The True Form Podcast

Episode 202. How to use Failure to Succeed

In-situ Media Episode 202

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! This week on the show, we discuss how you can develop the skills to turn your failure into success.

Failure is a skill, and mastering it can set you up for success. We break down a four-step system to help you fail forward—turning setbacks into opportunities for growth and advancement. We'll show you how to handle, deconstruct, and use failure to set the stage for future wins.

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was that it good did you learn anything from that failure you should do the inos what is up everybody welcome back to the in-situ collective podcast on today's show we're going to teach youhow to use failure to succeed[Music]okay here's an interesting thoughtfailure as a skill what do you thinkabout that yeah I I like it like it'ssomething you have to practice you haveto practice failing right some of youmight have seen our merch like we havemerch that we give to our clients um andthe main part of the merch is fail moreand we often get question like somepeople straight away are like yeahthat's so cool like I love that conceptbut then other people are like like whydo you want to fail like what's thepoint of failing don't you only want tosucceed but I feel like it's sooverlooked that you have to fail tosucceed prime example I have a quotehere from Michael Jordan and it is I'vemissed more than 9,000 shots in mycareer I've lost almost 300 games 26times I've been trusted to take thegame-winning shot and missed I've failedover and over and over again in my lifeand that is why I succeeded M I was likewell because he is extremely successfulbut we only look at him for his successwe don't ever look at people like thatfor the amount of failures that they'vestacked up to put that little star ofsuccess on the top right yeah and it'snot likehe was failing failing failing and thenjust all success yeah still still wouldfail there's more failure in thatsuccess it's just those little bits ofsuccess sprinkled through all thefailures as well m so I think that youcan be like you can take it two wayslike you can be weak at failure and letwhen you fail you let it derail yourconfidence you let it break your flowyou let it slow down your progress andthat is when you're like letting thefailures take over your life or yourprogress or you can be strong at failureand you use the stumbles to advance yourknowledge to improve your Edge to learnfrom what it is and then to win at thenext thing that comes your way sobecause I feel like the word failure hassuch a negative connotation around itright like it only means bad but forthis episode and hopefully for the restof your lives I want you to think aboutbeing weak at failure or being strong atfailure and that's why I had failm morethat's why I wanted Filmore on theshirts cuz it's always about win moresucceed more do more just do it likeNikes is it Nike just do it yeah yeah sobut no one actually talks about thefailures like just go fail more and thenyou will automatically win unless likeunless you stop yeah so it's just moreabout just accepting failure as just anormal thing not that it's good or badit's just a thing that happens and it'sa practice like you said it's a skilland it's a skill that you have to Iguess you could call it like any otheremotion really obviously failure bringsup a lot of emotions good and bad happysad all that sort of stuff so it's justagain like any other emotion it's goodto ackn it understand it improve it andI feel like because it's inescapablelike it's inevitable in life unless youare extremely privileged and lucky tojust never fail or maybe pay people hideyour failures it's just not somethingthat we learn in school I think is alsoreally important especially in the sensethat like you get graded and it's likeyou have to try you're always trying towin at something in school and no oneever teaches you how to handle theemotions that you experience when youfail it's just like you are a bad humanbecause you failed because you got a fbecause you didn't win the track andfield Ras like whatever it is it's likeI feel like in school you just getlabeled as being as sucking as a humanand then it's really hard to break thatcycle as an adult because you get taughtit at such a young age so it can bescary to try things I think as an adultlike for example if you want to get inshape there's a chance that you aregoing to fail righthopefully you fail a lot of times atlike the small steps that you're takingto get in shape but it's a scary thingbecause you have to tell your friendsyour family yourco-workers your drinking buddies likewhoever is involved in your life thatyou're trying something different yeahand it's almost like if you they see youeating a burger or going out for beersit's like oh you're not trying to loseweight anymore you failed at trying todiet you fell off the rails at going tothe gym and that's like it's all it'sbasically public hum which is reallyhard to persevere when you experiencethat all of the time right yeah 100% Andlike go go on back to the school thingit's like when you're at school you getgood grades for the things you're goodat so you don't try the things you'rebad at yeah so you don't want to faillike because you're going to get badgrades and that's seen as bad and likeyou said you're seen as a failure sothen yeah you go into adult life and ofcourse you're only going to stick to thethings that are good for youthat you're good at and unfortunatelyit's easy to get good at not