In-situ Health and Fitness

Episode 187. Q&A - Vegan Supplements, Gut Health & Strength Training

April 28, 2024 In-situ Media Episode 187

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ health and fitness podcast! This week, we are back to answering your questions! 

Expect to learn what a de-load week is, why collagen supplements are good for joint health, how to improve your gut health and reduce inflammation, the most important macronutrient for weight loss and muscle gain, how to start weight lifting, why strength training is vital for bone health and much more.

Free Journal Prompts 

02:10 What is a De-load week, and do I need to do it? Do you de-load food or workouts?
06:25 Do you still journal, and why or why not? How do you do it?
10:40 Are there different types of collagen protein? Collagen seems good for joint health and beauty. Are there different types, and are they vegan?
15:40 Will drinks like fruit juice, soft drinks, milk, energy drinks, etc, hydrate you? 
18:35 I've heard a lot about the importance of gut health and its connection to overall well-being. Can you explain the relationship between gut health and inflammation and share some practical tips on how to promote a healthy gut microbiome through diet and lifestyle changes?
27:15 I've been trying to lose weight, but I find it hard to balance my macronutrient intake, especially when it comes to protein. How much protein do I need to consume daily to support weight loss and muscle growth, and what are some high-protein foods and snacks that I can easily incorporate into my diet?
34:00 I've been doing a lot of cardio workouts, like running and cycling, but I want to incorporate strength training into my routine. Can you explain the benefits of compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench press, and provide some tips on how to properly perform these exercises to get the most out of my workout?
38:25 How does strength training help with bone strength?

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What is up, everybody? Welcome back to the In Situ Health of Fitness podcast.

00:00:42:23 - 00:01:03:08
Today we have a massive Q&A coming at you. We look. Got a lot of questions from the guys. So, girls, I know you're listening because we can see the stats. We see the ratio of men to women. so make sure you get in your questions for next time. Next Q&A. You can do that by hitting the link in the show notes.

00:01:03:10 - 00:01:30:02
You can leave a question you don't think. Don't even have to leave your name, email, all that sort of stuff. Just a question. Hit send. Submit. find us on Instagram. You'll find me at Jekyll, Graham and I am at Mack Rockies and the In Situ Health and Fitness Institute. Just in situ podcast in studio podcast. Find us there as well.

00:01:30:03 - 00:01:58:14
We're posting a lot of content on this from this show. So as always, if you agree with our answers, disagree. Have your own opinion. heads up on socials. Drop a comment on the reels that we post. letting us know how you feel about each one. It helps us grow that channel a little bit more. and if you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can see our pretty little faces while we do this Q&A.

00:01:58:16 - 00:02:17:18
and make sure you hit subscribe, like, and drop us a comment. Your favorite question or answer one of the questions for yourself in the comments. That does help a lot as well. yeah, a lot of good questions. Do you want to read them out? Yeah, let's get into it. Okay. The first one what is a day load week?

00:02:17:18 - 00:02:39:08
And do I need to do it. Do day load. Do you day load food or workouts. Yeah. So this come from Keith. Keith is a long time listener of the podcast. and he must have been listening to one of our older shows, and we talked about it a while ago, and we'll just thrown daylight around, just like everybody knew what it meant.

00:02:39:10 - 00:02:59:12
And he's like, you just saying daylight like I was meant to know what it would mean. And he. And he didn't know if it meant with food or exercise. And I thought it was a good question, because I guess a day load from food could be sort of seen as a cheat day. okay. I see like your daily daylight from your calorie deficit or whatever you're doing yet.

00:02:59:12 - 00:03:21:06
But I'm pretty sure in the context of what we're talking about on the podcast, it was to do with exercise. Yeah. Back to Kate's question. Do, what is a day like week? Basically your in regards to exercise, you just taken a week off from the gym. You're still being active. And this is where I think a lot of people get it wrong.

00:03:21:08 - 00:03:56:20
Daylight weeks. good for athletes that are training all the time, all day, every day. And all I do is train. So it could be a mental break as well, just from not training so much, but from for the general public. And I'm going to say that pretty much every single person listening, you don't really need a daylight week, but it's good every now and then just to take, you know, a week once every 3 to 4, maybe five months away from the gym, just away from structured exercise, you still obviously getting your minimum requirements in each day, whatever that is.

00:03:56:20 - 00:04:16:20
Walk, run, swim, you know, place a dog, whatever it whatever that looks like you're still doing that, but you're just not going to the gym and following a structured program and being super strict and all that sort of stuff. Just a bit more of a fun week. Yeah. And why, why, why would someone want to do a day like week if they do, like just the general public?

