The True Form Podcast

Episode 207. Wrap-up - Deload Weeks, Barefoot Shoes & Fitness Censorship

In-situ Media Episode 207

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week, we are wrapping up the month with our favourite discoveries, teachable moments, and ideas.

In this episode, we dive into the benefits of incorporating a deload week into your training routine and how it can improve your recovery and performance. We bring up Jack's latest obsession with barefoot shoes and whether they truly offer an advantage for your foot health. We discuss processed food and whether or not it should fit into a healthy diet. Lastly, we tackle the rising issue of YouTube censorship in the fitness space and how it's going to affect teens and young adults.

00:00 Intro.
02:29 Importance of Deload Weeks in Fitness Programs.
12:58 Barefoot shoes are Minimalist Shoes with no support and wider toe base.
15:09 Benefits of Barefoot Shoes.
19:12 Benefits of wearing flat shoes for foot strength.
24:42 Importance of considering goals and reframing perspective on processed foods.
26:37 Importance of a diet with minimal processed food.
30:33 Focus on adding good nutrients to your diet.
36:09 Discussing the impact of fitness censorship on education about steroids.

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what is up everybody Welcome Back To The In-situ Collective podcast on today'sshow we are wrapping up the last month with interesting facts teacher momentsand fun things that will help you live along healthy and happy life so we havehad a massive probably just over a monthsince we last did this show we've hadtwo guests on really good informationalpodcast feel like I'm missing m in therewe did we did a really good Q&A withLaura a a guest SL Q&A then we did umsort of like I guess an interview aguest episode with Alex um All Aboutburnout and balance um we also did a ohan e educational episode on themenstrual cycle that one went reallywell I had so many people men and womenum tell me how much they that episode sothat was really cool and then lastweek's episode was also like a clientoriented one and we talked aboutsupplements and our clients questionsand their experiences with supplementsso heaps heaps and it shows uh I wasI've been meaning to post it to socialmedia we're so bad it so bad if ifyou're listening and you don't follow usmake sure you follow us you'll find thelinks in the show notes somewhere I'msure but this has been our best monthever of listening ever yeah since westarted recording so we've only actuallyproperly been recording the metrics themetrics for about a year and this is ourbest month yet yeah so that obviouslygoes to show so big thanks to the twoguests come on Laura and Alex awesomeshows and big thanks to everybody thatsubmitted questions and a big thanks toyou for a good show last week or theweek before the week before so yeahmassive massive month yeah so let's tryand keep that up we've got some prettycool ideas coming your way we douh so make sure if this is your firsttime here make sure you subscribe likefollow whatever you do with podcastsmake sure you do it because it's goingto be good all right we're wrapping upwhat subjects have you got you want meto start do you want to start I feellike you've got the most to talk aboutso firstly well this is a shared topicde lo week de lo week what the flip isDe week uh so for those that aren'tfollowing the instit collectivecommunity program if you are looking fora really good workout program that'sgoing to get you ripped feel good justcover all bases it's really good programfor health muscle buildingcardiovascular health all that sort ofstuff it's all wrapped up into the oneprogram that's the program Mac and Ifollow and a bunch of you follow it nowbut if you're like what's this programyou're talking about you can join in aswell just become a supporter of the showand you'll get access as well uh soreally good program no no no no no no nowe we changed it right so you can becomea supporter of the show and you get theSaturday workouts and the community andyou can become an Institute athlete nowand you get the whole program okay thatthat's what that was you're doing okayyou that's what you and Mattdiscussed big big thanks to Matt for thebusinessadvice um so yeah either way you stillget to be a part of the app yeah and youstill go to get some workouts justdepends on the price commitment dependson how much get basically exactlythere's two different levels M theminimum level you're still going to getsome fun weekend challenges that we'reall been smashing out last weekend orthe weekend before was a big one Mcouldn't straighten my arms properly forlike 3 daysafterwards actually higs is going to besmashing it this weekend so I'm lookingforward to see what all she's quick tooshe's quick she'll smash it I reckonshe's going to have the winning timewell it's going to be last weekend sincewhen this anyway whenever this comes outum so what we're talking about de weeksweek not the awesome program wellthere's a D Lo week in the awesomeprogram and everybody's freaking outyeah everybody so I want to talk aboutdeog weeks because a few of youfollowing it have reached out excuseme too much coffee uh have reached outand been like you know do I need to delo why am I stopping why am I having aweek off