The True Form Podcast
The True Form Podcast: Discover Your Strength, Shape Your Path
Hosted by personal trainer Jack, The True Form Podcast explores the journey of finding your true form—both in the gym and in life. With a focus on health, fitness, and personal growth, Jack dives into the intersection of physical strength, mental resilience, and living authentically.
Through inspiring conversations and practical insights, the podcast unpacks lessons on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and pursuing a meaningful life. Whether you’re working on perfecting your form in the gym or finding your true path, The True Form Podcast is your guide to becoming the best version of yourself—inside and out.
The True Form Podcast
Episode 214. Wrap-up - Overtraining glutes, Binge Eating and Dehydration
Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.
In this episode, we covered the effects of overtraining glutes, which can lead to hip pain, lower back issues, and overall fatigue. We also discussed how undereating often backfires, ramping up hunger hormones and cravings for high-calorie foods. Lastly, we explored how even mild dehydration can impact memory, focus, and mood, highlighting the importance of staying hydrated for mental sharpness.
Study mentioned: Minor degree of hypohydration adversely influences cognition: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27510536/
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what is up everybody welcome back to theInu Collective podcast on today's showwe are wrapping up the last month withinteresting facts teachable moments andfun things that will help you live along healthy and happy lifeW obviously A lot's changed if you arewatching on YouTube you are seeing ournew studio studio cor studio if you'renot on YouTube and you're listeningalong on the podcast it should soundsmooth smoothfresh professionalprofessional no we're very excited uh asalways big thanks to everybody that'stuning in supporting the show we lovedoing this for you guys so make sure youshare your love back to make sure weknow that you do enjoy it as welljump on YouTube subscribe drop uscomments if you're ona podcasting platform M give us a fivestar review positive comment most ofthem do it these days most uh mostpodcast platforms are introducingalgorithms which I'm not a fan of or amI we'll find out I guess anyway fivestar reviews is definitely going to helpwith that yes so always lots of love ifyou have done that previously and lotsof love cuz you're going to do it rightnow all right we're wrapping up why areyou looking at me like that I feel likeare you waiting for me to take to takeover yeah am why you go go you're doneyou're done okay well I just wanted to Iwanted to firstly throw a question outto all of the listeners because I needhelp not necessarily that I need helpbut I'm curious of everyone's opinion sowe just moved into this building lastFriday um and new gym new equipment newpeople and I was very comfortable in theother gym and I knew most of the peoplein our other building a lot of thepeople in our other building now umthere's like no one here yet right it'svery very empty so when you do run intosomeone it's yeah it's good butsometimes it feels like I'm alone inthis humongous big building all bymyself like you can walk aroundeverywhere and you don't run intoanother person um but anyway it's goodin the sense that the gym I often haveby myself but this morning there was agirl in the gym um and she looked alittle lost at times and like she didn'treally know how to use something or shewas like clearly looking for a piece ofequipment and she was like looking at mewhile I was I could feel her and likesee her at the corner of her eye lookingat me while I was doing my sets she waslooking at you going [ __ ] this chickknows what she's doing look at that lookat that rig we will get back to theepisode real soon I just want to thankevery single one of you for listeningbecause we're about 3 minutes in andthis is General generally where mostpeople drop off and I totally get it youlisten to a 40-minute podcast just toget a couple of Health fitness tips sothat's why we created 2minute Tuesdaysif you're not in it already that is ourmailing list 2 minutes every Tuesdaysomething that will benefit you and yourhealth of fitness and your goalswhatever it is so what is protein whywhy it's important and what to do sleepwhy sleep is important what you need todo any topic what it why it's importantand what you need to do and whatbenefits you get from it and how toapply it to real your real lifeliterally in 2 minutes it's just a2-minute read I say it like it's mything it's mostly Mac she does all thatsort of stuff so you know it's going tobe good it is 2minute Tuesday there willbe a link in a description if you'reabout to drop off this podcast and gosomewhere else it is for you so makesure you sign up let's get back to theepisode no um I think she was just lostanyway what I wanted to ask you guys waswas would it make you feel uncomfortableif someone like me came up to you in thegym and said did you need help like canI help you or like if you do it likethis a little differently it's going tofeel better or it's going to get yourglutes more or whatever how would thatmake you feel like would you feeluncomfortable would you feel like you'rebeing judged would you feel like anidiot I just want to know what I shoulddo