The True Form Podcast

Episode 208. Nutrition, Recovery And Healthy Living With Bradley

In-situ Media Episode 208

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! Today, we had the pleasure of chatting with Bradley, someone who’s new to the gym but is determined to make it stick this time around. This is his second attempt at becoming a consistent gym-goer, and we wanted to get his perspective on why this time feels different.

Bradley shares that his main focus this time is on strength and fitness, with muscle hypertrophy as a byproduct. He also highlights the support from the In-situ community as a game changer—whether it’s advice on nutrition, form, or injury prevention, the familiar faces, PT guidance, podcasts, events, and challenges have made a real impact on his journey.

We dive into some burning questions, like whether cardio should be avoided on workout days, if you should increase weight when not reaching failure, and whether weighing your food is necessary if you’re eating healthy. We also discuss whether it’s better to eat less healthy earlier in the day or more nutritious meals later, ideal wait times between sets, and if you really need to follow a program’s exercise order.

Tune in for a great conversation filled with practical advice and fresh insights from someone navigating their new health and fitness journey.

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what is up everybody before we get intotoday's episode with Bradley I wantevery single one of you to take about 5Seconds head over to YouTube okay maybeit's going to take about 25 seconds buthead over to YouTube in the comments andthank Bradley for coming on this episodeMac and I want to do a lot more episodeslike this where we get our clients on totalk about their health and fitnessjourney okay it's going to relate toyour journey a lot more than us talkingabout it okay what newbies experience inthe gym the struggles what they findhard what they find easy are really goodtopics for you guys to learn from aswell but it's very nerve-wracking forour clients to come on these episodesit's just like public speaking it it canbe quite scary obviously Mac and I havebeen doing this for a long time now sowe're a little bit more comfortable butpeople like Bradley coming on theseepisodes like this to share their storyit is quite nerve-wracking so please ifyou get something out of this episodewhich I know you will it was an absoluteepic episode so make sure you head overto YouTube in the comments and thankBradley for coming on the show becausewe want all of our clients to come onthe show and share their experienceswhich is going to help you in yourhealth and fitness journey as well allright thanks again for doing that andthanks for being here to listen toBradleystory what is up everybody welcome backto the insitu collective podcast todaywe have a massive gueston both physically and mentally bradlethanks for coming on thanks Jack thanksma good to be here excited to have youhere uh so this episode is continucontinuing on with the theme of gettingnewbies on the podcast so if you were afew episodes back now we had Nathan onand he was literally just about to starthe hadn't even started yet so Bradley isabout three months in so we want to dothese episodes to get people startingout you know what you are strugglingwith questions you have are probably notwhat Mac and I are experiencing so it'sgood to get again beginners in I think alot of peoplewill vibe with what you're putting downquestions you've got things you'restruggling with experiences sofar uh so about three months ago Ifinally got Bradley to get into the gymlift some weights CU you hadn't been inthe gym before that have you I've beenmaybe five or six times in my life andJack came to me to the gym Jack came tome and said um why haven't I seen you inthe gym said I no offense but I hate thegym I said it's not a place for me assoon as I walk into the gym I start toyawn fall asleep I don't want to bethere and Jack actually said come upI'll give your one session and Iguarantee you I'll turn you around anddid I guarantee it did I well that'swhat you said you were pretty confidentokay and 3 months later I actually lookforward to going to the gym look forwardto my gym days so I can guarantee it youwon good work um so why do you think youhated the gym beforehand um I thinkmainly I think there was two reasons oneI was a bit impatient like I wanted tobe you know this is 30 years ago Iwanted the six-pack the big biceps youknow running down the beach and you knowlooking good that was my main goal whenthat you know wasn't coming after fiveor six times in the gym you know I sortof got um so that was in your 20s yeahabout 18 19 when I was uh heading toUNI and yeah didn't see the instantresults that I was after so just gave upI think the second thing that I'venoticed now to back then is not having acommunity then like now I think thisyou know not just saying that cuz youguys are here but having people supporthaving a PT teach you you know how tolift weights properly what all theequipment is correct form you knowthings to avoidinjury um that's probably the you knowthe biggest difference this timearound very good so since you wereteenager to 3 months ago when Iguaranteed you'd enjoy the gym whatFitness stuff have you been doing ummainly swimming um you know I loveswimming a bit of running you compete inswimming oh just at school just uh yeahused to swim you know in this schoolteam uh mainlyfreestyle um yeah