and I would like to put DLoweeks in there so in between programs sowhere about to start a whole new programto get us ripped for summer I hate thatword it's it's a bit of a dig it's we'renot really getting ripped for summer butit's a muscle we're going to start offwith a muscle building phase uh and thenwe go into more of a conditioning phaseso but we start off on a strength andmuscle building phase for the first Ithink we're going to do five weeks ofthis first phase sick so before we startthat I have a break in between the lastprogram and this program because it isit is good just to get away from the gymfor a week everybody like health andfitness is a super super important foreverybody and yes you should be focusingon it but at some point you probablyshould just take a week off youknow obsessing about going to the gymobsessing about food checking in on theapp what workout have I got all thatsort of stuff probably it's more just togive your brain just a rest away fromthe gym and no it's not necessarilybecause we're talking to Nathanand the general public usually have a delo week anyway so Nathan was saying thathe unintentionally unintentionally justcuz life happens yeah so Nathan wassaying that he did two workouts so uhMonday and Tuesday last week and then hedidn't get into the gym and then tillSunday when we went together so for himthat was pretty much a DLo week anywayhe just busy didn't have time to worryabout work workouts gym food all thatsort of stuff so that's a DLo week sohe's like do I have to have a DLo weekthis week I'm like no just do lastweek's workout it doesn't really matterit's just about having some time awayfrom the gym and if you're following theprogram most days I've got go outsideand walk go for a walk or a run or dosomething outside for 90 minutes Mbecause that's also really good for yourhealth yeah just getting outside the gymnot worrying about muscle hypertrophywhat exercises the best am I burning fatam I building muscle just go outside gofor a walk enjoy yourself yeah I um inparticular hate well everyone I feellike I know most of the clients I thinkI know most of the clients that youreferring to that hate de weeks I alsohate them so very much but I also get alot more out of the program when I doactually have a week off and I come backand I'm way stronger I'm way morerefreshed I have way more motivation togo in the gym and push harder and justget more out of my workouts even thoughnot working out for a week at the timefeels bad yeah um but also I feel likemy physical appearance changes duringDLo week still because I'm alwaysworried it's a it's a um not really aVari what's the varified belief that Ihave but I'm always worried that if Istop working out my body's going tochange in a way that I don't want it tochange really quickly which is not thecase like if you have a week off goingto the gym you're not going to gain aheap of weight in that small period whatusually happens when I have a week offis by the time I get to the end of theweek I look more lean because I've justbeen doing like low intensity cardio youknow so but also your body's not likestressed stressed we talk about that allthe time on this show how stress can addyou know basically inflammation to yourbody and that can show like when youlook at some like somebody that'sstressed they could be just bloated Iguess could be another word and justtaking a week off not stressing abouthaving to go to the gym all that sort ofstuff fitting it in just gives your mindand your body and your nervous systemjust a time justgo yeah and it does actually showphysically as well um I know not reallycompared but when bodybuilders prep fora show they generally don't work outheavy in the week leading because theydon't want to have so much inflammationin their body so they'll just do walkslight banded stuff little triggersessions like we have in our de lo weekand by the end of that week they lookbetter even though they haven't been tothe gym yeah so but also that doesn'tmean that this is an excuse for you tonot go to the gym period because thinkabout you have to get the musclesoreness and the stress and thepuffiness to get to the point wherehaving a week off makes you look betteryeah right all of that has to comebefore doing nothing can make you lookbetter definitely and there's someclients I don't recommend do this likethey do not stop like some clients thatare very sanitary and don't do anythingany other movement other than going tothe gym once or twice a week I'm likeyou don't stop you keep going yeah againthis is very individual but most of thetime for the general public and all youguys listening it's going to happennaturally there's just going to be 5 toseven days where you can't make it intothe gym anyway could be a holiday trueum I like to work on my holidays anywaybut like it's not going to be like I'mchasing some crazy goal and absolutelypumping it in the gym it's just a littlebit of a trigger session going gettingsome movement in like you said althoughnext week this week as this is gettingreleased is a D Loweek we're still like in the programwill still go outside and do 90 minutesof activity or 60 minutes it's not likeyou just doing nothing it's just likejust still do something you still got tomove you still got to be active butyou're just notstressing yourself to