The True Form Podcast
The True Form Podcast: Discover Your Strength, Shape Your Path
Hosted by personal trainer Jack, The True Form Podcast explores the journey of finding your true form—both in the gym and in life. With a focus on health, fitness, and personal growth, Jack dives into the intersection of physical strength, mental resilience, and living authentically.
Through inspiring conversations and practical insights, the podcast unpacks lessons on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and pursuing a meaningful life. Whether you’re working on perfecting your form in the gym or finding your true path, The True Form Podcast is your guide to becoming the best version of yourself—inside and out.
The True Form Podcast
Episode 206. The Supplement Breakdown: What Our Clients Say About Creatine, Protein & More
Welcome to the latest episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! In this episode, we dive into the world of supplements, covering popular choices like creatine, protein powder, and electrolytes. Along with breaking down the benefits and best practices for using each, we share real feedback from our clients' experiences—what worked, what didn’t, and how these supplements impacted their fitness and health journeys. Whether you're looking to boost performance, recovery, or overall well-being, this episode is packed with practical insights and firsthand advice to help you make informed decisions about supplementation.
Questions we asked our community:
Do you take any supplements? If yes, what are they and why do you take them?
Have you tried supplements in the past that didn't work for you, and why didn't they work?
How important are supplements to your goals and health?
How would you define a supplement?
Join the conversation. Have your say here:
Momentous Supplements:
what is up everybody welcome back to the In-situ Collective podcast on today's episode we have a Q&ASL informational podcast coming at youso instead of doing our traditional q&aswhere you guys send in the questions wesent out the questions and today's allabout supplements so we asked our InuCommunity uh all about their supplementswhat do they use what do they think uhhave they used any in the past that theydidn't think was important or didn'treally affect them so we've got a coupleof good answers here we're going to readthrough everybody's answers and give ourthoughts on their answers because not Idon't think we're always right with thissort of stuff there's a lot of new signscoming out or there's always signscoming out about supplements and I feellike supplements are very individuallike some work for some people somedon'teven though there might be research outthere show it's the best thing ever somepeople not might not Vibe with it and Ithink that is going to reflect in theanswers we got but first if you want tobe part of the Institute community andhave an input into these podcasts makesure you become a supporter of this showso hit the link in the show notes andbecome a supporter you can do it as foras little as $5 a month you can get awhat'saccess to the community like I wastalking about but also some weekendchallenges and all that sort of stuffand like I said you can have your inputinto thesepodcasts all right enough of that readyready if you loving our content but youdon't want to listen to 1 hour podcastsall the time and you're thinking toyourself I wish there was a way I couldget some really good tips useful tips inJust 2 minutes there actually is we havea newsletter and it's called twom minuteTuesdays where I just give you guys ashort sweet action-packed email um withbasically just straight facts some of mymy thought bubbles I guess and ways thatyou can improve not just your health andfitness but your mindset and generallyyour life 2 minutes once a week everyTuesday show notes sign up now back tothe episode do you want to give Leann'sfirst do you want to read we're goingwith Leanne first hopefully hand firstokayLeanne very short and sweet so I lovethat I take protein powder and that's itthe rest is a waste of money that's myopinion cold showers drinking lots ofwater eating good food and exercisedaily is all that you reallyneed solid opinionLeanne do youagree I mean I think I fluctuate withthe with supplements in general I feellike sometimes I I don't even takeprotein powder sometimes sometimes Itake absolutely nothing except forcreatine because big brain benefits andthat's probably more important thananything else to me personally um but Ithink you can achieve a lot by justdoing the things that Leanne said socold showers drinking water eating theright food and exercising daily can havea really big impact without evenconsidering supplements yeah 100% andthe thing is supplements are there tosupplement your lifestyle yeah and oneof Leanne's big things is trying to getenough protein and she struggles to getenough protein so hell yeah proteinshake each day is just going to help herget another 25 to 30 grams of proteinand if that's all she feel like sheneeds great yeah um I feel like it's allabout how you feel right yeah like youhave to sort of be in tune with yourbody for there to be even any benefitsor for you to maybe consider supplementsbecause if you aren intr with your bodyand then you're adding supplements andyou don't even going to notice if theymake a difference or not anyway soobviously Leanne knows how she feelsalready um and she is like high energyhigh output and whatever she's doingright now is working well for her soyeah and she notice if she takessomething it doesn't work yeah so that'scool um there are two that I'm going torecommend at the end so I reckon at theend we go over what we use and what weuse and recommend the most and that mostpeople should be taking on a daily basisso there's a couple that I think Leanneshould be taking so make sure you'rehang around to the end for that do youwant to go to Adams because Adamsactually repeated the questions that Iasked yeah