to get ridof the processed protein the crapproteinum yeah rather than it changing thecolor of your pee I think it the theurine color is more related to thevitamins and minerals or lack of or likethe additives and stuff in the bar andand yeah the physical like stomachSensations that you get after it wouldbe related to the quality of the proteinmhm thoughts additions yeah I'd just saylike mashi is probably one brand Iwouldn't recommend anybody havingbecause it's very low tier very cheapvery common like you can if you can getit in a service station it's not a goodprotein wait a second you can get trueprotein in the service station I'mpretty sure or you can get true proteinbars at woolies you can also get ATPscience bars at wooliesokay bad example then um I don't knowmashi mhi's just been around forever MHand even when it first come like when Ifirst come across it I should say I'mtalking maybe 15 years ago it was evenbad back then I remember back then you'dhave the protein and you'd feel like youneed to go do a poo and that's back thensee that's more that's more like that'smore related that needing to go yeah tothe bathroom rather than your but that'swhat I mean like it's obviously theyhaven't upgraded their ingredients MH soum and they haven't put much effort intogetting better ingredients to actuallyabsorb into your body cuz they're justcoming out bothends both endsboth places let's just leave it at thatum okay do you have a recommendation forlike a pre-workout protein snack then orlike if I was going to get a a proteinbar it would probably betrue if I felt like I wanted to get aprotein bar that was more like chocolatebar then grenade maybe even those sortof upset my tummy a little theydefinitely upset my stomach but thatwould be my next choice the ATP bars Ifound they're for out of all the barsI've tried they're the ones that sit inmy like sit in my belly okay you knowthe ones I mean though like the jelly ormarshmallow ones um otherwise likeprotein bars super expensive andpersonally in my opinion not worth thecost to benefit ratio I agree like Iwould recommend just getting like acar's high protein bar so like car'smusely bars do like a range of muslybars that have 10 grams of protein inthem um and at least you're having it'smostly like nuts and seeds and then likesome protein powder obviously that'slike gluing it together maybe likeyogurt or chocolate on it but at leastit's real food you know what I mean Myeah I agree um there only 10 g ofprotein each but smash two of those Ithink two of those is better than aprotein bar and it shouldn't change yoururine color um but also again like realfood's better yeah always yeah okay nextquestion I've noticed that the length ofmy arms are generally proportionatelyshorter than average would body weighthangs or some kind of stretchingextension help me elongate them have yougot any T-Rex advicethis is such a funny question umunfortunately no no it's just the wayyou aregenetics uh I was in we're in the saunayesterday with NY and Bradley and theywere just like I guess cuz they've neverseen me in short shorts they could seethe size of my quads but then like thesize of my carves mhm and justgenetically I've got small joints likemy joints are small smaller than whatthey should be compared to how muchmuscle like muscle to Joint ratio andsometimes it can look weird on on adifferent angle and unfortunately that'sjust how it is like if you got shorterarms you just got shorter arms you canget I've seen it definitely used to be athing though right like sales wise tomake you taller and stuff like that liketo hang yeah yeah like there was bootsthat yeah don't you remember the episodeof Modern Family when Manny was like Ineed to be taller to get the girl so hebought the boots that go in your doorwayand hung himself upside down and he backup yeah and look that's the thing andlike it stretches out your spine and allthat sort of stuff the only thing thatI've seen that actually increases yourheight we're talking about Heights notarm length is the surgery where theybreak yourshin what you wear a brace the like it'smicro brakes so they break it it healsthe bone and they break it again itheals you'd want to be told so so sodesperately to go through that to get acouple of millimet like it's again it'snot worth it um but yeah look lookhanging is just a good exercise overallso if you are like it could be you gotshorter arms because your shoulderjoints tight or your lats are tight soyour arms yeah your arms aren't actuallyextending properly and it might lookshorter than what it is because of tightmuscle tightness so then yeah a hang isgoing to be very good for that and itcouldgive you the illusion of your arms beinglonger because your posture is better umthat could be that's probably the onlything off the top of my head to helpwith T-Rexarmsum big fat juicy forearms oh my Godenough with the forearms guys enoughwith the booties and the forearms I feellike musier arms are probably going tomake short arms looks shorter yeahsurely um yeah apologies I don't reallyhave any I think else for the T-Rexarms is that all that you had this weekthat's all I had for this week so we'redone we're done another episode Down bigthanks to everybody for tuning in welove all your support we obviously ifyou've lasted this long you've enjoyedthe episode so as always please share itwith one friend or family member becausethis pod podcast grows when you share itwithpeople doesit sureuh again thanks everybody and we'll talkto you in the episode next week bye thatwas suchan hey guys it's Mac again one quickthing before you go and that is the2-minute Tuesday newsletter if you wouldlike to receive short actionable 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