a lot of oie rulesfooty Rugby Union a lot of water skiingsnow skiing family holidays doing waterskiing whereabouts up on the Murray LakeY and then uh up to yaranga mostly andwhere was you where would you ski on thesnow oh Bull and Falls Creek yeah mainlyin Victoria so uh that was good fun youmainly teamsports um yeah but definitely not thegym you living overseas for awhile um were you working out or doingFitness stuff not sorry not working upbut Fitness stuff over there absolutelynothing I spent 13 years absolutelynothing years in uh Hong Kong DubaiSingapore I left at probably 78kilos I topped the the scales97.7 kilos in Dubai wowJesus I think I may have worked out fouror five times in 13 years what like justworking busy yeah just the the lifestyleyou know uh 12 hours work during the dayin the office you know two or threenights a week out with clients you knowintoentertaining um no sleep too muchdrinking it was uh you not conducive fora healthylifestyle that's really hard for me toimagine because now I feel like your Liit's the opposite for you now yourlifestyle revolves around activity morethan the other way around right yeah nowI've gone completely when I left Dubai Iknew I had to do something you know Iwas and was Dubai back to Australia backto Singapore okay um change of job sameindustry but change a job and you knowuh wasn't working 12 13 hour daysanymore started to do Fitness which wasswimming and and running mhm so I had aa 50 m outdoor pool uh in the condo soused to get up at 6:00 and and do theswimming and then after work I'd do uhyeah running and you know probably 14 kan hour running not just like a casualjog it was yeah yeah it was prettypretty good running and I got down to 71kilos Jesus yeah um was eating one meala day you I gave up a lot of junk foodgot better sleep you know pretty muchturned it allaround um still No Stress Management youknow work was still uh prettyintense but um yeah reducing alcohol bitmore exercise eating properly made a bigdifference as it doesand then from Singapore back toAustralia yes I came back um came backwhen Co hit 2020 MH I actually had uh alump I found a lump on my body and wentto the doctor um and it turned out to becancerous so I had to have an operationand did one round of chemo and thedoctor said to me um if you continue ondoing what you're doing like having atrading a stressfuljob um you're not going to be here longso he said he literally said you know goon M some Lawns you know get out intothe environment you know go and dosomething less stressful so that'spretty much what I did I started up ainstant turf company you know where youroll outthe the fake Turf stuff it's not fakeit's it's real they're pelts of turf youknow so I did that for about a year andthen I made a my owns a boat company onthe era so he said come and give me ahand so I was there for two years and Uyeah so now health so good although I'veyou know got a bit of melanoma going onwhich is not so good but the initialcancers I've got the all clear on thatso yeah and now I've decided post thatto you know really focus on my healthwhich is where you guys comin so what's Health when you when yousay the word Health what does that meanwell for me you knowmy understanding of health and fitnessis pretty basic I've always been activeand and quite healthy but for me nowit's basically you know the six thingsyou guys talk about sleep daylightnutrition exercise StressManagement um you social interaction theare the things that I'm focusing onnice um so let's go back towhen I was trying to convince you to getinto thegym what were yourexpectations andthen like looking back on it now whatdid you find I guess what did you findhard and what what did you think wouldbe hard that waseasy yeah good questionum because this time around my goal wasmore to regain some of the strength thatI'd lost in the last you know 15 20years not so much for muscle you knowhypertrophy or anything like that I justwanted to regain some strength I've losta lot of strength you know with my armsand legs um and also wanted to increasemyfitnessso what was easy was um you know I thinkthe mental side of it has improved fromwhen I you know first did it 30 yearsago in terms of being committed beingable to get my myself to the start lineum and then sort of motivate myselfwhich is uh completely different to towhat happened last time the mostdifficult thingwas you know trying not to give up tooearly you you know not expecting theresults straightaway I found that what were youexpecting results this time around whenI said com to the gym what were youexpecting I was expecting results yeahbut I knew this time that it wouldprobably well definitely take longerthan uh what it did first time um yeahso I found it hard just to although Ihad the commitment there just to keepshowing up knowing that the resultswould come but they not going to beimmediate do you feel like 3 months inthat you've got the results that youthought you would I'm on the way yeahyeah okay I mean I'm still um you knowstruggle with with pull-ups and and dipsand you know that kind ofstrength but you know um doing push-upsand sit-ups yeah that's improved a lotin the last three months notice a littlebit of change in the mirror you knowwhen I when I look at thedefinition umyeah um yeah you definitely smash itwe've done a challenge together we'vedone a few challenges together all thoselistening we' you could join in on theweekend challenges on the app Bradleyoften does it with us in person which