true and they given theanswer so Jack sent out a list ofquestions to everyone in our communityso the first question was do you takeany supplements what are they and why doyou take them Adam says yes he takesprotein powder WPI 90 to build andmaintain muscle mass supplement diet toensure I get enough protein and use itto as a meal substitute occasionally asit helps me stay full when I'm on the gogreat great observation the next onethat Adam has is creatine to help withincreasing strength performance andrecovery after training then we've gotcollagen to help with hydration skin andhair Health vitamin D to supplement alack of vitamin D as I age and have lesssun exposure helps to maintain a healthyimmune system and liido I think um andthen magnesium aids with Muscle Recoveryand heart health Jack's next question doyou want to or you want to go over thesewe'll go over those first okay go on umyeah protein WP 90 we've talked aboutthat in past great option uh most peoplethat have some sort of gut issues oranything around protein usually go forthe way protein 90 uh it's just seems tobe better for most most people that havegut issues uh creatine increasedperformance and recovery after the gymlot of research to show that so muchresearch to show that so much researchto show brain health as well like inparticular with neuron communication soyou can think fast Act Fast sort ofthing yes I was going to again go withcreatine at the end collagen um I feellike we don't really I've doubled withcollagen for only thing I've noticed isthat my fingernails grow so quickly soquickly other than that I feel like weget most of the stuff we need throughcollagen through our diet so I don'tnotice a big benefit when we do take itvitamin D that's one I overlook all thetime especially here in Melbourne uhthere's not a lot of sunny days here inMelbourne especially during the winterand I remember supplementing vitamin Dlast winter when we first moved heremade a big difference I didn't do itthis winter and I feel like I did noticethe difference what was the differencejust lowerenergy um I feel like my output wasn'tas high as last year but that couldagain I don't think that things yeah butagain depending on where you live Ithink vitamin D is one of the bigoverlooked ones yeah so good onemagnesium uh I am a big fan of magnesiumjust because I get a lot of musclecramps and so many muscle cramps I feellike I'm the most dehydrated person inthe world most of the time so magnesiumjust helpsme I I think it helps with that I dothink it helps with my recovery bit aswell um I do notice when I go on and offit if I don't have it I do notice it soit's one of those ones where like I feellike it does make a difference for meand there's also different kinds thoughAdam said that he's using the one thataids with Muscle Recovery and hearthealth magnesium citrates Ibelieve I don't really know yeah becausethere's one that helps with smoothmuscles so like digestion and periodpain and then there's the one that helpswith sleep which is[Music]magnesium eight which is what Hues talksabout all the time and then there's onethat helps with Muscle Recovery andheart health which I think is the mostcommon one that you can buy like in thesupermarket this magnesium citrate solike all three I think have a place aswell yeah so I use if you go to optimoseverybody listening and you're wantlooking for a magnesium this is actuallyum a recommendation through one of myclients I forget what it's actuallycalled but it'smagnet mag I don't know there's likeeight different magnesiums in it so itjust covers everything so that's the oneI take uh it doesn't have 3 andate in itMH uh but we'll touch on 3 and eight atthe end cuz we we went through a bit ofa f of having that so I'd like to getyour thoughts on the Magnesium 38 at theend the weird one that we were takingbefore bed okay um all right nextquestion that I asked um have you triedsupplements in the past that didn't workfor you and why didn't they work Adamsays yes pre-workout drinks and powdersmade me feel agitated shaky and impededmy workout agree yeah and I I want tothrow this question in there to see whatpeople actually said because againunless you're actually in tuned withyour body you don't know if they'reworking or not yeah but yeah pre-workoutI think is the most controversial onewhether it does something or notgenerally from General Public I'd sayit's not really worth your money you'rebetter off spending money on betterquality food or something like that umwait pre-workout pre-workouts yeah againI've tried pre-workouts here and therethe main active ingredient that actuallyhelps you get something out of theworkout is caffeine I'd prefer just tohave a Cofebeforehand um obviously a lot of themhave betaalanine what's the other one I can'tremember the other one so it basicallygives you the itchy itchy skin typething and everybody's like ah thepre-workouts kicking in beta alaninedoesn't really again for the generalpublic doesn't isn't really going togive you much benefit again not much tosort ofgive you any benefit in thegym um again it all comes back to thecaffeine content in it and that could bewhat upset Adam's stomach as well likeif you have a pre-workout and it's got200 milligrams of caffeine in it on anempty stomach yeah it's probably goingto go straight through you yeah sothat's also a thing to look at but as wealways talk about good carbohydratesbefore a workout and a coffee is goingtodo just as much cheaper too better foryou more nutrients everything um okayhow important are supplements to yourgoal's health or whatever you to whoathis is so illiterate of you howimportant are supplements to your goalsHealth basically um Adam says veryimportant as he gets older my bodyproduces less and less of the good stuffI need to maintain my health do youagree withthat yeah yes and no againpretty much most things can be achievedthrough real foods but as you get oldersay let's talk about protein so as youget older your body