The True Form Podcast

Episode 199. How to Balance Fitness and Work

In-situ Media Episode 199

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ Collective podcast! Today, we had the pleasure of hosting a yet another awesome human on the podcast. A long time listener, first time guest, Nathan.

Eager to get back into the gym, Nathan works a full-time job and had some excellent questions about training and nutrition that many of our listeners can relate to. We dive into nutrition strategies around training, especially for those needing a boost of energy after a long day at work. We also discuss whether a split program or a full-body program is more beneficial for someone with Nathan's schedule and muscle-building goals. Most importantly, we emphasize the importance of consistency—showing up and doing something is always better than doing nothing.

Tune in for practical tips and motivation to help you stay on track with your fitness goals, no matter how busy life gets.

- Creatine 101
- 8 Tips for Effective Meal Planning and Meal Prepping.
- Protein Powder Buying Guide: Key Factors to Consider for Optimal Nutrition:

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 what is up everybody welcome back to the
 Institue Collective podcast on today's
 show we are going to help you start your
 health and fitness journey or get back
 into it we have got a special guest
 today Nathan for those that aren't
 watching on YouTube we got this young
 man next to us who is going to help you
 get into your health and fitness routine
 so this is probably going to be a
 two-part series I hope it will be yes
 yep uh so Nathan is wanting to get back
 into his health and fitness working out
 just improve your wellbeing you would
 say yeah I think for Me Maybe putting on
 a bit more size as well um maybe bulking
 up a little bit more um it's probably
 more what the path I want to go down
 good good and Nathan is a long term
 listener of the podcast I am I am been
 listening for a while now so we've got
 Nathan started on a
 program you've had access for a little
 bit you haven't started yet I haven't
 started so this podcast is all about
 getting you started and then episode two
 I want to get you back on in a couple of
 months so that we can go over any
 questions y because I feel like mac and
 I have been doing this for long enough
 now we may be out of touch with people
 that are starting out cuz we like I've
 been doing this for a long time now so I
 don't know what it's like to start again
 or start fresh and Mac has been doing it
 for quite a
 good years seven as long as I've known
 Jack about seven years now um so again
 your eyes on this are probably going to
 give bring up a lot of stuff that
 resonate with a lot of our listeners
 yeah and help them so if you're
 interested in joining along in Nathan's
 journey and you want to have access to
 this program as well make sure you
 become a supporter of the show there'll
 be a link in the show notes you just
 support the show hit that one support
 the show literally whatever you feel
 like this show is worth so it could be
 $3 or $3,000 a
 month that' be nice but anyway whatever
 you think it's worth we'll I'll add you
 to the program so you can follow along
 Nathan Nathan's program it's actually
 the program Mac and I do as well so
 we're all going to be doing it together
 if you want to access of that jump on
 and then there is a community on the app
 as well so you can see everybody's PRS
 yeah um you know Mac and I posting in
 there regularly as well just to keep you
 all accountable little info things that
 we think will help you along your
 journey so if you want access to that
 support the show and we'll get you in on
 it as well yeah cool sounds good nice
 yeah how
 about you introduce yourself just who
 you are what you do where you're from
 just to give everybody a little bit of a
 backstory yeah so uh I'm Nathan uh I'm
 from New Zealand uh I've been living in
 Australia for a year now uh in Melbourne
 absolutely love it here uh don't was a
 Trader I'm a tray uh painter so I see a
 lot of Melbourne um I do start early in
 the morning and I'm on the road a lot
 for work um yeah yeah cool uh so so what
 time do you wake up in the morning uh I
 wake up at about 5: get ready I'm sort
 of on the road from about 5:30 qu to 6
 somewhere around there I leave just to
 Beat the
 Traffic um and then basically get into
 my day from about 7:30
 onwards and finish at 3:30 in the
 afternoon yeah love that because again
 that's what most people are doing and
 most people want to work on their health
 and fitness
 yeah yeah absolutely so what have you
 done in the past exercise
 wise sportswise I've played a rugby
 union when I was back home uh that was
 probably my main sport uh how long ago
 since you played a game H since I've
 been here I haven't played played a game
 so well over a year okay um but you're
 playing up until you move yes correct
 yeah yeah um
 and then probably just like going to the
 gymm on the
 treadmill uh the bikes Ro machine is
 probably how I've been kind of saying in
 shape y um have you had much experience
 in the gym before not in terms of
 oneon-one like as in personal training
 uh more just like friends showing me how
 to do things how they've learned and
 kind of just watching other people as
 well okay and looking at their technique
 I guess
 when was the first time you started
 weights uh I've been very on and off
 over the years that's all right
 um look I probably
 started maybe six or seven years ago but
 have had a lot of time
 off um it's hard going join rugby season
 as well you know cuz you're working
 training um just finding that time for
 the gym which is probably my own fault
 for not finding the time I'm sure I
 could have found the time
 um yeah yeah
 okay you had a few questions for us yeah
 yeah I did um I'll just bring up my
 phone I think the the first one I'm
 going to ask is I was at home and uh I
 was going to the gym and I'm I've just
 jumped on Korea team uh to try and help
 with my bulking and I really wanted to
 uh was feeling a bit bit down and um
 wanted the energy boost so I my first
 question is can you mix protein powders
 or can you mix powders like can you mix
 a Korea team with a a
 pre-workout C can can they can that be
 done yeah yeah yeah it can you can
 mix um protein powders I guess yeah
 definitely if it's sold on a in a
 supermarket it's pretty safe you know
 you know what I mean like or a