00:04:16:22 - 00:04:41:08
every I think we just get to caught up in it. Yeah. And we for me, I like it, I hate it, I hate doing it. I hate, I hate daylight weeks. I like to go to the gym and do, like a full workout every week. But I know that when I do do a day load week and I come back to the gym, I have like a lot more to give.

00:04:41:09 - 00:05:02:12
Like I have a lot more energy physically and mentally to put into the gym because I has like taking it down a notch for a week and giving my body time to just chill out. But in saying that, I do go to the gym every day, so it's maybe more needed. Yeah, and I think for the general public, I don't think it's as important to day load from exercise itself.

00:05:02:12 - 00:05:19:00
Like, you know, we generally sit more than we work out. So we can obviously do more exercise. But like you said, just a mental break from going to the gym and it can just give you that urge to want to get back into the gym and just smash that little bit harder. So that's also what it does. Yeah.

00:05:19:05 - 00:05:36:05
And you can sort of take that principle, what we just spoke about into food as well. So we're going through that at the moment. We're yeah with you know you dial everything in, you're cooking every single meal, you're making sure everything is exactly how it should be. And it just gets to the point where you just like, I can't do it anymore.

00:05:36:07 - 00:05:55:13
Like you get sick of cooking, you get sick of prepping all that sort of stuff. So yeah, good. Could be good to take a week. you know, maybe not a week, but, you know, some time away from that, we're exploring some meal prep services. we can review those once we've actually done it for a little bit.

00:05:55:15 - 00:06:14:01
so do you think that Keith needs to do it? No, but but then again, the day load week from the food doesn't mean you just go and just eat takeaway five meals a day and still get eating healthy. You still it's just like you're not prepping as much. Or maybe you find just a different alternative. Yeah. Just so it feels different, right?

00:06:14:01 - 00:06:37:02
Yeah. You're not completely doing a whole free 6180 on your whole meal plan and all that sort of stuff. You're still following it, maybe just not counting calories or anything like that. Yeah. Cool. Good question. Thanks, Keith. Okay. The next question is a little a little different. Do you still journal and why or why not? And if yes, how do you do it?

00:06:37:04 - 00:06:57:13
so we should talk about journaling a lot. And I'm guessing because this is from an unknown source through the website that you can submit a question through. So I'm assuming this person must have been listening to all of you, all the episodes as well. why don't journal? Why? But I feel like I need to at the moment.

00:06:57:15 - 00:07:27:23
And how do I do it? I don't know, so okay. I don't at the minute either. But we did go through a massive phase. I went through a huge phase of journaling with journal prompts, usually every day. and it was, how did I do it? It was pretty much just I had a bunch of journal prompts from this coach I was working with online, like a business slash personal development coach, and I would just go through the journal prompts and just answer them.

00:07:28:00 - 00:07:48:21
And then once I went through the course with her and I was still journaling, I think I had a journal that prompted me like it had prompts like written into it. And then after that, I did go through a phase of just like writing down like a morning thought, like a paragraph or a sentence. right now I do nothing because I don't really have a good reason.

00:07:48:21 - 00:08:09:02
I have been meaning to get back to it, because I think it will help me organize my thoughts, maybe de-stress a little bit, get some good ideas down. but I have. I do recommend it, especially if you're like a busy, stressed person. It just helps sort of straighten your mind out, I guess, to a certain extent, yeah.

00:08:09:02 - 00:08:25:08
Let's go. So you stuck with it for quite a while, and I think it gave you a lot more clarity on where you wanted to go. And what direction, all that sort of stuff. Maybe I should go back doing. Yeah. Very lost right now. And I, for the same reason I did a lot of different questions to you.

00:08:25:10 - 00:08:45:02
I found a really good journal book that prompted me mornings and nights and that sort of stuff. And I think it's just a phase you go through. It's just like if you're starting a, like a fitness journey, like it's super hard to start with. You don't know anything. You just got to grind it out. But then after a while off you do it sort of just second nature and you just know.

00:08:45:04 - 00:09:03:02
And it's same with journaling. Like you got to grind it out. It's super annoying to start with, why am I doing this? It doesn't have any effect, but after a while, those thoughts that you're writing down are just in your mind, and you can see those thoughts through life in general and the things you're actually doing and the habits you're building.

00:09:03:04 - 00:09:23:06
You just sort of it's just in your back, your mind as that oh no second brain just guiding you in the right direction. Yeah. And obviously times where you have to go back to it and do all things in again, which I think I should do as well, just maybe just like the morning jotting some ideas down and that sort of stuff and try to figure out a bit more direction.

00:09:23:08 - 00:09:46:10
I think it's really good. If you like ruminating about something or you are feeling anxious about something as well, like physically writing it, hand writing it because it makes you think about it slowly. Like when you think about, I don't know. So you want to change something and it makes you feel anxious. You can think about it like you can repeat the sentence of like, I need to lose weight.

