In-situ Health and Fitness

Episode 190. Q&A - New Anti-aging Supplement, Sleep Importance, and Carbs Explained

In-situ Media Episode 190

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Welcome to another episode of the In-situ health and fitness podcast! This week, we are back to answering your questions! 

We discuss the benefits of NMN for cellular energy and anti-aging, the importance of sleep for overall health, and how to balance strength training with cardio. We also cover key supplements for enhancing performance and recovery, clarify misconceptions about carbohydrates, and provide tips for managing old knee injuries and much more!

01:00 What is NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide?
6:50 How important is sleep in the context of fitness and overall health, and what tips do you have for improving sleep quality?
15:20 How should I balance strength training and cardio in my fitness regimen? I just want to be a healthy human!
21:10 What are some key supplements that can enhance fitness performance and recovery, and how should they be used effectively?
28:45 I wanting to learn more about carbs as I’m a pasta lover, but not sure if it’s unhealthy or not, so much confusing literature on the inter web, some people say they are bad, some say ok if not consumed too late in the day, some say if exercise within a few hours of consumption, just all a bit confusing.
35:40 Best treatment and exercises for an old knee injury.  I am losing strength and flexibility as I get older and want to slow down its deterioration.  Any temperature treatments or exercises that focus specifically on knee injuries? 
38:45 I do everything right! Eat, sleep, exercise, recover, etc. But!! I still have body fat. WHY?

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00:00:07:15 - 00:00:30:21
What is up, everybody? Welcome back to another Q&A episode. As always, we appreciate every single one of you that submit your questions. if you want to submit a question, you can always do that. In the show notes, there will be a link where you can submit a question. Don't even have to leave your name, just put your question in, hit submit and we get that.

00:00:30:23 - 00:00:53:21
Or you can find us on social media. What's the social media podcast for the podcast it is at Institute Dot podcast. Awesome. So you can find to say that's where we post a lot of our content as well. So if you agree disagree, have your own opinion on these questions and our answers, you can continue the conversation. There.

00:00:53:23 - 00:01:24:03
Perfect. Straight into it. Let's go. Let's do it okay. The first question I have is about a supplement that has been circulating on TikTok. And it is called n m n like firstly, what a stupid name because it's so hard to pronounce. But essentially the videos that I've been seeing are claiming that it helps with cellular energy, boost anti-aging for the skin and DNA repair.

00:01:24:05 - 00:02:01:03
So when my friend showed me this the first time, I was like, garbage, this has to be complete and out of garbage, right? Like it's just a scammy sales thing. So he's like, why don't you dive into it on the podcast? So I did some research and basically what it is, is it's derived from vitamin B3. And plus, if you remember any high school biology, you remember that Nad+ plays a significant role in like biological processes like energy metabolism, DNA repair and cell survival.

00:02:01:03 - 00:02:28:20
Like it it's like kind of the cleaner of the cells in our body. So I was like, okay, good start. Maybe, but pretty much what it's claims, to be doing at the moment is reversing age. That's what everyone is selling it for anti-aging. Anti-Aging. but the, the negative side of it so far that I've found is that they've only really done studies on mice, not humans.

00:02:28:22 - 00:02:50:11
Seems to have a lot of that go and a lot of new supplements are coming out that, you know, claim all these things but haven't actually been around for that long enough for humans to take long term to know what the actual side effects are. Exactly. And like, I know it's it's really common for all supplements really to start in animal studies because it's safer for us.

00:02:50:11 - 00:03:21:22
Right. So that's where this supplement is at the minute. So as it stands, I wouldn't recommend anyone start to take it. I don't know what the dosage would be. I don't know the price of it. I assume it's quite expensive because it's relatively new. but I guess the people who would want to take it, maybe in a few years time when it is more of a viable supplement would be, I guess, older adults, because like your body's ability to produce Nad+ does decline as you age.

00:03:21:22 - 00:03:44:20
So hence why your skin gets saggy here and your metabolism slows down and everything sort of starts to slow because you don't produce as much Nad+. So there's not as much cell rejuvenation happening. So aging people, people with metabolic disorders. So like type two diabetes where you have metabolic dysfunction. So you may not have as much active Nad+ happening.