some reach somesort of goalyeah cool interesting any other thoughtson dload week can't wait till it'sover I'm really looking forward to thenext phase coming up haven't really donelike just body pure bodybuilding purebodybuilding strength based stuff in awhile there's a little bit of wait waitwait when you say strength based what doyou mean well trying to improve on theLIF like there's no heav like it's notlike one or two one or RM or 3 RM okay Ithink the minimum is about six or eightreps okay eight reps so it is a likehypertrophy phades trying to build somemuscle but yeah four days a week in onecardio so where previously it's been toomuch cardio for my liking a lot ofcardio but again that's what happensover the the different phases we ramp itup slowly so all those that are freakingout going oh it's so low volume there isa method to the Mad Madness and any goodprogram is going to follow that methodis what like any good coach program thatyou follow should follow that I feellike whenever the phase changes thoughthere's everyone always has resistancebecause we all have resistance to anychange because you spend what six toeight weeks getting used to acertain program like a certain schedulefor the week and then it changes andyou're like oh well I kind of liked thelast one but then give it two weeks andyou'll love this the next one even morelike I go through that every time wechange um phases and stuff I'm like ohbut the last one was so good and I wasmaking progress and then we changed andthat's the whole point right um so yeahthe phases shouldn't change that muchlike you know like I said you slowlybuild up the volume although I did pumpout the volume in the last phase of thelast program MH that was a lot of volumeyeah but it is like eight weeks uh nothat was six weeks six weeks five or sixweeks yeah um sweet so again would loveyou all to join in on that so make surecheck the show notes become a athleteathlete athlete click the support uslink and become an athlete is a properthe proper phrasing yes okay let's canyou tell everybody please about yourbarefootshoes yes Ican um so I don't have you are yougetting pumped Barefoot Sho becausethey're not even slightly in my wheelHouse of interest you buy weird HealthProducts so of course the internet'sgoing to be like this is a weird Healththing this guy's going to like it okay Ididn't realize like you bought toesspreaders I feel like intuitively theinternet's like oh this guy has toesspreaders he needs shoes that can fithis toes spreaders I'm wearing my toesspreaders oh mygod um yes I am wearing my tow spreadersin my barefoot shoes uh so what arebarefoot shoes barefoot shoes arebasically very Minimalist Shoes like Ican literally scrunch these shoes upinto a bowl and then they come back intoa shoe so there's no support it'sbasically rubber on the bottom and I gotleather on the top just because I wantedto have good shoot like want them to sayclean I've got a few other ones thatmaterial and the they just get so dirtyso quick especially here in Melbourneduring winter um so I got leather supereasy to clean stays looks cleaner forlonger so leather top Rubber Sole butliterally no support uh and a wider toebase toe box so the end is a lot widerso the end of the shoe is a lot roundedmore than your traditional shoe thatgoes up into a narrow point whichsquishes your toes in which is reallybad for you really bad so I wanted toagain I'll probably get any advertisedbecause I've been trying to researchthese shoes for a long time what's goingto work what isn't what do I actuallywant a lot of them look pretty bad yeahso ugly like when you told me you weregetting bare foot shoes and Jack goes doyou want me to get you a pair I was likeabsolutely not absolutely not but theseones aren't that bad no they look likeany other skate kind of shoe like a NikVibes New Balance like skate Vibes umyou could get it's a little less chunkyyou can get more those sort of vibeshoes but again I just want the leatherones just for bit moredurability um because before these soI'm obviously on my feet a lot with myjob and I work out and I walk a bit andall that sort of stuff I was getting alot of pain in my foot in my calf so Ijust thought I just always had tightcalves like I was just get like mycarves are generally always tight but itgot to the point where I was gettingaching carves and my feet were aching aswell at night by the end of the day andthat's why I got the toe spread as so atnight spread the toes out it sort ofhelps feet feet relax it's not weirdit's weird um only fanslink um it's not weird so at night I'llwould do that and actually feel like myfoot would relax so I was like oh thatfeels good so I might as well try andget some shoes that allow my feet toopen up and I was worried when I firststarted wearing these thatbecause if you're wearing a shoe with alot of support it's supporting yourMuses so basically all the muscles inyour feet are not working so when you goto no support like you're wearing barefeet those muscles are going to startworking and I honestly was a little bitworried that being on my feet all day Iwas going to be in a lot of pain mycarves were going to get tight just cuzI was using the muscles more than I everhad before and it was actually theopposite oh so I thought my carbs weregoing to be worse my feet were