The True Form Podcast

Episode 210. Carnivore vs Vegetarian, Mr. Beast's Lunchly, and the Lazy Workout Pill

In-situ Media Episode 210

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.

In this episode, we explore the heated debate between carnivore and vegetarian diets, diving into the pros and cons of each for overall health and well-being. We also discuss Mr. Beast's new venture, Lunchly, and its influence on kids through YouTube. Additionally, we cover a groundbreaking new cardio pill that mimics the effects of running a 10K without any effort, raising questions about the future of exercise. Lastly, we reflect on the idea of a “content diet” for the mind and how the things we consume—both physically and mentally—shape our lives.

*In regards to the Kieser part of the chat. Jack looked up the wrong website! So you can disregard all of that!

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New exercise pill mimics the effects of running a 10k:

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what is up everybody welcome back to theInstitue Collective podcast on this showwe try and give you the habits andstrategies to live a long healthy andhappy life and today we wrapping up thelast couple of weeks interesting factsteachable moments couple of topics fromyou guys which we're going to dive intobut first let's wrap up our show themost important thing last couple ofepisodes mhm feels like it's been a longtime since we've done a wrap-up but it'sonly been what three weeks maybe likethis month it's going forever andbecause I didn't do a podcast last weekso it's just me the were last week justgone it was just Jack and a guest whichI have not yet listened to the episodebut everyone has been telling me howgood it was how interesting it wasum just the perspectives and like thefact that Dr Deacon right y um made themfeel like they aren't crazy you knowwhat I mean well if you've listened tothe episode you will know what I meanyeah it's definitely worth a listen sheis a Seventh Generation doctor so yeahit's crazy how much experience she's gotso her family yeah has been each hasbeen a member of her family that's beena doctor for Seven Generations that'scrazy yeah it's pretty cool yeah uh andshe's been daed for 40 years and thefact that she's like changing theperspective on like the way thatmedicine is delivered even though she'slike come from generational doctors Ifeel like would be even harder to shiftright yeah and she's actually writtentwo books I didn't realize going intothe podcast so her first book was allabout not like making sure you're seeingthe right doctor which I found quiteinteresting and I actually got somethingout of it I got to ask those few personquestions on how I should be approachingthat because I've struggled to find adecent doctor so it was actually helpfulfor me as well but like you said yeahher new book what the hell is wrong withme it's really good so there's somethings I like her analogy she spokeabout hardware and software so therecould be something with wrong with yourHardware which is easy to test sogetting blood tests like testing alllike you can do a bunch of differenttests and there might not be anythingwrong in those tests so it's a softwareproblem and it's quite interesting howshe breaks it all down and she obviouslygoes through that in her book uh so yeahand there's like you said there's a lotof people that have got all the testsdone go to Dr regularly but there's juststill something not right and if that isyou I definitely recommend listening tothe podcast or and or buying her bookcool and then week before we had a guestas well with us in person Bradley theone and onlyBradley um also a really good episode Ifeel like it's cool when we have guestspeople maybe relate more I'm noticingbecause like the guests have differentperspectives to us not that you guysdon't relate to us but maybe you hear ussay the same thing over and over againand it's nice to have it come fromsomeone different right to bring A NewPerspective even I learned a lot fromBradley and Bradley's mindset in thatepisode that we did with him yeahdefinitely and this podcast is all abouttrying to teach everybody the habits ofstrategies to live a long healthy lifeand a lot of you are still trying tofigure that out like like I've beenworking out since I was 15 so I don'tknow what it's like to start new whereBradley is pretty much starting new he acouple of months in so it's really goodto get his perspective and the questionshe asked were really good and againquestions we'd never think of or didn'tthink we'd have to worry about so it'sreally good so big thanks to Bradleyagain for coming on the show he was verynervous to to come on but I think hekilled it he spoke soyeah and again a lot of you didappreciate it as well so big thanks toeverybody who went on the YouTubechannel and thanked Bradley for doingthat also what's even more cool thangoing on the YouTube channel andthanking Bradley is we now have aWhatsApp group chat where anyone thatlike likes listening to