isnice traa bests um competition thoughit's what it's hard competition I thinkMa won last time you won smashed itactually you won a few no I don't thinkI did Lean done it in 37 minutes wowthat impressive she's impressive she'scrazy um love her so yeah big big shoutout to lean for absolutely smashing thatone uhdid you have some questions for us let'sroll yep I got a few I mean as you saidin the intro I'm a novice so yeah someof these might be super basicum just picking up where we were talkingabout yesterday on when you have a gymsession should you be doing cardio onthe same day I've got this thing goingwith myself where I'm trying to swim andrun every day up until Christmas just toincrease my endurance and myFitness so I was gonna ask because youtold me about that a while ago youdidn't tell me there was an end date toit okay I thought you were just going totry and do thisinitely just up until Christmas timeBradley was trying to do 15ks run andonek swim every single day tillChristmas okay sorrycontinue yeah so on the days that I doJim you said don't then go and do youknow a run or a swim or both becauseyou're going to lose lose all your allyour gains so if my goals are strengthand uh endurance does that stillapply yes and no everybody'sdifferentum I think you're in that differentcategory as in you can obviously you'vebeen doing running and swimming quite alot so your body's used to that soadding in that strength on top of butthat's a new stimulus on the body soit's not like we're adding in a hot likethe running and swimming isn't new soit's not like it's a brand new workoutto yourbodyum and again your workouts personalizedto you it's not like you're following ageneral general program so you're stillgoing to see strength results but like Isaid the other day I wouldn't recommenddoing a 15K run and a k swim on the sameday you're doing strengthtrainingum it's just like a lot for your bodyso strength does come from muscle gainas well but strength is also from yournervous system so you're loading up yournervous system so it gets stronger aswell so your whole body's technicallygetting stronger trying to put it in ageneral term so when you do that andthen run and and then swim as well likeyour body's trying to recover trying torecover trying to recover and it can'trecover if you're too active like yeahyou still want to be moving around youknow talking to people doing doing stuffyou don't just want to be laying on thecouch but if you're running it's can'trecover but in saying that like I saidyour body's quite adapted to thatrunning so it's not a huge strain onyourbody um but for you I would like to seeyou maybe ease up if you want tocontinue through your challenge again Ididn't realize that you were stopping atChristmas um hell yeah go through toChristmas keep smashing it out and thenmaybe after Christmas it's not likeyou're going to like again you're inthis for the long term now you're notallowed to stop so like you're not goingto lose any huge benefits in these whatwhat have we got 3 months to go tillChristmas so you're not going to lose alot in that time but then after that Iwould like you to maybe ease off on thatchallenge still maybe do it every nowthen two or three times a week but noteveryday so any movement is not necessarilygood movement in this case yeah yeahlike you know you can do too much yeahum but again like I would know you're ifyou're doing too much if you're comingto me and your shoulders hurting or yourelbow's hurting or your ankle likelittle things start to pop out whenyou're doing too much so generallypeople will start running and they startrunning too much and then their kneehurts and they're like oh I've got to goto the physio cuz my knee and it's justlike well you're just doing too much andyour body can't recover so but you knowif you still want to do it maybe on thedays that you are strength training do500 M swim and 7 and 1 12 k run doesthat make senseyep sounds goodum and maybe fueling properly as wellwell I've got a question on that as wellum my portion size I've seen yournutrition you know guide on the uh onthewebsite my portion size is pretty bigbut it's all healthy food can youstill eat a lot of the healthy stuff ordo you still need to like is there anypoint weighing your food even if it's ifit's healthy right now I think thinkbecause you're doing so much activity noI wouldn't the if you wanted to weighsomething or if you wanted to dial it inthe only thing I would really considerweighing would be the protein intakeespecially if you want to maintainmuscle while you're doing that amount ofcardio um but otherwise if like the restof your diet is just like fruit vegrice pasta like the basics um then Idon't think it's necessary for you toweigh um at the minute it sounds likemore more of that stuff is better but insaying that if you're not getting enoughprotein then that could also be crucialto seeing results or even justmaintaining your physique while you'redoing um so much cardio as well cuz likeyou want to build strength and muscle atthe same time as doing your challengeright yeah yeah so I don't think thatweighing is necessary but if you startto feel like even if you start to feellike you're getting niggles and stufflike that then adding in more food or orjust more protein to start with wouldprobably help you recover a lot betteras well I think I'm having too muchprotein too much I think I'm too much doyou have you tried tracking it yet ornot yet not yet no yeah but I could eatlike two large