doesn't absorbprotein as well so a 60-year-old isn'tgoing to absorb the same like if they ifyou get a 20-year-old of protein shakeand a 60-year-old protein shake the 20-yold is going to absorb pretty much allof it the 60-year-old probably isn't soit is very important to get enoughprotein as you get older um and and thatcould be this like again we don't reallyknow I know there's probably people outthere but saying this study and thisstudy I could you could almost blanketthat across all macronutrientsmicronutrients as well so your bodymight not absorb vitamin C like it didwhen you're 20 so yeah I I think it'sgood it's important to supplement alittle be a bit wiser with yoursupplements as you get older to keepthings at a good level yeahand then Adam's definition of asupplement is the last thing we have Ithink this is a great definition soanything taking regularly as an additionto your regular regime to either enhanceperformance and health or increase theamount of something that you need orsomething you may be lacking for OptimumHealth yeah literally it couldn't havesaid it any better right perfect perfectwho should we go to next uh let's go Kurand then we'll do um Gus last okay alsoall the ladies out there don't forget tosubmit your it was pretty much all guysthis weekan um okay Kurt Kurt's Kurt has got someum what do we call them adaptogens whichwe used to talk about a lot on thepodcast but we haven't lately so I feellike this is a great um topic to coverso Kurt says I take Lion's man andturkey tail mushroom supplements dailyas an insurance policy for gut healthbrain health anti-cancer properties butdo they actually do anything I don'ttest or have anybaselines good question because we usedto take adaptogens religiously right westill do weDoon Mason no that that's that's adifferent one right is it called Mason'smushrooms the gut health and immunetonic yeah so that's about fourdifferent mushrooms five differentmushrooms in one but in comparison tohow we used to take them yeah trueminimal umso firstly let's go over Lions manbriefly really good for cognitivefunction um and brain health because ithelps stimulate the production of nervegrowth in your brain um and themaintenance and survival of neurons soit's going to help you with your likememory cognition reaction time all ofthose kinds of things um also hasneuroprotection properties there's notas many studies on things likeadaptogens and I don't know why that'scrazy because they're natural right theycome from like roots and plants andstuff like that um and I think it couldbe because like they're not aspowerful as what you can get fromsomething made in a lab like mostsupplements you know what I mean likeyou have to take them regularly andconsistently to get a bigger benefitfrom them whereas some supplements inyour Bloods they might come up a lotsoonerbecause they're like a lotmore what's the word like they're madeto have an impact as soon as possibleright um so anyway neuroprotection sohelps with the degeneration of yourbrain very important for things likeAlzheimer's disease and dementia um andanti-inflammatory properties aswell I don't know what more to say aboutL me again adaptogens and supplementsprobably they being thrown in the samecategory but they are a little bitdifferent so supplements again sort ofsupplement what you're eating so top upthe protein intake I guess you could saywhere adaptogens help your body to adaptto certain things mhm so like lines mainhelps with stress yes basically but mostof its like benefits are counteractingthe negative effects of stress rightyeah um so I think adap are great Ihave um radiola and I can't remember theother one Shandra yeah is that it yep sothat oneagain it's hard like says that hedoesn't really have a test or a baselineto work off with the turkey tail andliines man and all that sort of stuffit's very hard to tell but I notice theone like I take the what did yousay Shandra Sandra and radiola as a mixfor anxanxiety and I I I definitely notice whenI don't take it and I do take it butalso as a pre-workout no no so I stoppedtaking it for a pre-workout cuz I Ididn't reallyso again good question Andrew hubman anda couple other I guess influencers weresaying that it's really goodfor um radial is really good forworkouts giving you extra energy boostall that sort of stuff and again thereis a little bit of research there butwhen I dived into it it actually spikesit reduces your cortisol so I didn'tknow like when you work out you wantyour cortisol levels to be higher tohelp your body adapt or reduce stress inthe body but then if radiola is doingthe opposite and it's bringing yourcortisol down then are you I don't knowwhat if you're having pre-workout orcaffeine and it's too high so you're notnecessarily like if I have too muchcaffeine before the gym what a waste oftime you know what I mean like I can'tlike I guess reduce my heart rate itfeels like my heart rate's too high andI can't focus as efficiently as I couldif I found the right amount of caffeineso maybe if like someone's having toomuch m preor orcaffeine situation radi could bebeneficial again it's so individualthough yeah and like you said dosagesyeah but radiola is a root an extractfrom a root so you know how much youabsorb compared to how much I absorbcould be completely different so it'ssuper hard to tellum and like i' all I'd say is try andget good quality stuff the you knowwhat you pay for is what you get so ifyou're getting the cheapest lines mainout there you're probably not gettingall lines main or it could be from apretty shitty source so just try and getit from a good qualitySource um it's the best way to know ifit's actually going to be doingsomething cool y um the other one wasturkey tail for immune support highlyagree with that um it has a lot ofimmune boosting quotation marks umbenefits it just helps your immunesystem respond more efficiently andfaster to like pathogens um and it alsohas been shown to be good for gut healthbecause