the show orwants to be a part of our community canjoin and it was so nice when peoplestarted listening to the episode andthey're all like in the group chat oh myGod Bradley like great episode andBradley's like you should come on likeone time and share your experiences it'sso it's so cool to have something likethat where it's like these people don'tactually a lot of them don't actuallyknow each other and they don'tnecessarily all live in Melbourne butlike they're still there just likesupporting one another in our littlecommunity that we've made yeah it'spretty cool if you want to join thatlike Max said there will be a linksomewhere in the description join theWhatsApp Community it's good funum that's about it yeah I think so coolsome news I guess well before we diveinto that oh no from our community Iwanted to dive into a topic okay it'snot on the list but I wanted to it'snever on the list I wanted to see youropinion so in our community there's afew people that are uh don't eat meatand there's a few people that only eatmeat and it's good again we want that inour community uh as we always saythere's no right or wrong uh I don'tthink you know either people eithergroup is right or wrong it's justwhatever you prer but um I just wantedto sort of dive into it a little bit geta little bit controversial with thetopics what would you recommend if youhad to recommend one if somebody saidwhat what's the best way thing to dolike vegan or carnivore what would yourecommend it can only be vegan orCarnival one or theother God I really wouldn't recommendeither like genuinely I would notrecommend either and I would not want todoeitherbut I feel like I want to say Carnivalbecause we tried vegetarian not vegan umand it just didn't it didn't work for melike I was so bloated all the time I wasso unsatisfied all the time and I meanI'm like sure you can get all of thethings like the vitamins and mineralsand protein that you need from a vegandiet but you have to like learn a lotmore about what is in your food to makesure you're getting enough of the rightFoods especially proteinum from that perspective I guess I wouldchoose carnivore but then from like theenvironmental perspective do you choosevegan but also plants negatively impactthe environment as as well as animals dojust as much now just as much yeah so II feel like I would be more inclined togo Carnival because you can have eggsstill you can have like eggsfat like butter right and meat and youdo get a lot of vitamins and mineralsfrom meat if the meat is from a goodsource as well plus I want to keep mymuscle plus there's just a lot ofresearch about how important adequateprotein is for a longlife so I don't is that even an answer Idon't know um I'm actually surprised Ithought you would have gone the oppositeway really because I go through phaseswhere I don't want to eat meat oh we'rejust on the same page like I Idefinitely wouldn't recommend eitheruh I always say focus on your health andresults will follow and I think it'shealthier to have both and it'sdefinitely healthier all right anyanyway that regardless usually whenpeople say I want to do one or the otherthey they are trying to chase some sortof body composition goal normallythey've seen an influencer that'sabsolutely ripped and you can getabsolutely ripped if you're eating ifyou're a vegan or you're only eatingmeat you can get ripped on both butusually people are chasing some sort ofphysique goal when they are dieting in acertain way and for that reason I'drecommend carnivore because you can'treally it up too much and like howwhat I'm thinking is how hard is it toovereat well I mean how hard is it toovereat on either diet but there is alot of more fun um tasty vegan foods nowthat aren't necessarily good for yourhealth that you can easily overeat onand still not lose weight whereascarnivore is so limited but limited insuch a weird way like that you can'treally overdo it and that's and that'swhat I mean like if you go vegan forphysique reasons body compositionreasons you can stuff it up like likethat's what I was going to say there's alot of options out there now that areyou know plantbased all this sort ofstuff but are still very bad for you andhigh in calories yeah like protein ballsand all that sort of stuff uh uh all thetasty treats that are vegan all thatsort of stuff are quite high in caloriesbut you go Carnival like I said youthere's only a few options so you can'treally stuff it up and again I wouldn'trecommend doing either for health anddoing it for a long time but if you aretrying to change like again like usuallyjust cut like if people cut outprocessed foods they're going to improvetheir health and wellness unfortunatelythere's a lot of processed stuffed withthe vegan diet that you can choose againif you go vegan I recommend just noteating no I don't recommend eatingprocessed food anyway but yeah there's alot of processed foods that you can eatin the vegan diet where carnivore therestill is but very limited there's a lotof bars and stuff now meat there'scarnivore