 supplement store
 you everything that you're going to be
 able to buy over the counter like that
 yeah in a supermarket you can't overdose
 with yes yeah but the worst thing that's
 going to happen is it's probably going
 to make you want to go to the toilet
 Yeah okay or Worse it'll come up the way
 it went in yes yeah you'll be so
 obviously if you've mixed something and
 it's and you've gone to the toilet
 within 5 minutes or it's come up back up
 you've mixed the wrong thing yeah it's
 the same as like you're not going to mix
 tomato sauce with lemonade
 but you know it's probably going to come
 out one of those ends yes yeah same
 thing it's all pretty safe um and a lot
 of people get scared of overdoing it
 with you know those sort of things we
 will touch on a couple things you can
 overdo it with but like you can overdo
 it with like tomato sauce if all you
 drink is tomato sauce you're overdoing
 it and you're going to be unhealthy so
 you can overdo it with protein powder
 like you can have too much protein
 powder and is unhealthy and yeah yeah so
 obviously moderations and not relying on
 it the one thing I will say is caffeine
 in the
 um I'd the program you're on yeah you
 don't need
 pre-workout yes you're going to want
 that extra boost in the afternoon which
 we'll talk Mac will probably go over a
 little few nutrition things to give you
 enough energy to then work out in the
 afternoon cuz I think a lot of people
 listening will find that
 beneficial that's a good point that I
 like again why I want to John um but
 having a pre-workout in the afternoon
 the main ingredient in pre-workouts is
 caffeine yeah like theyve got all these
 other bits and pieces in there and that
 like this one's got this and our our
 blend is the best cuz it's got this in
 it but it's Caff the caffine that's
 giving you the energy boost to it get to
 the gym or so there's a couple out there
 now that don't have caffeine in it that
 a few my clients try uh true protein
 have a good one that's doesn't have
 caffeine in it and apparently they they
 enjoy it and get a good boost of energy
 for the workout I'd recommend that and
 obviously you can mix creatine with that
 so creatine you can have anytime during
 the day yes creatine's just stored
 within your body and when your body
 needs it it uses it up okay so you you
 can have it creatine in the morning and
 then like doesn't matter when you have
 creatine yeah same with protein powder
 it doesn't matter a lot of you know guys
 are like got to have it straight after
 the workout yeah beneficial but or just
 before or something vice versa yeah as
 long as you're getting enough protein
 during the day it doesn't matter when
 you have your protein cuz I think for me
 as a Trader like I'm on the road early
 and then my my day is 7:30 I start work
 and then I have lunch at 11:00 which is
 till 11:30 and then I don't finish till
 3:30 so I don't eat and then by the time
 I get home I'm exhausted so I guess what
 I was trying to get at was if I mix
 Career Team and
 pre-workout yeah can you get the energy
 but still putting on the the gains that
 you want so that's what I'm trying to
 get at you're not and again creatine is
 advertised as a Mas Gainer bulking
 bulking things yeah yes but no again
 general public like ourselves yes we're
 not going to see bulking effects from
 creatine okay if it if working out is
 your sport yeah yeah you're probably
 probably will because you you're trying
 to find those one or two% it's just
 consistency is probably going to be your
 biggest thing of actually bulking up
 like supplements aside consistency and
 consistently going to the gym is going
 to get like creatines like this tiny
 little tiny tiny little tool Slither
 that would make a difference yeah yeah
 um but in saying that creatine is a
 great thing to have there's health
 benefits to creatine that there's no
 reason not to take it there's only plus
 sides outside the gym yeah so uh for
 those listening if you're curious Mac's
 done a good blog post on this so we will
 link it in the show notes go read do
 your own research there's some good
 research out on Creatine good your brain
 health good for body Health bone density
 for uh women that have gone through
 menopause really good so really good
 benefits to creatine bulking effect not
 so much okay um but still have it is
 what I'm saying yeah yeah do you think
 do you think for someone like myself uh
 it'd be better to go to a buling protein
 instead of a Korea no no okay no
 so Whole Foods and Foods
 yeah um it's all
 so yes and there's probably going to be
 a few people listening bulking prots do
 this and they do do that again talking
 general public if exercising is your
 thing and you're spending 3 4 hours a
 day in the gym and that's your job yeah
 let's look at it a little bit more
 seriously but for general public like
 myself yeah you're better off getting a
 WPI 90 or 100% way protein so it's just
 protein there's nothing else in it get
 all the bulking stuff yeah and stuff
 that's going to build muscle through
 food it's it's far more beneficial your
 body's going to use it better you're
 going to get better
 results um and you'll probably gain
 faster because the stuff that's in the
 bulking protein is artificial mostly
 it's just carbohydrates like synthetic
 carbohydrates so your body's probably
 not going to absorb it as good so you're
 better off just eating you more pasta
 and rice and veggies and stuff like that
 and meat yeah yeah yeah cool yeah cool
 thank you yeah do you want to give some
 tips on maybe having enough energy
 during the day to then work out of
 course do can you do you feel
 comfortable sharing what you eat for
 breakfast and lunch feel like that's all
 you have time for before the gym right
 yeah yeah yeah so um for breakfast I'd
 have a bowl of cereal uh maybe Corn
 Flakes um and then coffee my morning
 kick um and then come
 oh if I don't have leftovers sometimes
 I've got leftovers from the night before
 I take and reheat yeah
 um probably like two apples uh musie bar
 a couple packets of chippies um I've
 started eating like rice the rice um
 crackers oh yeah
 um yeah that would probably mainly be it
 um and maybe I might get a sandwich
 every now and again I very rarely buy
 lunch I try always take it from home
 that's good though yeah yeah maybe on a
 Friday I might buy lunch but very rarely
 do I do I buy yeah um but I think this
 is one of my questions as well because I