exercisingand eating a lot and being unhealthyit's hard to do the other things so it'salmost like you could get an F at doingthose but there is like and that's thething right there's no what is failurewhen it comesto trying to exercise and eat betteryeah I think you I don't I don't want tobe say any certain terms in regards tothis conversation but I think you likeyou said you only fail when you stopcompletely trying like if you stopcompletely trying to make any effort atall to do any kind of movement orexercise then I think that would be afailure but if you miss going to the gymtwo days out of four that you'rescheduled to go that you should not lookat that as a failure you should look atit as a learning experience like whatstopped me from going to the gym thesetwo days how can I improve on that thecoming week and not see it as such a badthing like you're such a horrible humanfor not sticking to the program becauseyou're a human still yeah and I thinklast week's episode where you spokeabout starting the workout week on aSunday instead of a Monday is a goodexample of that because everybody triesto start their week off right and workout on Monday but Mondays are just crazyyeah because you've just had two daysoff and you've got to start your lifeagain basically so just by understandingthat and working out on Sunday Sunday ina Monday it's like you're already aheadand it's not a like you've turned thatfailure into understanding and improvingyour life so again it's not really afailure it's just understanding a lessonyeah a lesson mhm yeah understanding youand what works best for you and likesome people might have a cruisy Mondayand be able to work out on Mondays andthat's awesome but not everybody's thesameyeah so now that we know what failure isand that none of you guys are failures Ihave foursteps that I gathered that I think willhelp you manage your failures maybe andideally in an Ideal World help you turnyour failure into success that's thewhole point we're here right anddefinitely if you're somebody thatalways freaks out when they you knowMiss a gym dayor has goes out for a meal and drinks alittle bit too much and feels like [ __ ]the next day and beats themselves upthis episode is for you right you justneed to it's not do or die it's not allin or all out it's just about learningfrom those values and I think that thisis going to you'll be able to apply thisto every single aspect of your lifehealth and fitness workrelationships professional success likeevery area that you ever have theopportunity to try something and everyarea where there is the potential tofailure at something you'll be able touse these four steps to help you use thefailures moreproactively sounds good shall we getinto it let's do it okay so the firstone is set a failuretimer not in the sense that you'resetting yourself in a man of time untilyou can fail like fail in this windowbut in the sense that once you havefailed give yourself a timer to feel sadfeel angry feel frustrated feel hopelessfeel like you are a failure like giveyourself a c a certain amount of time itcould be an hour say you didn't getwhat's the health and fit I'm reallystruggling with health and fitnessum examples this week say thatyou missed a workout yeah I guess that'san easy one I was trying to be morecreative so you missed a workout um andyou feel really bad about it you feelguilty you feel like you let yourpersonal trainer down you feel like allhope is lost give yourself an hour 2hours 24 hours if you want to just feelsad mad upset with yourself whatever itis and then once that time is done youhave to move on you have to forgiveyourself forget about the failurebecause it's in the past now well youcan't go back in time and do thatworkout it's happened so there's nopoint dwelling on it Victor Frankle whohas a really great book which I forgetthe title of but I think that it's areally good human nature book thateveryone should Rec should read I'll putin the description um has a really goodquote and that is between stimulus andresponse there is space in that space isour power to choose our response so thisset of time set of failure timer isgiving you the space to decide howyou're going to respond to the failuream I goingto change something about what'shappened in the past to make sure itdoesn't happen am I going to let thisjust derail any progress that I make inthe future and quit completely like ifyou consciously give yourself some timeto think about it then you canconsciously make a choice because I feellike often we fail and then we get socaught up in life that we like make makean automatic choice and maybe it's notnecessarily in our best interest becauseit's a subconscious choice and you'relike I suck what's the point of tryingand you don't actually give yourselftime to sit and think about why maybeyou suck maybe it wasn't you maybe itwas a bunch of external factors likestress work kids uni whatever it is andthen you can say okay it wasn't reallyme but what can I do to now change thedo what can I do that is actually in mypower to change a situation nexttime just a question on the setting thetimer how long should I like I guess aquestion would be my question I reckon alot of people listening would be howlong should I know how long should thetime of be and how should I know howlong it should be good question I thinkit depends on how big the failure is soif let's use a work example if youare no okay I'm trying to stick tohealth and Fitness examples it all tiesinto the same say that you are tryingto go for a promotion at work MH andit's been 3 months of you working reallyhard