because I didn't go up to her becauseI was like maybe she thinks she knowswhat she's doing and I'm just somerandom chick in the gym coming andgiving her unsolicitedadvice but then she she came up to melater and asked for help and said I havethis exercise I can't see a machine thatgets the same area do you know what Icould do instead it was kind of acompliment CU I was like that obviouslymeans I look like I know what I'm doingright you do um so yeah I just want youguys to know what would you do I meanit's different for you because you're aPT and people often see you in the gymhelping other people rightI still don't do it you still don't goup to people yeah maybe guys I'm a bitmore comfortable doing females i' neverI don't don't even look at them don'teven try it um and even then with guys II need to have a rapport with thembefore I say hey maybe try this and theneven then Imight know what they're like and Iwouldn't give that advice anyway cuzyeah but who's tosay our Way's the right way their way isthe wrong way yeah and I don't knoweverything and I don't claim to knoweverything yeah there's some I thinkthere's some better ways of doing thesethings but that's just down to myopinion a lot of you know how to do thisexercise comes down to opinion andyou're experienc with those exercisesyeah PT probably has a bit moreexperience because I've given thatexercise to a bunch of different peopleto see what actually works and whatdoesn't um but they might enjoy doing itthe wrong way and that's fine yeah uhyeah it would be I guess the females outthere would you feel comfortable youknow having a guy come up and say heyyou're doing that wrong try it this waypersonally I would be okay with it butthat'sbecause I feel like I'm confident in thegym already you know what I mean and Iwould be able to distinguish whether hisway was actually better or not but I candefinitely see how it would make makemost females uncomfortable cuz just fromwhat I see on social media it seems tobe that most females are justuncomfortable in the gym when there's aguy present period which doesn'tnecessarily have to be the case notevery guy is a predator and looksometimes I've even got it completelywrong and I've tried to give advice andnot on how to do the exercise so the gymI work at is very broken up in a lot ofdifferent rooms and if you don't getshown some of the rooms you don't evenknow they're there so there's somemachines that do certain things in theserooms that you know people just don'teven know that they're there uh hipthrust is a good good example you haveto walk around a corner in into anotherroom to then find hip thrust and if youdon't walk right around the corner youwon't even see it so I seen a girl doinga hip thrust on the Smith machine onetime and I'm like hey do you know thatthere's a hip thrust machine around thecorner here she's like yes I know I likeit here more I was like okay sorry Ijust thought I'd and and then same thingwith the Cal raise machine it's superhard to find in the gym and I've seenpeople doing weird variations of carphrases that look uncomfortable andprobably not that effective I'm like ohhey you know there's a yes I knowthere's a car phrase okay sorry so it'sa weird situation right it's a weird soI think moving forward I I don't knowlike I would be comfortable approachingpeople but I don't want to make theother person uncomfortable so I thinkI'm just going to try and I meanobviously I appeared open enough for herto come up to me I think I'm just goingto be like appear open you know what Imean because now like weed and we madefriendsand yeah I don't know I just wanted toknow what everyone else because maybeit's I'm in a different position toprobably everyone listening also dependson how many people are around as welltrue if it's super busy gym it might bevery uncomfortable to do that but ifit's just like you and the one otherperson and it's funny because like likeeveryone wears headphones you know whatI mean so it's like to talk to someoneyou've got to take your headphone outand you have to make enough eye contactwith them for them to that they you'regoing to talk to them and then they haveto take their headphones off so I makeit a thing to say hi to females whenthey come to the gym when when I'm onshift I'm not when I'm working out I'mnot just some random guy saying hi toall females but I'm in uniform I've gotmy name tag I I like I say hi toeverybody but I try and deal to femalesmost to make them feel a bit morecomfortable but they all have theheadphones on I don't know how manytimes I have said hello how how are youor just good morning or something likethat and just nothing yeah and I can seethat they can see that my my lips moveno but they still don't take it off okaygood morning yeah that's a bit awkwardyeah um let's stay on the topic offemales in the gym and talk about theglute epidemic like did you know that itwas as bad as it is until I showed youmy Tik Tok feed lastnight like can you see it in the gym inthe city not in my gym it's not reallythat sort of gym and we get the oddperson here and there doing that sort ofstuff and I've got an example that sortof ties the last topic and this topic inI'll get to that in a second but Ididn't realize Yeah so basically when Isay the glute epidemicit's majority not all but majority offemales especially on the internet umand even in the gym at South Bank andthe gym here at docklands