it is Prebiotic so it supportsdigestion and all of the good bacteriain your gut this is turkey tail by theway did I say that yep okay um and thenalso turkey tail I feel like alladaptogens do seem to haveanti-inflammatory effects but turkeytail also is shown to be a goodanti-inflammatory as well so I don'tnecessarily see a bad or a downside totaking adaptogens especially if you havelike a highly stressed life um onlyupsides I guess the expense of them CUthey're kind of expensive they are againbecause they are from a natural sourcesome people could have allergiesallergens allergies allergies to them solike be careful of that as well so ifyou start taking turkey tail and you'restarting to break out in rashes orsomething like that it could be an allsome sort of allergicreaction um to the turkey tail itself sothat can happen aswell cool um but a good one to considernevertheless okay next Kurt has proteinbars if these are supplement they havebecome my daily alternative to a cupcakethat's 10 out of 10 um often with 20 grof protein but do they do anything orare they worse for me I.E theingredients include emulsifiers EtcMaybe mushrooms will fight the badingredients I mean that's that's a validhypothesis that you're counteractingthat um I think protein bars inreplacement of a cupcake incrediblereally good Imean both are going to have notfavorable ingredients right whether youhave a cupcake or a protein bar maybe acupcake would have depending are youmaking these cupcakes like where arethey coming from are you buying thecupcakes from woolies are they just likeflour water butter I don't really knowhow make cupcakes or whatever goes intoa cupcake um because those ingredientsaren't necessarily bad but the cupcakedoesn't have any protein in it so it'sjust like you have to sort of weigh thebenefits and the cost of these thingspersonally because maintaining muscleand building muscle is like a priorityto me I would probably choose a proteinbar as a daily snack over a cupcake evenif it had some less than idealingredients in there but you can stillfind protein bars is it a decent imprprotein that don't have too many um likepreservatives and numbers right yeahyeah I was going to say exactly the samethinglike if you're making your own cupcakesthey're 10 times better better thanbuying it in store somewhere if you makeyour own protein bars they're way betterthan buying them but it's just like wehad this conversation a client boughtthis up the other day at what points isprocessed foods bad for you yeah and Iguess it's just a never ending like it'sjust at what point do you want tostop um I think it's on a I feel likeit's on a spectrum so like the Spectrumin relation to protein bars could belike the red end or the bad end of thespectrum is um like protein bars thathave like the worst source of proteinheaps of preservatives heaps of sugar umpoorly made Etc and then the green endor the quote unquote good end of thespectrum would be you having like achicken breast instead of a protein barright and you just have to find where onthe Spectrum this could go for any fooditem um you want to sit and likedepending on circumstances you mightmove up and down the Spectrum yeah onwhat is available to you at the timeright um but I don't think that younecessarily have to be in one at one endor the other end you can Flex betweenthe both and it just depends on whatyour goals are yeah just whatever you'recomfortable with cuz even with thechicken breast you can put that on in awhole another scale you know do you getit from the supermarket do you get itfrom the butcher is it organic are youraising that chicken yourself andbuttering it yourself like you know whatI mean like that it can just go foreverand then you know what are you feedingthat chicken and it just can keep goingforever so again just like you got tomake your own choices and decide foryourself what you think a healthy amountof preservatives and all that sort ofstuff are yeah mbut yeah I thought that was a goodexample thanks K cool shall we move onto Bradley let's do it okay so Bradleyand Gus also wanted to know what thebenefits of creatine are and how youshould take it or who should takecreatine um so Bradley's been taking itfor two weeks I'm excited to see I feellike Bradley's aware ofhis body um so I'm excited to see whathe if he noticed any difference socreatine for some reason for what is thereason some unknown reason creatine isthe most research supplement inexistence because it does give youathletic performance and it's legalmoney in it so yeah so it's legal so allsports people can take it and then umwhich means they get performance so anysort of performance in the high levelsport equals Millions and billions ofdollars so they research the absolute[ __ ] out of it okay well that's in ourfavor that's is in our benefit sofirstly um I guess we'll touch on thecognitive performance benefits so itactually helps provide energy to your NEneurons so that you can have bettercognitive performance so that you can befaster more alert more have more clarityum better memory better reaction timelike all of the sports things um ifhelps with the preservation of neuronswhen you sleep so usually when you go tosleep there's like a a pruning processthat kind of happens and any neuronconnections that you don't need orhaven't used for a long time or thatyour brain can't maintain get wipped outso it helps keep those connectionsstronger and fresh for longer so there'sbrain benefits then there's muscle massand strength benefits because it alsoprovides your body with energy so youcan put more output into your workoutsum I guess more effort so if you'reputting in more effort or more powerthen you're going to get better resultsfrom the gym because you're tryingharder right yeah exactly um and thenthereis the neuroprotection benefits as wellsame as turkey tail um and there's so soso much research emerging now aboutcreatine helping with brain disease likeAlzheimer's disease and and dementia