and being really conscious at workand you're so sure you're going to getthe promotion and you've like changedthings or you're planning to changethings financially in your lifedepending on this promotion and then youdon't get the promotion and you feellike a loser like you're overlooked atwork like you've failed you've wastedall of your time in that situation Iwould say give yourself 24 hours just tofeel [ __ ] and mad and sad and thinkabout it ruminate on it write about ittalk about it with your friends familycall people to discuss about it whateverit is just give yourself a decent amountof time to get over it because otherwisewhat I've learned at Uni is if you don'tgive yourself time to feel the feelingsor reflect or be in the moment ofwhatever the unpleasantness is then it'sgoing to keep like popping its head backup because you haven't fully felt it andyou need to feel it to get rid of it soin that situation give yourself moretime um until like it takes practice butyou will get to notice when you are likeyou've let it go maybe it's a smallerfailure like you've missed a workoutgive yourself an hour to be like I'm solazy I'm so stupid I can't believe I didthis I'm I suck at everything whateveryou're feeling be mad and then once thetimer goes off you'll be a you yourselfwill know if you that was an adequateamount of time or if you still feelreally angry then maybe you need to kickit up a notch and like write about it ormaybe you need to phone a friend andtalk about it because sometimes justthinking about it doesn't clarifyanything you need to slow it down andeither speak it or write it just to helpit be more clear so it's it's sort of anintuitive activity I guessbut just play around with it dependingon because this will be the first timeI'm sure all of you will ever have donethis in your lives probably givingyourself that window to feel failure umso just play around with it maybe startwith an hour or two and if you feel likeit's still infuriating after that thenchange how you're sitting with it andthen maybe need a bit longer maybe yeahit just depends on the situation andyour emotions obviously okay do youthink you're going to try it do youthink you do enough things to faillatelyum yeah maybe not like big failures bigfailures yeah but I guess the last bigfailure was probably Primal and Iprobably dwelled on that for way toolong yeah because you never because itwas a I feel like it was a never endingfailure because we kept trying and itkept failing but do you think I think Iwas failing forwards for too long mhmand it yeah got to the point where itcost a lot of money and a lot ofemotionalstress um that was probably like again Ijust trying to think do you think if youhad of say for example seen a like seensomeone about the that failure cuz itwas a life alteringfailure that you would have movedthroughfaster yeah I I I just don't knowwhether Iwas what in the in the time orafterwards both I reckon it probablywould helped to see somebody afterwardsjust to I guess get it all out and closethat book closure right and just yeahbecause every time somebody talked abouta local Council or something forprobably even now I get triggeredtriggered have stress moments about itum but other than that I feel like I'veput a lot of time and effort intoletting that go mhm and just learninghow to just take a breath and let it goit's happened I can I can't change itit's happened so stressing about it umdoesn't change anything but I think overtime that those stress moments havegotten weaker and weaker mhm so it hastaken a while but I've gotten over ityeah um I feel like it could soundheartless this set of time if a failuretimer as in like it's like suck it upand get over it but at the same timeit's also heartless for you to let anyfailures derail your life and ruin yourday over and over and over again so Ifeel like this this um technique is inyour best interest and it might not workstraight away like obviously you can'tbe like okay I'm giving myself an hourto feel failure and then after this hournothing's going to pop up things aregoing to pop up still but that justmeans that you just need more timeto think it through or write it down orsit with it so that's how you know howlong I guess you need and it is a skillit is as well I think you I've got aquestion but I'm pretty sure the nextstep's probably going to answer it is itsay step number two is to become ascientist okay do you think this isgoing to answer your question what doesthat mean once you've made it throughyour grace period it's time for you tonow learn from it so the grace period isyou feeling just feel the feelingsbecause I feel like in Australia ESPesally it's normalized to not feelfeelings right push them down and moveon yeah that was going to be my questiondo I try and change in that time periodor let it feel and then try and changeafterwards yeah so step one just giveyourself time to let it feel think aboutit think about how it makes you feelthink about how you felt at the time howyou feel now the distance between thefeeling at the time like when you gottold you didn't get the promotion andthe feeling now because sometimes wefeel like we're going to feel that wayforever but even from the time that youfail to the time that you are reflectingon the failure you already feeldifferent and just think that it's goingto progress continuously you going tocontinuously feel different about ituntil it's okay so step number two is tobecome a scientist um and the aim ofthis step is to view your failurethrough the lens of anunbiased unemotional third party sowe've given ourselves 24 