majority offemales are just training like so gluteheavily like their only focus in the gymis on theirglutes and it's insane like my Tik TokfeedI don't go on Tik Tok that often mostlyonly when I post podcast Clips but likemy Tik Tok feed is just like glutesglutes glutes like girls with theseincredible legs and these enormousbooties tiny waists and I like get onthere and I'm just like oh my go likewhat am I doing why do I why don't Ilook like that you know what I mean andthen I showed Jack last night and he waslike horrified at how like they're hugeright um yeah where do you start withthislike what is the negative I get thatit's like the desired look in society atthe minute but what I feel like we needto talk about what the negative side ofit is because sure you look like youhave a great butt but even me like I'vebeen training glutes more the last fourmonths maybe just because The Internet'sbeen telling me that I need a biggerbooty and my lower back like I can tellwhen I overtrain glutes my lower backjust feels like [ __ ]honestly so go on so when I firststarted ping I first started I did my PTcourse in 2008 is around then and chicksdid not even work want to work glutesbecause it was just so unattractive tohave big glutes that's Insanity it youwould not do gluteexercises uh it was all about quads andthighs you would not work to grow abooty if you grew a booty on a clientback then you wouldn't have any clientsthat's like the like there's literallypeople on the internet that specializein growing bootiesso let's go back to last was it when didwe have Zack on last week wasn't itanother the week before cuz last week wemoved QA yeah uh so if you go back andlisten to Zach's episode right at theend he said something that ties intothis verywell don't just train what you cansee yeah he's yeah cuz he was like don'tneglect your back because you can't seeit so this again this related to guysguys always work their chest and nottheir back because they can see theirchest and biceps but not their back sothey don't do it and it causes all sortsof issues within the body uh now foreverybody listening I want you to standup stick your butt out so stick yourbutt like imagine you're trying to showsomebody your butt behind your back andthen stick your belly out as far as youcan you get a massive curve so like aduck like a duck walk sure yeah a duckwalk so when you overdevelop your glutesthat will naturally happen to your bodyand it puts your spine in a massivecurve it is going to be very hard tovery hard to correctthat like I'm all for people wanting tolook the way they want to look but itthis is a the point where I'm likeyou're a [ __ ]idiot like in 10 years time thoseespecially the girls you showed me lastnight they're not going to be able towalk properly like they're not going tobe attractive anymore cuz they're notgoing to be able to stand up properlyand and it look it goes with guys justtraining their chest as well you seethat and hunch over and their chest getspulled in and it almost caves in becausethey're not working their back and itcauses all sorts of issues especially ifthen they're sitting at a desk all dayas well these girls like if they'retraining their booty and then sitting ina chair all day their hip flexes rightwould be getting so tight so tight butthen the quads are so weak but thenagain you're tilting the pelvis onpurpose which is going to justabsolutely ruin that like the lumber sojust and and again you you've saidyou've been working your glutes quite alot but you follow my program TheAthlete program that you know a few ofthe listeners are following now as wellyeah and it's hard to grow one body parton that because you're working your fullbody yeah and you have got opportunitiesto in the program you have gotopportunities to dive into you know alittle bit more booty if that's what youwant and that's fine like it's okay tobring up under developed body parts butoverdeveloping some body parts is verybad and when I say I've been focusing onmy glutes it's not like I've been doinga glute Centric program it's like whenthere's glute exercises or even just legexercises at the minute in the programI'm doing them first even if they're notlisted first because like I have themost effort to put into them and I'mprobably paying the most attention tolike Tempo and technique because that'sjust I don't know that's just what Iwant to do right now butyeah I don't know like you should youshould be doing again everybody shouldbe doing a full body program I'm a bigfan of it if you've been listening for along time you know that and even in theathlete program those are followingalong there's notes and says do whateverbody part you want to develop the mostor want to have the most focus on buildthe most strength in whatever you wantto do do that exercise first becauseyou're going to give it the most energyyeah it's going to get the most stimulusand then it's sort of diminishingreturns from there uhbut but the trend on online is likehere's my booty workout and it's like dothis booty workout three days a week hitupper body maybe one day a week ABS twodays or three days probably a week butlike what I was I was thinking aboutthis last night and I feel like I noticewhen I have like if we have a compoundmovement especially of glutes or like Ireally lift heavy when I'm trainingglutes or legs I feel like it definitelyhas like a bigger toll or obviously ithas a bigger