The True Form Podcast

Episode 211. Wrap-up - Social Media’s Grip on Fitness

In-situ Media Episode 211

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.

In this episode, we take you through the highlights of the Nike Melbourne Marathon, from record-breaking performances to the growing excitement surrounding this iconic event. We also dive into the effects of social media on lifting performance, revealing how scrolling before a workout could impact your gains. Additionally, we discuss the role of body image in fitness, the influence of online trends, and whether band activation is worth adding to your pre-workout routine.

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what is upMac Mac what about everybody else what'sup everybody welcome back to anothershow today we're doing another wrapupwe're here we're talking to you ifyou're new here and you think you enjoyour content but you don't want to listento us carry on for 30 to 60 minutes wehave a good option for you and that istwo-minute Tuesday I was like where areyou going with this do you want to tellthem all about two-minute Tuesday um Ifeel like two-minute Tuesday there is alot less fluff it's just basically a2minute readable email that comes to youonce a week some shortes action onTuesday short actionable information umno messing around in there just yeahreally like practical tips that can beimplemented in your life straight awayis the idea behind the two minuteTuesday email so yeah if you're not onthe mailing list make sure you get onthere there will be a link in the shownotes there somewhere it is probably oneof themost reacted to most commented on so ifyou get one of those emails and youreply to it we get that reply it doesn'tjust go to some email place it's us thatget the email and we get a lot ofreplies so Mac does a really good job atgiving yousome good info to use in two minutes onTuesdays also open to topic suggestionsquestions that you have also open totaking those on board and answering thembecause I do sometimes run out of ideasand I wanted to keep it super excitingand engaging for you guys so you canalways reply to the email and tell methis was cool also can we hear aboutthis I would love that speaking of coolthings melbour Marathon was on in theweekend it was how many times did youget asked if you were going toparticipate uh at least100 100 I was like maybe10 because we do Fitness right so it'slike surely you run we run but we don'trun but we do have a lot of friends andclients that run and we did know a fairfew people that ran in the marathon andwe did go watch kind of we yeah we wentand watched we saw Matt um running I Irun I just don't do kilometers okaymeters it's what I dometers um so Matt forwarded me a reallycool email because he was a participantin the melbour marathon about like theresults of the marathon and I want youto guess Jack and you listening how manyparticipants do you think were signed upfor the Melbourne Marathon it sells outevery year sells out within a few daysit's absolutely crazy I'm going toassume 60,000 42,000 okay so that'sobviously their max amount 42,000 andlike when we were watching there is it'sendless endless endless people comingthrough it's just a thick crowd ofpeople just cons consistently justcoming down that Hill that we were atyeah it it's crazy love to get like Mattor maybe we can ask someone that doesn'twork in our building to come on and talkabout it because apparently it's justlike a really good vibe and a differentexperience like pushing for somethinghard like that in a group of otherpeople that are also suffering at thesame time suffering in quotation marksum but it's just a really coolexperience I think um so the the malewinner for the Melbourne Marathon wasactually a Melbourne guy and he ran ithow long is the marathon again 41 42kilm 2 hours and 11 minutes that's crazyright when I was imagining it I'm like 4hours like people are running for four Imean I'm sure there are people runningfor 4 hours but you also win money oh doyou yeah$25,000 far out who he won 25 ,000 umand then there was a female winner whichwas also from Australia Queenslandapparently it's not that common that onethey're either from Australia or twothat they're from Melbourne which iskind of cool um and she ran the fullmarathon in228 minutes so like not that far behindthe male winner and she also wonobviously$25,000 which is very cool is that worthit well think about it it's only 2 hourson the daybut I going say you divide that 25,000by the amount of hours they've put inyeah it's probably ends up being like 2cents anhour but they obviously I would doubtthat they're doing it for the moneyright they're probably doing the Run forthe enjoyment if you're doing it for themoney surely they'd be doing more compsyeah like they would go around theywould follow the marathons aroundAustralia all the world right you'dthink so yeah if you doing it for themoney yeah you'd have to so it's cool Ithink it's the thing that I like likeI'm not a runner either but the thingthat I like about the idea of runningthe marathon is the community side of itbecause you like I noticed around homeso many people started