hours to feelall of the emotions now we want to getanalytical with it and be a scientistthat's why I named it be ascientist because we're trying to beunbiased so for this approach you needto gather information like a scientistwhat happened how did it differ from myexpectation and then you want to analyzethe information what why did this happenwhat elements of my process might havecontributed to the outcome and whatunderlying insights from The Unexpectedwhat underlying insights are there fromThe Unexpected result so this step isprobably the best time for you to writethe first step if you're writing writelike crazy just write I'm so angry Ihate this person like how could they dothis like why just write furiously thistime I want you to writeanalytically describe what happened indetail like how you thought you weregoing to get the promotion what yourboss said to you how you felt that dayhow you felt afterwards just writeeverything that happened like a deardiary a day in my life Vlog kind ofsituation and then analyze why analyzewhy you think it happened what couldhave contributed to thisoutcome it is really important here tobe cold and emotionless as much as youcan um that's why we want to give ourtime ourselves time to feel and nowwe're going to just be as analytical aspossiblelike I don't know how else how else Ican make it more clearemotionless um just be as if you're justgoing through a movie and watching themovie yeah that's a good example yeahyeah um just think about it almost likeyou're writing a story if you need todisconnect yourself from the situationlike that more so to help it beemotionless but sometimes I feel likeall the time I know actually ouremotions um feel like give us a coloredlens so like if you're feeling theemotion of sadness and you're looking ata situation The Situation's going tolook really different it's going to lookit's going to be tinted blue than if youare feeling the emotion of joy then thesituation is going to be tinted yellowso same situation can look completelydifferent in two different colorsbecause of the emotion that you'refeeling so get rid of all of the colorswe want it to be gray plain gray look atthe situation for what it is I strugglewith this sometimesbecause I'm sure we all do it but we tryto be like Kinder or harsh on ourselvesso like if I didn't get a grade that Iwanted at Uni then I will immediately belike wellI did this wrong and I did this wrongand it's not fair because I wasdisadvantaged in this way and thisteacher didn't teaches right likeimmediately I let all of my emotionsdetermine what my outcome was when inreality maybe I just wasn't trying hardenough maybe I took the test too quicklyand didn't slow down and really thinkabout the questions maybe I watched thelectures on toped while I was cookingand didn't pay as deep attention as I dobecause I tend to try to stack things ontop of each other to be more effectivewhich isn't always as effective so youhave to be just kind of be mean withyourself I guess in thisstep questions I'll just maybe I'll waittill the end I've got an example okayfrom clients okay it's so real world andwe can apply those examples to this okayso step three then so we've felt theemotion we have got analytical andwritten down what actually happened andwhy it might have happened and now we'regoing to time travel into the future sobecoming a scientist requires you tozoom right in on the situation now we'regoing to zoom all the way out imagineyourself one year from the day ofwhatever your failure is you're in flowyou're celebrating your success you feelgreat about life and you lookback on the failure and think about whatmade you pivot what is the thing thathelped you changefrom following a trajectory of failureto now being in the winning positionthat you're in Now to S have havingsucceeded so you have to ask yourselfwhat actions did you take so this iswe're not at the we're not at thesuccess yet this is looking forward thisis using your imagination to lookforward at the success what actions didyou take to make it happen what changesdid you make in life after the failureand what behaviors mindset and routinesdid youadapt so this is still I feel like thisis very journaling I probably shouldhave mentioned that at the start but umthat's fine so yeah use these questionsand use your imagination you can justuse it as a thinkingexperiment you don't have to write itdown necessarily but I think writing isvery beneficial yeah I think it justdepends on the person or the severity ofwhat you're going through yeah um soyeah use this time I feel like this timetravel technique is even good not forfailures just for you thinking about howyou can get to whatever your goal is ingeneral so what actions did you takewhat changes did you make and whatbehaviors mindset and routines I thinkthat's the most important one in contextto health andfitness how are you going to get to whatyou are considering success because a Ithink a lot of the time we get stuckinconstantly like the the success but notthe actions to get get to the success sowe often think about how I'm going tolook when I lose 5 kilos or when I puton x amount of muscle we only thinkabout that we don't think about I'mgoing to have to eat 200 gram of proteinevery day for the next 365 days okaylike the little things like that are thethings that are going to help yousucceed and that is very important tothink about after you've failed becauseif you don't think about what you'regoing to change you're not going tochangeM good questions keep going keep goingone more yep okay so now we are takingaction now that we know