 don't have a lot of time to cook a big
 steak for example what what could I eat
 better maybe whether it be breakfast or
 lunch um to to support the games to get
 more mess I was thinking maybe rolled
 oats like um porridge yeah awesome yeah
 um it's so especially because you're a
 trade like we were talking about this
 yesterday and you're so active and you
 want a bulk the amount of food and the
 amount of protein that you have to
 consume is huge cuz I'm on my feet so
 much yeah just like burning through
 energy con up and down ladders climbing
 on scaffolding like it just yeah I just
 boom through and I think it's why I kind
 of struggled to put on a little bit of
 size yeah um for sure for breakfast I
 would say the probably the easiest thing
 you could change straight away would be
 adding some sort of protein y so whether
 you have Pro if you keep the cereal the
 same and you add a protein shake on the
 side yeah or if you could get maybe like
 a high protein yogurt like yo Pro oh
 yeah so then you get like 20 gr of
 protein I don't know if you want to have
 that with cereal or not though but like
 high protein yogurt and a cup of fruit
 or something like frozen berries is
 super quick and easy yeah yeah oats
 because like you could do rolled oats
 and add like a scoop of protein powder
 so it would be like chocolate flavored
 oats put it in the fridge and then have
 it in the morning overnight oats
 overnight oats have you done that before
 no no I haven't so I I do that
 occasionally when I'm working as well so
 you just get a container put your oats
 in there yes I usually use water to soak
 them um just because again milk like
 again it's probably not too bad for you
 but extra calories so mixing like soak
 them in milk the night before I usually
 put my b i I like my berries unfrozen
 and soft so I'll put my berries in there
 and then let that soak overnight and
 then all you need to in the morning is
 just put a Ser of yogurt in it so then
 the Ser of yogurts 20 g of protein the
 um oats and a couple of nuts are
 probably maybe another 10 G so that's 30
 g of protein right there yeah right
 there super easy super quick just as
 quick as like it just takes maybe 5
 minutes night before but you got five
 minutes at night just to mix up
 absolutely I've had a few clients
 actually do like bigger batches so
 they'll make like get a big container
 and soak say three or four and then they
 just scoop out the oats as they need it
 but like meal prepping and a
 away super easy super easy and you can
 put seeds and cheer seeds like as you
 get a bit more venturous cheese seeds
 all that sort of stuff so in through
 there um I've got clients that put all
 sorts of weird stuff in it and then just
 scoop it out as they need it as as they
 go yeah yeah but yeah but if you like
 like you said porridge before
 I've had it before same thing like you
 could just cook yourself porridge in the
 morning if you have time and then just
 add protein powder or yogurt just I
 think having protein powder or protein
 yogurt like handy to add to breakfast
 it's going to make a huge difference to
 your appetite through the day and your
 energy by the time you get to the gym
 yeah right um but then if you wanted to
 like try and take it up a notch even
 more you could prep something like mini
 kiches you know with egg
 bacon or like chicken breast and veggies
 in there and just put it in like a
 muffin tray and you cook them like cook
 a batch on Sunday and then you have I
 don't know four for breakfast cuz you
 don't you barely even need to sit down
 to eat them you can just um it's like a
 muffin you know what I mean eat it on
 yeah eat it on the go so even if you
 were to meal prep a bunch of those like
 you could take them for lunch as well
 just to try and get some more Whole
 Foods and I think more protein because
 bulking is yeah it requires protein a
 lot of just as a side note so I'd
 recommend just having your protein shake
 in the morning no matter what yes y
 um again I hate this sort of word
 bulking like just just building muscle
 cuz cuz there'd be females listening to
 this and they're like I'm not going to
 eat any protein in the morning cuz I
 don't want to get bulky and it's
 absolutely yeah we're saying it's like
 it's easy and it's super hard no and
 we'll get to this later in the podcast
 but putting on muscle is super hard and
 just putting on muscle can make you look
 leaner and and aesthetically pleasing to
 you and people around you I guess you
 could say so you probably want to try
 and get 50 g of protein in the morning
 so having your breakfast like mac just
 said and your protein shake even if you
 just take your protein shake on the road
 with you and you just drink drink it as
 I'm driving you're driving driving to
 work just getting more protein in the
 morning whether you're working out at
 night or not having more protein in the
 morning is extremely important okay um
 because your body is going to absorb
 more nutrients macro uh macronutrients
 all that sort of stuff in the morning so
 yeah you've worked out the night before
 but your body's still recovering for the
 next 24 hours so having that protein in
 the morning is extremely important so i'
 recommend adding that protein shake in
 the morning plus whatever Mac just said
 that Vibes with you yeah yeah I normally
 what I normally do as well is I normally
 for breakfast have my coffee and my uh
 bowl of cereal and then just before I
 shoot out the door to leave I uh
 normally have a glass of water and uh a
 teaspoon of creatine and I just mix it
 up and then quickly just shoot that yeah
 would just to add you I would just add
 you creatine to the protein shake okay
 cuz having creatine in the morning is
 the best time to have it as like if
 we're getting into the nitty-gritty it's
 the best time to have it because you
 haven't consumed anything for
 potentially 12 hours overnight so that's
 when your creatine stores are the lowest
 in the morning so then if you have
 creatine straight away then your body's
 going to use what you've just given it
 over what muscle is stored so that's
 better for building muscle as well so
 yeah if you could even if you still have
 your cereal and then you have your
 protein shake with creatine on the way
 out the door like you just said yeah
 perfect right yeah so the re the reason
 I think you're struggling to have energy
 in the afternoon is your breakfast is
 just burning straight off yes not enough