andthat taking creatine can actually helpoffset symptoms super early which Ithink I don't know I feel like it's veryoverlooked right now especially maybe isit my generation is it Australia I don'tknow but I feel like with Scream andstress in our lives like in society nowI feel like it could like it's might itmight be overlooked how much of anegative effect it's going to have onour long-term brain healthso anything you can do like as simple astaking a little bit of creatine each dayif that could offset some of thenegative effects why not right you'regoing to get stronger you're going to befaster in the gym you're going to beable to think better you're going tosleep better you're going to have betterbrain health am I missing anything um Ione reason I again Leanne at the startsaid she doesn't take it but I'drecommend she would because forpostmenopause women it's good for bonedensity M so if you go to soanybody out there if you've come acrossa supplement adap anything you thinkabout taking and go to examine.comtype it in it's a good resource to haveit's very unbiased it pulls up everymost research that's ever done on it soagain you can put creatine in there andif you scroll down a little bit there'sone about bone density and how creatineactually helps with bone density soagain bone density is a big issue inlater not just women but men as well inlater adultsso again what's there's not manydownsides to it creatine doesn't workfor 20% of thepopulation so you know even if itdoesn't really again what works and whatdoesn't work you might not notice itworking but if it's like you said alittle tiny percentage that's going tostop you from getting Alzheimer's orsomething like that it's pretty cheapyeah it's not hard to take I think it'sworth it personally it makes mefeel like better focus wise um and theability to maintain concentration forlonger durations cuz like sometimes Ijust stop taking everything that we takejust to see what happens y um and thenwhen I come back to creatine I always mybrain just feels nicer yeah and wealways say that like go on it for acouple months and then go off it for acouple months see if you notice anydifference yeah um okay so how to takeit generally three to five grams is theaveragerecommendation a day um there is thisreally great podcast calledneuro oh God why have I forgotten itthis is bad I haven't had any creatinetoday no um I'll link I'll link it belowbecause she all she talks aboutbasically is brain health and athleticperformance but some research that she'sa part of has been coming out showingthat 5 to 20 G A Day upwards the morethe better um but if you're starting outif you're just trying it then five gramsa day perfect and I think for timingideally best take and postworkout but I don't think it reallymatters that much I think it's moreimportant that you take it daily thanyou take it at a specific time your bodystores it and uses it when it needs ityeah so it doesn't really matter whenyou take it um but yeah I'd say like forthe bigger humans out there like myselfmore than five definitely but the worlike again obviously if you got somesort of underlying issue health issuedon't be taking advice from us but ifyou're just a healthy average personthen there's no reason why you can'tsort of try higher dosages see whathappens M um I take about I think I'dsay probably 8 to 10 G again sometimes abig scoop sometimes a little scoop don'treally get too fuss on it um it's justmore like a daily vitamin thing for mecool um okay so I wrote down two commonmyths because lately I've been speakingto a lot of people about creatine umbecause there is still a little bit ofstigma around it that it'slike performance yeah that it's steroidsif you take it you're going to get hugeyou're not going to get huge definitelynot you might get a little bit more of apump after the gym because your body ithold it helps you hold a little bit ofwater but not much so the first one thatI thought was I this is crazy to me butkidney function um so there is a commonconcern that creatine might affectkidney function due to its increasedcortin um levels as a marker that isoften used to assess your Kidney Healthhowever there's no evidence that itnegatively affects your kidney functionunless you have pre-existing kidneyconditions exactly which if you do thenyou should always consult your doctorbefore taking any supplements right ifyou have any pre-existing healthconditions period but there is noevidence that creatine is bad for yourkidneys okay and the second one iscramping anddehydration so it was once believed thatcreatine could cause muscle cramps ordehydration due to the increased wateruptake into the muscles however therehave been no studies to support thisclaim in fact with proper hydrationwhile on Creatine it can prevent crampsI will second that yeah again forsomebody that suffers muscle crampsquite badly and always feelsdehydrated I notice it like if a goodmix for me is some sort of electrolytepowder creatine and the Magnesium all inthe one drink um if I can be regularwith that I know there huge differencejust in how my like body feels DEH likehydration wise and muscle cramps likewhen I slip on that and have a big dayactivity day and I know I've missed likeyou know the creatine and the hydrationlike I get muscle cramps it's thatobvious for me anyway again that's forme not necessarily everybody but I donotice it cool so we do recommendcreatine all of the story um okay nextprotein powder to supplement my othersources of protein like meat eggs yogurtperfect the perfect way to incorporateit as a supplement to the other thingsum yeah do we even need to say anythingelse about that no again it's proteinshould just be seen as a supplement towhat he just said cool next electrolytesjust started these two days in alsointerested to see how Bradley um thinkswhat Bradley thinks about these becausethis man is the most active human that Iknow so I'm sure that he loses a lot ofelectrolytes through sweat so I