00:03:44:20 - 00:04:09:12
So taking a supplement like this could add to that and ideally help with your metabolic function. Otherwise like athletes I would say because like they're using a lot of energy. So it helps with energy production. But the category that I found the most interesting would be people with neurocognitive decline. So like Alzheimer's disease, hopefully they start to do, research in that area.

00:04:09:12 - 00:04:35:00
More so because it's pretty it's a pretty predominant disease as it stands right now. so where did you say it come. Like what? Where do you get this supplement from? So obviously it's made in B, vitamin B, and the precursor of NAD plus. Okay. So obviously it's chemically made. Yeah. Like all supplements. but yeah. Yeah, I don't know.

00:04:35:00 - 00:04:59:04
I guess I feel like vitamin B also is often sold as a skin hair nails supplement as well. So maybe that's where they're pulling like the the skin longevity from in the sales pitch of it. But I don't know the guy that they got the video that I saw of the guy pitching, it was like, you're going to look ten years younger, you're going to perform way better.

00:04:59:06 - 00:05:26:07
You're going like it was a sales video. Yeah, you know what I mean? This just sort of let guess, it sort of makes sense. But at the same time, like it can help you produce energy, but you also need good quality foods to be supporting that energy production, like ATP, even just the absorption of this supplement. Yeah. Like your diet should be on point before you consider taking any supplements.

00:05:26:07 - 00:05:49:13
Really, because your ability to digest a supplement depends on the foods that you're having and the quality of the macro micronutrients. Sorry that you're ingesting. So I sort of for me anyway, just looking at and like, I have heard something about this a while ago, I think my sister brought it to my attention. Maybe 6 to 8 months ago.

00:05:49:16 - 00:06:12:01
And like, I just put it in the category of, you know, what's the point? Like if you've got a healthy diet and you're getting vitamin B from where like, you know, natural sources, I feel like this wouldn't make much difference. like you said, it would be interesting to see if they actually do studies on yeah.

00:06:12:01 - 00:06:32:08
Like Alzheimer's and all that sort of diabetes, like actual, diseases where you have a problem with producing Nad+. Yeah. I think this is just one of those fad drugs that are coming out at the moment that people are getting way too excited about and thinking that, oh, this is going to be that one supplement that fixes all, and I'm going to be the best.

00:06:32:10 - 00:06:53:14
I'm going to live forever ultra human out there, and I can do anything. But yeah, it doesn't work like that. Yeah, maybe we'll take it back in like three, five years, ten years time. They actually got some good, evidence behind it. But if you see it, that's essentially what it is. Yeah. So yeah. All right.

00:06:53:15 - 00:07:21:05
Anyway let's move on. Let's how important is this sleep. How important is sleep in the context of fitness and overall health. What tips do you have to improve sleep quality? I love this question. So real quick, if you didn't listen to it last week, we had Joe on who's an osteo, and we asked him the question of what's most important and a previous, question from one of the Q&A pods.

00:07:21:07 - 00:07:45:19
Like, what's more important, sleep? Need nutrition or exercise? Like what should you focus on first? And he said, exercise. And I said exercise. But I've actually changed my mind, I think sleep. So, I've got a couple of different clients going through a few different things in their life. And, when they get a bad night sleep, they don't turn up to the workout.

00:07:45:22 - 00:08:12:03
So originally I was like, you know, focus on the workouts. And even Joe said in the pod that, you know, you're you're already sleeping and you're already aiding. So exercising, which is a great point, 100%. But at the same time, if your sleep is shit, you're not going to do like that was my reasoning, right? And like, I've literally seen that firsthand over the last two weeks and I've changed my mind and sleep is focused on your sleep.

00:08:12:05 - 00:08:37:16
Yeah, I can't stress that enough. Like even clients have a bad night sleep and then coming for a workout, their performance is just like, it's still like still hundred percent getting their get something done. It's going to be way better than doing absolutely nothing. Like something is always better than nothing. But if yeah, I had to get a good night's sleep, you would get more out of that session, which means you're moving towards your goals a lot faster.

00:08:37:18 - 00:09:05:17
Yeah, yeah. So like, I guess that's the willpower aspect of getting enough sleep as to why it's important in the context of health and fitness. I had down, under the mental health area of it, emotional regulation. Like, you can't regulate your emotions when you haven't had enough sleep. You can't find the willpower or the motivation to go and do your workout session, or cook good food, or even go to the supermarket.