 nutrients and not enough protein not
 enough carbohydrates carbohydrates are
 everybody freaks out but carbohydrates
 give you energy yeah and if you're not
 eating that energy you're going to burn
 through all your energy during the day
 and then you to work out so you might as
 well keep that energy High through food
 carbohydrates throughout the day lunch
 sounds pretty good I wouldn't I don't
 know would you especially if you can
 take leftovers yeah like the snacky days
 when you have a snacky day where you
 have like apples and chips and stuff try
 find something that has protein in it
 yeah protein s high protein snack like a
 like a y like yopro pots of
 yogurt you can't beat them 20 g of
 protein and it's like 90 calories so
 it's oh it's so it's a good balance so
 if you could like just grab one of those
 or just have a bunch in the fridge for
 those days where you don't have a meal
 to take um because otherwise what's like
 a good
 protein lunch on the ghost yeah it's
 like cuz I've only got a certain amount
 of time for lunch so
 um again for you I wouldn't what you're
 doing is good good enough like you're
 not stepping out onto a bodybuilding
 show anything like that so I wouldn't
 change too much just like get a decent
 snack like Max said in even if you're bu
 buying lunch but still take one of those
 yo pros at least you bought lunch but
 you still know you're getting an extra
 20 gram of protein in from the you know
 what I mean so just might as well have
 it there handy um and then and then
 trying to get energy before your workout
 I would say
 I would say have a if you want to have
 something that gives you energy I would
 say have a coffee over a
 pre-workout okay just because
 pre-workouts usually just have a lot of
 stuff in them yeah um and the like the
 more stuff in it the harder it is for
 your body to like metabolize and use
 whereas coffee is just caffeine maybe a
 little bit of milk that's fine some like
 calories as well um but
 otherwise like try and get it from food
 I mean it's sounds counterintuitive
 because you don't want to eat before you
 work out but if you could get like a
 protein bar or like car have musly bars
 that have 10 g of protein in them like
 one of those in a coffee before you work
 out perfect perfect cuz you can eat that
 while you're driving drink your coffee
 while you're driving home you know what
 I mean it gives you a little bit of time
 to sort of digest it um otherwise like
 fruit and coffee like a banana or an
 apple or something like think fast
 carbohydrates are things that digest
 fast so any carbs that you eat and you
 feel like you could immediately work out
 a good pre-workout snack so like dried
 fruit yeah apples bananas rice crackers
 anything that like you eat and then
 you're like yeah I could go that's good
 and if you compare that with a coffee or
 what would the alternative be to a
 coffee what would your next choice be to
 a coffee probably mushroom adaptogens oh
 God that's even harder than a coffee I
 think I'll stick with coffee for me simp
 yeah for me I think probably coffee
 like there are yeah yeah coffee just
 again just stick with coffee yeah yeah
 we're trying to keep it simple for
 everybody out there um one thing before
 we move on from fueling for the day if
 you do get in the like and this is a
 good tip for everybody listening as well
 if you're find that you struggle to have
 energy in the afternoon and you're
 covering it up with coffee or something
 like that again coffee is very
 beneficial before a workout I'm not
 saying don't do that coffee is great
 before a workout gives you like the
 energy the results from coffee uh
 creatin massively so coffee is good but
 if you find that you need an energy
 drink or this or that during the
 afternoon just to get through or give
 you enough energy for the afternoon
 you're doing something wrong so stop
 masking it and figure out what's
 happening you where you're going sort of
 wrong yeah so it might be like yeah
 you're struggling in the afternoon but
 it could be all the way back to not
 having a glass of water when you wake up
 in the morning so it's like just try to
 you know be mindful of those things as
 well okay you know what I mean I think
 for me in my story maybe like breakfast
 I could get the breakfast maybe going a
 bit better yeah um and and then and it's
 just trial and error as well don't feel
 like you know day one tomorrow
 morning and you know you you've you you
 prepped the best you prepped the best
 breakfast and then tomorrow afternoon
 you got a energy slump don't go oh well
 doesn't work just give it time something
 hang in there give yeah yeah before we
 move what about salt because like I feel
 like Nathan would be kind of sweaty
 active job right so you probably burn
 through a lot of electrolytes do you
 feel like you drink enough water
 throughout the day cuz that affects your
 energy massively if I'm honest I
 probably could drink more in winter time
 in winter time I don't because yes I am
 working and yes I probably am a little
 bit hot and sweey but not to the extent
 summer/ spring or spring/ summer time um
 and summer time yes drink a lot of water
 but that's because you it's 30 something
 deg um so yeah maybe I could drink more
 in Winter yeah um do you roughly know do
 you carry a water bottle with you I do
 yep and I'd probably have maybe three or
 four sips out of it God yeah yeah I know
 and this is something that I could
 increase myself but I I guess because
 it's not so hot outside in winter time
 you still need just as much water and
 yes yeah absolutely but when I do go to
 the gymm I do drink a lot I guess in my
 mind I think maybe I'm balancing it when
 I'm yeah I'll catch up when I'm at the
 gym it'll bring me up for the day but no
 unfortun it's not like that like if you
 feel thirsty you're already it's already
 too late so you need to stay hydrated
 like just and this is just a habit that
 you build you just got to keep sipping
 on that water um throughout the day
 throughout the day yeah yeah even if you
 put something in it to make it taste
 like like cordial to start with not
 ideal but if it's going to make you
 drink more water then it's go nuts yeah
 something yeah yeah um and yeah salt
 electrolytes are very important and good
 quality salt in your diet um again like
 hydration is very important for a
 workout and salt is going to help you
 maintain that hydration through your
 body generally speaking so just making