had achat to Bradley about this yesterdaywhat electrolytes is actually using mhmand he's not using a good brand Bradleyandthe um ingredients in the electrolytesaren't even close to what we like umwhat element or the one we have light Ithink light um there's 1,000 Mig ofsodium in it in a serve and the one he'shaving I think a couple 100 so he needsto have like what five serves to orsorry four serves to get close to whatwe're having so again this is wherequality matters and you've got to lookin the ingredients not the marketing onthe container or whoever's selling itlook at the ingredients um and compareit to others on the market and seewhat's good and what's bad don't justtake our word for it do your ownresearch and compare it so hopefullyI'll get Bradley onto a better one Ithink you'll notice it cuz yeah becauseit is crazy when I got sick what twoweeks ago vomiting I was like I Icouldn't stomach anything and I was likeJack I just need can you get me thehydrite icy pulse um because I justneeded some sort of liquid in my mouthand then I was reading the packet andit's like have three hydrite icy polesevery 30 minutes to replenish hyd oneicy Pole every 10 minutes so if you'reextremely dehydrated and can't getanything else in you're literally havingone every 10 minutes yeah that's howineffective they are um why electrolytesso basically they are essential mineralssodium potassium magnesium and calciumthat help regulate your fluid balanceyour nerve function and your musclecontractions so hence why I feel likethe biggest connection people are goingto have with electrolytes is crampsright because they generally do helpwith um hydration so that you don't getcrampsum yeah but apart from getting musclecramps also really important for yourbrain health cognitive function umconcentration and memory in particularbecause if you're your brain uses likeor your brain is like60% water uses 6 I can't remember somewhat is wrong with me today um but itneed it requires a lot of water tofunction I feel like even that alone isoverlooked like just everyone forgetsabout your brain like the things thatyour brain needs yeah maybe you needelectrolytes for your muscles but whatabout your poor brain it needs it firstum who should take electrolytes I thinkanyone that doesn't have a diet that'shigh in salt so if you have a dietthat's super high in processed take awaytake away foods like things that you'renot cooking so you don't really knowwhat's going into it they're probablygoing to be high in sodium um alreadybut not the most ideal source of sodiumbut anyone that's having that has thosekind of diets I don't know I I wouldn'trecommend probably adding in anyelectrolytes because you don't want tooverdo the amount of sodium that youhave in your diet but if you eat a dietthat's primarily Whole Foods and you'reonly adding a little bit in your cookingand you're exercising then 100% I wouldrecommend trying it yeah anything to addto that no again it just that is veryindividual like I said I'm a big fan ofit cuz they work quite well for me and Idefinitely notice when I'm on or offthem and I think if you are like ifyou're a Whole Foods athletic kind ofperson um and like getting enough waterin is a struggle for you then I thinkthat they're also good to consider cuzit's like flavored water alone is goingto help you drink more water and if it'sgot the sodium and potassium in it thenit's almost just like a bonus as welldefinitely um cool okay next Bradley wasthinking about athletic greens becausehubman goes on about them all of thetime so we haven't actually triedathletic greens we've had like a littleshot of it when we went and saw Andrewhubman live oh that's right so we' gotthe taste but we haven't taken it forlike in a consistent amount oftime mostly because we eat so manyvegetables like so many vegetables so Ifeel like unless you think you'relacking some vitamins and minerals likeone you could go and get Bloods done tosee what what's going on what do youneed more of two are you getting sickall of the time like are you lackingsome sort of vitamins and minerals thatare preventing your immune system fromfunctioning properly um three do youhave regular bowel movements or are youbloated all the time or do you have gutdiscomfort because if you don't haveenough fiber in your diet then all ofthat is not going to be working in yourfavor um the other thing like if youwanted to consider would be are youfeeling mentally and physically depletedall the time um or if you aren't gettingfive to sixservings of vegetables and two servingsof fruit so that's the Australianrecommended amount per day so if you ifany of those things like relate to youor especially if you aren't even gettingclose to five to six servings ofvegetables then maybe you would consideradding it into your diet but I think ifyou can get like all of your greensthrough your diet then thatprobably better yeah um I we spoke aboutthis a few months ago on a wrap up how Ijust did a deep dive into athleticgreens and there was just that muchcontroversy around it and bad storiesabout what's actually in it I wouldn'ttouch it personally again I think justhaving a couple extra bits of fruits orvegetables is way better and easier andyour body absorbs it better probablyuses it better but if you're somewherethat's struggles to get anything in yeahit could be a good choice yeah again itjust comes down like you know proteinbar or cupcake type thing like at whatend of the scale do you think this is atyeah if it's like you know this theathletic greens is better than a cupcakeI'm saying so you know if you're goingto have that or a cupcake have theathletic greens but again you just gotto decide on what you think you need umokay what about yba mate anyone tried itI'm curious yba mate is also somethingthat Andrew hubman talks about heaps I'mpretty sure he actually just made it yoamate drink in a can which is kind ofcool but probably can't get it inAustralia of course not um okay but ymate is basically