going tobe worse until I got used to wearingbarefoot shoes but there was no painwindow at all so my carves actually fitfeel now the best I've ever felt my feetfeel really good and yeah there's no Idon't get that aching pain in my calvesand my feet anymore my knees feel a bitbetter my hips feel a bit better Iusually get so my quads and my hipflexes usually get super tight they'vebeen better as well since wearing theseshoes which is so there's no heelelevation so most shoes are higher inthe heel and like Drop to down towardsyour toeuh so I don't I think that because nowit's level that hit the hip flexes mustjust be working a little bit differentbut yeah my hips feel great like I Istrongly recommend everybody get a pairjust because of how good I feel now whatwas your logic in buying them the toebox was the draw card or because they'vebeen around for a while and it's onlyrecently that they've started to lookokay right yeah so now that I'm gettingolder and I've been wearing shoes mylittle toe is folding up into the othertoes so I've been wearing the toesspreaders to spread my toes back out sothat little toe gets some own own roomand I figured if I get wider toeboxshoes barefoot shoes the toes will beable to spread out and they definitelycan so I've got the toes spreaders in myshoes now M and it feels great andthere's still room to wiggle so that wasthe idea I didn't realize that it wouldhave such a positive effect on the restof my legs and my hipslike it's yeah I don't think it's aplacebo because you know aching painlike aching legs are aching egg legs soyeah I'd strongly recommend it for thosethat are on their to be honest so youwear them to work do you work out inthem can you do cardio in them so I haveI wear them pretty much all the timeexcept for when we walk the dogs becausedog parks are rank the dog dog parks aregross and no one picks up after theirdog so I don't don't wear those thesenice shoes in that thatsituation I wear them in the gym mhm Ihave run in them a little bit fine torun in I like like it's like you'rerunning in bare feet right exactlyreally does feel like you're running inbare feet there is really nosupport when we did the challenge lastweekend which was 2ks of runningincluded in the whole workout I did wearother shoes because again I was worriedhow would feel you can get uh barefootshoes that are a little bit moredesigned for running so a little bitmore cushion and a little bit more uhrole in I don't know they're moredesigned for running So eventually Imight get a pair of those and going offhow good these have been feeling and youknow how much better I feel I'llprobably get another pair just forrunning in as well because I wouldreally like to start running in them butyeah strongly recommendcool you're not going to do are youmaybe I don't I feel fine though okayI'm 10 years younger than you remember II've got 10 years less walking done butI mean also my feet are smaller so it'seasier for me to have just regular shoeswhere I can go like spread my toes rightnow like the shoes that I wear to thegym I can spread my toes really and holdon to the ground to like because I feellike that's important for squattingespecially for me because otherwise it Ireally my hip if I don't spread mytoes and use my whole foot and the shoesthat I wear now I can do that but thenmaybe when they're like done I'll lookat getting barefit ones I guess but it'snot the I I don't know I haven't had thesame negative experience as you becauseI suppose my feet are not as wide cuzI'm a female and I don't get shoes thathave Slants I just buy flat skate I feellike cuz I just buy skate shoes you knowwhat I mean they're probably closest tobarefoot shoes I've always had tightcarves though true so it I think that'sjust a genetic thing so I did have thegrowing pains I forget the technicalname when I was younger so it's whenyour bone grows longer in your legsfaster than the sorry your bone growsfaster than the muscles yeah so it'slike stretching out your muscles andyour ligaments and it's just in likeyou're just in pain because everything'sstretching out so I did get that so Ithink like people that also got thatwould probably also have tight carvesand you know tight feetissues um so I think that could just bea genetic thing as well that I havetighter cares but they are the bestthey've ever felt just getting aroundday to day yeah yeah cool I do justthink in general flat shoes everyoneoverlooks how good flat shoes for arefor you because your your feet havemuscles in them so let them be strongyou know what I mean by not supportingthem I don't know makes no sense to meto wear super cushy arched shoes likewhen I was a kid it was like going toathletes foot and walking on the thingand getting shoes that was speciallyarched for your foot was such like a todo like a lot of my clients still go tothese places thinking that they're theexperts but just let your foot fixitself by wearing flat shoes yeah andthese people don't make money unlessthey sell you shoes yeah and there'scertain brands that they get moreCommission of so of course they're goingto push those shoes so um just bemindful of that as well um yeah allright do cool your next note processedfood do you want to good notes this isJack's notes Deo week barefoot shoesprocessed food my notes are like dietsquestion