chicken breasts like forlunch and you know a bowl of rice andthen you know two pieces of salmon andrice again for dinner it's a lot ofprotein plus my yogurtand um yeah do you feel protein shakeyeah do you feel like you um so you onlyeat two meals a day or three weekendsthree during a week two yeah yeah so doyou ever feel like physically hungry yesyou do a lot a lot okay so then youcould probably benefit from beefing uplike the amount of veg you have becauseit's going to fill like the physicalspace in your stomach a lot more soyou'll feel Fuller but it's notnecessarily like you're going to beeating an excess of calories so youdon't have to worry about gaining fat oranything like that but it willdefinitely help with feeling hungry inbetween those two meals because you'reso active yeah I mean Jack told us oryou guys told us to wake up with thethree hes right yeah I definitely wakeuphungry what about the other two theother two talk about thoseBradley um okay yeah so when I finishwork yeah I run home you know mainly toeat and I'm I'm very hungry so but I doeat a lot so that's why I thought youknow maybe I'm eating a bit too much butum by the sounds of things not yeah ifyou're actually feeling physical hungerCU a lot of people don't experience thatthat often and because you're doing somuch cardio then that makes a lot ofsense so yeah but I would say if youwantedto wait so you you were worried abouteating too much right now too muchprotein maybe I think yeah if you wantto help with the hunger just focus onbeefing up the the veg and or the carbsaswell so like rice potatoes pasta thatkind of stuff um and you and youprobably know if you're not eatingenough when you're looking in the mirroras well so you said you're looking inthe mirror and you're starting to seechanges in a positive way like if you'reif you're doing all this work eating allthis food and then you're putting onbody fat you know that you're probablynot eating enough that's where a lot ofpeople get it wrong and they go oh I'llstop eating so much but it's just yourway of overtraining and your body juststoring everything as body fat becauseit's not getting enough fuel in mhm sosounds like you got the ratios rightlike if you're seeing good results andyou're feeling good like you're stillpushing hard in the workouts the ones Isee anyway so sounds pretty goody yep and in addition to that the is itbetter to eat like you know those thatare are working you know finish work at5 or six or whatever is it better to eatearlier and less healthy as opposed togetting home and cooking a meal that'smore healthy but closer to your bedtimewhat's wow that's a really good questionI've never been asked that questionbefore um I think it's personalpreference but in saying that it alsodepends on what your priority isso Bradley that's a really hard questionfirst ly I would say do like how easilydo you fall asleep if you're eatingcloser to bedtime like does eating ahealthier meal closer to bedtime reallydisrupt your sleep or can you eat ahealthier meal and then go to sleep andstill wake up feeling refreshed becausesometimes like especially if you'reeating a really protein dense and carbdense meal it might prevent you fromfalling asleep or having as good qualitysleep at night um so if that's an issuethen I would say the first option whichis eating a less healthy meal earlieryeahum but then also how does that lesshealthy meal make you feel because thensometimes having the less healthy mealcan make you feel more bloated or notsatisfied as well so then you'll end upeating more anyway before bed so what doyou do now I don't have any problemfalling asleep okay in fact you know itgets to 8 8:30 and I just fall off acliff even if you've just eaten yeahokay yep and you know I wake up in themorning you know four alarm goes off at4: uh 4:30 non work days and I wake upand I'm ready to go I get to 8:00 p.m.and I can I just fall off a cliff youknow no energy to you know even turn thelights off or turn the hair off orwhatever just want to go straight to bedokay so it doesn't affect you yeah soeating late you know an hour before uhbedtime doesn't really affect me um butI just thought maybe you knowmetabolizing it or you know the energythat it consumes is probably not thebest for sleep or yeah but it soundslike you're still sleeping fine I assumethat you're metabolizing it really fastbecause you're so hungry from all of theactivity that you'vedone um but yeah good question whatwould you preferJack if you had tochoose uh the healthier option lateryeah yeah I can eat and go to bed mostlike if I have an unhealthy meal and goto bed I struggle to sleep but if I havea decent big healthy meal I cangenerally sleep all right and again likephysical aesthetic goals aren't reallymy thing so I don't really care aboutthat like obviously if you're trying tolook better and build more muscle andthat sort of stuff you're better offeating at the start of the day but atthe end of the day I'm just going foroverall health so I'd rather thathealthierMeal m I know what your answer would bedo you what do you thinkearly really what do you what would youdo no like honestly after having thosemeal prepped meals for a while so we'vebeen having Chef good not saying Chefgood is unhealthy at all but it has alot more preservatives in it than whatwe're used to having and we've beenhaving Chef good for the past 6 weeksand things are just starting to not feelright like I feel more bloated my skinisn't as nice um I'm a lot morelethargic I'm