a South American drinkmade from the leaves of a plant so it'smore like a tea than anything um it hasa similar cognitive effect to caffeineum in the way that it stimulates but itdoesn't cause like the Jitters I guessit gives you more I suppose it gives youa little less stimulation which isn'tnecessarily a bad thing um because maybesometimes caffeine can give you too muchand then you get like jittery and can'tfocus um and I think I believe that theincrease in alertness is more gradualthan coffee like you have a coffee andyou're like wow I'm ready to go whereasI think that you have a m is more of aslow burn increase um similar to greentea I was going to say that yeah yeah umbut it does also supposedly have a lotof antioxidant and anti-inflammatoryeffects positive effects andimproves metabolism function which isalso similar to green tea um so I thinklike try it I just love coffee too muchthat I could never have any other drinkthat can that um contains caffeine toreplace coffee you know what I mean it'scoffee ornothing anycomments it's a drugum I haven't tried I don't think I'vetried it I might yeah we you've triedhave you tried it we've got tea in thecover called wakey wakey and it's got ymate in it but it's not just that no soI've never tried it on its own and I'venever tried it long enough to see whatit's like what it's like so it probablywould be good for us cuz we do have alot ofcoffee probably anyway who cares coffeis the best okay let's this is it thisis the big one I feel m the last onethat we want to cover fish oil alsoconsidering this but never tried itthoughts yes yeah um I was anti- fishoil for many years so long so long and Iam kicking myself because it's one ofthose things where little bits over 10years add up to a lot you know a littlebit over alifetime helps your brain and your bodyfunction for a lot longer in later lifeand I made the mistake of I don't evencan't remember why but but some of it Iguess is true but fish oil wasn't thatgood it's bad for you bad sources allthat sort of stuff so grandparents takeyeah so I I didn't take it but then DrRonda Patrick has done a lot of researchin this uh if you're thinking about itnot sure about it it's worth diving intoit she changed my mind and and now Itake it every single day and we'll takeit for the rest of my life but qualitymattersmassively um so we've actually gone tomomentus whichis probably one of the most tested thirdparty tested supplements on the in themarket so it is quite expensive but insaying that we have two of those fishoil tablets every single day where thebest one we could get in Australia wasfour to six tablets a day yeah it'sridicso we're having a quarter of the amountbut it is more it's about the same pricebut we don't have to have six fish oiltablets every single day so um we stilltry and eat fish every single week uh wehave two or three serves every week butthis is just on top of thatbecause I'm sure you're going to explainit does it is a thing that di diminishesin your body so you need to keep toppingup the stores of it in your body I thinkif you aren't having fish like fattyfishso what is that mackerelsalmon we only eat salmon I don't eatany of the others if you aren havingsalmon at least twice a week then highlyReclike highly recommend having um the fishoilsupplement because like Jack said youcan't store EPA and DHA in your body youneed to continually be giving it to yourbrain and DHA is a for maintaining thestructure and function of your freakingneurons I feel like the um theimportance of your neurons is I can'temphasize it enough how much you need tolook after them if you want to be afunctioning human when you're older umso regular consumption emphasis on thatregular consumption of um fish oil hasbeen linked to improved cognitivefunction improved mood um and protprotection against neurod degenerationumthere's even studies starting to comeout about it helping with um mooddisorders like depression and anxietybecause it's so good for your brain umalso it's really good for your heart Idon't really know much about hearthealth um my mom had a heart scare soI'm starting to be like okay I guess Igot to do heart oriented things now umlikecardio but really good for um bloodpressure and triglyceride levels whichis good for the longevity of your heartand it's also an anti-inflammatory so itcan help with like if you're Aging inparticular like joint pain or if youhave previous injury it's really goodfor like the maintenance of those thingsas well um and that was another one Iwas going to recommend to Leanne at thestart MH um strongly recommend thatLeanne looks into those and gives thosea go again um momentus is the one we usemaybe we'll link it in the show noteswith we haven't got a discount codeunfortunately we're not sponsored notyet if they ever want to sponsor usdefinitely accept those guys um okay sodo should we just say what we what whatour stack is I guess for the day yeah insummary yep you want me to do it or youwant to do it um I was just going to sayright when you're looking at addingsomething in like we've just saidthrough this whole thing like everybodyelse who answered these questions hassaid they looked at what was missing intheir diet and they added it in M uh wehad Laura last week or the week beforecome on the podcast and PR pretty muchand same thing so she doesn't eat meatso she supplements uh couple ofdifferent other things we eat meat so wedon't need those supplements soeverybody's a little bit different justcuz we're taking them doesn't mean youhave to or should but these are just theones we recommend the most to ourclients mhm protein powder mhm cuzeverybody struggles to get enoughprotein in um again quality matters withthat same with the protein bars like ifyou drinking or eating protein and youfeel like you need to poop or go come upthe other way or if you're reallybloated if it doesn't digest properlyyeah it's a bad quality one yeah Chuckit out and spend a little bit more moneyon it it