toll on my central nervoussystem in general right because it's abig muscle like your legs are bigmuscles so then I have less effort forother areas and I just have less likeenergy in general because you should Ifeel like you I don't know I'm not a PTbut how intense should you be traininglike the big muscles and how frequentlybecause all of these girls on theinternet are just like hip thrustinglike three days a week and likeabsolutely smashing the hip thrusts orthe squats or the rdl's like whateverthe exercise is you know what I mean thestupid thing is all those videos yousent me and this comes back to theexample I have of the girl in the gymthey're all doing [ __ ]exercises again like we spoke about atstart there um this is my opinion butagain there's better ways of doingcertain exercises if you want to growyour glutes there's certain exercisesand how you should do them to then growyour glutes hip thrusts are greatexercise but do it [ __ ] properly like[ __ ] how many PE times I see femalesload up a hip thrust machine and do halfreps likeit's it's it's pointless and then againthe girl in the gym comes in and onlyworks a booty does little bit againobviously watching Tik Tok she does thatlittle bit of upper body at the end butit's like five booty exercises and thenlike maybe two upper body exercises butalso I feel like if you do any bootyexercise correctly you can't like Ican't do more booty exercises like if Iwas to do four sets of 8 to 10 splitsquats right and I do them properly andI do them heavy I physically can't giveenough proper effort into any otherbooty specific exercises after thatexactly and that's how you should betraining and this is why splits ifyou're doingsplits like one body part per day typething it's kind of useless and I hadthis conversation with a guy again guyguys are more chest and triceps bicepstype thing he's like yeah I do my splitand I end up doing like four differentbicep exercises I'm like if you're doingfour bicep exercises you're doing itwrong you're not doing the first oneright if you can do another if you doone and you can do another threeexercise after that you're not doing itright that's wild yeah and the same withany body part booty as well and yeahthis girl in the gym same thing likeshe's doing all these booty exercises Ican see what she's trying Z and I bothsort of look at her trying to figure outwhat she's trying to do what exerciseshe's trying to simulate cuz she's sortof doing someweird like Bulgarian split squat in theSmith machine but it's more a hip hingeand it's more on a low back than a hipsand and I'm sort of like I kind of wantto go up and say hey what are you tryingto do and maybe do thisway and but like I feel awkward becauseshe gets off and she's looking atherself in the mirror and she's soherself I'm like well look she'sobviously enjoying herself she's pushinghard she's not actually working herbooty but she's in the gym right she'sin the gym she's doing it but same thinglike just overdoing the booty or anybodypart don't really care guys or girlsyeah but but then you get some guysagain this just comes back to socialmedia and the influence on everybodyguys are injecting their body with oilsnow what soif you inject like oil into your bicepnot into your bicep but into the layerbetween your skin I guess where the Mthe fat is in between the skin and themuscle it obviously swells up wait whenwhat what kind of oil like olive oilyeah what yeah um why just to get to ifyou you can sech it like you see guys doit and they got like weird lumps HereThere and Everywhere e that's got to Ifeel illit's it's real bad like it creates allsorts of health issues you're injectingoil into your body and it creates spacefor cancers and all sorts of weird stuffto grow but that's what but the guysdoing it think that they look great sobut how long does it last I can'timagine it would last that long yourbody would get rid of it like why notjust go to thegym food like yeah I guess if your bicepis 10 cm bigger than what it was 6months ago your life 10 centim that's alot well okay a couplecentimet but if you got bigger biceps insix months time your life doesn't changemaybe you find a girlfriend I feel likethat's what the internet is like girlslike muscles so get muscles and thenit's like guys like booties so get abooty but the thing is all thesecategories like I don't think there'sthat many guys out there following allthese influences with big booties I'dsay most of those girls have female oh100% And then all these guys with bigbiceps and bigmuscles um probably majority guys arefollowing them yeah and it's the same inthe gym like I am checking out girls waymore than I ever look at any other guyin the gym because I'm more interestedin how their physique is in comparisonto mine and I assume the guys are doingthe same like they're looking at theguys in the gym because they're like howis his bicep this much bigger how doeshe have this vein here yeah you knowwhat do you do that like you look at Imean you're so so stable and safe andsatisfied in your body I look at peoplein the gym to see what they're doing tosee if it's worth me doing it oh I seefor clients like if I see a good-lookguy or girl I'll watch what they'redoing and say okay I'll try that with meor my clients and see if that works forthem okay but gen pop is not doing thatyeah right they're like comparing eachother yeah it's funny we do like they'redoing