 sure you have enough salt in your diet
 as well
 um so along with your creatine I'd
 recommend maybe a salt supplement uh
 we'll put in the show notes the one we
 use uh I if you've been listening to
 podcast a long time you know that I
 sweat Mac always carries on that how
 much I
 sweat running hot just I'm just I don't
 know I sweat a lot so I need a lot of
 salt yeah I and but when I don't I get
 muscle cramps I feel like [ __ ] I can't
 perform like I just notice when it drops
 yeah and I was having this conversation
 with another coach I I work with and
 he's like do they even work and I'm like
 they might not work for everybody so
 it's worth trying yes because I notice
 when I miss my my salt supplement and
 when I have it I notice the difference
 but that's me other people might take it
 like yourself and go I don't really
 notice much difference um so I'd
 recommend trying that in the morning
 helps you hydrate gives you enough you
 know you know especially if you're not
 drinking that much
 body um so Rec that as okay yeah yeah
 cool thank you what's next um sorry one
 one moment
 um so when I when I first um moved here
 and I was
 training um I was working out but I
 wasn't taking any protein powders um I
 wasn't taking anything I was just I
 guess I had free time and I was just
 working out
 um Can by by taking not by not taking
 anything does that still give you
 results of gemming like even though
 you're gming but you're not taking
 anything so let's break it down into
 what I think uh most important
 percentages so working out is probably
 20% sleep is 40% yeah yeah nutrition is
 40% that's 100% let's take 2% off
 working out and the remaining 2% is
 supplements so you're going to get a
 whole lot more benefits just from
 starting something and not even
 bothering supplements like they're just
 such a small little thing that people
 put a huge weight on for results yeah um
 yeah sure go for it if you want them
 take them but if you're not it's not
 going to like you you're focusing on on
 the wrong things yeah yeah yeah yeah so
 don't even if you run out and you can't
 reorder it doesn't mean you can't go to
 the gym or get results or anything like
 that yeah you can still go to the gym
 and still get results even though you're
 not taking anything or you're not you'll
 get results whether you take it or not
 yeah and that's what but that's what
 advertising all the advertises for the
 industry TW like twisted around and
 saying if you don't take anything yeah
 you're not going to get result yeah and
 that's why supplement industry is worth
 globally double what the gym industry is
 worth so wow the supplement industry is
 actually doing better than the actual
 gym industry yeah so because of the
 marketing anyway
 whole 100% you just do something like
 and eat good food like we just spoke
 about don't even need supplements in
 there like I just mentioned salts and
 all that sort of stuff even without that
 just doing something yeah and improving
 the breakfast and working out what
 you're yeah yeah yeah cool yeah because
 I was here and I wasn't taking anything
 I I guess I didn't really have a goal
 like I like like I do now uh my goal was
 to put on size um I guess I was just
 jimming because I had free time and I
 wanted to stay in some sort of shape um
 I didn't want to just blow out um but I
 I wasn't sure was I was I wasting my
 time by going here and not taking
 it's a waste of time taking stuff okay
 like flip that around yeah yeah
 beneficial all that sort of stuff but
 yeah it it would have been 10 times
 worse if you were doing nothing like you
 know if you do nothing and take the
 supplements you're going to get worse
 results yeah so you're better off doing
 something and then the supplement that
 2% that out of the like you know they're
 just that tiny little sliver at the end
 of the day there's a whole lot of other
 things to focus on yeah cool cool yeah
 cool no that's really cool um so no time
 wasted at
 all time spent in the gym or exercising
 or anything like that is never time
 wasted or in the kitchen prepping food
 is never time wasable my my next
 question and I think this uh this is
 what your goal is personally um my my
 next question is is doing multiple
 exercises like what we do on the app uh
 that Target different
 muscles better
 then doing say Monday I'm going to do
 shoulders Tuesday I'm going to do chest
 Wednesday I'm going to do legs good
 question it is doing different exercises
 and full body versus split yeah and I I
 think you guys have talked about this as
 well yeah but let's talk about it again
 because I want to hear your questions
 about it I had this conversation with
 another person starting out yeah
 yesterday in the gym Jake shout outs um
 so I 100% Believe full body if you
 follow this program and everybody
 listening like you'll get great results
 for for for someone who wants to put on
 yes okay
 so general public okay again if you're a
 if you're an aspiring bodybuilder and
 you got two to four hours to spend in
 the gym each day just does not apply to
 you but we're talking about somebody
 that works every day yeah just yeah just
 doing it to get some results but hasn't
 got you know the time that an athlete
 does okay just that out of the way full
 body is way more beneficial than a split
 okay okay so as I was saying to Jake
 yesterday um and he brought up some good
 good points that I will bring up as well
 like you need to stimulate your muscles
 as often as possible yeah okay it's just
 it's going to increase that muscle
 building stimulus within your your body
 if you're only doing it once a week like
 if you're only doing your biceps once a
 week yeah and then the case could be say
 yeah but you work it on your back day as
 well but you're really not it's not
 targeting that yeah um it's just not a
 strong enough stimulus a signal to build
 muscle for the general public yeah right
 it's just you're going to be far better
 off doing it now um like I again this is
 what I like I want your your opinion on
 it like Jake yesterday was saying when I
 seen the program there's just so much
 there I don't know I he got overwhelmed
 and he just went back to doing his split
 because it's like one body part
 overwhelming he could focus on that in
 one day and his idea is I can just push
 that muscle group to the absolute limit
 yes in that one muscle and then it needs
 the full week to recover yeah and you
 cannot okay like I'm not I'm being harsh