getting pimples in weirdplaces and rashes in weird places whichhaven't had for a really long timebecause our diet is usually so superclean and so that's not even necessarilyan unhealthy choice but just qualityright now for me is top like top of thepriority list so I think I would go thesecond option have a later meal and butit be healthier same as Jack yeahlucky all right um question about theheart rate you know where it says you dodo 220 minus your age and that's yourmax hard ratemhm is it dangerous to go above that areyou ableto because I noticed on my uh on mywatch I got to188 uh the other week oh yeah which putsme at um I usually when I finish a runor or a swim I do maybe the last 5minutes flat out so that gets the heartrate up to you know that sort of 185 18is that and what's your calculated maxheart rate so220uh is that172 good questions Bradley is it um goodquestions is it dangerous or you can youcan I think this is one of those oneswhere it depends obviously a heartsurgeon or expert in that sort of stuffis probably going to disagree with mebut I would say it depends for you Idon't think it's an issue if somebody'sa little bit overweight they got bloodpress pressure issues they don'tregulate regularly exercise and they goand do that I reckon there's a bit of arisk but likeagain again this is just my experienceI'm not trying to diagnose anybody orgive you any heart advice or anythinglike that this is just my experiencetraining with clients working your heartis just like working in your heart themuscle on your body you've got to buildit up slowly if you jump in and try anddo a one rep max back squat on yourfirst time ever back squatting in a gymthat you've never been like if it's yourfirst time lifting weights you're goingto hurt yourself like guarantee ityou'll hurt your back and you probablywon't be able to lift ever again samewith your heart like if you jump in anddo a hard hit interval training and Isee people try to do this all the timeand they end up with some issues at theend of the class like that's bad likestart off slow and you you probablydidn't like you probably didn't do thatwhen you first started running did youlike if you go back to when you inSingapore you would have just beenswimming through and finishing and andthen over time you know that 1K wasn'tchallenging enough so you're finishingoff stronger stronger stronger built upto it exactly so that I think isperfectly healthy if you're pushing pastthat limit it just I think it just meansyour heart is healthier to be able to dothat on a regular basis but again Iwouldn't recommend anybody out therejumping straight in and doing thatslowly gradually building up I thinkit's going to be fine yeah yeah I thinkagain those sort of things you shouldjust look at as aguideline like a lot of people come tome and say oh you should be able to youknow bench press like if you're lookingat gaining strength and you want to bethe strongest human people are like Ishould be able to bench press my bodyweightdouble double my body weight for a backsquat and triple my body weight for adeadlift and I'm like well yeah butagain like that doesn't mean like you'restrong all these things are sort of morejust like guidelines should be treatedasguidelines um but again if somebody'ssuper overweight and blood pressureissues I wouldn't be recommending theyraise their heart rate high at all andthey're probably not going to be able tocuz they'll probably pass out which issad and they should up to it slowly sodoes that make sense yeah makes senseyep I was having the conversation with aguy in in theSAA um and he was worried that if hepushes above his like he's a bit olderbut he was worried if he goes above itthat it might you know lead tocomplicationsyeah again it's like we have thisconversation with within the trainers atthe gymabout the recommended thing for peoplewith high blood pressure is not to do ashoulder press cuz it raises your heartrate too much Y and then I'm like wellwhat if you need to grab something offthe top shelf like you're going to hurtyour shoulder like it's recommended thatpeople with high blood pressure don'tlift their arms up but like are theynever going to lift their armsup same with your heart like yesobviously your heart's way moreimportant than your shoulders so you gotto treat it with a lot more respect butif you never push that limit and you getcomfortable at that limit your body isgoing to you know stay at that limit butyou're better off trying to push it likeyou would push your body anyway to getstronger or fitter your heart's justgoing to adapt and getstronger withinreason yeah all right couple of uh otherquick ones uh weight times between setsat the gym I see you know guys that wait10 seconds guys that wait 10 minutes isthere a roll of thumb what's the umwhat's the you did a the average twominute Tuesday on this the other daydidn't you I did do a two-minute Tuesdayon this the other day I can't rememberwhat I wrote no I'm pretty sure like thefrom research the um the best wait timeis between 1 to 2minutes and that's for like if you'reisolating muscles so if you're doinglike bicep curls orsplit squats or like where you're doingtrying to do like a single limb or asingle muscle group one to two minutesis a good amount of time otherwise ifyou're doing things like dead lifts andsquats and bench where they're likebigger lifts it was more like 2 to 4minutes or until you feel like you canphysically give the same amount ofeffort because I feel like if you