all these things to attract matesthat they're not actually attracting thegroups yeah yeah it's anyway Wild Thingsthe moral of the story is just Trainfull body guys train I was going to saytrain what you can't see but I guess youcan see big booties so you can yeahobviously everyone videos themselvesthese days so you can see it all um justTrain full body just Train full bodydon't overdevelop one body part againI'm all four people looking however theywant to look but at a certain point Icare about you and enough to want tolive a long healthy happy life don'toverdevelop one body part silly anywaythe next thing that I wanted to talkabout was how not eating enough foodactually leads to you eating morecalories than you intended mhm this cameup because on F last Friday we moved andwe H we ate breakfast and then we didn'teat again until dinner which is finelike it's not like we starved ourselvesand it wasn't n like a daily thing butthen I think we must have done it againa day later or two days later where wedidn't eat much or we didn't have anyfood in the house and like oh we'll justhave yogurt and fruit and that'll do andwe didn't really plan anything um andthen we ended up going towoolies and getting garlic bread cookieschips dip and then we also had like lambfor dinner because we the day before wedidn't eat enough and then that day wealso didn't eat enough it was probably a2,000 calorie meal so even even thoughwe yeah exactly even though we thoughtwe were eating less food and we're likeyeah it's fine because like we're eatingless anyway like there's a bit of abenefit in it because like summer'scoming Etc but we ended up eatingprobably way more than we would haveeaten if we had have just stuck to ourregular eating schedule right and I feellike this is really really common whenpeople are trying to lose weight they'llin the morning they'll be like okay I'mgoing to have like this tiny littlebreakfast and then this tiny littlelunch and I'm going to do this every dayfor the next four weeksand I'll be sweet like I'll lose weightbut they like neglect the fact that wehave like hormones that want to keep ussatiated and they're going to drive uslike to get high calorie or caloriedense foods which is exactly whathappened to us in fact that happens allthe time so basically there's twohormones um that dictate like yourhunger and fullness cues which is grinwhich tells you that you are hungry andthat you should go seek food and eat andthen it will quieten when you have eatenwhat it dictates is enough for your bodyand then there's leptin which is the onethat will Spike once you've eaten enoughand say okay like we're full and gronwill drop once you've eaten enough okayso what I found that was superinteresting is that when you randomlyand like dramatically lower your calorieintake so like say for 2 days weaccidentally ate 500 calories up untildinner where we would have normallyprobably had like I would have had like2,000 a day and Jack maybe 3,000 a dayum it actually makes it when you eatagain it actually makes it harder to getleptin to come up and gron to go down soeven though you've okay I'm going tolike lay it out real try to lay it outreal simple so even say I've eaten 500calories in the morning and then I eatanother, 1500 calories in the eveningand I've reached my 2,000 calorie totalthat I would normally get in a day myhormones are going to be like well youjust starved us for 8 hours prior so Ithink we should keep eating and you'regoing to think your brain's going totell you that you need more food eventhough you've hit your usual dailyintake so it's like trickery right sobecause you've starved yourself notstarved is like a a very aggressive wordbut because very limited a yeah becauseyou've limited your calor intake for8hours like sure you ate a littlebreakfast but then you didn't eatanything for 8 hours and then you atethe rest of your calories that day yourbrain is still going to tell you that weneed more just in case tomorrow the samething happens so then it's really hardfor like even we struggle with it it'sreally hard to fight that feeling like Ijust and I and I was tired and I washungry and I was weak and I just wantedlike the most calorie dense foods that Icould find and I just feel like wealways always always forget about thatyeah and that's a good point and Ialways forget about this cuz clientslike you said at the start clients aretheworst their own worst enemies when theycome to trying to reach a goal they'relike I'm going to restrict restrictrestrict and this is another reason whyI hate um fasting early morning fastingbecause it's the worst thing you can doif you're going to fast fast in theafternoon you're going to eat a wholelot less calories and be a lot healthierbut they fast in the morning they'llhave a little bit to break that fast alittle bit and then it's dinner time andthey're just like give it everything andthen even if they do have enoughwillpower to do it during the week theweekends blow out massively and and ifyou yeah the weekends are the worst wasactually having this conversation with Zthe other day he's trying to cutcalories a little bit here and there andthen he's like yeah I like and then wegot on alcohol and I just people justdon't underestimate how much alcoholaffects their calorie intake their bodyall that sort of stuff um like one beeris roughly 100 calories give or takewhat be have and all that sort of