00:09:46:12 - 00:10:02:20
I'm so fat and unhealthy in your head 100 times, but you're not actually thinking it through. You're just telling yourself that thing. Whereas when you write it down, it sort of makes your thinking slow down a little bit. So then maybe you can question it. Maybe you can think of ideas of how to change it or where to start.

00:10:02:20 - 00:10:22:06
And I don't know, I think it it's definitely I do recommend yeah, definitely writing it down. I think we tried a couple of different ways, but writing is definitely the best. Yeah. if you're looking for some general prompts, we have them on the website for free. Yes. If not, if it's not free, you can just use the code in situ and you will get that for free.

00:10:22:06 - 00:10:44:23
So link in the show notes. Check that out. and not necessarily have to take all the questions. We're going in there. That's just a PDF of our favorite questions. You just pick and choose what relates to you. whether it's morning night, weekly, monthly, yearly, that sort of thing. Yeah. Good question. Okay. Next up are the different types of collagen protein.

00:10:45:00 - 00:11:17:20
Collagen seems good for joint health and beauty. Are there different types and are they vegan? Stephen. Client question good one. So collagen is firstly it's usually you can get Waikato you know collagen protein. And collagen protein is from and for like the ligaments bones tendons etc. in your body rather than from like the dairy product of protein. Right.

00:11:17:22 - 00:11:53:06
so that's the reason I guess it's good for like it's very advertised for joint health and beauty because collagen is skin, body, skin, hair, nails, eyes, all of the things pretty much apart from like muscle. But it's still required for your muscle as well. so are there different types? I feel like there may be different types in the sense that some come from like the bones, ligaments, tendons, etc. and some of it is processed in the lab like some collagen is made.

00:11:53:08 - 00:12:22:04
And I think if you are getting a vegan collagen, it's made in the lab. It's not actually, it hasn't actually come from an animal product because collagen has to come from an animal product, because that's where it's where it's made. Yeah. An animal. and yeah, it has, but it's not a vegan product. I guess you can look at it, I guess from your ethical point of view on whether you want to go use it or not.

00:12:22:06 - 00:12:42:20
but obviously when it comes to, you know, they might use it for joint health or beauty or nails or skin. It's just a different amino acid profile. So as we know, protein, there's 21 different amino acids and different ones do different things. So certain group trips certain amino acids together and it's going to be good for your skin.

00:12:42:22 - 00:13:02:22
It's just depends on where you actually get that from. You know what source you get it from. So like Mac said, it could be, you know, whey, dairy, muscles, skin, bone, all that sort of stuff. So obviously bone broth is a good source of college and protein. So that sort of gives you the idea of where collagen comes from.

00:13:02:24 - 00:13:27:23
so yeah. Did we answer that or feel like we answered that it's not really a vegan product, but yeah, I have no doubt there's probably vegan collagen out there. Yeah. Just means that the collagen has been made. Yeah, by a human. And, yeah, again, it just comes down to how much you want to take that's been processed or not.

00:13:28:00 - 00:13:47:22
in that sort of statement was talking about, you know, vegan supplements as well, sort of alongside this question, I just sort of put it all into that one question and you're sort of saying about vegan supplements, it comes down to the same thing. Like, like what about them? Like what what supplements should have can consider. Yeah.

00:13:47:22 - 00:14:11:17
And are they good for you and all that sort of stuff. And like as always, supplements are there to supplement your food intake. Do not rely on them. and again everybody's a little bit different. So obviously there's some supplements that some people are going to need more of like maybe iron oils for example. or collagen I don't know.

00:14:11:19 - 00:14:35:22
So just sort of find out what works for you. We can't really go and say, these are the five best vegan supplements make a good title for YouTube, but, wouldn't really work in an ethical like way. There's probably 100 videos out there saying that this is the right one. Five best, supplements for vegans to take. But again, it's you've got to figure out what's missing in your diet and use that to supplement.

00:14:35:22 - 00:14:53:02
And vegans. It's very hard because you're missing out on a lot of nutrients from maintenance and bones and collagen, all that sort of stuff. So it also, I think, depends on how long you've been a vegan for as well, like how and how strict are you? Because I know some people are very strict vegan. Some people aren't. Like some vegans will happily have like a steak.

00:14:53:04 - 00:15:10:21
yeah. Or a supplement like collagen protein. Yeah. So I think the best way to know what supplements you need is like, maybe get your bloods done and just see what if. Is there anything major lacking and how can you supplement that, I guess. And again, like you said, the ethical thing comes in order as well. Yeah. How strict are you on it?

00:15:10:22 - 00:15:33:03
Yeah. and, you know, just because of supplements. Good for you if you're vegan because of, you know, ethical reasons. Just make sure that the supplements are coming from an ethical source as well, because a lot of the time they these industries boom and just trade a lot of bad stuff, whether it's packaging, environmental, all that sort of stuff.