bars well just it's processedlike like a jerky stick or somethingyeah basically and again they could havea lot of preserves and all that sort ofstuff in it but they're very limited onwhat you can get so yeah if you'retrying to do that I think carnivore isprobably a good option to do toeliminate all the processed stuff stopdrinking stop getting takeaway all thatsort of stuff because you could probablyget more takeaway food that is veganthan carnivore as well yeah def likewhat do you get that like does meat likejust Kebab meat it's a lot I guess it'sa lot harder so you would you'd opt outso um yeah just thought that was aninteresting that is interesting and Ithink it's really cool in the group chatthat people share like here's what I'meating and I'm Carnival here's what I'meating and it's Veo but everyone's sorespectful they're like cool like goodfor you like that's nice you know what Imean like they're not like oh you'rewrong you should do what I'm doinginstead they're all just like ohokay and it's like cool to see becausewe've never had it in a container likethat before where you actually can havetwo parties existing at the same timebecause the internet makes it look likeyou have to pick team and then hate theother team whereas it's nice to haveeveryone together and we're all doingdifferent things but we're all stillgetting results right yeah and I thinkthat's just the process of being doingthe podcast for so long and having thatmindset we attract people like that thatare now in the community which is coolvery cool cool that's I just wanted tostart with that one nice let's stay onthe topic of processed food M um andtalk about Mr Beast and CO's lunch Leproduct I don't know if our audiencewould have necessarily seen the productbut I think it got sent to me from oneor two people in the group yeah yeah umso if you don't know Mr Beast isprobably the most famous YouTuber yeahup he's up there maybe PewDiePie I don'tknow anyway he's like a very rich veryfamous YouTuber that makes all kinds ofchallenge prize oriented story orientedvideos he has like he now has like achocolate range he has like Burger shopsI don't know bunch of R branched out anda lot of products he's going everywhereanyway so Mr Beast has teamed up withthese other two YouTubers Logan Paul andI don't know the other guy's name um andthey own Prime and they own Prime whichis an electrolyte drink which has comeout not long ago we could putelectrolyte in very quotation marks Didwe talk about Prime on the podcast thinkwe have it's not actually electrolytedrink the the ingredients in it are thatminimal that it's basically just littlesugary drink there's no actualelectrolytes in there so very similar toum like power raid right or Gatorade butthey Market it like the thing is withthese guys is like they bring out thesemid products like Mr Beast chocolate ehaverage average but it's like $6 for alittle small snack siiz barPrime like I mean when I was youngerGatorade and stuff was like cool to havecuz like a blue drink you know what Imean but it's not as cool as having likea soft drink but Prime has marketed sovia YouTube to like a youth audiencethat it's like the coolest drink thatyou can get you know what I mean umanyway so these YouTubers have cometogether and they have bought out thisnew product called lunch Le which isbasically a ripoff of Lunchables do youknow what Lunchables are I do now ohbecause of this so it's like a little umplastic container and you have likecheese crackers and a meat pretty muchand you just like build a little stackand eat it um so they've brought outtheir own version of of that becausetheir target market is mostly kids yeahlike or like high school age I would saylike late primary school maybe evenearly primary school age kids who arewatching their videos and they're likethey love these guys like they look upto these guys so obviously that's aneasy target market for them to choosethese kids um and the products thatthey've bought out are in a box you getpizza a prime and a Mr Beast chocolateor n chose a prime and a Mr Beastchocolate or four turkey cheese andbiscuits a prime and a Mr Beastchocolate who the heck is sending theirkids to school with this food Nacho's ina box disgusting anyway so their websiteis very um colorful and exciting becausethat's who it's marketed to but theyhave a comparison between lunch Le theirproduct and Lunchables which is like thethe product that's been around foreverum so let's just compare the pizza oneto lunchable Pizza one so Mr BEAST'sversion has 12 g of protein Lunchableshas 13 same um Mr Beast is 360 caloriesand the Lunchables is 3.90 one of theircalling cards is like it's less calorieswhich for kids not necessarily importantright you want them to eat more goodcalories CU they're so active um andthen electrolytes in the Mr Beast one is400 mg whereas electrolytes in theLunchables one is 55 Millthat's because of the Prime um and thensugar in the lunch one which is Mrbeasts is 12 G whereas Lunchables is 20G so I guess in the sugar Departmentthey've