 but but realistic but realistic yeah
 yeah it's taken I've been doing I've
 been working out since I was 15 I'm now
 36 it's only been in the last couple of
 years that I have been able to push my M
 like one muscle group to its absolute
 limit so and I don't do this full-time
 like a body builder would like if You'
 got 4 hours to spend in the gym
 obviously you're going to get to that
 point a lot quicker yeah but it takes a
 long time to learn your body learn how
 to do the exercises properly learn how
 to actually push past your mind saying
 stop and then keep pushing
 that mind and keep pushing even more to
 fatigue that muscle to that limit of
 doing it once a week yeah it's just so
 hard to do and then like you know if you
 have a big day at work and then you
 haven't got the enough energy to go and
 then push that to the Limit that muscle
 that chest chest on a Monday like you're
 not going to give it enough stimulus so
 you might as well work chest three days
 a week yes you don't have to go as hard
 but you're giving it a good signal
 throughout the week to hey there's a
 there's a stress on my chest it's
 happening more regularly it's going to
 build faster okay that making sense yeah
 absolutely absolutely you're working it
 maybe not as hard but more often than
 just doing it once a week exactly
 perfect and so and then Jake coming back
 to his get being overwhelmed on this
 there's a lot of exercises and it's hard
 to get through all that sort of stuff
 and I said to him it is but you're a
 beginner like any when you start out at
 a beginning it's going to be
 overwhelming you're going to struggle
 you're going to go oh this is [ __ ] I
 don't know what I'm doing that didn't
 feel right that's going to happen like
 unfortunately that's just being a
 beginner in anything yeah so you just
 got to take your time and with this
 program and anybody that's started to
 follow along with it you're going to
 it's going to feel weird some days
 aren't going to feel that good some days
 you're not going to feel like you did
 anything but it's still a compounding
 effect of going to the gym every single
 day or three days a week doing the full
 body you know what I mean yeah I know
 what you mean yeah yeah yeah um so when
 you're doing this program don't feel
 like it has to be perfect you have to do
 every single exercise like like I said
 to Jake he said oh it takes me so long
 to get through it and it's probably
 going to take you a lot longer to get
 through it than it will for me yeah
 because I'm a beginner I'm learning the
 technique yeah you're probably fluffing
 around a little bit more than I would
 yeah but that's okay where I know exact
 like and like I know exactly what to do
 yeah like I can do one set of like on
 Monday There's a tricep exercise I can
 do one set of tricep exercises and my
 triceps are cooked absolutely cooked I
 can't move my triceps anymore yes but
 you are probably going to be the
 opposite and it's probably going to take
 you maybe an hour and a half to get
 through this workout but it probably
 take me 45 minutes yeah but it's just
 one of those things you just got to but
 just stick at it and then like if you
 don't have time to get through it all
 don't stress because say on Mondays you
 got 1 two three four five six seven
 eight nine nine exercises okay yeah but
 if you but you don't if you get through
 five of those you're pretty much hitting
 every single muscle group in your body
 anyway so in this phase the first three
 exercises are going to hit your full
 body so there's three warmup exercises
 yeah and you're going to get a little
 pump doing those exercises but you've
 hit every single muscle muscle group so
 if you've only got 10 minutes that's a
 good warm up to do cuz you're hitting
 every single muscle group and then
 everything else is just a bonus on top
 of that yeah cool does that make sense
 yeah yeah absolutely yeah um cool so yes
 full bodies are better you're not going
 to miss out and and he kept bringing up
 all these influencers that he follows on
 and he's like but this guy Lally sh me
 his phone and this influencer saying
 and I said to him you've just got to get
 off social media and just focus on
 yourself or you just doing one thing for
 at least months like you don't know if
 it's going to work for you like he loves
 splits but you don't know if it's going
 to work for you unless you do it for
 long enough yeah and I said to him like
 you know like you do you like um if you
 enjoy doing splits do a split like yeah
 you might not get the benefits of full
 body but you know what if you're happy
 and it's going to keep you coming back
 to the gym that's the most important
 thing yeah yeah um it it'd be quite
 interesting to like put me and him
 together and then he does split and I do
 full body and yeah like an experiment
 between each other and and see what who
 gets the best game well yeah yeah yeah
 may maybe I I yeah
 but again workout is 20% of your results
 or uh what do we say 18% of your
 results the your results actually come
 from sleep and nutrition okay yeah so
 and again it's like all these influences
 all that sort of stuff are putting so
 much weight on the supplement on the
 supplements but also the workouts this
 split this shoulder exercise all that
 sort of stuff that's great but unless
 you're recovering properly it's useless
 all your results come from after the
 workout yeah yeah
 so even the best if you're following the
 best program ever but then recovering
 like [ __ ] not sleeping drinking alcohol
 up late at night or eating [ __ ] food
 it's not going to work anyway
 yeah I I think for me personally my
 sleeping is not too bad I'm normally in
 bed around 9
 9:30 um I'm out and then I'm I'm sleep
 right through till about
 5:00 when my alarm goes off um and then
 I'll get up but I'm I'm and that's the
 thing like I I'll I'll bring this up
 with Jake and say hey I got this other
 client a full body you continue if you
 split three months we'll see what's up
 yeah we'll come back we'll have him come
 can he come on the show as well and
 yeah I'll try and get into the gym for a
 body scan as well to actually see how
 much get him on a body scan as well and
 we can see the muscle gain see the
 results we already know what the results
 will be CU there's bunch of studies
 showing that full body works even on
 experienced people like full body is far
 more beneficial for muscle gain yes than