stuffand what how strong it is but let's justsay it's 100 calories it's like yeah Imight have 12 Beers a week [ __ ] and I'mlike that's like an extra 1,200 caloriesover the week but it's usually on theweekend so it's just like you know thatas well because people think oh I'vestarved myself during the week I deservethat little bit of a treat it's likeI'll just have a six beers and thenthose six beers just blown out the wholeweek yeah plus you know if it's alcoholit's going to be affecting whole bunchof other hormones and stuff throughoutyour body so it is hard but I do thinkuh I just going to say for us I'm I'mprobably just giving us a bit of Gracebut it's no we're pretty good I'd say 95to 90 like 98% of the time we're prettygood but you know life happens [ __ ]happens and sometimes these thingshappen and you just got to like we'vejust moved on yeah it's not like we'regoing oh well it's done going to go outand just eat we just got back burgersfor the rest of my life it's like nojust like you know just get back to yournormal as fast as you can exactly andtook us a couple of days but we gotthere but even getting back it's it's Ifeel like it's crazy because even goingback to our normal wasn't as satisfyingas it was previously because we overcconsumed and we ate all of like thehighly palatable food so I feel likegoing back to our normal like daily menit was I was still like looking like Iwas like I need some bread or I need acookie or I need just like give mesomething that's like fast energy youknow what I mean um so also keep that inmind as well like if you do quoteunquote fall off the wagon um that yesyou should try and get back onimmediately but no it's not going to beexactly the same as it was beforebecause you've just reminded your brainof how like addictive sugar and fastFoody but and it really is addictiveyeah so it's almost like you're breakingthat addiction again so try and get outof it yeah but again that's just anexample for everybody out there cuz Iknow everybody just you know they go outand binge or do whatever and thenthey're hating themselves it is okay ifyou're good for most of the majority ofthe time yeah but again don't use thatexample and then just eat you know fivedays out of the week you're eatingtakeaway and then you're good for twothat doesn't work like that doesn't worklike that I I think it's also like justoverlooked at how like the internet isvery much like calorie deficit fixes allyour problems like calorie deficit ifyou want to lose weight is the onlyanswer and yes but I think like youcan't just go from eating whatever youwant not thinking about it toeating like 1,000 calories less a daybecause that's when this like reboundeffect is going to happen and you'regoing to like have a binge for like lackof a better word um that's why there'slike coaches and stuff to help yougradually bring your daily calorieintake down so that you don't have thislike crazy hormonal roller coaster whereyou like fighting with yourself to noteat like that cookie or the loaf ofbread or um whatever the thing is rightand it takes a lot of practice so nowwhere well I'm at the point where I knowif I need to bring my calories down it'sso simple like I literally just have OneLess Egg one less scoop of yogurt andone less of something else and I'llprobably Reduce by 250 calories andthat's all I need to do to start losingsome body fat and it's just again it'sjust matter of time if I need to losebody fat in a shorter period I need tocut more but like what's the point likeI know I can lose a certain amount ofbody fat over 6 months and maintain thatand look better feel better stillperform in the gym still record a goodpodcast that's the other thing like youeat like you think that eating lcalories is going to solve all yourproblems and help you lose weight butwhen you cut them dramatically like youhave no energy immediately you feel like[ __ ] like you're tired and then you haveno strength or will to want to go andtrain or walk or just do more movementyour body's like let's just sit stillbecause we don't want to use any energybecause you've all of a suddendramatically cut our daily energy intakeso then you're training less you'removing less and you're eating less andit's just a recipe for disaster for youto rebound really hard back the otherway right yeah um but again smallchanges over a longer period of time arewell worth it always better alwaysbetter okay the last topic I wanted totalk about was a study that I found thisalso came up because we moved house sowe I feel like us moving house it wasjust one day of moving but it just threwus so hard off butessentially we I I don't know about youbut I haven't been drinking as muchwater as I was before before we movedmostly because I think because ourroutine changed for a couple of days wewere drinking alcohol with friends for acouple of days we had people over wewere out and about doing things sogenerally just haven't been having asmuch water what the heck I feelterrible luckily I was still trying tokeep up with everybody in the group chatwith with a challenge we had a challengewhere we trying to do steps water andanother habit and it was 2 and 1/2 Leach day and I was I was still hittingit okay I don't know what happened to mebut I feel like my daily water intake isupwards of 3 lers right and that'sprobably my normal now so when I Drobelow that I notice it like I was likethe symptoms that I had