playaround with it a little bit you'llnotice that if you do a set of 10 onbench and then you rest 30 seconds andyou do another set of 10 it feelsterrible but then maybe you rest for 7minutes and it will still feel terriblebecause you've cooled down too muchuhhuh yep so do have you paid attentionto the resting that you take in betweenyet I've thought about it at the timethat I'm doing it but I see like some ofthe machines say take 60 seconds andthen get back into it but you know I dothose um what are the ones where youlift the bicep on that benchpreacher kill yeah that one and so I'lldo that to Max like not to Max but youknow like I'm really under the pump butthen if I go again after 60 seconds it'slike super hard so I need to wait youknow three or four minutes before I goagain exactly um so just whatever feelsright yeah and to be honest you learningthat and asking that question in threemonths is quite goodmost people like struggle with that formonths don't know what but it just comesdown to you understanding your body andthe fact that you've pushed hard andthen tried to go back too soon andrealized that you couldn't do it isexactly right and look everybody'sdifferent but and then everybody hasdifferent body parts that they can pushharder than others so you see some guysthat will do you know a shoulder pressand they can go back again and smash outstraight away cuz they didn't reallypush that hard even though they thoughtthey did so again everybody's a littlebit different but yeah basically likeyou said just as long as you can performthe next setproperly I should say it Al so dependson your goals so if you're trying tobuild muscle or build strength yeah youwant that two minute range at least youwant to have good rest so you can do itbut if your goal is to burn a bit ofmore body fat and get the heart rate upand you want to get more reps in solet's say a loss workout should haveabout 800 reps in the in the one workoutyou need to get through those reps soyou're probably going to be supersetting exercises resting less just toget through it all like in the lastphase of the program previous like twoweeks ago that we did on the communityprogram it was a lot of volume and Isaid to everybody like minimal restbreaks cuz you got to get through it alllike if you took 2 minutes rest inbetween each set you'd be there for 3hours mhm so it's like super setting alot rest minimal like so you're notgoing to be going as heavy but you'regoing to be going faster but that wasthe goal for that phase of the programwhere now it's a lot less volume a lotless exercises so we rest a lot moreyou're super sitting doing differentmuscle groups what's what's thatexactly yeah um so basically when you dothe two exercises back to back so sayyou doto have you got one in your program Ican't even remember now Like A and A orB andb to oh that's what that is is ityeah so that's a super set okay can youremember two off the top of um I can'treally but I do have them yeah yeah sosometimes I'll use it to you knowalternate body parts so you maybe you'lldo a dumbbell bench into a goblet squatI think you may have done that in yourprevious workout something somethingsimilar to that anyway so that's twodifferent muscle groups so you can sortof push a bit hard with that because youknow if you were to do if you're tryingto overload your chest and do dumbbellbench into push-ups that's the samemuscle group yep makes sense but you canstill do that as a superet it's just adifferent goal to achieve that all rightnow I know what thatis um and also when do we increase theweight like you know I think this is mythirdprogram and I've slowly increased theweight but I don't know you know when Ineed to stop or again is it just thefeel the body will tell you well youdon't need to go toMax how how does increasing the weightwork when do you increase the we this isa bad question to ask me because I feellike I'm kind of stuck at the minutelike I feel like when you start you canincrease the weight quite frequentlyyeah had this compensation yeah everyweek or every two weeks or every 3 weekseven but now I feel like if I increasethe weight it's like w I increased theweight um but also I do feel likebecause a lot of my lifts are like heavyfor my frame I guessum it's easy for me to just getcomfortable with the weight that I'm atand maybe do an extra two reps orsomething because the next weight islike a lot does that make sense doesthat make sense to youjack cuz I know that I mean I boughtthis up because I have a drop set in myprogram and I was doing like 22 reps ofyou know the drop set and Jack comesover and he goes well you're not liftingheavy enough in your earlier setsso um yeah that's why so I should goheavier weights go to almost Max andthen do the drop sit and it's not goingto be anywhere near yeah I feel like Maxis also so subjective on your mentalstate for the day as well though like ifyou feel like yeah I'm pumped and I canlike your max is going to feel and looka lot different to if you're having likea I really don't want to be here kind ofday yeah 100% so I feel like that alsoinfluences your ability to go up or notyeah um that's why I sort of wanted youto to answer cuz that's pretty much ityou just got to go feel like you want topush hard and if you can increaseincrease um but then like some peopletake that literally and think they haveto increase every week and it gets to apoint where they're going to hurtthemselves because they've had a badnight's sleep or big day at work