 split yeah wow okay again General
 general public yeah yeah yeah me yeah
 again if you're an athlete like a
 bodybuilder not so much but no one
 listening is actually a body builder so
 um we know what the results will be but
 it'll be cool to actually go yeah yeah
 be really cool to see yeah like the
 before and after you know the before and
 after sort of thing um yeah that would
 that would be really cool um
 and like another thing through the app
 you can track your weights so
 progressively overloading the exercises
 is very important so I'm just going to
 use front squats so Monday at the moment
 is front you got front squats so each
 week you want to add a little bit of
 weight to your front squats obviously if
 you're still learning the movement It's
 A Hard Exercise so yeah you know overing
 it might not be there but where Jake's
 sort of just winging it not tracking
 anything so how do you know if you're
 progressively overloading as well yes
 you don't so tracking is very useful as
 well important yeah y um like I don't
 track too much I only track the major
 lifts because I think they're the best
 bang for your buck so like a front squat
 you know deadlift bench press that sort
 of stuff I track those shoulder press I
 don't track bicep kills and all that
 sort of thing because it's hard to
 progressively overload a bicep Cur so
 tracking as well be very beneficial I
 think I'll start off really light um
 yeah I I I I'm I'm a big believer in
 like getting that technique right
 um opposed to just being able to try and
 go in and do the heaviest you know or
 pick up the heaviest weight and I was I
 was going to ask like any so do this for
 a week or two and then maybe we can
 catch up in the gym and actually record
 the exercises you're struggling with and
 say hey Jack I'm struggling with this
 exercise and then if anybody else follow
 along they can go oh yeah I was
 struggling with that one as well yeah
 yeah um cuz in some of the demo videos
 I'm like get the stretch in this
 position and you like again a beginner
 trying to get in the stretch position
 underload is very confusing and hard
 yeah so go through the workout watch the
 videos try and Implement that and then
 we can actually do some demo videos
 together as a beginner trying to learn
 these movements and I think everybody
 else would find that beneficial I think
 so as well yeah that' be great questions
 um I think we to be honest I think we uh
 We've smashed a lot haven't we we have a
 lot of mine was like around the food um
 eating breakfast and lunch um doing the
 um what proteins could you mix um yeah I
 I think that was basically the things
 that came to my head for me um so one
 thing I'd like to touch in on is wise as
 well like goals goal setting just
 thinking about your goals like I think
 goal setting is a bit overrated these
 days but just being mindful of those
 goals is very beneficial especially
 somebody busy like yourself I'm not
 going to get you sit down and journal
 for 30 minutes on your goals every
 single day it's going to be a waste of
 time really yeah yeah but actually
 having a
 realistic idea
 and understanding that is very
 beneficial as well um like yes you've
 got you want to change your body the
 Aesthetics of your body and all that
 sort of stuff but just giving it enough
 time yeah and just patience with the
 process as well like um is going to help
 you a long way like M of often talks
 about you know just letting go and
 starting again
 cuz how would you say that begin again
 was the thing that I used to say all the
 time because it's so easy to I don't
 know say you work out for like 4 weeks
 and you're like yeah making progress but
 then you have a really crazy week at
 work and you can't get to the gym and
 then it's almost like well what's the
 point of I've I've lost four weeks so
 what's the point of starting again but
 if you just forget about it and pick it
 up as soon as you recognize that you've
 dropped it yeah like same with nutrition
 if you have been eating really well and
 then you have a day where you have like
 I don't know a hash brown from macers
 for breakfast and KFC for lunch you can
 still start again and have a good dinner
 like there's no reason for you to put it
 off until Monday for example you just
 pick it up as soon as you notice that
 you've dropped the ball essentially um I
 think that's really important for making
 progress because it's so easy to just I
 miss a workout I'll just wait until next
 week and then you've missed four or
 three workouts when you could have just
 even getting one workout a week is
 better than getting no workouts a week
 you know what I mean I think sorry as
 well to uh to add cuz I feel like a lot
 of people have been in this scenario and
 so have I um I I just forc myself to go
 to the gym and even if I just do one
 exercise yes whether it be bicep kills
 or for example um just something really
 e forearms calves um and then it just
 for me just slowly just gradually
 building that motivation to like get
 back and then I'm doing full full body
 work oh you know in my case split until
 I change over till tomorrow until
 tomorrow until I change over
 tomorrow um but it's just I guess for me
 it's just when you start off and you
 just do something small and then over
 time that's perfect like just creating
 the habit of actually going yeah
 regardless of what you do just go just
 making the time to actually be there is
 so that's so good I think I had another
 the other night I was in there for
 probably 10 minutes but I forced myself
 to go I thought I'm just going to do one
 thing um I was in there for 10 minutes
 and then I left but then the next couple
 of days I I I went a bit longer and
 longer and then you know gradually grows
 into time before you know oh I've been
 here for an hour and a half and I've
 done this and I've done done that and
 yeah but it's it's just breaking that
 cycle and then going in there isn't it
 that's ideal like I spend so much time
 trying to get clients to just do exactly
 that just go and be there because it's
 the hardest part is actually going in
 there right and I think you guys have
 talked about it before like you always
 think that people are judging you even
 though no one cares everyone's just
 focusing on themselves um but I thought
 to myself man people are probably
 thinking this guy's just walked in here
 he's done bicep curs for 10 minutes and
 now he's
 you know that's that's what I thought to