running togetherso many people were talking about it andlike the night before there was peoplecoming down to the lobby of our buildingasking for um like a permanent marker sothey could write like little quotes ontheir shoes and stuff so they could lookdown and see that when they're running Idon't know it just creates such a like abig shared goal that you're workingtowards which is really cool maybe theinsute crew will have to get into onenext year maybe just bigmaybe maybe 10ks will be fine yeah canyou do five five or 10K 5Ks yeah um yeahso that's the first thing I want tostart with the second thing I found thismorning is a pretty cool study aboutinstagramming before your sets and howit reduces your performance yeah it'scrazy it's I feel like it's the gym isawkward already and now that we havesocial media on our phones and we haveheadphones in it's almost like a ride ofPassage to get on your phone and scrollin between sets right like everyone doesit especially on I'm not this is onInstagram I think Tik Tok is even worseway worse but so basically what thisstudy did was the researchers hadstrength trained men perform a workoutto failure either being on social mediafor 30 minutes prior or watching a NASAdocumentary 30 minutes prior and thegroup that was on social media for 30minutes prior had a15% lower volume output which is prettydecent like if you're doing that everyday hug yeah 15% pretty big decrease soit's not even the fact that it's likeyou're watching content before and maybelike disconnecting from your body it'sthe fact that you're watching socialmedia and social media is like stressingout over stimulating you probably givingyou like body dysmorphia so you feellike a little hopeless as well yeah itbrings you down you haven't got theconfidence to go in and smash a hardsession especially if you're going tothe gym maybe you're talking about thegym maybe you buy gym related thingsonline then your social media also isprobably going to be pretty curated withlike nice bodies and then you're in thegym and you're like in the mirror andyou're like why can't I lift as much asthis person that I'm seeing why don't Ilook as good as this person that I'mseeing like so of course that's going todecrease yourperformance um but not only that likegeneral public like us we struggle toget a good session in anyway likegetting enough sleep having enoughenergy not burning yourself out eatingenough food just to so you can have agood session and perform optimally andthen like if you're just do on socialmedia that's going to bring that wholething down another 15% yeah it'sabsolutely crazy yeah yeah so like Iguess those that are struggling to getresults and you don't think you'regetting results maybe so scrollingsocial medias why what do you do inbetween uh I just try and walk aroundlike same but I feel like aweirdo yeah you do um I do like a littlebouncy thing as well that I do while Ibreathe and try and relax my body looksreally weird and people probably likewhat the hell is he doing I'll try andrecord it and post it on my social mediaso you can see it um it's weird but Idon't know that's what I do like it's agood like in between sets it's a goodtime I don't think you should be sittingthere absolutely still I think youshould be moving around it's just a goodway to get your steps in like you're thegym might as well walk might as wellwalk around like walking's not going tofatigue you in any way so it's just agood opportunity to get steps in sothat's why I like to walk around andkeep moving I think it does help youcover a little bit better in betweensets as wellinteresting I what do I do I go on myphone I try not to go on social media tobe fair but I usually like messageclients or my mom or reply to friends orcheck emails which probably isn't thatgreat but also equally not as bad associal media yeah I was going to sayhope I know I I can tell the differencewhen I put my phone in my bag and Idon't touch it and then like yeah ifI've got a lot going on that day and Igot a bunch of me messages or emails andall that sort of stuff that I'm checkingand waiting for and all that sort ofthing I know that that's like thatsession is [ __ ] it's just like I'm therejust going through the motions where ifI have that away I know I can have areally good session get that Mind BodyConnection just like really get into ityeah I feel like when I train withpeople it's more helpful because likeyou chat in between sets and stuff soit's like that's probably like one ofthe most calming things you can do isjust have a conversation you know what Imean but yeah I don't know just try iteven just try it for yourself as yourown experiment and see what makes adifference maybe if you do want to go onyour phone in between sets but notnecessarily social media likeget like the Kindle app read a bookthere heaps of apps now that summarizebooks and you can just like it's likereading the book like the short versionof a book or like I used to play dulingo in between sets I don't know Ifeel there's a lot of things you can doon your phone other than social mediaand still use your phone is like thesafety barrier cuz I feel like that'sthat's