orsomething like thatso again I have this conversation with Zat work all the time we've both beentraining for that long now that it's noteven about what weight you're liftingit's about thefeel like it's regardless if it's 5 or50 kilos it's about the feel and whatyou're trying to achieve with that liftand weight and Reps don't even come intoit so it's just sort of like what you'redoing is perfect like just you knowincreasing and pushing hard um buteventually just get to the point wherereps weight don't even really matter andit just goes off F yeah I just don'twant to like you know lift too heavypush too hard and get an injury I thinkthat's part of it m like a lot of peopleare scared of injuries injuries aren'tthe end of the world and they're notdefinitely not the end of yourtraining in the gym like um like we'veboth had lots of niggles injuries allthat sort of stuff like it's just partof the journey don't be afraid to pushinto that zone CU sometimes to go getover a plateau or just try and get thosebit of extra gains you're going to haveto go into that high risk Zone and lifta little bit too heavy for what you canactually do so your body's like holy[ __ ] this is hard this is a I need toget strong and adapt to this stimulus soif you're always comfortable and justunder that range in that safe Zone thenit might take if you don't want to pushhard on that that's 100% fine you justgot to understand it might take a littlebit longer to get those results again100% fine just depends on I guess timeframe of when you want thoseresults the other day I was doing asingle leag press remember that and Isaid to Jack I feel like I'm doingdamage here I feel like I'm rippingsomething cuz it was pretty intense youknow everything's gone red and I'm youknow was really struggling to push it upand I said you know is there any dangerof me pushing too much cuz I I youliterally thought I was going to rip myleg off and you said as long asnothing's tearing you know keep goingGod but fing on the leg it was were yousaw the next day not really oh but justfelt like something was you know deepinside it wasn't like a normalmuscle um that's what you want yeah it'syeah and that's one of those exerciseswhere your leg's in a really compromisedposition and it look highrisk exercisebut at the same time you're not superheavy so I know your body can handle itand everybody I give to that exercise tofor the first time in person as wellespecially when I get them to do itright and go for full depth they're likeah something's going to rip yeah thefull depth is that's the killer evenwith no weight on that's that'stoughum and also the order of the exercises Imean besides the warmup you know you dothat first do you need to do everythingin order what if someone's you know onethe machine that you want can youalternate the order of the program yeahdefinitely yeah definitelylike I guess this comes down todifferent trainers and how they programum I generally put the bigger compoundlifts first because they take the mostenergy like a back squat is going totake more energy and more focus and morelike pressure on your nervous systemthan a bicep curl so that's why thebicep curls are generally at the end soyeah there is an order to it but is itsuper important not really like if youlike again your program is custom so Iput it in the most order of mostimportance but if everything's taken andthe only thing that you can do is bicepkills jump into the bicep kills um foreverybody listening it's focus on thebody part that you want to develop themost so if you want to grow your bicepsdo your biceps first uh because yourbody willagain this is probably more advanced butgeneral public I'm not yeah generalpublic doesn't really matter justwhatever you can do I just find if I dolike dips or pull ups um like their last on my list if I dothem before then it affects you know theother things further down yeah so andthat there in your program just aslittle finishes like I don't again Idon't expect you to absolutely smashthem it's just like to finish off likeand really make you feel like you'veworked to be honest I've I try to doeither the muscle that I want to growthe most at the start or the ex exercisethat I hate the most at the start get itout the way get it out of the waybecause then the rest feels nicer butthat goes hand in handgenerally like the muscle you need todevelop the most exactly is the weakermuscle because you don't like thatexercise cuz you never do it so that'swhy I try to put at the start becausethen I have more to give my mood yeah myenergies levels arebetter yeah I don't know mhm what elseyou got for us um I've got a couple ofobservations here yeah that I'verecognized this time compared to thefirst time sounds good um and I waschatting to R the other day about thisone I think also why I didn't go to thegym last time is you I don't like thoseannoying gym people you know that arejustlooking in the mirror they're takingselfies they hardly do any work you knowthey sortof you know get on my goat a bit and Isaid to Rolland you know there's there'squite a few youknow in the gym and I said um you know Ijust don't want to be here and he goesjust put that out of your mind you don'tcome here for them focus on your littleimmediate environment and just you knowworry aboutyourself but um good advice Rand goodadvice but it's you know you know whatthey're like sometimes I've I've beentrying to do that as well in our gymyou've been to upstairs here there'scertain guys that will get in there