done well in all of the productsbut aside from that their main callingcard is like we're cool you should buyour food it's less calories you shouldbuy our food um yeah I just want to knowwhat your thoughts are would you giveyour childthis uh excuse my language but when Ifirst seen is this made me soangry so angry like you got these guysthat like Mr Beast uh what's hisname Jimmy Jimmy got more money than heknow like he's he's got more money thanhe ever needs should we Google what'shis net worth um I think it's in thebillions but all of them have more moneythan they ever need and this like whywould you do this to the population likethey're just going to kill more peoplewith that food cuz a lot of peopleare going to buy it and they're going tomake a lot ofmoney and like why do I don't understandwhy you would do that like theyobviously don't give a aboutanybody other than themselves and when Iseen this like I didn't mind Mr Beastfor a while like I respected how mucheffort he puts into all these like hisYouTube and his business and all thatsort of stuff but when I seen this Ijust went no like you are just a moneygrabbing piece oflike but also I mean yeah butalso they probably don't know anybetter but they got enough money to knowbetter you know what I mean like LoganPaul has done and the other guy cuzLogan Paul's are they're both Fightersthe other guys and Mr Beast is now uhJimmy is now like you know focusing onhis health and fitness like he does workis's done work out with Chris like he'she's fit and healthy now so they're allfit and healthy people they know what ittakes to be fit and fit and healthy andhave gone and done this yeah like thatis just I think that's just low like sofor he's he's ranked the highest paidYouTube Creator ever and his net worthis estimated to be $500 million okaywell still like f that's his net worthfor being a YouTuber yeah so none ofthem have to worry about money andthey've gone and done this like I justit's just such a piece of move todo I can't like when I seen it I thoughtI thought when I first watched that clipyou sent me I thought they were justtaking the piss I thought this wasactually a joke and they're like no justjoke and don't eat this stuff but then Irealized they're actually selling thisproduct to their followers so obviouslyI don't give a about theirfollowers like I yeah I couldn't believeit makes me so angry soangry anyway very interesting I don'tthink you could probably ever get it inAustralia because we're so so slow sofar behind although you can get Primehere and the chocolate it'll be in notime you reckon y anyway um the nextthing that I had do you want to go firstwith another crazy stupid fed that youfound uh no you go okay okay um soliterally this morning I saw a post foryet another new exercise pill thatmimics the effects ofexercise um this one mimics the effectsof running a 10K specifically so there'snot much news out on it yet because itliterally came out the article literallycame out this morningum and here's a quote here's a quotationfrom the thedoctor that led the research in practicethe molecule the molecule brings thebody into a metabolicState corresponding to running 10 km athigh speed on an empty stomach we'vedeveloped a molecule that can mimic thebody's natural metabolic response respto strenuous exercise andfasting so we don't actuallyrecommend strenuous exercise and fastinganyway right I don't recommend fastingat all fasting at all let alonestrenuous exercise and fasting butessentially like what it's done is itit's kind it it freaks me out if I'mbeing honest the fact that you can takea pill and itcan raise your heart rate it can raiseyour heart rate at like the equivalentof running a 10K like how long does ittake you to run a 10K an hour do youknow what else doesspeed or me well basically that's whyall of those PE people that take thosedrugs are so skinny and previous Z and Iwere talking this about this in the gymI think yesterday how like back in theearly days of supplements thepre-workouts all that sort of stuff wasbasically speed yeah and a lot of thefat loss drugs through the 70s ' 80s and90s werespeed um legalized somehow and it worksyeah but it also up your body butyeah to like what end it's the same withOIC like yeah to what end are peopledoing this so I feel like it mighthave some pros oh definitely and there'dbe a there'd be a like oamp mhm there'sa use for it um and I actually spokeabout this in the last podcast withJillian about you know when sheprescribes ozic for her client and she'slike yes there's some people out therethat need it and it's really good butalso at the same time it's scary yeahand the same thing with this like I'msure there's going to be some peoplewhere it's going to be huge benefit likesome people that can't exercise at ahigh intensity but are still exercisingbut need that little extra help yeah100% I think this would be a great ideabut for the general public and this isunfortunate where it's probably going togo to influencers that want to shreddlittle bit more to