going to be the biggest thingthat's going to stop people is likegoing on your phone is a safety barrierin the gym oh I see you know what I meanso you feel less awkward because you'rein the gym by yourself and like you justdon't want to sit there and stare offinto space or jump up and down on thespot like a weirdo like Jack so I feellike yeah picking up your phone is justlike oh look at me I'm busy in betweenyeah so you could find something elsethat isn't social media too to try Idon't know let us know if it makes adifference get put more weights like addmore weight what that's not going totake a whole one to two minutes if ifyou take a few breaths take your timepick up the weights do one Bell onedumbbell at a time um yeah okay trueokay here do you want me just to likeread your dot points like the first dotpoint because I have no idea what'sgoing on with thesenotes Jack Jack's note is things socialmediainfluencingI asked the trainers at the gym thismorning for a bit of inspo for thissessionand a lot of it was based around socialmedia so I figured it's just going to bea whole rant on about social media forthe next segment but before I I get intothat there was one subject that or onepiece of news I want to talk about butit could be a bit I don't knowinsensitive still bit sensitive I guessyou'd saybutCrossFit at the last CrossFit Gamessomebody died mhm because of CrossFitfit and nothing has happened nothingnothing hashappened yeah what do you what were youexpecting tohappen CrossFit getting sued for by whohis family his family like maybe theyare how do you know and it's just likehush but that's what I mean if it wasany other sport it would be all over thenews everybody be talking about it soit's either they're really trying tokeep it under wraps and really make itHush Hush or no one cares aboutCrossFit I want to say no one caresabout CrossFit and like I like it iscrossfit's fault he died like so theyhad an event where they did a run into aswim on an extremely hot day uh so yougo through the run you get dehydratedand apparently the water they swimmingin was very hot as well M so itobviously you go dehydrated from a runinto a swim and then if the water hot itjust zaap you absolutely Z zaap you andyeah they just didn't have the propersupervision they didn't have the properproper lifeguards it like it was just athe whole event was just terriblelooking back on it now and unfortunatelypassed away in the water anddrowned um so just nothing's happenedyeah like there's a bit big uproar sortof within the CrossFit Community when ithappened and then since the CrossFitGames I've sort of been just waiting tobring this up cuz it's probably beenabout a month or two since it was on andI've just been waiting for the news tocome so I could bring it up on a showlike this but nothing is coming no onesaid anything even the CrossFit peoplethat we still like Loosely follow onYouTube have said nothing and just orthey did be like someone passed awaythat's it but they didn't yeah it wasthey couldn't talk about I found morefrom people just on the edge of CrossFitlike influencers on the edge of CrossFitthat don't actually CrossFit more Ifound out more from them than actualcrossfitters and the CrossFit news sitesand all that sort of stuff which I itjust blows my mind I just still can'tbelieve that actually happen so I justyeah thought I'd take this opportunityto bring it up and talk about it ifanyone's seen anything yeah if anybodyknows or anything but yeah it just goesto show that like again CrossFit as abusiness as a sport isn't reallya goodthing again like for those that know Iused to have a a gym that we didCrossFit in but I didn't affiliate withCrossfit because it was such a badbusiness model and this waswhat six years ago now ago yeah and evenback then it was terrible and still it'sI feel like it's just got worse theyreally don't learn like the people thatrun it don't learn from any of theirmistakes ever well and they change CEOsso often no one actually knows who's incharge and it's just likewe I sort of feel like it's we've justfinished watching the American officeand I feel like it's like that likethere's a manager there but they'remanaging things but they're not reallymanaging things yeah and I like uh whowas it Michael Scott was the firstmanager like the main one yeah he wasthere his title as manager but he didn'treally do anything and I feel likethat's the same with the management atCrossFit they're there they callthemselves The you know the leaders ormanagers of CrossFit but don't actuallydo anything yeah and I think that's halfthe issue as well so no one knows who toblame cuz no one's in charge that's theeasiest way to stay out of the Limelightright if you are themanager um yeah crazy anyway back tosocial media so yeah I asked thetrainers in the gym today what they whattrendsquestions uh you know what are theynoticing in the gym at the moment frompeople asking them questions like whenthey notice people doing exercises allthat sort of stuff and got a couple ofgood points there you want meto read them yeah why not we'll gothrough them so things social media isinfluencing mhm oh that's the headingthat's