what how we'regoing to get there what we're going tochange to do to get there we have to dothe things to get thereso I think in my experience the hardestpart of coming back from any failure isputting yourself back out there it's soeasy to just want to hide not trybecause we just learned from step onethat failure hurts it feels bad it'suncomfortable it's ugly it can bedoesn't have to be so now puttingyourself back out there[Music]um I guess you just you just have totake action my advice would be to set adate and time to start the new thingsthat you just wrote down in the previousstep so set a date and time to be likeokay on Sunday at 12 I'm going tostart meal prepping and then I'm goingto do that every Sunday at 12 for thenext 52 weeks and once you start theball rolling obviously there might besome Sundays you miss and that will be afailure but that's okay because you'vestarted anyway and you know that you caneasily pick it back up and keep goingyou don't have to go through all foursteps for a small failure like that butjust from personal experience I thinktaking action you have to almostschedule it in your diarybecause I know that it's really easy tojust say oh I'll do it tomorrow I'll doit next week I'll do it the start of themonth because it just feels nice tostart things from a a pretty Point likea Monday um so yeah if you can schedulewhen you're going to start taking actionfor the things you listed above evenbetter because all of the informationyou just gathered is nothing without anyaction right pointless you just wastedsteps one two and three if you don't putanything into actionand it also doesn't have to be perfectthe actions don't have to be perfectthey just have to be something that'smoving you forwardto what you just envisioned from a yearfrom today I I don't like we've spokenabout this in the past just never misstwo actions in a row yeah so back to themeal prep on the Sunday so if you'remeal prepping every Sunday and you missone just make sure you get into the nextone and yeah you might miss a few hereand therelittle failes but then if you like yousaid if you zoom out and look out thewhole year there's 52 weeks if youmissed 10 you've still done quite a fewFair few like 42 out of the year isreally good and that will be more thanenough to get you some results over thatthat year so again when you fail oncejust don't miss the next one so thatcould be a workout if you're working outevery day or doing something every daydon't miss two days in a row just makesure you get back in there um even ifyou're I think I think trying to do theaction but do whatever you can towardsthat action spoken about this beforelike just going to the gym and doingwhatever you possibly can in the gymwhether that's two exercises instead of10 that's fine if it's meal prep and youhave only got time to meal prep twomeals instead of you've still done theaction which is a success because thatis doing what you need to do you haven'tcompleted the whole task but that'sstill fine next week you might do all ofthem or a little bit more because youknow you miss might miss a few the weekafter so you prepped a few extras butit's just matter of just getting in anddoing whatever you can towards thataction as well so sometimes it can likeespecially if it's a big failure whatlifechanging thing it is quite scary toget back in there and dive into the nextthing but if you just do a little bitit's not so scary and then the next timeyou do a little bit plus a little bitmore and you can see where I'm goingwith that just those little bits add upover time again it's not going to makemuch difference over a week but over ayear or two years it's going to make ahuge difference and I think people justneed to give themselves a little Graceand time and just again zooming out andlooking at the big picture instead ofthose little tiny fowers along the wayyeah I also think did when Mariana cameon the podcast we spoke about nottelling people what you're trying toachieve because then it takes away it'salmost like you've kind of achieved italready I think in relation to healthand fitness that can be helpful for somepeople as in if you have decided thatyou want to lose weight you don't butyou're scared of failing you don't haveto go and tell everybody that now I'mgoing to lose weight and I'm going tohave lost five kilos by this date andI'm going to run a half marathon by thisdate you don't have to tell everybodythat a lot of time a lot of the timewhen youvoice your goals it can feel like you'redoing something towards your goalsbecause you're talking about it butyou're not actually doing any actiontowards it you're just saying yeah I'mgoing to do this and you feel goodbecause people are like wow good on youand in some situations that's goodbecause maybe you need the support likemaybe the people that are really closeto you can support you if you tell thembut not always so I think that if youdon't tell anyone as well that can alsotake away some of the fear of puttingyourself out there because you're justdoing it for yourself and you're justquietly working away on yourself becauseis your success doesn't have to beeveryone else's success like it doesn'thave to be thisbig announced to the world kind of thingbut at the same time I feel like that'sa catch 22 because if you don't tellanyone um and they don't see when youfail then maybe it's easier for you tohide behind your failures and notnecessarily keep trying as well so youjust have to kind of know what type ofperson you are and which strategy isgoing to work in your favor M that's ahard one yeah did you have a