mark with 20 dot points YouTuberestricting access to Fitness videos forteens 20 dotpoints go on then what what have yougot I know exactly what I'm going totalk about so you brought it up no inthe last supplements episode yet so Kurtbrought it up about you know processedfoods with protein bars another clientasks about protein bars you know arethey processed and are they bad for youand then today somebody else is sayingabout the premixed protein shakes thatyou can just get it 7-Eleven andsupermarkets like that and he's likewell are they good and I'm like wellDefine good yeah exactly and that'spretty much what I said are like he'slike are they healthy and I'm like wellfine healthy yeah exactly so I and Iwanted to sort of bring that up to goover my answer and basically all I saidto him are you making the best choiceyou possibly can and I think that woulddefine healthy would you agree like Myou're just making the best choice likeif you got a choice between a chocolatebar and a protein shake yeah yeahthey're both processed they Pro bothprobably got a bit of sugar in it but atleast you're going to get protein out ofthe protein drink rather than whatever'sin the chocolate bar like it's justabout making better choices now is therea better choice than a protein drinkyeah probably but do you have thataccess to that is another thing it'slike how far do you want to take it aswell cuz like using that better choicesituation there's always going to be abetter choice but at what point is ittoo much like at what point are you justeating boiled broccoli and boiledchicken because that's like the bestchoice that you can make you know what Imean so I think it depends on thecircumstance but likealmost every week if I have a full dayat Uni I'll go through this thoughtprocess of like do I go and get achocolate bar do I go and get a mymuscle Chef protein shake do I get aprotein bar like do I get because I'mlike I don't want to buy lunch like thisis if I don't pack lunch like cuz Iusually do pack lunch but I'm like Ijust don't want to buy lunch but to behonest like a couple of weeks of tryinglots of different things seeing whichone makes me feel better because I feellike that's more important to to me thanis this healthy or not like how does itmake me feel so after trial an error umI I actually just go to a cafe and get asandwich and a lot of people when theystart their health and fitness journeylike oh sandwiches aren healthy likebread I can't eat bread but when youthink about it and they'll probablythink that a protein bar is more healthythan the sandwich right because it'sprotein but when you think about ithonestly protein bars are like5 $6 eachthey taste like garbage maybe they got20 gr of protein in it but you could goand get I don't know a chicken saladsandwich and you've got protein you'vegot micronutrients you've got fiber fromthe bread it's not unhealthy and you'regoing to be way more full way moresatisfied so I feel like yes it dependson like the situation but also I thinkit's important to reframe about what doyou want to get out of it like why areyou considering the two things thatyou're considering are you actuallyhungry do you need to hit a proteinTarget today are you trying to buildmuscle and like this is a critical thingwhat are your goals what are yeah Iguess everything we ever talk aboutcomes back to what are you trying toachieve yeah um but yeah I don't know Ifeel like a lot of people have beenasking about processed foods my mom thismorning actually asked me about BlueZone diets which are pretty much they'rethe the diets that are in Blue zoneareas which is the areas that peoplelive the longest that's right mostpeople 100 and more yeah um andbasically the Blue Zone Diet is noprocessedfoods but that's also all that they haveaccess to yeah in most of these placesmost of these places they're all growingtheir own food yeah raising their ownanimals like there's just no processedfood yeah so yeahum I don't know I feel like it's I don'tknow lately I've been getting asked likewhat's the best diet like what's a gooddiet to follow should I fast should Ifollow paleo tell me about the Blue Zonediet and I just feel like there is nobest diet everum and I really really really likeAndrew huberman's like mindset of justeating like a carnivore that sounds soforeign and I feel like it's veryunmarketable that's why it hasn't stuckbut it's basically paleo right so you'rejust eating like fruits vegetablesanimal productsthat's paleo don't what do you mean youdon't know I know I knew it one pointand I dived into it but I just can'tremember what it was but yeah I'm prettysure thatthat's that makes the most sense to meand I just don't I I understand but itannoys me how everyone has to be like Ineed a label for the diet that I'mfollowing and I wish I can't wait maybewe should just keep talking about it thethe omnivore diet I want that to stickso badly because it's the mostsustainable simple effective long-termdiet just eat like plants animalproducts minimize process food oh yousaid carnivore oh did I yeah ohomnivore omnivore sorry sorry omnivorenot carnivore um but and that's what allthese diets have in common anywayexactly there's no processed foods noprocessed so whether it's vegan likewell vegan I don't know vegans can bepretty heavily processed yeah well whatshouldn't