that's a heading for the is itokay then band activation before aworkout should you do it before warmingup yeah so big thing now uh Jodyactually pointed this out bands like thebooty bands the bands that go go aroundyour knees and all that sort of stuffyou go back a year or two and it prettymuch was only females doing it I know Iused to do it in like talking aboutPrimal days we used to do it all thetime in Primal days um cuz it's just agood way to activate your muscle supereasy to do before you get into a workoutuh but now a lot of guys within the gymare doing it like during their strengthtraining like so they'll do say you knowa bunch of squats or deadlifts and thenthey'll put a ban around in these andyou know do some sort glute activationthing in between sets so like guys arestarting to use them as often as femalesW um and the whole thing was do you needto do that before you work out like isactivation bad activation a good thinglike is it fatiguing in between sets andall that sort of stuff so I thought itwas quite interesting you're the expertwhat is the answer I don't know oh youdon't actually know no I don't know Ithought it was just it's just like Iguess it comes from from experience likeyou know what do you do to warmup and I don't think there's any wrongor right answer to this sometimes I usebands to warm up just cuz I'm feelingstiff and it feels like everything'sseized up so yeah I'll do someactivation it warms the body up and orsometimes I can walk straight into thegym and work out so for me it's justlike whatever I'm feeling but that'staken a long time to learn who this is awrap up and you know what we didn't wrapup your birthday when you like I've beendoing this for a long time Jack turnedcan I say 37 on the weekend and wedidn't even say Happy Birthday on theshow happybirthday thanks so let's like a lot ofgym experience right I guess we're goingwith since you were15 um so anyway sorry continue uh so wedon't know what do you I guess what doyou feel like need to do before you workout honestly I do two minutes on thestairs and nothing else but I used to doso much fluffing like I used to when wedid CrossFit I would do like foamrolling ball rolling band activation allof the possible activations Under theSun for everything I could possiblythink of it would take me like half anhour and then when we sort of startedmoving to more into like I guessbodybuilding functional functionaltraining um I still hung to that alittle bit and just did like bandactivation like light dumbbell things umbut now honestly since being here 2minutes on the stairs and then I just dolike a weightless set or like a barbellset or a super light set of whatever thelift is that I'm going to do just so Iget the feel for it and then I'll go towhat my normal weight is I guess I thinkand like whether you should be usingbands and muscle activation all thatsort of stuff comes down to your goalsand how much time you have so if youhave limited time in the gym and youhave got some sort of goals you'rechasing where you're trying to improvestrength your physique whatever you'retrying to do and you only got limitedtime you're probably wasting it doingthe band activations and all that sortof stuff not saying they're not good Ithink they're great and they definitelyshould be in a part of your routine uhin the Inu athlete program there we gothrough through certain phases wherethere's a lot of B stuff but then likewe ease off on it uh but again it justit just goes through phases I like Ithink they're a really good tool to havebut like any other exercise we're notjust going to continuously do that oneexercise and only do that one exerciseyou swap and change like squats we dodifferent variation of squats we squatevery single week but and we've beendoing that forever but they're differenttypes of squats so it's the same withthat I feel like if it if you feel goodand you feel like it g gives you a bitmore out of the session I'd say go forit add those bands in but if you haven'tgot time I don't think you're missingout on much like there's more there'sbetter ways you could spend your timeagain depending on your goals and yourbody and all that sort of stuff injuriesall that sort of thing cool um okay thenext point you have is stairs Dasbodybuilders uh so this one comes from Zmhm we're sitting there and we'relooking at so there's four four stairMasters stair climbers whatever you wantto call them in our gym and[Music]um it was all all guys which is a rarerare rare scene to have in the gym whenit's all guys on the stairs and say he'slike look it's happened again all theguys are on the stairs so it's happeningmore and more and I'd say it's becauseMr Olympia was juston and the stair Master is just thego-to machine for bodybuilders to gettheir cardio into to cut more for a showit's just the stair Master is just thething that is yeah what's that about onmy Tik Tok feed the stair Master is thething for girls to lose body fat forsummer like it's like 45 minutes a dayon the stair Master is how all thesegirls are getting shredded that's athat's and if you're a long timelistener you know that's a lot of [ __ ]and if somebody's telling