is worth it because your body'sactually going to absorb the protein umI will say I feel like recently all I'vesaid on the podcast is I can't find aprotein powder that agrees with mystomach because I and because of that Ihave haven't been having protein powderfor properly for what five 3 years maybeum but when we ordered our fish oil andwe ordered our [ __ ] for momentus wealso got protein powder and I was like Imight as well just try it why not likeall the other supplements are meant tobe the best oh my God it's the best itdoesn't even affect my stomach so beforewhen I was having like true protein orinsert any other protein brand even ifit was good quality and Australian andall of the thingsI still was so uncomfortablyuncomfortably bloated afterwards I don'tknow what it is with this momentous onebut it just it's like I've just had aglass of water which is lifechanging forme because I'm going to have the mostgains now no I don't know but just soyou maybe you're going to have to playaround with different brands moral ofthe story yep creatine creatine momentusis the brand now yep um again you mightas well spend a little bit more money onone that iswell tested well researched so your bodyactually absorbs it I don't think it'sworth going out and getting the cheapestcreatine a lot of people will do that goand try and find the cheapest creatinethey can whether your body's exorb it ornot or you know it could just be from abad Source it's not tested a lot of thesupplement industry is very unregulatedso just because it says creatine doesn'tactually mean that it's creatine umagain we're really plugging momentuswe're on momentus now so it's full fullytested third party tested so um I'mpretty confident in thatoneum and we've all been over the benefitsof greetin through this whole episode sodefinitely give that a research and athink abouttaking um and fish oil yeah they'repretty much the main three we take wedid well and you take magnesium I don'treally take magnesium um I was going tomention we tried magnes uh magnesiumnight yeah in these weird little gellike a Runners like a gel pack that arunner would have right and we just hadit before bed what the heck it literallyknocked me out like the best sleep everlike I fell asleep fast and I stayedasleep when we had it um you didn't rateit I rate I I still can't believe thefirst couple times I hadit I just can't the best way I candescribe it is if you got like dryingredients and you're making cupcakesand they all the dry ingredients in thebowl and you're mixing and mixing andmixing and mixing and mixing and finallygets to a smooth paste like thebatter the the batter is like smooth andjust consistent and that's what it feltlike after taking the Magnesium 3 and8so beforehand it was just like a bigbowl of just powder and randomingredients bra your brain and then Itake it and it's like my like my brainjust goes into a smooth batter and I canjust think properly and it's just Ithought you were describing how ittastes cuz it was kind of it kind oftastes like that as well true true um sobut you can't get it now right yeah andthat scares me a little the F we takefor a month I went back on the samewebsite to reorder it and it wasn't evenon there anymore wasn't even listed Icouldn't even search it so don't know ifthey just ran out and took it off orwhat happened Australia has weird umguidelines too though in comparison tolike the US for example um but yeah uhmagnesium 38 is definitely again like weexperiment with different somethingyou can get magnesium 3 and8 on momentuswhich we're probably going to do nextmonth right and um again adaptogens wewe take M Mason's mushroomsfrom what's the company called superFeast super Feast that just has a bunchof different like it's just one bag andit's got five different mushrooms in itit's just a blend that just covers allthe bases for us for those and then Itake other ones for anxiety and thatsort of thing oh my God you know what wetake a lot that we didn't talk about andthen we tell people about all of the allof the time isalanine but do you guys even need tohear about it again because we've spokewe did a whole podcast with a guy thatmade a drink that's fully based aroundAline right Aline I rate highly um againI it's an amino acid so it's probably inthe same category as creatine for safetywise all that sort of stuff um and ifyou want to know more about Eline yeahgo back and listen to episode 200Sam with Sam um because he created aproduct with Aline in it so he knowsmore about it thanus uh so great episode and a greatsupplement what um that's it I hopebecause shees that's a that's alot right yep umsweet if you're listening this long youprobably got some comments on thecreatine uh on the supplements as wellso what I'm going to do in the shownotes is leave the questions that I'veasked these clients that submitted theanswers and let us know what you thinkin the comments jump on YouTube ifyou're listening and comment there oryou can reach out on our Instagram initpod something like that or there is alink in the show notes where you cansubmit your answer without your name oranything like that and anybody elsesaying no but put your name because welike to talk to you we do like to talkto you um and when you do submit thatyou are submitting it to us not somerandom bot or person it is us behind Iam the admin Mack is the admin behindthe website so every time you inquireshe gets it awesome if you have made itthis far you've obviously enjoyed theepisode so first thank you very much forhanging around to the end and make sureyou check out another episode I'm sureyou'll love that as well and if you wantto get more involved with our InuCommunity then make sure you become asupporter of the show you find the linksin the show notes where you there's abunch of different price ranges for yourbudget but for each price price rangeyou're going to get something awesome somake sure you check that out as well andI'll see you all in the next episode