00:15:33:03 - 00:15:57:15
So if you're doing it for that sort of reason, please just double check that it's coming from an ethical source as well. Yeah. Cool. Good question. Okay. Next up will drinks like fruit juice, soft drinks, milk energy drinks etc. hydrate you. so this come from our other client question boys represent in this one. What the heck? what do you reckon?

00:15:57:17 - 00:16:24:11
I always say no. If a client asks me, does this a liquid that isn't like water or tea count towards my daily goal of drinking whatever the target is, I set for them two liters of water. No, it doesn't count. Because maybe there is a little bit of water in all of these things. But also they make you go to the bathroom a lot more, but they don't give you the same amount of hydration as like a glass of water does.

00:16:24:11 - 00:16:54:11
So overall, you're getting rid of more water than you are keeping because you're having these other liquids that aren't actually hydrating you. Is that clear? Yeah. Yeah I agree. and there's different. It's hard because again hydration so different for every single person. Yeah. Every body absorbs water in a different way. So you can't say like if we both had a orange juice you might absorb all the water I probably wouldn't.

00:16:54:13 - 00:17:20:21
Yeah. It's just like I struggle to absorb water anyway. So but then like the calorie intake on top of that, we always say, don't drink your calories. It is not worth it. So to say, I just want an orange juice to get the hydration, it's not really worth it. I like then a glass of water, but also the quality of water matters on how much it absorb as well.

00:17:21:02 - 00:17:43:10
So a lot of these products are using probably shade water. And I know that seems weird. Water is just water. But water isn't just water. So quality water actually absorbs better than whatever they're using in these things. Especially when it comes to like carbonated drinks, like soft drinks, any drinks, energy drinks, all that sort of stuff. a saint, a good duck.

00:17:43:11 - 00:18:10:03
A long time ago, on the actual quality of water that they use in these, in those drinks, and it's not so good. So yes, there's water in it. you could case could be made, but I feel like it's just you wanting those sugary things more than you want hydration. Also, you just take note. It might take a little bit of practice, but take note how like your mouth feels and how your you actually feel after you have one of these drinks.

00:18:10:07 - 00:18:35:05
Because I know if I have a glass of orange juice or a soft drink or something, I am more thirsty afterwards than I was before. Like because I know how it feels to feel hydrated. So if you can figure that out, if you just maybe cut them out for a while and just drink water, tea, coffee and just know how it feels to actually be hydrated, and then go back to having one of these drinks when you're thirsty and see if it quenches your thirst, because I think that it won't.

00:18:35:05 - 00:18:58:05
Yeah, but just experiment with it, right? 100%. Okay. Next question. I have heard a lot about the importance of gut health and its connection to overall well-being. Can you explain the relationship between gut health and inflammation, and share some practical tips on how to improve on how to promote a healthy gut microbiome through diet and lifestyle changes?

00:18:58:07 - 00:19:28:02
Gut health is so trendy, I feel like the trend with gut health right now that I'm seeing is if you just fix your gut health, you lose weight. not necessarily true. You can have great gut health and still eat too many calories, which means you aren't going to lose weight. But having a healthy gut microbiome will help you lose weight if that's what your goal is, and it will also help you feel better, like it'll make you feel more energetic because you'll be digesting your foods better.

00:19:28:02 - 00:19:54:21
You have a better immune system, like everything internally will be functioning better. Well, you're looking at me like I misread the question. No, no. Okay, so the gut microbiome basically is a bunch of bugs, bacteria in our gut. And depending on what we eat and like stress in our life and our lifestyle choices, it can either be, I guess, to put it very simply, more positive or more negative.

00:19:55:01 - 00:20:22:19
So if if your gut microbiome is negative and you have more bad bacteria, then you're going to have issues like bloating, probably skin issues, digestive issues, hair, skin, nails, like a lot of a lot of the nutrients that you're eating won't actually get absorbed by your gut. They can get wasted quite easily. and I guess, like there's so many ways that you can put it out of balance.

00:20:22:21 - 00:20:48:24
Antibiotics is a big one. Being too stressed is a big one, but just eating too much of the one food as well can put it out as well. Yeah, like there's a reason that there's this line quote like eat, eat the rainbow that I always say, but it's it's like such a quote for a reason, because you do need to eat a variety of colors to get a variety of, micronutrients to help support your healthy gut microbiome.

00:20:49:01 - 00:21:17:14
Yeah. And I think that would go into the practical tips to improve and promote that is eat real food. but I don't think you can. You get like, bacteria from processed foods like, no, not that not the ones it doesn't support, not the ones you want. If you are eating processed foods, it's going to have like probably a lot of simple carbohydrates which break down to sugar, which feed the bad bacteria.