you oneexercise is better than the other tolose body fat they're talking [ __ ] likethere's no one best exercise there'ssome that will help you burn morecalories than others but eventually cuzit's cardio your body will adapt to itso like there's no one best exercise butagain you see all the influencers doingit and all the guys are obviously gotwatching all the bodybuilders do it sonow all the guys are on the St machineand it's a good look don't get me wrongagain it's a great machine super lowimpact it's hard to do like you get abit of speed up on it your legs aregoing to burn where you go for a runrunning can be quite high impact on thebody and most people have [ __ ] runningfor them and they end up with sore kneessore hips all that sort of stuff wherestairs it's very low impact you're goingto get a good sweat on and you're goingto work hard so it's good in that senseso again a great machine to use um butit's not going to burn more body fat andit's not going to get you shredded forsummer well I mean like than any othercardio than any like any cardio is justcardio again your heart doesn't carewhat you're doing it's just going to bepumping away yeah um like yeah it'sthat's going to be better than circlingyour wrist around like this like yeahyou know what I mean like yeah there'slike the more you move the better but insaying that your heart doesn'tcare cool okay push hard or formquestion mark yeahso this comes downto and I noticed in my clients as welleverybody gets very particular aboutform and everything has to be perfectand I was actually listening to a uhChris Bumstead on the modern wisdompodcast really good episode I think likehe's what one Mr Olympia six or seventimes now great athlete but just areally good guy as well like talks wellbrings up good points very thoughtfuland one of the things he was saying likethis is the best of the best he's won itsix or seven times in a row so if yougot physique goals he's who you looktowards so if he says something youlisten and he said he's got a new coachand the coach is very doled in on formand you know the 4-second Ecentric intothe stretch position and making sureeverything's right and all that sort ofstuff but he's saying at a certain pointif you're thinking about your Techniquetoo much in the exercise and you can'tpush hard then you're not stimulatingmuscle growth so you do need to pushhard and maintain some form like yeahdepending on where you're at in like ifI've got somebody that's walkingstraight into a gym and they've neverlifted before form is very important forme like some people probably watch meworking out and my form's pretty shittysometimes just cuz I'm trying to push ashard as I possibly can but again I'vebeen doing this for a long time I'm notgoing to hurt myself doing this I knowwhat it should feel like I know the therisk and where it is and where not tolike you know I know what I'm doing andsame with Chris bumped like he knowswhat he's doing so he can push hisform into a bad place but it's almostbetter for results because he's doingthat because he's pushing to a placewhere it's [ __ ] hard and that's whatyou need to get results if you're tryingto build muscle and strengthso I just this was just a good pointlike yes form is important but alsopushing hard is important I think a lotof people get too caught up on thenuances of you know um doing a face pulland the positions and all that that sortof stuff and I go over my demo videos onthe app and I do I do it so people dofollow it the best they can but at acertain point your form's going to breakdown and it needs to break down so youcan push hard yeah also I feel like it'shard to get like what even is perfectform for each individual's body likeeveryone's like even when Jack stillshows me things in the gym sometimes andhe's like this is how it should be I'mlike no it doesn't feel as good or asstimulating maybe sometimes if I justslightly tweak the form um to suit mybody better yeah you what I mean was ityou working out the other day and you'relike what handles do I use yeah yeah thetri and um I've got this uh rope thingythat I bought off Amazon and I love itto bits it's the best for me I use itfor a lot of different exercisesespecially triceps it just TGs mytriceps amazingly and I gave it to youto use and it didn't work NOP throw itin the bin I hated itand and that's that's exactly the pointa lot of people come up oh you knowwhat's the best attachment for thisexercise it's like there isn't a bestattachment or handles or whatever to useit's what feels good yeah what what getsyour mind connected to those muscleswhat helps you stay in control of themovement all that sort of stuff yeahcool okay next it's the feeling that youwork hard if you're not getting gettingresults it doesn't mean you doing thewrong exercises it's a feeling that youwere wait is this a is this a comment onthe last thing no it's sort of combinesin it so um this again this come fromJody and she had a guy come up to herand say oh like I'm not getting resultsdoing this tricep exercise what's morelike venturous like different tricepexercise that I can do to get betterresults and J's like well it's notnecessarily