sell a little bitmore program or whatever they're sellingare going to get on it and say I did allthis naturally do my program but does itdo you think that it changes your bodythatmuch but like if you can continue whatyou're doing now and take something thatyou know makes me look like I run a 10Kevery day yeah okay fair it's going toget you like again there's going to befor you taking that there's going to besome very bad Health side effects butyou'll probably look better but it likeand then what do you think about forpeople that have like disease or typetwo diabetes because yeah like obviouslyand that's where this is probably goingto come in handyobviously it's probably early early it'ssuper early days like it's only been onanimal trials so far I'll use oamicbecause we know bit more about it likethat's well documented that it helpspeople with type 2diabetes and it will help them loseweight and it's good in that case um andI think that's where this will come inhandy as wellyeah I just yeah so I feel like thereare like a few Pros but mostly cons likeum aside fromlike the like helping things like heartdisease and type two diabetes I justfeel like it undermines the benefits youget from exercise not even for yourheart and your muscles and your body butlike also your brain you know likethere's so many Weight Loss therethey're starting to bring out so manyweight loss and cardio oriented drugsbut everyone overlooks your your brainlike the brain benefits that you getfrom like pushing firstly pushingthrough a10K actually like pushing throughanything uncomfortable actually changesthe structure of your brain like itmakes it easier for you to do moreuncomfortable things in the futurewhether it's exercise work um likeconflict anything like that and I feellike that's sooverlooked just like the benefits youget of doing something hard like why dowe want to stop doing hard things that'spretty much what everyone's aiming to dothese days is like how can we live atthe most comfortable life possible andstill look good right but I hate that somuch and you you can but you'll die alot sooner yeah like and Ijust and your brain will stop working alot sooner yeah exactly um also likewhat are the I I wonder what the ethicalconcerns are around like taking pillslike this because I feel like not justdoes it make you better at doing hardthings but it takes away our like needfor dis displine as society and hardwork and in quotation mark self-carelike what kind of people are we going tohave in society if we have no disciplineno self-care and we can't work hard foranything ever you know what I mean likeI feel like it's so it's affecting somuch more than just our immediate healthand our body body weight but also all ofthe society that we're building like isgoing to shift completely if we don'thave to try anymore and we can just likeI don't know what's the point ofanything what's the point of like livinga life if you take away all of the humanfaults I guess all the human strugglesdoes that make sense MH mhm they get toodeep noI well yeahI I guess it's just sort of been there'sso much money and in incentive to makeproducts now that make people's lives soeasy and I guess we're the oppositewe're trying to make people's life wenot trying to necessarily make it harderbut in a good way in a good way we'retrying to improve yeah it's it's aweird thing because yeah we're tryinglike in our way to improve your life isactually making it harder you've got tobe disciplined to cook food make thetime to go buy thefood um where you could just get itdelivered to your door yeah um you knowwe're trying to make you get up and gofor a walk every morning or do some sortof activity every single day where nowyou could just take oamic and or takethis pill but like it'sjust like yeah yeah but like we peoplewant to take these pills to look goodright but even if you look good doesn'tnecessarily mean you're going to behappy and I feel like being happy ismore important than looking good likedoing all of the things like shoppingcooking exercising getting outside umlike looking after your health alsophysically Mak you happy like physicallymake your brain structure and thereactions in your brain different sothat you're happier but if you're notdoing all the things that make you happyand you look good what's the point oflooking good because you can'tappreciate it anyway mhm you know what Imean MH and all that stuff gives yourlife purpose exactly where I I wasactually having this conversation with aclient I won't say who but I was sayingto him like you could get the best bodyin the world and you could be ripped andyou could you know whatever it's notyour life's not going to change yeah asix-pack a ripped sixpack and 0% bodyfat is not going to change your life asmuch as you think it will it won'tyou'll probably be way moremiserable because you can't sacrificeeverything where if you just be focusedon your health yeah yeahinteresting um let's let's I feel likewe're in the philosophical brain let'sstay there right now I have a quote