00:21:17:14 - 00:21:39:19
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So eating fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, fishes, all that sort of stuff is where you're going to get all the good stuff from. Yeah. So ideally you want to have a very high fiber diet. So fiber is like your gut bacteria is favorite thing. The good bacteria is favorite thing to thrive on. And that comes from fruit and vegetables.

00:21:39:21 - 00:22:03:14
The other thing that I think I forget about personally, and that often people overlook, is including fermented foods, because there aren't that many fermented foods that you can have. And if you don't like them, the few that are available, then it's really hard to include them. But that's things like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, some yogurt. For a while we were with the kimchi.

00:22:03:14 - 00:22:26:24
Yeah. So there's not like the good, the best sources. Yeah. And there's that's that's like. Well, for that I listed everybody who is yogurt and goes, oh, I'll just get a yogurt. But goes for the sweet. Yeah, the processed sugary ones. And again, that's just adding to the issue. So yeah, the other way that I would suggest dietary changes wise would be just to limit processed and high sugar foods.

00:22:27:01 - 00:22:53:20
sounds so basic carbonated drinks that we just talking about. Yeah. Sugary drinks. Sugary drinks. it sounds so basic, but all of these sugary things are what feed the bad bacteria. And you just have to try and find a balance, like a healthy balance. I get I get asked about probiotics and prebiotics a lot. I don't ever recommend them because you can get what you can get from, like, fermented foods is far better for your gut than what you get from a tablet.

00:22:53:22 - 00:23:14:06
And a lot of the time, what you get from a tablet isn't stored correctly, or it doesn't actually have that. The amount of probiotics or probiotics that you need before it gets all digested out anyway. So it's almost like you're just buying a tablet to poop out. Yeah, a lot of the time it's always and it's a simple way out.

00:23:14:08 - 00:23:37:24
Getting tablets is just the easy way out. It is harder to get the fermented foods and eat healthy and all that sort of stuff, but it's worth it. Yeah, it's so much more effective for both you got in your mind and all that sort of stuff. Yeah. As for lifestyle changes I think stress, chronic stress does just make it harder on your digestive system in general.

00:23:37:24 - 00:24:04:06
Like we talk all the time about fight or flight and rest and digest. And if you are chronically stressed all of the time and you're eating mindlessly and eating processed foods, then you are never going to be fully resting and digesting, which means a lot of the food that you're eating, if it is good food is just going out as waste because you're so stressed, you're in the fight or flight mode in your body's just trying to get rid of the food so that you can be ready to run away from the fear that is your stress.

00:24:04:07 - 00:24:34:09
Yeah, that is the hard part of yeah. and then inflammation. Yeah. You spoke about stress. Yeah. So the inflammation part is like are you talking reducing inflammation. Yeah. So if you have a good gut back but good balanced gut microbiome then there will be less inflammation because the nasty ones are the ones that inflame your body because they're angry.

00:24:34:11 - 00:24:56:01
They want to eat like they want to take you down without being so cryptic. They do. They want to make you get sick. They want to inflame your gut. They want to make you feel bloated and give you digestive issues. So if you can just do like the lifestyle and dietary changes that we said, then in ideal world the inflammation will go down.

00:24:56:01 - 00:25:29:15
But we don't want to have no information because it is important. A little inflammation is important for like pumping blood in everything through your body. but it's not the same for everybody because like for you, for example, you could make certain foods for a long time because it caused a lot of, you know, gut. Yeah. You found that even the quote unquote healthy foods like trying to eat the rainbow, for example, I couldn't eat things like tomatoes, capsicums eggplants, like all of the nightshade kinds of vegetables.

00:25:29:17 - 00:25:49:06
but to someone else, like Jack, they might be great for his gut microbiome. But also, I will say I can't eat some of those foods again. Like I couldn't eat milk for a long time, or cheese, any dairy products. But that's because I treated my body so poorly for so long. Like, but specifically my gut microbiome. Like I ate a lot of processed foods.

00:25:49:06 - 00:26:23:02
I was chronically stressed, I didn't exercise, I didn't sleep very much alcohol. I drank so much alcohol. so that put my gut microbiome into the negative state. And that's when eating just normal foods hurt me pretty much. so in that sense, I guess a lifestyle change that you could try is trying to implement a food journal and just write down what foods do seem to make my joints ache, or give me eczema, or make me feel bloated or whatever.

00:26:23:02 - 00:26:44:23
The issue is that you think inflammation is causing, because you won't know unless you write it down and make a connection between the food and the symptom. I think that's what helped me the most with my gut health is just what makes me feel good and what makes me feel bad. Yeah, there was a lot of trial and error there for a while, and we and like you said, we, you know, ate most things.