was likelethargic couldn't concentrate tired butalso bloated alsohungry um my skin was weird likeeverything I just there was so manythings that I noticed from not drinkingenough water um but then ironically thisstudy came up in my feed and it is itthe study showed that losing less than1% of your body weight in water canalready start to mess with your brain'sability to think less than 1% less than1% that's like the tiny so just to putin context if an 83kilo person loses 2 and A2 cups ofwater that dehydrationamount negatively affects Market ofmemory focused attention anxiety anddepression right just from losing 2 and1/2 cups of water I know like I I 100%agree with this and I can tell you thatit's 100% real especially with myclients like my morning clients I cantell a big difference between the onesthat drink water before their sessionand the ones that don't huge like somei' I had one client at 10:00 a.m. in themorning and he had not drinken any waterwell I've had like two lers nearly bythat time no water that's crazy and liketrying to get him to concentrate andthink and just do something in the gymI'mlike I won't say his name but I'm likedude like this is a wasted hour becauseyou didn't drink water that's all asimple thing so simple but you're payingme good money to have a good PT sessionand all you need to do is drink somewater so you can get something out ofthe sessionand it was just a wasted hour likecouldn't had no strength couldn't moveproperly joints were hurting he has alot of joint issues and like he most ofhis joint issues would go away if hedrank more water wow cuz again fluids inyour body your joints are a lot of fluidif you're dehydrated chronicallydehydrated over several days and weeksand months those joints are going to dryup so if you have got aches and pains inyour joints drink more water okay rantover you continue sorry sort of hijackedthatum like I guess like the for the on thebrain side of it like our neurons ourbrain cells literally need an adequateamount of electrolytes to be able tocommunicate so that's why like itaffects your memory your anxietydepression all of those things becauseif you don't have enough water if youthen you don't have enough electrolytesand then it's like it's a struggle toget the message between the two neuronswhen I say neurons what are you what areyou imagining you know what a neuronlooks like I feel like the generalpublicdoesn't um should I describe it yeah gofor it go for it so basically in themost simplest context that I can put itif you were to put your hand out infront of you the palm of your hand islike the nucleus of the neuron and thenit has all of these little um branchesof it which I like say would be yourfingers and they're the dendrites andthey connect to other neuronsand they talk to each other so but theyneed enough water and enough umelectrolytes to be able to send themessage to the other one otherwise it'sgoing to be like slow sluggish likethink of it like a pulse the morehydrated you are and the more the morebalanced your electrolytes are thefaster the pulse can go between the twoneurons so if you don't have enoughelectrolytes then it's like a dribblebasically between them and that's why itaffects your brain like that um I dohave the details of the study do youthink I should into how they found it orthis is enough information no yeahsounds okay so the design of it wasthere was 101 individuals and they wereput in a room that was 30° for 4 hoursand they randomly either did or did notconsume 300 Ms of water during the 4Hhour period firstly I would die if Icould only have 300 Ms of water over 4hours um but in the in this time periodthe changes in their body mass theirurinetheir body temperature and their thirstwere all monitored um and their episodicmemory their focused attention theirmood and their perceived difficulty ontasks were measured three times over the4-Hour period so they took a lot of theygot a lot of good data the results werethat drinking water improved memory andfocused attention in the short termthirst so the feeling of thirst wasdirectly associated with poor memory soby the the time you already feelthirsty your memory isalready negatively affected later agreater loss of body mass was associatedwith poor memory and detention and atthe 90 minute mark an increase in thirstwas associated with decreased energyincreased anxiety and increased feelingsof depression H that's crazy right soonly within 90 minutes of not having anywater you they couldn't concentrate feltmore anxious more depressed and theycouldn't focus on tasks or perform tasksas easily just from just from the simpletask of drinking water so I feel likehow do you know though if you'redehydrated there is like there used tobe a saying on the internet that wouldgo around a lot that said if you feelthirsty you're already dehydrated it'stoo late it's not too late but youshould I don't know how to how to beststay on top of it I feel like if you'regoing to the bathroom every 30 minutesand you're your pee is like clear toomuch but I don't knowlike how would you best help people knowthat they're hydrated enough you justgot to get in the habit of sipping onwater yeah really if you can get thathabit you're going to feel a whole lotbetter obviously from that study it'sreal so it's real it's real a sci a lotof people go oh no it's not thatimportant I don't need to do it and it'slike well okay you doum but