Ihaven't brought a quote to the table fora while um but this one came from a amodern wisdom podcast episode and it isyour body is made up of all of thethings that you put in your mouth yourmind is made up of all of the thingsthat you put into your eyes and earswhat is your content diet doing to yourmind right so I feellike we I feel like we talk about thisoften but not not in the sense that likeit's actually changing your brain whenyou're absorbing this information youknow what I mean like you eat a bananaand that banana is used by your body andit's like it's now a part of your bodylike it's literally in your body forhowever many months or years which iscrazy but content is doing the same toyour brain because like it's staying inyour brain and it's maybe subconsciouslyshifting your perspective on like thethings around you and your life I feellike we Jack and I often talk about howevery single experience you have changesthe way that you think about the nextthing that happens to you constantlydoes that did I say that clearly enoughso like forexample I'm not the same person that Iwas 5 minutes ago because I've donethings or I've interpreted things thathave shifted or reaffirmed myperspective on life and then that'sgoing to continuously shift and reaffirmmy perspective as I go forward becauseyou can never keep it the same does thatmake sense mhm so I feel like this isrelevant to me right now because latelyum my content diet I think has been badbecause I feel like my body dysmorphianot to diagnose myself but it's badright it's bad um and I'm I'm putting itdown to what I have been consuming onInstagram and Tik Tok and maybe YouTubeas well because I'm just like seeing allof these people that are like tanned andand shredded and have perfect eyelashesand perfect hair and perfect matchingsets in the gym or a successful businessor like anaesthetic I don't know notion boardconstantly and their life is always sooptimized and organized and I'm justlike what am I doing you know what Imean um so then this quote came up and Iwas like oh wow like I am so consciousof what I do put in my body but I justlet anything and everything come into myears and eyesum without even giving it a secondthought yeah when you said that thefirst thing that sort of come into mymind was you're the average of the fivepeople you hang around with the most andthat is actually getting very hardbecause of socialmedialike you might have five people aroundyou but you know if you only spend acouple hours talking to them and thenmore hours on social media yeah theaverage of the The Five People You seethe most on social media the 50 mostpeople that you see on social media sothat five is getting veryduded because you can see so muchthrough social media um and that's whereyou know maybe dialing back on thesocial media and being around decentpeople is much more beneficial yeah Ialso think that having social media andhaving like stories maybe in particularor maybe Tik Tok CU people post a lotmore frequently on Tik Tok than theywould on Instagram stagram um sort ofprevents us from engaging in real lifehuman connection because we feel likewe're connecting with people online likeI said to you the other day I feel likeI know what's going on in this friend'slife because they post on their storyall the time so I'm far less inclined tosend them a message and be like heywhat's up because I can see it but we'renot actually talking and they can seewhat's happening in my life but we'renot actually talking about it and I feellike that is causing like a bigdisconnect in actualrelationships between people andthemselves as well themselves I don'tknow just something to think about forall of you I mean if you're listening tothis podcast you're already making gooddecisions about what you put in yourears hopefully yeah it's very weirdconcept isn't it what you consume makesup your brainyeah good one anyway do you haveanything else you wanted to add Kaa Kazahow do you spell it I don't know you'rethe one it's not in my list so this wasactually brought up again in thecommunity thank you to the community forgiving us our content inspiration feellike sometimes we struggle so big thanksto you guys um Penny actually broughtthis one up like our thoughts on kerKaiser Kaiser sounds like a cult let'ssay ker ker umso if you go to theirwebsite on their main page there's avideo and I played you the video thismorning oh my God it was like the longlongest three minutes of mylife so basically this is just a newvariation of a gym they're moreabout strength and speed speed speedthey just said strength and speed a lotin that video yeah um so I'm assumingtheir whole thing is strength and speedbecause that's all they sort of seem totalk about and from what I can tell andI've actually had a few clients comefrom them to me uh the clients say it'snot bad it just gets boring wait sothere are gyms here yeah in Melbournethere's one down the road really yeahuh most of my clients uh that come fromit excuse me for asecond say that it's mainly an oldperson's