00:09:05:18 - 00:09:32:00
Make bad choices when you don't sleep properly. Yeah. And then I think as well as that, like your memory suffers, your ability to solve problems, retain information, all of that suffers and all of that. Then obviously goes hand in hand with your ability to just function as a human, like on a daily aspect. Yeah. But then for your physical health, like your ability to recover from your workouts, atrocious.

00:09:32:04 - 00:09:56:06
Your immune function absolutely at the window, your metabolism and ability to maintain your weight. Also really, really hard if you aren't getting enough sleep because sleep helps your body regulate your hormones. And if you don't have that regulation and like, I guess almost that daily reset, for lack of a better word, then it is really hard for you to like lose weight if that's your goal.

00:09:56:07 - 00:10:24:15
And it also really disrupts your body's like growing and what's the other leptin. So your hunger and fullness cues really disrupts that. So you might be feeling hungry even though you're actually just really sleep deprived. And vice versa. So I feel like that's also overlooked. and I also at uni last semester we spoke a lot about sleep and its relation to cardiovascular health.

00:10:24:17 - 00:10:46:19
so like a lot of studies have shown that people who have poorer sleep duration and quality have a greater risk of heart disease and dying from heart disease. Yeah, because all those flow on effects happen. Yeah. Like you can't even if you do go to the gym, you can't push as hard as you want. Excuse me? you make worse food choices.

00:10:46:21 - 00:11:16:12
Your brain doesn't function properly, so. Yeah. Sleep. How important? How important is sleep in the context of health and overall wellness is a question. And very top ten tock tick. Like. And, can't stress that enough. And it's very hard to improve your sleep because, you know, a lot of people, you know, listen, if you go to the gym and you're doing bicep curls, you can see like you can feel your bicep getting bigger, basically.

00:11:16:14 - 00:11:42:17
Yeah. Not that it is, but, you know, you feel that pumping your muscles and you feel like something's happening. Yeah. Not good. Not sleep. You don't necessarily feel that. No. But you have you should feel energized. Yeah. Right. Like it should be an immediate if you're doing it consistently and regularly, it should be an immediate thing. just because you go to bed on time one night out of the week isn't going to change much.

00:11:42:17 - 00:12:11:01
Yeah. So my I think my first tip to improve sleep quality would have a consistent sleep. Would be sorry to have a consistent sleep schedule if that's the only thing that you do. If you only change one thing about your whole sleep regime, but have as a consistent sleep, what is consistent sleep? I mean, you go to bed, you go to bed to go to sleep at the same time every night, and you wake up and get out of bed at the same time every morning.

00:12:11:01 - 00:12:50:10
I know that's really hard, especially with weekends and activities and work most likely. But as much as you can, like your body has an internal clock for a reason. It likes things to be stable and consistent and the same. It hates change. Your body hates change. so yeah, I think that having a regular sleep and wake time is the most important thing, that the easiest, the best thing that you can do to feel energized and to get all of the benefits, or I guess maybe to avoid all of the bad things that we just listed, is having a regular sleep schedule.

00:12:50:12 - 00:13:12:21
after that, what do you think is the next best tip that we have that we do that? I think that's hard enough for people to now, but work on that the best you can. The next would be the 3 to 1 three hours before bed. No food, two hours before bed, no water and one hour before bed.

00:13:12:21 - 00:13:36:01
No screens or technology or anything like that. Again, that's not that's a lot easier said than done, but I'd say if you can start focusing on that as well, I think that makes a big difference. I'm going to give one. I've got a whole list, but I'm going to give one more. and if if you if you know me, then you know it's going to be a Huberman tip, which is light exposure.

00:13:36:03 - 00:14:10:05
So I think if you can't really control your sleep and wake schedule, like to be consistent, as in you can't control going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. The next best thing you can do is use light to help your body realize, we're going to bed now and we're waking up now, especially if you're changing sleep schedules, like if you're going to bed at nine and getting up at five for four days, and then you have to change and go to bed at, I don't know, 11 and then you get up at 9 a.m..

00:14:10:07 - 00:14:49:09
The best thing you can do is to limit your light exposure as much as you can before you go to bed at both those times, and give yourself the most light exposure you can upon waking. And like ideally, sunlight in both those scenarios. So sunrise and sunset should be your best friend. But that is the best natural signal, the best natural stimulant, the best natural supplement you can give yourself to tell your body it's either time to go to sleep or it's time to wake up, and then that will help you sleep better at night and hopefully help you feel more alert during the day.