00:26:44:23 - 00:27:05:13
Most things. Yeah. And I'm okay. Like when we first met, I was an absolute disaster. My I had skin rashes all over me. I would get blisters on my fingers from just like, looking at milk, eczema in, like, all the corners of all my joints. And everything. I was. Yeah. Endless, endless problems. Yeah. I'm a healthy specimen.

00:27:05:15 - 00:27:22:19
Yeah, yeah. Does you think that answers that question? I do, I went on a bit of a rant, but good question. what a passionate, passionate topic that was. Wendy. Sorry, that was Wendy. Just as next. There we go. Jess. Okay, I've been trying to lose weight, but I find it hard to balance my macronutrient intake, especially when it comes to protein.

00:27:22:21 - 00:27:49:08
How much protein do I need to consume daily to support weight loss and muscle growth? What are some high protein foods and snacks that I can easily incorporate into my diet? Well, Jess, good question. yeah. Yeah. Where do you want me to go? You go. I've been trying to lose weight, but I find it hard to balance my macronutrient intake, especially when it comes to protein.

00:27:49:10 - 00:28:10:01
Just so it's. And that right there. That's not easy. No. Like, for some reason, I say like, yeah, it just can't like, count your calories for the macros, all that sort of stuff. But for everybody listening, that's not easy. Like just give yourself a break for a minute and it's not easy to do. So if you're finding it hard, that is normal.

00:28:10:03 - 00:28:25:07
it's just something you got to keep working on. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. well, I'm going to answer the second half of the question. I think that that will end to the first part. How much protein do I need to consume daily to support weight loss and muscle growth?

00:28:25:09 - 00:28:50:07
It's usually, oh, there's so many rules. But generally the rule that we've been going off recently for weight loss and muscle growth is grams of protein in your heart. So I'm 169cm tall. So I would try and get 169cm of protein a day. Yeah, that's just a guide. Like it's obviously going to be different for everyone. And you are going to absorb different amounts of that protein that you're consuming as well.

00:28:50:07 - 00:29:16:19
But I think that that's a good place to start. And I think it is going to be very hard to hit that target because it's quite high. 170g of protein is a lot of protein. So with clients, usually I get them to focus on the protein target and then fill in the carbs and fats however they can however they like because the protein target is hard to hit, and some days you might be trying to hit the protein target and you eat meats that are fattier and it's bumps ups.

00:29:16:19 - 00:29:39:15
You're it bumps up your fat intake, where your carb intake might be a little lower, and other days you might eat meats that Elena. And then you could have more carbs on that day. Or you could add more chews to add more fat into your diet that day. So I think. In terms of balance, just focus on your protein, carbs and fats specifically.

00:29:39:17 - 00:30:00:08
I don't think matter as much unless you're going for like a really specific physique goal, but just for general health and weight loss. Just try and keep them balanced like 35% of your daily intake each 30 to 35%. Yeah, I actually had a client the other day show me. I'm going to just, you know, do it food journal.

00:30:00:10 - 00:30:21:10
And he couldn't believe that. Like, he's like, look at this meal. And it was like some sort of lamb dish. And he's like, why is the fat so high? I'm like, well, lamb is quite high in fat. And he's like, oh, oh, should I be eating it? I'm like, well, well again, it depends. Like you don't want to just get all your only ate lean meat and like, you know, turkey meats and that's it.

00:30:21:12 - 00:30:48:19
Because again, you want that variety. So it's like it's some point you got to let go of that desired body composition goal and just focus on health, because lamb is really good for you. And it should be in your weekly fortnightly schedule. However often you eat red meat, it should be in there. But like you should not eat it because you're trying to get these physique goals or, you know, to a bodybuilding competition that's a completely different story.

00:30:48:19 - 00:31:10:18
Like makes it. So yeah, again, like it's just I think a food journal's a good place to start if just isn't already, just to make sure that, like, you know, tracking however you want to track, it just gives people a good idea of what you're actually eating, what you're actually eating, because a lot of people think they get enough protein, and I'll get them to track their protein and they're not getting enough.

00:31:10:21 - 00:31:31:18
Yeah. Oh my God, I thought I was getting hate. So I'm like, well, you know, it's always like, oh, I was eating three eggs. I'm like, oh yeah, that's so much protein. okay. What about some high protein foods and snacks that I can easily incorporate into my diet? obviously high protein foods, high protein foods. I got to be meat.

00:31:31:20 - 00:31:58:23
That's just how it is. as for snacks, this is a very hard. This is the thing that all of my clients struggle with the most is getting high protein snacks. So I guess if you can find, like, meat based snacks like jerky or cooked chicken or what else is in me based snack, I don't even know. We often have, like, I just like, make like, meatballs or something ahead of time just to have.