the exercise like tripexercise is a tricep exercise like ifyou're extending your arm in a certainway you're going to be working yourtricep it's not a matter of adding moreweight and she she just took a secondlooked at his body type cuz again for meI could probably move more body weightbecause I'm a lot heavier so I can movemore weight but this guy was probably alittle bit more leaner on the leanerside uh not as much muscle mass all thatsort of stuff so I was better off himdoing more volume so she got him to dothe exact sameexercise but lightweight and just pushedlike just kept going until his tricepsburned and then she's like all rightanother five like just keep going likejust keep pushing until that tricep isabsolutely on fire and you cannot moveyour arm anymore doesn't matter if it'sfive reps or 30 reps you're going tobuild muscle it's just that feeling ofthat muscle burning that you need to gofor so it sort of goes back into thatlast point of form but more weightdoesn't necessarily equal moremuscle yeah and I think a lot of peopleget that mixed up so like Jody justshowed this guy just to do more reps onthe exact same exercise but made surethat his tricep was burning and he'sgoing to get results doing the sameexercise I feel like sometimes once youfind there's actually there's like thisMeme and it's this little business guywho's digging in underground to finddiamonds and the meme is like there'sone business guy who's digging to thediamonds and he's like not quite therethere's a fair amount of dirt betweenhim and his Pitchfork Pitchfork diggingtool and the Diamonds and then the thelittle image below him is a guy that hasthat was like centimeters away from thediamonds but has has turned around andquit and stopped trying even though hewas so very close to hitting thediamonds I feel like sometimes findingthe activation or the burn in exercisescan be like that like maybe you'll justdo a couple of reps and like this isstupid if I feel nothing but you alsojust have to get more comfortable withjust the movement as well before you caneven like connect your mind to yourmuscles and be able to lift enoughweight to get a burn like even sometimesI still do that when when we changeprograms and there's new exercises I'mlike this is dumb I want to go back tothe old exercise where I felt the burnstraight away but I know that it'simportant to P persevere because this isgoing to be slightly different stimulusthan the last one yeah uh yeah goodanalogy um but again like what the wholeepisode we've been talking about youknow getting in the right mindset haveyou been on social media all that sortof stuff so you might come and back thenext week and do exact same exercise onyour triceps but not might might not getthat burn and that's okay it's going tohappen like unfortunately would' love tohave the perfect workout every singletime you go to the gym but does nothappen yeah okay next up we have proteinshakes every day or the days that youtrain uh this is probably one of themost common questions within the gym afew of the trainers agreed with thissaying it's a a very common questionwhat would yousay I would say every day whybecause I don't think that I think thatover a weekly period it's more importantto try and get adequate protein thanjust 3 days a week MH that would be mylogic like because I feel like noteveryone gets enough protein period Andif you can just add a protein shake inDaily then overall you're probably goingto get closer to adequate amount ofprotein whereas if you're just add it inon days that you train then from aweekly view anyway still probably notenough protein ingeneral yeah is that the opposite logicto what everyone else hadumso Jody said um you know it depends onhow much prot protein you're getting ifyou're getting enough protein then justhave it on thedays that um you're training mhm andagain I don't think there's a right orwrong answer like if you're getting likeif you can get enough protein from foodyou don't need a protein shake yeahperiod like yeah like you don't need itbut if you're not and like you said alot of people aren't and yeah like evenproteins are important on days that youaren't training anyway so if you're notgetting enough yeah definitelyI think sometimes though maybe ifprotein shakes are new to you and evenconsidering protein is new to you thenstarting by having a protein shake onthe days you train is a good like way tostart incorporating protein shakes intoyour um life because otherwise like tobe honest I don't love them from anenjoyment perspective um so it doessometimes feel like a chore to have themso if you just have them on the daysthat you train then it can be easier andit can also training can also remind youto have a protein shake and you couldalso use the protein shake as like thething you consume afterwards becausewe've spoken before about how importantit is to get protein carbs fats all ofthe things in after you work out to helpyou recover better and I feel like aprotein shake at that point is just likethe most beneficial but yeah I think soum definitely depends sobut yeah okay this is thelast pile of wordsjackass um I think they're all togetherthe