00:14:49:10 - 00:15:10:02
Yeah, just an artificial nighttime in an artificial. Yeah. Try and yeah, mimic the day. The the the 24 hour clock as best you can I suppose. Yep. Yeah. Do you think that that's enough. Is that enough. Yeah. I don't like to give I know we've done whole episodes on sleep and all that sort of stuff. So if people want to go back and listen to those, I can.

00:15:10:02 - 00:15:30:16
But sometimes I just don't want to give too much info on sleep because it's very overwhelming. Yeah. If you just focus on those three, I think you'll be killing it. Yeah. With your sleep. Okay. The next question is how should I balance strength training and cardio in my fitness regime? I just want to be a healthy human. This is a great question.

00:15:30:16 - 00:15:51:12
It came from one of my friends at uni when she found out that we have a podcast and we do what we do for work, she's like, oh my goodness, like tell me how to be a healthy human. so this is a question for you, right? You are you. That is, if somebody can figure that out then like, yeah, hundred percent.

00:15:51:12 - 00:16:16:09
Let's no, but or like I guess this is just my opinion. Okay. Don't get upset. Anybody. I know everybody has different lives and that sort of stuff, but just put it first, like put your fitness first. I just noticed that a lot of people like health and fitness is just what they have time for at the end of the day, or you know when they'll fit it in, when they can and you're never gonna fit it in.

00:16:16:11 - 00:16:38:19
The thing is, like, things are always going to come up. So like exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body in health, wellness, all that sort of stuff. Just getting some sort of exercise in. So if you can make sure that that is your priority for the day and making sure you get something done, like get wake up and do that first thing, the rest of your day is going to be better.

00:16:38:21 - 00:17:04:09
You're going to be a healthier person. Your brain function is going to be better, probably going to make better food choices, all that sort of stuff. So just putting it first and just prioritizing it more than what you are on. Again, that's a lot easier said than done. but the people that I say do that have the most success and a healthy, more active, happier about life, want to absolutely kill it.

00:17:04:09 - 00:17:28:20
So yeah, that's all I'd say. Just, you know, make it a morning routine as close as to waking up as you can. And I think that is the best thing you can possibly do. Okay. But say and a leader is already training. How like, how would you recommend someone just for, just for everyday function to split strength training and cardio?

00:17:28:20 - 00:17:49:15
Because I feel like we've recently changed that, right? Like so say you just want to be like, say this is the you want to find the way, you want to train for the rest of your life. How would you distribute strength training in cardio? Okay. Good question. Yep, I see, that's what she meant anyway, when we had a conversation about it, she's like, I've got enough.

00:17:49:19 - 00:18:07:20
She's like, I have dedicated this time each day, but I don't know, should I be doing more strength training or should I be doing more cardio for general health? look, that can waver depending on your goals. Obviously, if you want to put on more muscle and build more strength, you'll do more strength in like muscle building exercise.

00:18:07:20 - 00:18:37:21
If you want to do a bit more cardio, then you'd probably be doing a bit more cardio. now for a general health, I'd just say one for one. So if you do one day of strength training, do one day of cardio, and then the next day would be strength in the next day it would be cardio. and look, that strength training can be interpreted in many different ways, like strength training can be just bodyweight exercises done to fatigue or loading up as barbell back squats, deadlifts, shoulder press, that sort of thing.

00:18:37:23 - 00:18:55:17
And then the cardio can be the same. Like it could just be a fact of just jumping on an exercise bike and just chilling an exercise bike and just doing zone two for 30 minutes. Or it could be a CrossFit workout. like, we've been sort of doing a little bit of a CrossFit workout on. Well, I've been doing it on a Sunday.

00:18:55:19 - 00:19:16:17
It's what do you mean, where? Where have I been? Because I'm behind you in the schedule and. True. so, you know, that's a combination of lifting weights at high intensity in a safe and proper manner. But I'd consider that cardio, although that weights are involved so it can look like any like cardio can look in any way.

00:19:16:17 - 00:19:35:04
It's just I find cardio quite boring. and I just find ways of getting that done in a way that entertains me. and it makes sure that that just gets me back and doing it more so, like I. But I know some people that actually love just jumping on a treadmill and just going for a run on a treadmill.