gym because it's mainlymachines like it's pretty much allmachines so you know you go in you getassessed the training gives you aprogram and you go from Machin me andit's just like a circuit of machines umand it can get quite boring now therethatvideo what did you think of thevideo horrendous like what do theyselling me on am I trying to be like aagility athlete because that's what likewhy do I need to train with speed likespeed um yeah cringe maybe I didn't wantto watch all of it it was long awkwardthe F like the first thing I thoughtwhen I was watching that if you can'thave a video of somebody in persontalking about what you offer it's justuseless like obviously no one therebelieves in like there's there's quite afew gyms around Melbourne now I don'tknow if they're in a state or whateveris going on but if you can't get one ofthose trainers or one of the owners toactually sit down and talk about whatthey're offering I think that they don'teven believe what they're selling andit's just a fad thing and look I Idefinitely think it has its place I Imake this I put this in the similar Campas reform of plaes Reform of plaes isway overhyped I think it's a massive fadI think if you wait long enough you canpick up a reformer bed for very cheap inabout 5 years if you want to wait thatlong now reformer platies is absolutelyamazing it's really good for you youshould do it but it's just way overhypedI don't think you should be doing itevery single day it's a good tool to useit's a good thing to comp imp yourtraining it's just not something youshould rely on same with this like theythey sort of ker seems to be trying tobring Athletics into the general publicand speed and power it was kind of likeAthletics but on a machine yeah exactlylike what and look this definitely has aplay some of the stuff they talk abouthow the power curve and using speed topump the muscles and in a controlled wayon a machine 100% it's really goodespecially for coming out of an injuryor something like that or you can't movevery well it's very useful but againmost of my clients that have done thatand then come to me have said how boringit gets and how repetitive gets and itwould it's a very good tool tosupplement your training likeoccasionally we'll do you know box jumpsyou know it's not really loading like Iguess you could load up a box jumps byholding up on the dumbbells and jumpingsomething like that that's as similar towhat they're doing but they're justusing machines that they've speciallydesignedto whatever again like they'renitpicking uh F fad fadh to get peoplein the door do the do the workouts yesyou're going to get results but againjust like poates I wouldn't rely on itfor your only source of training likeresistance training is good running isgood doing cardio good sitting in amachine and just focusing on Power andstrength yeah and speed is good but notall the time and it didn't look thatfunctional like if the whole sales pitchis power and speed and likeathleticism but you can only use yourpower and speed when you're like seatedin a machine or yeah so athletes willathletes will do that to improve theirsport but they're still doing theirsport yeah 6 hours of the day yeah sothey they'll be training for whateversport what they're doing but then dothis power speed training on a machinefor 30 to 40 minutes of the day yeah soyes they're still using it but it'sthey're still doing their sport which isagain they're nitpicking that one thingthat that athlete does and saying theyget all these results but it's like 2%of their training yeah um so againreally good methodology good thing to dothink good thing to practiceoccasionally just like Poes I wouldn'trecommend doing that all day every daythat's a good thing to do occasionallyto supplement your training keep youmoving properly and all that sort ofstuff so yeah cool weird fun things gocheck out the video again if you'relistening to this and you made it thisfar uh we'll put a we'll put the uh thebrand in the the name of the gym in thedescription so you can check out thewebsite like you couldn't last the wholevideo I couldn't last the whole video Ithink I got halfway through I'm likethat's enough like it's an AI generatedyeah it's so cringe again people relateto people I don't know when the world'sgonna get that like again like I said ifyou can't get one of your trainers Iwent onto their list of staff andthere's a huge list of Staff or trainerslike coaches whatever they want to callthem on their website like if one ofthem can't sit on the website sit behinda camera in front of a camera and saythis is what we do this is what itbenefits you and this is why you shoulddo it it's probably a lot of yeahso yeah anyway all right um coolobviously if you've lasted this faryou've enjoyed it so make sure you sharethe love as always podcasts generallygrow from Word of Mouth it is growing alot so a lot of you are sharing it sobig thanks to that to Big thanks to allyou okay I'm just going to stop talkingstop all right see you all in the nextepisode bye[Music]a