00:31:59:00 - 00:32:21:17
Otherwise the next best option would be dairy based snacks. Or like a high protein yogurt. Protein shake. Protein shake. Yeah. protein shakes a good because they are high in protein but lower in fat like yogurt is still again, good fats. Good for you. Yeah, but can be higher in fat. The the best high protein yogurt that I would recommend.

00:32:21:17 - 00:32:51:19
That is like a good amount of protein for your calorie cost is the yo Pro performance yogurt. so it's 20g of protein. I think it's only 90 calories, which is really good. That's pretty much the same as a protein shake, actually. and then there's like the plant based option. So you can get some protein from nuts and seeds and I can't even think of any other plant based things.

00:32:51:21 - 00:33:12:17
Yeah, they're a snack again. Like nuts, seeds, plant based things are really good sources of protein and should be consumed for protein as well because again, they're different sources of protein of the meat. but just watch the fat content as well. Again, a lot of clients get this wrong and just like snack on nuts because they think, oh, protein, that's going to be good.

00:33:12:19 - 00:33:35:20
But there's so many calories in nuts and they are quite high in fat. Yeah. So again, still good to have. But just watch the intake on those sort of things. I would almost suggest for like someone specifically trying to build muscle and lose body fat too, rather than if you are plant based and you want to have a protein snack rather than having just like a bunch of nuts as your snack just yet.

00:33:35:20 - 00:33:52:09
I'm usually bald. Like I don't usually recommend processed foods in general, but like a commons muesli bar that has ten grams of protein in it also has nuts and seeds in it. And you know how much you're eating like you have one bar and you know how many calories that is. You know how much protein you're getting out of it.

00:33:52:11 - 00:34:24:07
And that's just a really easy way to make sure you're not overdoing it. But getting enough protein at the same time. Next question. Yeah. Okay. So I've been doing a lot of cardio workouts like running and cycling, but I want to incorporate strength training into my routine. Can you explain the benefits of compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench press and provide some tips on how to properly perform these exercises to get the most out of my workout?

00:34:24:09 - 00:34:45:16
yes. Ben. Good question. So Ben, come to me. I been doing a lot of cardio like swimming, running, all that sort of stuff and wanted to, you know, I think once you start on that journey and then your social media starts getting filled with certain, you know, exercise things and then you say benches, the best deadlifts are the best.

00:34:45:18 - 00:35:11:01
All these exercises the best. So so I just got a bit confused on like, you know what he like what he should be doing. now I'll talk through what I recommended for Ben. I think that's probably going to be the best recommendation for most people listening. so he hadn't done any weights before. Okay. So if you're if you haven't done any weights, I just recommended simple exercises.

00:35:11:03 - 00:35:33:14
before he even starts trying the bench deadlifts, all that sort of stuff. So instead of, you know, deadlift, essentially just picking things up off the ground. So maybe not a barbell deadlift, maybe like a dumbbell or kettlebell deadlifts. squatting, obviously, just like a goblet squat or a bodyweight squat. so he could actually move. All right.

00:35:33:14 - 00:35:55:18
So, you know, loading out of a goblet was fine, but some people can't even get that squat motion right. So just squatting down or just literally sitting down to a chair, standing back up, get that right before you actually start loading it up. bench press. Just do some push ups, sort of some push ups, push ups. very effective, especially for just building strength, growing muscle around the chest and shoulders.

00:35:55:20 - 00:36:15:03
People just overlook it because it's, you know, just a push up, but just adding some push ups in. Obviously, you can then flip over onto a bench and start doing some dumbbell bench press. Super safe. Obviously starting a lot and working your way up from there. so it doesn't have to be again. But Ben sort of wanted to go from 0 to 100.

00:36:15:05 - 00:36:36:15
It doesn't have to be barbell movements. Just dial it back a little bit. Just focus on good range movements with light weights. It could be cable machines as well. Even just like pin loaded machines where, you know, you just oscillating muscles, that can be quite effective for some people that don't move so well and have never lifted weights.

00:36:36:17 - 00:37:00:15
actually, one of the lifeguards at the gym I work at came to me and said, oh, look, I haven't been to the gym in 15 years. Like I've been doing cardio and stuff. I just don't know what to do. And he was he's probably in his or maybe 60 ish. And I just got him to just jump on four machines like that pull down leg extension, prone hamstring curl and a pressing machine.

00:37:00:19 - 00:37:19:01
So like literally just doing all of those movements. And that's enough for him. Just because, you know, a little bit early hasn't been to the gym 15, 20 years. So I'm not going to get him to start loading up some sort of squat movement because he got bad knees. He got decent in that. So again, it just sort of depends on who you are and where you're at.

00:37:19:03 - 00:37:40:13
But don't feel like you have to go straight into a like a squat or deadlift. Barbell squats, deadlift to get the most benefits from compound movements, like a compound movement is still getting up out of the chair. Yeah, but yeah, just just start at the beginning and work your way up. You're far better off risk of injuries less.