00:19:35:06 - 00:19:56:13
I could think of nothing worse. Yeah, I've been doing it lately, but I absolutely hate it. But. But not for like an hour. Like I could easily white train for an hour, hour and a half. Yet 20 minutes on the stairs and I'm like, kill me now. Exactly. So and that's like, you know, doing a CrossFit workout. And I hate using a CrossFit workout because everybody just thinks like some crazy weights around.

00:19:56:13 - 00:20:14:22
But it's just like what I was doing hand cleans, push press thrusters and just something to get your heart rate up. You just and not for reps, just for time. Like just a minute on each four rounds. You know that's going to get my heart rate up. I'm going to be sweaty afterwards. So that can be your cardio as well.

00:20:15:00 - 00:20:31:02
but yeah, even with strength training, some people hate strength training. So I just find different variations that you're going to enjoy. you know, had somebody inquire about calisthenics the other day. You know, I'm not a calisthenics coach. I'm not going to be able to coach them too well. But that is a form of strength training.

00:20:31:04 - 00:20:49:21
and then she knew that. So she's going to do some cardio as well alongside that. So I think people get too worried about, you know, what's the optimal thing. And there is no optimal thing like just move your body, have fun with it. And that is the main thing. As long as you're moving your body every single day.

00:20:49:23 - 00:21:09:09
Look, yeah, there's optimal and there's not like you, if you're not doing any cardio, it's probably good to do some cardio. And if all you're doing is cardio, it would probably be good to do some strength training. Yeah. So just mix it up. But it can go too far one way for a while, but also bring it back in whatever you're missing after a while as well.

00:21:09:11 - 00:21:33:04
Cool. That was a good question. Okay, the next one is what are some key supplements that can enhance fitness, performance and recovery, and how should they be used? I've written down only three have. Yeah, I didn't say those. I don't know if you want to add the Jack likes to dabble in supplements a lot. I don't really care that much.

00:21:33:06 - 00:22:04:10
but the three that I have in regards to fitness performance in recovery is creatine, protein, caffeine, and l-theanine together, caffeine and an income under one umbrella. Creatine for I. I mostly take creatine for its brain benefits rather than considering it for its body benefits, but it does increase ATP production, so it helps you with like strength and power and muscle mass.

00:22:04:10 - 00:22:27:04
But the muscle mass in the sense that your muscles will hold more water when you take creatine. But it is also very, very, very beneficial for your brain function and the longevity, longevity, health of your brain. So that's mostly why I take creatine. Next would be protein powder. I mostly chose that one because people don't eat enough protein, period.

00:22:27:04 - 00:22:53:14
So if you're trying to build muscle and you're trying to, improve your the rate of your recovery, then eating enough protein is probably the first and easiest thing that you can do for both of those. And the third one is caffeine and l-theanine together. Because, Kathy, caffeine helps you feel more alert so you can put in more effort in your workouts.

00:22:53:16 - 00:23:13:04
But if you're anything like me, having too much caffeine does give you the coffee jitters. So then it's like I can't use anything I could. I'm just like a jittery mess. But then when you pair it with l-theanine, it sort of help stabilize that. So then it makes me feel like really laser focused and like I have enough energy.

00:23:13:04 - 00:23:31:13
The L-theanine feels like it just narrows that, I guess caffeine concentration a lot more rather than it spread out over. Yeah, it's like if you have one of those kaleidoscope things, like when you're a kid and you're like the caffeine fuzzy, and then when you take the l-theanine, it's like, whoa, we can see this whole picture so clearly.

00:23:31:13 - 00:23:51:15
Yeah, yeah. yeah. So there, my three. Do you have any others that you want to add? Yeah. So, I'll just go over what I have at the moment. so I have creatine. I don't take creatine for any form. I think if you're taking creatine for performance enhancement that you're probably not getting, it's not working. that's my opinion anyway.

00:23:51:20 - 00:24:11:01
I take it for the health benefits. there's a lot of studies now that show that creatine helps with bone density, brain function, brain health. Like, I take it for the health benefits. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourself. though I can't see why you wouldn't take it for the health benefits if you're not taking it.