clientexample I did so um when I use examplesa lot of my clients reach out and saywhy' you talk about that this is andthis is a good example because I've hadit from many clients I'm not signalsignaling one client out in particularthis is just an example from at least 10different scenarios okay so um client isabsolutely smashing it meal preppingexercising doing what they need tosomething happens and then they justhave a breakdown and justwhether you know they just go toMcDonald's or go to supermarket and justbuy the junk food that they they loveand just absolutely smash it for anafternoon they generally see that as afailure M and they'll like they'll tellme about it and uh this happened whatusing those four steps what can we do toget over that one and get back on okaylet's say that it just happened that wejust went to mackers andif you listen to the last episode we gota Big Mac meal and we upsized with thenuggets and the Sunday and St chaos cuzthe chaos manipulated us and we've gonehome and we've eaten it all and now wefeel really bad about ourselves I wouldsay 2 hours give yourself 2 hours tofeel bad go throw all of the rubbishfrom the macers in the bin have a showergo for a walk outside and just thinkabout how youfeel why you feel guilty do you feelguilty do you feel like you failed doyou feelsad about it like what is it that you'refeeling 2 hours that's it once you'redone after the 2 hours you're going togather the information what happened sodid something that day make you feel mador sad to cause you to go to macers andbuy all of that food what was it thattriggered you to do that after you'vebeen going so well for so long with theplan um and why why was that your choicebecause it's a comfort thing is itsomething you used to do in the past umdid you just feel like you neededsomething salty and sweet had you noteaten all day did you have a poor sleepthe night beforeum just why so what happened to triggerit and why did that why was that yourchoice and then step three travel intothe future what would it look like inone year's time if you stopped lettingyour boss upset you with which causedyou to go get macers every second weeksay this happens every what every secondweek every month maybe what would youlook like in a year's time if thisdidn't happen how would your skin lookwould your hair be much nicer would youhave lost weight would you have moreenergy would you be sleeping betterwould you have saved more money um thinkabout all of the things that would lookdifferent in a year's time if youstopped doing this Behavior this thisquote unquote failure and then step fourtake action what are you going to do nowto prevent yourself from letting thishappen again this is obviously thehardest part this is the part thateveryone struggles with even us um is itthat you need to find a different foodto replace when you have to replace theMcDonald's when you have a bad day doyou need a like is there an alternativethat isn't as calorie dense and isn't asisn't going to make you feel as bad canyou when you feel these feelings likewhen your boss makes you really angryand you just want to go and eat heaps ofmacers can you just go for a walkinstead can you put can you make aplaylist for like I've got a playlistcalled stop being sad and every time Ifeel like I just want to eat a bunch ofcookies and be sad I just put thatplaylist on and maybe I do my hair or Iput that playlist on and I go sit in theSun or go to the gym or walk the dogsfind something that makes you feel goodthat isn't McDonald's or whatever it isbecause I know that eating these Foodsmakes you feel good in the moment sojust try and find something else thatmakes you feel good in the moment thatyou can have in your back pocket for thenext time all of this comes up toreplace that instead and that's hardbecause that's a future action like it'snot necessarily something that you canonce you've gone through steps one twoand three it's not necessarily somethingyou can do straight away maybe in themac's example you can delete the I'mpretty sure mackas has an order on yourphone app delete the app maybe you Idon't know whatever thewhatever allows you to go and havemacers try and change I'm not veryexperienced with McDonald's but try andchange those things um to prevent youfrom next time falling in that patterndoes that sort of answer the situation Ithink so yeah I think that's a goodexample I can send to all my clients ohgod um but yeah I feel like even likedon'tfeel bad or do feel bad feel bad forstep one feel bad for 2 hours or 24hours but don't feel like you're not anadequate human for failing because everysingle human fails I feel like that iswhat makes us human almostexclusively awesome cool I think that'sall that Ihave today perfect I I love that umobviously if you stayed around this longyou loved it as well so make sure youshare this episode with one friend orfamily member we all know somebody thatstruggles with failure andunderstanding it and just givingyourself some love and understanding howto get over it is a good place to startand help others so copy the show linksend it to one friend or family memberit helps them it helps us and it growsthis community which is awesome uh ifyou have any examples of fers thatyou've come across especially in thatlast example something similar to thatwe'd love to hear from you or if you gota question for the podcast you can hitthe link in the show show notes whereyou can contact us or submit a questionboth go to the same place us so if you'dlike to do that we'd love to hear fromyou and we'll see you all in the nextepisode[Music]bye youyou