danger of following influences stopokay forgot what I wrote there but yeahso the dangers of following influencesuhhuh um because again we are veryinfluenced by what wesee um and it can be quite dangerous andthe next couple of points are what youneed to look out for favorite favoritefavoriting their own biases they use toget results body image playing a bigrole in influencing and what I eat in aday do they really eat that and how muchexercise are they doing so what was thefirst one the first one was favoringtheir own biases they used to getresults yeah so Laura who we had on thepodcast a few weeks ago she brought thisone up um about exercises she's like Iwas watching this influencer and Ithought he was all right or he or she Ican't remember what she who it was umbut then they started ragging on certainexercises and they they said if yourcoach or PT gives you these exercisesthat's a [ __ ] PT don't don't go seesomeone else and Laura's like well Igive these exercises to people regularlybecause a rehab purposes and all thissort of stuff so it's not like it's abad exercise it's just not right forcertain people or it's really good forcertain people and and I I asked herlike why do you think that influencerwas so against those exercises like whatare they trying to influence there it'slike I don't know like what what doesthat person get out of saying that theseexercises are [ __ ] and these ones aregood I think that people just have topick a stance I think if you have astrong opinion on social media yourvideos get pushed further because peoplequestion you or people will eitherchoose to be with you so they'll send itto their friend and be like yeah likesee your PT's a jerk or they'll beagainst you and they'll be like look atthis idiot who says we can't use theseexercises I think it's a virality thingto be honest and either emotion is goodyeah so it just has to be a strongemotion in One Direction or the otheryeah and it's going to get attentionyeah so again like and the thing is thisinfluencer could have got great resultsfrom doing those certain exercises andthey could look amazing and be strong orwhatever they're trying to do but thatdoesn't mean it's going to work foreverybody and I think a lot of peopleget too caught up on that and don't seethrough that BS like just becausethey're saying it works but works forwho yeah like it might work foreverybody but in what circumstances sojust because somebody got great resultsdoing a certain thing eating a certainfood following a certain program doesn'tnecessarily mean that they should bepushing it on to everybody and you'vesort of got to you know again it couldbe good for you so I'm not saying don'ttry it don't listen to themyou just got to be a bit more Mindfuland don't be so one-sided yeah okay thenext one is body image plays a big rolein influencing yeah um and then the nextquestion was I said did this influencerhave a really good body and do you thinkthat helps with influencing people yesof courseyeahbut but whybut and like Laura said these peoplehave got noqualifications they don't train withpeople they've just got great resultsthemselvesso yeah but even I still like I know farbetter and I still fall into the Trap ofbeing like whoa she's shredded she mustknow how to get shredded so she musthave good advice you know and like maybewas it a week or two ago um I wasscrolling through my Instagram and youlike looked over my shoulder and saidsomething about a girlbeing on steroids and I was like whatwhat do you mean and he's like you canjack was like you can tell from hershoulders her delts were like they justlook different right when you onsteroids um and I was just like oh myGod like this whole time I've been likeI like the girl like she's got a goodpersonality and she is absolutely jackedand she pumps products and gym sharkthings and all the stuff that influencesdo and I always see her and I alwaysthink God how is she soshredded you know what I mean like Ifeel like I could look like that whydon't I look like that but it's yeah Idon't know and and that's another thinglike you don't know what they're takingyeah um yes steroids are illegal inAustralia but you can get them easilybut other things like there's certainpeptides in Australia that you caneasily get or sarms you can like againthere's so many different things you canhave it might not necessarily besteroids but you know again peoplearen't very open and honest about thatsort of stuff as well yeah and there aresome Telltale not like I guess I've justbeen doing this for long enough and I'veknown enough people that are taking somesort of enhancement to know what to lookfor and what it looks like and all thatsort of stuff so I guess I can seethrough the BS a little bit as well yeahbut then there's that app that we uh thenew AI photo generator so you upload aphoto of yourself into this AI generatorand it gives you back a image of youabsolutely jacked so jacked like and itlooks so like real you can't tell likeyou you wouldn't be you can't pick thatit's fake what hope do we have like yeahhonestly yeahso image doesn't mean it's it's veryhard like don't be influenced bysomebody's appearance like