00:24:11:03 - 00:24:43:23
I strongly recommend you do, caffeine l-theanine. Obviously. protein. I'm not really taking much protein powder in the, anymore. You have it every single morning, except I so I take it I take, collagen protein in the morning, the like, it's like more of the cordial, like the juicy flavored collagen protein. I've just been having that just so I can get 700 mils of water in first thing, because it's very hard for me to just wake up and smash, you know, half a liter of water.

00:24:44:03 - 00:25:11:07
So I have the, the collagen juicy protein, the ATP science brand with the creatine. what else is in there? Probably salt. A little bit of salt in the morning, because salt is good for hydration. and electrolytes. One thing off, I've been having a probably shouldn't mention it, but because people will be going out and doing this like crazy, well, then don't mention it.

00:25:11:09 - 00:25:36:01
Is it bicarb soda? It is bicarb. What is up with that? so bicarb soda is a blood thinner. So thinner blood is always better. just that's just a little experiment I'm having on myself. I won't dive in too much. When you told me that the other day, though, I googled it, and it said that people with high blood pressure shouldn't, should not have bicarb soda, should not considered bicarb soda.

00:25:36:03 - 00:25:56:16
Let's say. How what are the what are the, what are the parameters of your experiment? Haven't seen what my blood pressure does. You don't monitor your your blood pressure, though. I do not work as a blood pressure machine. Okay. Yeah. And we need one for home anyway. What for? No, I'm fine. And I do take radio a lot.

00:25:56:18 - 00:26:21:15
And for diarrhea at the moment as well. That's just more for stress. Anxiety management as well. Also we've. What about these mellow cans? L-theanine. Yeah. Reduce anxiety, improve sleep, enhance cognitive function. Just a random supplement. Is it a sub. Would you consider this a supplement? I don't, it's just a thing I don't know. We have a lot of caffeine.

00:26:21:15 - 00:26:47:17
It's just good to drink in because, Okay. As for effective use, how should they be used effectively? I think consistency, especially when it comes to creating and protein is the biggest thing. If you aren't doing especially creatine consistently, then don't bother at all. Really. quality. We always talk about quality of the supplements. Make sure you get a good quality supplement.

00:26:47:18 - 00:27:04:21
I don't know how many clients nutrition clients I talk to, and I ask them how like what's your protein intake? Do you take a supplement? Would you consider taking a supplement? And most of them are like, it hurts my stomach. It makes me gassy. It makes me feel nauseous. it stinks. And I'm like, where did you get it?

00:27:04:21 - 00:27:32:02
From the supermarket. Yeah. Okay, let's let's let's try it again and get a good quality one. and then I guess the other thing would be your diet. Don't even consider. no, I would say you can maybe consider creatine even if your diet's not dialed in. But, always consider your protein intake to come from your diet first and then add the supplement.

00:27:32:04 - 00:27:51:14
the same goes for any supplement, like if you're getting multivitamins and vitamin C and vitamin this and that. Just make sure that you, just eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, because that's where all of the vitamins come from. and then if you feel like you need to, you can consider other things, other supplements.

00:27:51:14 - 00:28:09:14
But, yeah. So real quick, I would just say you can do your own experiment as well. So normally I would buy, say it's creatine, buy a type of creatine, have the tub and then go off it for a month or two, see if you feel any different. So creatine doesn't work on about 20% of the population anyway.

00:28:09:18 - 00:28:33:07
Or ten, I don't know, some sort of like small percentage of population. Creatine does nothing for so you might be one of those. You might not be. You don't know like I don't know. Doc doesn't know. No one knows. You've just got to try it. And that goes like we've always talked about different supplements. We've tried it and we always go on it, try it for a month or two, but consistently have it every single day and then go off it and see if there's any difference.

00:28:33:09 - 00:28:45:04
And if there is, then we know that it works for us. If there's no difference, then we stop wasting our money. Yeah. there was another story about a client, but I'll leave that just rambling on.

00:28:45:04 - 00:28:57:20
Next question. I'm wanting to learn more about carbs as I'm a pasta lover, but not sure if it's unhealthy or not. So much confusing literature on the interweb. So some people say that they are bad.

00:28:58:00 - 00:29:23:23
Some say they are okay if not consumed too late in the day, and some say exercise within a few hours of consumption. It's all just a bit confusing. I agree. Bradley. It's so confusing. Nutrition information on the internet is very confusing. Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Agreed. Agreed. Bradley. Firstly, we eat pasta. Yeah. We also carbs on that pasta.