be but again most successfuldiets that people get good results onthere's no processed food like minimalprocessed food I should say that's allwhat they they all have that in commonthey don't need a label like it's justmaybe you don't like eating meat as muchthat's fine don't e meat as much but noprocessed foods or you might like eatingmore meat that's fine just no processedfoods like if that was the one rule thatyou were to follow you would stay inshape without gaining a lot of weightever not having count your calories forthe rest of your life and sorry fastfood is included in this processed foodyeah like if you don't make if itdoesn't grow on a tree or you know havelife and then it like an animal M andyou cook it it's processed like althoughyou could go get a burger and it's gotthe same things you you're better offbuying the ingredients yourself andmaking it yourself yeah it's a lothealthier you know what's in it um yeahyou just don't know what is in mosttakeaway I have a question for for youwhat do you think about when choosingthe food that you're about toeat I guess at the moment we like Idon't know if we've intentionally doneit but we've gone into a bit of adeficit food deficit everything we do isintentional everything that I do isintentional um so at the moment it'slike will this fit into my calories andI say calories with quotation marksbecauseI'm not counting my calories but I justknow how much I need to eat to you knowbe losing body fat and maintainingmuscle so basically every time I eatsomething if I'm out and I'm not eatingmy normal meals for the day I'm like howwill this fit into my daily calorieintake at the moment but also how muchprotein's init yeah I feel like protein is probablymy main thought as well I tend to notreally eat any anything that doesn'thave protein in it unless it's likefruit as a snack um just because I Iguess I want to maintain build muscleEtc all of the things we talk aboutforever on the podcast but then I thinkthe next thing that I probably thinkabout is like what is this doing for meyeah whereas I feel like a lot of thetime people think about the immediatetaste or the immediate gratificationthat you're going to get from the thinglike not what is this food I'm going todo to my body because everything you eateither you poop out or it gets absorbedby your body and becomes cells that arethe human that you are which I feel likethat's there's not enough emphasis puton that right yeah um so I yeah I try tothink about it like adding in thingsevery day that are adding to my immunesystem or adding to my body in a healthyway so it's like for example forbreakfast like we haveand yogurt so the berries have like allof these vitamins and mineralsantioxidants Etc that we need so it'sadding good stuff into my diet and thenthe yogurt has protein so it's addingprotein into my diet you know what Imean whereas a lot of the time I justfeel like people are sort of either wantquick gratification something thattastes really good and fills them orthey're like what should I cut out likeinstead of adding in instead of addingin um I don't know I just heard thatquestion the other day I can't evenremember where I heard the question likewhy are you choosing the food thatyou're eating because also I think a bigproblem is that we don't actually thinkabout why we're about to eat likesomething that I've gotten really goodat is beinghungry and I'm not I'm not a greatperson when I'm hungry I'm not sayingthat I'm pretty bad go on I feel likeyou were going to say something but umhonestly I'm at a point where I preferto probably not eat anything than eatsomething that isn't going to add valueto to me or that's going to make me feellike you know what I mean like ifI'm starving hungry I would probablyjust noteat a chocolate bar or cake or cupcakesor whatever over just trying to quicklyfill the void because hunger isuncomfortable does that make sense itdoes does yeah yeah and I don't think alot of people out there are comfortablebeing hungry yeah and it's okay to behungry it's fine you're not going to dieyou're not going to die but I just feellikeeverybody's so used to getting foodwhenever they want it wherever they wantit and just filling that void that yeahyou can just get food anyway um I thinkthat that also helps with the whole whatdo I eat this process thing or not it'slike do I need it or not am I hungry ornot why do I want it like how is itgoing to add value tome like just one thing before you moveon a lot of my clients listening willknow this and probably don't evenrealize I do this but every time I'mtalk like have a session with them I'mlike what' you have a breakfast what doyou have for dinner always becausepeople don't think about it it's just afood is an afterthought automatic yeahand if it's an afterthought there'scompanies out there spending billions ofdollars to get your attention to puttheir food in your mouth and if you'renot thinking about it they are and theywin yeah and then you're going to puttheir food in your mouth and it'sprobably food so like I always talkabout it so it's like always oh Jack'sprobably going to ask me about my foodso like just even that being consciousof it so they're conscious of it andmaking even if it's just like betterchoices or just even going to the shopsto get groceries so they don't have