 myself but then I thought well for me
 this is just to get back into it because
 I've had some stuff going on like moving
 um you know just to get me back into the
 motivation yeah um 10 minutes of bicep
 curls is way better than 10 minutes of
 an extra 10 minutes of like rotting on
 the couch yeah yeah just sitting there
 doing nothing yeah people underestimate
 just how important stimulating muscles
 are just going in and doing one set to
 failure is extremely beneficial y um and
 that this is exactly where I wanted to
 go just what is your daily minimum and
 it sounds like you're all over it but a
 lot of people listening struggle with
 that yeah so just if you can't make it
 to the gym what can you do to just to
 get something in yeah and I've got two
 clients that are absolutely guns and
 they their daily minimum whether they
 work out or not they do a certain amount
 of push-ups certain amount of squats and
 a minute and a half plank so they do
 that every single day no matter wow and
 it's not that
 hard really they've just built it now
 it's just a daily habit for them for
 them and I'm like that's that's unreal
 and I mean they I I don't know but they
 may just go and just do that if they're
 having an off day and then go home maybe
 and it's your daily minimum yeah yeah
 and then um and it doesn't even have to
 be that it could just be literally you
 know 10 squats yeah doesn't matter I
 think sometimes people and I even I've
 thought this as well like I have to go
 to the gym and I have to do a big
 blowout you know I have to really push
 myself and but you don't have if you're
 coming off something like a you know
 you've been away for work or you've done
 something isn't it worse if you when you
 take a break and then you come back and
 you do like a blow out workout then
 you're super sore and you can't go for
 the rest of the week
 anyway yeah exactly just gradually just
 ease into it take your time and um and
 um You probably Jake um last week he
 done the what do we got split squats no
 split stance dumbbell deadlifts on a
 Wednesday at the moment okay yeah um and
 I was just showing him how to just do
 technique like and he was so sore from
 just working cuz he's never really
 worked his hamstrings okay he's like I
 couldn't come into the gym I thought I'd
 like actually pulled my hamstring wow
 and I'm like dude still come in and work
 out if you can't move your legs work
 your upper body yeah do something else
 yeah because the actual chemical
 reaction from working your upper body is
 going to help recover your lower body as
 well so it's more beneficial to get in
 and do something so everybody that's
 joining in and you and me yeah even if
 you just get in and do the warm up and
 that you feel like that's enough that's
 that's fine and then leave again
 building that habit of just getting in
 there and just doing a little bit Yeah
 and then like or if you everybody
 listening if you haven't got time to get
 to the gym just go for a walk around the
 block it doesn't matter something's
 better than nothing exactly um that's
 what I always believe awesome any other
 questions or queries no no no that was
 pretty good it was the food the protein
 powders the split and full body um th
 those were the ones that sort of came to
 my mind um so for the next three months
 yep and everybody listening just going
 to work on just getting what you can get
 done okay just consistency is the main
 goal yeah don't stress about supplements
 okay doesn't matter if you miss a day on
 your supplements yeah yeah not the end
 of the world doesn't matter if you miss
 breakfast and end up having a croissant
 for breakfast it doesn't matter if you
 miss a day um just just trying to get in
 as consistent as you can for 3 months
 yeah okay um are you going to see great
 results in 3 months probably not
 probably not not mon you're going to see
 a little bit CH absolutely yeah and
 we'll get a body scan so we can see
 those results and we'll discuss if
 you're comfortable on the next episode
 in 3 months your results yeah um but
 just consistency
 like and just again not having
 unrealistic result expectations
 expectations on three months a lot of
 people think and unfortunately this is
 due to social media as soon as they go
 to the gym they're just going to beky
 creatine and two times at the gym and
 it's like well where's my six yeah yeah
 and it unfortunately won't work it
 doesn't work like we talking about
 general public and everybody listening
 is probably working a 9 to 5 as well if
 not longer so um it's just going to take
 a little bit longer you can get great
 results you will get great results it
 might just take three month 3 years
 instead of three months but you know the
 improvements on your health well-being
 mental state you're can improve how many
 years you're going to live for outweigh
 any result you're going to get like
 aesthetically anyway in those three
 years yeah so keep that in mind
 everybody else keep that in mind yeah
 yeah thank you for coming on no no
 worries thank you very much for having
 me it's been great yeah um and everybody
 watching or listening make sure you give
 us a shout out on social media and thank
 Nathan for coming on because not too
 many people are happy to come on and
 talk about their personal life like this
 yeah no no I'm just hoping that maybe I
 could help someone
 um or you know I definitely think you
 will it's been a good episode um so yeah
 everybody listening if you want to join
 in make sure you hit the support this
 show link give us whatever you feel is
 necessary or whatever you can afford and
 you'll get access to the program smash
 it out with Nathan and mac and I we're
 doing all this all doing the same
 program yeah okay so we can all see
 results y um we can all do body scans
 anybody in the Melbourne area CBD area
 and you want a body scan as Welsh join
 in I'll give body scan and we'll 3
 months time we'll
 revisit and it'll probably be just in
 time for summer so we yeah I was I was
 going to say that spring summer yeah
 spring and summer's coming up so Now's
 the Time to uh jump on sweet so this
 program has got a bit of cardio in it as
 well that we'll touch on so just do your
 best with the cardio yeah cardio is like
 anything else you're just going to
 slowly build on that just like you would
 wait so yeah um anyway I'll leave it
 any anything else yeah great yeah thank
 you thank you so much thanks everybody
 for watching