yeah just I think just sipping onwater yeah and if you sip that much thatyeah you go on to the toilet way toomuch then yeah ease up a little bit butthen you're probably going to be alittle bit more active later in the dayso drink a little bit more then it's notI don't think it's that hard just drinkwater it's not that hard also yeah justhave a water bottle with you like I tryto take a water bottle everywhere I goum because I do notice when I if we'reout and I haven't taken my water bottleand I feel thirsty I'm shitty yeah likegenuinely I'm cranky same with food samegoes with food if I go too long withouteating I'm just but I'm very alsoattuned to how I feel which takes a lotof practice but I also think startingearly in the morning like get up have aglass of water try to have like half aliter of water before you even leave thehouse you know what I mean just likegive yourself some sort of Head Startyeah I don't know yeah wake up and smasha big glass of water yeah it's the bestit makes you feel it actually makes youfeel moreawake anyway that's all I wanted to talkabout do you have anything did have onemore topic maybe just a thoughtprocess excuse me uh this was brought upby one of our listeners long thanks forthe topic it was a sort of reaction toone of our topics sothe I think it was the last wrap-upwe're talking about carnivore versusvegan so and he and he brought up thefact that uh monks mhm so they don't eatmeat mhm but a lot of them are stillyou know quite ripped so so again Ithink it depends oncertain monks and what they believe likeyou know the lives they live and allthat sort of stuff but certain monks incertain regions are ripped like they arevery but like very muscly but verystrong MH they don't eat meat so he'ssort of saying well you know it's notall about and and I agree like again youcan be quite healthy on a vegan diet wesaid that in the podcast 100% but healso brought up the fact that there'sfive things they have to follow so theycan't eat meat mhm they can't lieMH oh maybe if you could yeah I can'tGoogle I got no internet in hereremember no someone put it in thecomments right there's certain thingsthat they have to follow and a lot ofit's you know how to live a basically agood life so you can't lie you can'tsteal you know all this sort of stuff sothey live a very stressfree life as wellwhich I think is very overlooked so yesdiets important exercise is importantbut also stress and all that sort ofstuff so um he just brought up a goodpoint like you know these people arestill living good lives strong healthyall that sort of stuff on a vegan dietand I'm like yeah and but there's alsopeople out there that have done vegandiets now who are running marathons likehyb athletes all that sort of stuff aswell I also think there's a very bigdifference between like a heavilyprocessed vegan diet and like aplant-based like actually genuinelyeating plant-based plant-based sourcesof protein I think there's a bigdifference between and I dare say thesemonks were doing that as well yeah Ihighly doubt that they're going to getlike fake meat from 7eleven you knowwhat I mean um also l i was passed longin the gym this morning and uh he wasshowing me one of um the reals from ourlast podcast he said he was woke upfeeling shitty he was tired he didn'twant to go to the gym but then he seenthe like the short of our podcast of mesaying if you're tired you run downyou're feeling fatigued get into the gymand push hard because it's going to helpyou feel better and it releaseschemicals to make you fight that fatigueso he's watched that he's like ah[ __ ] I've got to go to the gym that's socool so big thanks along long for thesupport and the and the love so yeah butit's true jump in the gym if you'refeeling fatigued yeah all right that'sthat's it that's it on that note we'refinished uh big thanks again to all youlistening supporting the show if you'velasted this long you've enjoyed it sogive us a comment share festar reviewwhatever you want to do to support us oryou can support us with a bit of moneyas well hit the support link um startingat $3 all the way up to $10 whatever youthink we're worth wuh we appreciate all of you that havedone that and that all of you that aregoing to doit awesome okay that'll do thankseverybody see you in the next episodebye hey guys we will get back to theepisode in one second but before we do Ijust wanted to quickly talk about theinsitu athlete program that is a programthat Jack follows I follow and a lot ofour listeners are following and it'sreally awesome because we've built thiscommunity alongside program it'sbasically an 8we program that gives youguided videos you can log your weightsand follow along with other people inour insitu community together um it'sreally awesome I feel like if you arenew to the gym or you have been going tothe gym for a little while but you don'twant to spend a fortune on a paying foran inperson PT sorry Jack or B justgetting one 8 week program that you haveto repeat over and over again then thisis the perfect thing for you because itchanges every 8 weeks and it's reallylike an active experience being in a gymprogram we follow it also which isreally cool because we kind of get totrain together so if you're interestedin that then head to the description andyou can follow the link to sign up tothe Institute athlete program andhopefully I will see you over therelet's get back to the episode