takeover the music and just pump their musicand I hate loud music when I'm workingout because I like to concentrate and bein my mind and my body but I've beenjust letting that go and trying to justgo you know what I can't I could controlit but I don't want to like it's I'mhere for me like don't worry about thatso putting yourself in those positionsof I guess it's high anxiety for me tojust adapt and get used to it so itdoesn't bother me like sometimes I justwalk out of the gym and not even botherbut n like you know that's not meachieving my goal so it's like you stilljust got to go and just put yourself inthose situations and that's justbuilding strength in those situations inyour mind not yourbody yeah it's avoiding those you knowthose kind of distractions the otherthing that Ium that I do different this time is Itry and make sure that I get to the thestart line no matter what so the nightbefore I'll you know pack the bag or youknow get my my gear out so there's noexcuse there's no opportunity to getdistracted or make an excuse in themorning cuz I find that once you get tothe gym or once you you know get out ofbed get changed you know once you startdoing it feels muchbetter so um yeah so I try and focus onthat any tips other than just gettingstuff ready for people on that one cuz Ifind that a lot of people struggle withthat as well like just gettingthemselves to the gym yeah I've got sortof keep it simple uh you know don'tworry about headphones and you know allthese gadgets I know that I wear mywatch but that's for you know distanceand time and you I put it on I forgetabout it but you know when you doswimming people have those you knowheadphones that are waterproof and theyspend you know half of the time you knowtrying to make them work as opposed toyou know working outyeah just initially keep itsimple um yeah good loveit uh whatelse and be realistic you know it's umif it was easy everyone would do it ohthat's good so there's going to be painthere's going to be you know a need forcommitment sacrifice and you knowresults will definitely come just giveit time which is what I didn't do youknow the first time I went to thegym um yeah and enjoy it you know enjoythe the process and the journey ofgetting fit getting healthy um try andingrain it in your everyday you knowliving don't get to the point where it'sa chore to go to the gym or it's youknow um it's a burden soum that's about it oh and you know thebiggest and the fittest person in theroom they didn't get their they weren'tborn that way they you know had to lifttheir first set and you know lift theirfirst set of Weights so um yeah it's aprocess that's very hard for a lot ofpeople to accept they see those thatperson that's been doing it for 10 yearsbut only look at what they're doing inthat one session and go I want to belike that easy to do yeah yeah very goodexcellent advice love that any finishingthoughts for everybody I just couldn'timagine three months ago that you knowI'd be looking forward to gym days it'sum you know the mindset isdifferent it's the um yeah it'sunbelievable and a lot of it to do withyou guys and the community that you guyshave built you know bumped into Hugothis morning just chatting about uh youknow his gym session and talking aboutthe footy and when you got people aroundwell that's one of the other things onmy list you know I used to go to the gymwith my ex partner and I used to hate ityou know working out 5:30 in the morningdidn't like it I'd go swimming in theocean I'd you know go for a run that'sall fine but going to the gym at 5:30 soI think a lot of peopleum don't go to the gymbecause you know they want to go with afriend and they're not always availableso I think it's better to go to a gymwhere you have friendly faces but go onyour own schedule definitely um andthat's what you know you guys have builtyour two minute Tuesdays and the satdaychallenges and you know your initalevents it'sum it's the main reason why I'm stillgood here 3 months on so thank youthat is so good to hear Bradley and yeahthat's that's our goal cuz I wasactually having this conversationearlier like we don't want people torely on us but we want peopleto like still feel like they'reincluding something too like cuz againlike you said if you're relying onsomebody else and they go away or theycan't make it yeah you want to be ableto have the power within yourself to getthere and do it but not rely on othersabsolutely perfect wellBradley hey three months ago you hatedthe gym and now you're smashing it andyou're on on a health and fitnesspodcast you know that loving it and lookforward to our handstand competitionJack he's been practicing I've seen I'veseen him up there through thewindow so uh we'll see what happens heregood maybe we'll put that up for aweekendchallenge if you all listening want tobe a part of the community I have juststarted a WhatsApp Comm did you get inon that I did absolutely um just there'sa lot of barriers obviously to try andget people on apps and all that sort ofstuff so it is 100% free and I'm goingto be posting all the challenges andmaybe handstand challenges and all thecontent we put in there uh two minuteTuesdays all that sort of stuff will bein there as well so you don't have to goscrolling through social media emailsall that sort of stuff and Bradley's inthere as well we'll see you there youcan be friends with theSuperstar all right thanks Bradleythanks for listen thanks for your timeand we'll talk to everybody in the nextepisode bye[Music]