toorder food online yeah just simplethings like that so maybe for all youlistening that aren't clients maybe justevery time you're working out just thinkabout what you have for breakfast whatare you going to have for dinner yeahthat's generally what I ask oh what youhave a breakfast or if they haven't hadit yet what are you going to have forbreakfast what's for dinner or what wasfor dinner last night not just bringingthe conversation about food and talkingabout food can go a long way yeahdefinitely okay let's let's talk aboutone more thing okay YouTube restrictingaccess to Fitness videos for teens whatare your thoughts on that this is a newthing that the past week has started topop up on social media that YouTube isgoingto um what's the word like sensitize thefeed of teenagers so that they are notexposed to Fitnesscontent um probably good but also bad Iagree because I feel like if I was ateen when you like and used YouTube inthe capacity that's used now I wouldprobably use it to learn how to startand like get inspired and learn tricksand tips and stuff like that but at thesame time I think the argument is thatit's going to create body image issueslike then a lot of the YouTube contentis unachievable it is especially forteenagers so I think the biggest issueagain this like everybody's feed isgoing to be a bit different wher we'retalking YouTube or or Tik Tok orwhatever everybody's feed's a little bitdifferent but the biggest thing I I seewith the content I see and then likeyounger kids teenagers early 20s in thegym is probably steroiduse a lot of influenceslike claim natural get great results geta big following and then a few otherinfluencers start call them out and sayyou're not natural and then they comeout and say yeah I'm not natural andthen they're like I'm on steroids andthen this is happening a lot at themoment a lot so then you know if all theinfluences are on steroids and I evenheard one guy say oh it's not that badit's you know it's just what it happensin the gym now it's basically just ifyou're inbodybuilding scene it's just normalizedlike well that's a very bad thing to bepushing like there's a big again it'sreally bad at the moment and I think thebad side of thing is it's justnormalizing it for young teenagers to gowell steroids are fine yeah I might aswell take and get great resultsespecially if you'reunder 25 and you're taking steroids itcan up your lifecompletely um but then if therecensoring people that are takingsteroids so you're not seeing it ormaybe say they they weren't to censor itcorrectly and you still see people thatare taking steroids but they are overcensoring the people that are talkingabout steroids because that's flaggedthen you're not going to learn thenegative effects of steroids so MikeIsel comes to mind he openly says thathe takes steroids but he also very clearabout the um downside of it and like Iwould like to ask like why why do youeven want to take him but he's veryclear about the downside yes he takeshim but he always States the downside solike I see that and I think a lot ofyoung kids would see that and go ohmaybe I won't take it but like you saidif if the word steroids comes up enoughin a video they're probably going tosensitize it and not show it to them soyeah but then like if an influencerdoesn't talk aboutthat then yeah will they get shown soit's good but I don't know if it's goingto work I think think that thecensorship is just a Band-Aid solutionto the problem because if we areband-aiding all of this then liketeenagers aren't going to be able todevelop a mindset where they candistinguish what is right what is wrongwhat should affect them what shouldn'taffect them because I feel like that'ssomething that you have to be exposed tothings that are good and bad to developthat ability to decide between good andbad for yourself so if we're censoringeverything then it's justlike it's a it's much harder to developthat skill I guess to make make a properinformed decision and also what the whatthe heck should we not be able to makeinformed decisions like don't you thinkwe have the right to have all of theinformation whether it's good or bad tobe able to then inform our own decisionnot that I'm a teenager anymore but yeahwell like and then like why all these20y old influences on steroids and thenwhy do all these other people feel likethey need to be on steroids like I washaving this conversation with Nathan inthe gym the other day I said like if ifyou put on 10 kilos of muscle lose allyour body fat yeah you'll be ripped andbig and muscly but your life's not goingto change yeah like it's not going tochange yeah like as much as you thinkthat you're looking like Chris Hemsworthis going to change your life it's not solike I think that's the question we needto ask like yeah like you said give allthe information out but why do all theseyoung people feel like they need to looklike Chris Hemsworth yeah it's a biggerissue than just what they're seeingonline yeah anyway good topic goodtopics plural topics as always we loveto hear what you guys think so therewill be a link where you can submit aquestion but you can follow that andjust submit your thoughts on thesetopics we'd love to hear you or find uson Instagram so in. podcast that's theone but if you're 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