00:37:40:15 - 00:38:02:05
You're going to see more results because you can progressively overload the exercise. But you can also progressively overload the movement like the movement that you're doing. So going from a bodyweight squat to a goblet squat to a barbell squat, you're progressively overloading that way. So you're going to get benefits for longer as well. So yeah, that was basically my tip to Ben.

00:38:02:05 - 00:38:26:17
Just calm down. Stop the simple things that are still effective and work your way up to the more complex things. Yeah, you can definitely jump in under a barbell and do a squat depending on like I think Ben was like 22, so I'd probably get him under barbell squatting without any weight pretty soon. But again, compared to the loft guy that asked me a question who was 60 plus, I'm probably not going to get him under a barbell at all.

00:38:26:19 - 00:39:04:19
So yeah. Oh good question. Yeah. Okay. Last one. How does strength training help with bone strength? do we know who that come from? Yeah, I'm too scared to say because they work in. someone that works in the building. Young or old? Young. Okay. no matter what, strength training is really good for bone strength. I ask that because at the moment there is a lot of research and talk about, female menopause, about strength training to increase bone strength.

00:39:04:21 - 00:39:26:21
If if that is you, you should be lifting weights again. Just go back to that last question that I just answered for Ben about strength training. Apply those principles. but how does strength training help with bone strength? It's exactly the same as muscle. So the more load and stress you put on your body, the more your muscles build.

00:39:26:21 - 00:39:58:23
But at the same time, your bones have to build strength as well to be able to withstand that stress or load. So think of your bones just like muscles. But again, just like muscles, your bones need a lot of nutrients, all that sort of stuff to actually grow as well. So when I was talking about it with this person, the way that he asked the question was kind of like in the way that maybe bones are just like a plank of wood and there's no way you can change them apart from like, drinking milk.

00:39:59:01 - 00:40:19:00
You know what I mean? Like, they they don't sort of bend and grow in the same way. And I didn't have time to answer the question at the time, but they are like thinking about them like a just a living organism as well. They're not just a solid structure in your body that doesn't change once they've grown. They've grown and they're like cement.

00:40:19:02 - 00:40:43:08
They do have like minerals and everything inside them as well. And what you do with them obviously affects what they can withstand. Like so if you don't put any load on them and then you fall or they kind of just snap like a little tweak, right? Because they haven't felt the pressure and been able to increase the strength to with, to be able to survive the fall.

00:40:43:11 - 00:41:05:14
Yeah. And that's like when we talk. And that's why this the conversation about, postmenopausal women strength training. Because there's a huge risk when they fold they can break something. Yeah. And that that risk is stupidly high. The percentage and also your hormones change post menopause and they don't you don't produce as much testosterone. Yeah. So it's harder to build growth hormone.

00:41:05:14 - 00:41:32:12
So it it's harder to build and maintain the strength of your bones. So lifting weights actually promote is the what's the word I'm looking for like the production the production of growth hormone to help grow your bones. Yeah. And it it is the most effective thing. So it they recommend strength training because it is far more superior than any supplement, any collagen thing that you can possibly take strength training out.

00:41:32:12 - 00:41:57:05
Does them like how. Like there's just no comparison, strength training or supplements. Strength training is far more effective and a lot faster. Building bone strength, whether it is a young male or a female, same thing like strength training is the best thing you can do. You can. Yeah, bone broth, all that sort of stuff is really good. But again, you need to have that strength training.

00:41:57:07 - 00:42:21:16
And as for what strength training? Again, go back to that previous question by Ben and listen to that start simple. Doesn't have to be complicated and start wherever you're at. Just start with simple movements and build up from there. Also, just having muscle around your bone is also going to protect them as well, right? Like the fact that you are building muscle is just like extra insurance for your bones to not be broken.

00:42:21:16 - 00:42:41:06
But it's funny how people just divide like your body is your body and it's all connected. You can't just go, you know, my muscles are that. My ligaments are these, my bones are that. Yeah. It's all connected. They all need each other. Yeah, yeah. All right. That's a good question. A good question of it. so that's it.

00:42:41:08 - 00:43:09:12
Perfect. Well, again, thanks to all the people that submitted a question. Hopefully you didn't all hear that motorbike flying boy. again from the two girls that submitted question. Thank you very much. But let's say some more questions from the next one. Everything. That's why. That's what it is, guys. It's stupid. We need more help. and again, you can submit your question through the link below in the show notes or find us on Instagram.

00:43:09:12 - 00:43:18:19
The links will be in the show notes as well. we appreciate your time. If you've lasted this long. As always, we'll see you in the next episode. Bye.

00:43:23:03 - 00:43:36:11

00:43:36:13 - 00:43:38:13
To the moment before