the liverKing was a good good big he was claimingnatural for ages and then he got C outand now he's disappeared he's gone goodgood BR but he made millions andmillions of dollars yeah I know um okaythe last point that you had is what Ieat in a day do they really eat that andhow much exercise are they doing yeah some I don't know is this a male thing aswell I feel like it's a very commonfemale thing to do what I eaten a dayvideos posts yeah I've been like I doknow it I don't think I follow anymales Marcus Philly is probably the onlyone that does but he does it in a waylike to try and say hey here's mealsthat you can eat yeah here's how a mealprep here's how to get enough protein inI don't think it's a guy thing it'sdefinitely a female thing oh my God it'san insanely dominated female thing andwhen it IT shits me because whenever Icome across it I'll watch it and thenyou just get spammed with all that[ __ ] and it'slike how much time do these people havelike each meal is looks absolutelyamazing like who has time to prepare ameal they don't they do it one day ofthe week for this post yeah one day amonth yeah like there's no way peopleeat like that and um again Laura wassaying that she's seen this certainperson that she follows and respects andshe's like if I ate that much food Iwould put on so much weight and thisinfluence is saying that here's what Ieat eat like this and you look like meand Laura's like no people won't likeyou won't look like thatbecause like everybody's different likehow much activity is that influencerdoing like again what gear is she on butif you what's her metabolism like howmuch does she sleep what who cooks herfood like yeah where does she get itfrom like does she have a lot of neat inher day like there's so many factorsthat go into it you can't just copy andpaste what someone eats in a day intoyour own thing on Jack's birthdayweekend I was actually talking aboutthis with Nathan about he asked mesomething about um meal plans or likewhat I actually do for clients he's likeoh like do you just write meal plans andI was like absolutely not becausethey're so boring one two not everyonecan just like have set what I don't knowthree the three same meals every day forseven days and be happy with that or getthe same results as the next person fromeating like those micronutrients thosedifferent sources of protein thosedifferent sources of carbs because yourbody reacts differently to everythingthat you eat like you having bread everyday might make you feel great and fullof energy and you can go work outafterwards but me having bread every daymight make me feel tired and sluggishand Bloated like there's I just feellike it's so underestimated howdifferently our bodies react to food andthen people go out on social media andjust be like yeah this works for me soit's going to work for you when that'snot even close to the case yeah at allum it's just one of those things you gotto look for through the BS I'm likethere's probably some good meals inthere that you could copy and add yeahtweak them to make them suit you betterand like you know food ideas so likedifferent combos that this influen iseating you're like oh I didn't know thatthose two foods go together I'll trythat next time hell yeah but don't justgo well she's eating that I'm going toeat that and look like that yeah it doesnot work like that one bit yeah umanything else onthat no I think that I feel like we'vebeen quite pessimistic todayis that because that's just the way thatthat um social media drives the worldrightnow um all I'd say is maybe just try andcurate I don't know again I'm not on umTik Tok so I don't know if you can butyou can it's so sensitive like are youtalking about curating the algorithmyeah yeah uh I I go through good patcheswhere my I try and follow only real likeI said real people on Instagramum like just people that aren't tryingto influence me in any way so justpeople living their lives I quite enjoythat it's cool cool to see like you knowpeople doing normal stuff um so you canI feel like you can curate Instagramthat way a little bit yeah you can'tcreate Tik Tok that way so much like youcan't just there's a 4 You page is themost popular area and you can't like youcan follow a bunch of people but yeah itjust brings in so many external videosand external people a lot it's reallyit's a lot harder than Instagram tocontrol one of the coaches today saidthat she um actually just bought an appthat limited her time on social mediashe's like I just couldn't stop so Ijust bought this app paid for it and itlimited my time but she said was a bestthing she done so um if you need to I'drecommend doing that it's like it mightcost you a little bit of money but I'ddare say you'll get that back tenfoldyeah in so many areas of your life MHawesome well if you've lasted this longthank you so much for listening makesure if you're not on YouTube head overto YouTube give us a thumbs up subscribefollow comment all that sort of funstuff if you're not on there give us afestar rating on wherever you'relistening to thepodcast we appreciate you all thank youfor your time and we'll talk to you inthe next episode bye[Music]w