00:29:24:02 - 00:29:48:06
Get that out of the way. Let's say carbs are not bad, so there are generally two types of carbs. Complex carbohydrates, which digest slowly, and they provide you with, like, sustained energy. And they make you feel fuller for longer. and they are generally things like whole grains, legumes, vegetables, etc.. And then there are simple carbohydrates. So they do digest very quickly.

00:29:48:07 - 00:30:14:17
They can lead to rapid spot spikes in blood sugar and are generally less nutrient dense. So they're things like sugar lollies, chocolates refined grains. So if pasta from the supermarket like pasta in a box, dried pasta, yes. Is a simple carb. But in saying that generally when you are eating pasta, you're eating it with a protein and probably a lot of fat as well.

00:30:14:19 - 00:30:35:15
So that does change the way that the simple carb is used by your body. The digestion is going to be slowed, and likely the blood sugar level is not going to be spiked as high because you have the other macronutrients alongside it. Yeah. so moral of the story I think carbs up the best source of energy for your body.

00:30:35:21 - 00:31:09:08
The best source of energy for your brain? Your brain. Absolutely loves carbs. If you get them from the right place, they are very nutrient dense. and most like complex carbs, are packed full of fiber, which is very, very important for digestion. So I think as long as you are eating your pasta or rice or whatever the simple carb is with other macros, which is the way that I feel like we, our bodies were designed to absorb food with carbohydrates, fat and protein.

00:31:09:13 - 00:31:36:09
Then I think you fine, eat eat your heart out with the pasta. As for timing, what do you think about the timing debate? I think everybody's different. Yeah, and like, yes, you can nitpick a few studies to show that you shouldn't eat carbs pass this time or close to bed. But look, again, like even those studies, they prove that bit on what type of people are they proving right?

00:31:36:11 - 00:32:22:03
I just think again, with all nutrition, it's. Yeah. Yeah. I think also it's like inject as a general rule, just don't eat too close to bedtime anyway. Exactly. as for exercise, like if you are, if you're wanting to consume simple carbohydrates like lollies and fruit and breads and the fast digesting carbohydrates before exercise is ideal because you're going to use that, you're going to get the spike and you're going to stay with the spike because you're going to exercise, whereas like if it's post-workout, then having the more fiber dense the complex carbohydrates is ideal because it's slow digesting and it gives your body a time to absorb the nutrients from it, which is the

00:32:22:03 - 00:32:48:21
whole purpose of them being slow digesting. Yep. So I think I think you're fine. Also, we should maybe maybe we should just touch on quality. Oh, yeah. Is that the next thing? Because, buying, like dried pasta in a box or a plastic wrapper from the supermarket is very different to either you making pasta at home or buying fresh pasta from somewhere like the market.

00:32:48:23 - 00:33:10:18
That only lasts a couple of days. Yes. Not not months. Because generally the pasta that you buy in a box is so, so refined. Like it's going to give you the biggest blood glucose strike. Strike! Spike, spike. because the flour is so processed and then the pasta is so processed and then it's dried, it's such a high, high heat.

00:33:10:20 - 00:33:29:17
I'm not even sure if there's any nutrients left in there. Whereas if you get fresh pasta, we get fresh pasta every week from the market. And you forget I forgot the difference between fresh pasta compared to like pasta from the supermarket. It cooks so quickly like you barely have to boil the water. Like six minutes and it's ready.

00:33:29:17 - 00:33:51:03
It's like al dente and it's fluffy, whereas pasta you buy from the supermarket, you have to boil the shit out of that stuff because it takes so long to cook and it's kind of chewy. And then the next day it has a weird, floury texture, right? Whereas when you buy fresh made pasta, the texture is completely different. Honestly, it doesn't bloat me personally, and I'm a very sensitive human.

00:33:51:04 - 00:34:17:16
There's just so many more benefits to buying fresh pasta. Yeah, it just comes. Yeah, just fresh, natural souls. It's like that's what it is like with any sort of even all the macronutrients. Yeah. I would just say also like, like we say with protein, if you don't know how much protein you're having, you track it. So with carbohydrates it's not it's not a bad thing to track your like if you're tracking how much food you ate anyway.

00:34:17:17 - 00:34:39:23
You can work out the carbs quite easily, like whatever you're tracking on is going to tell you anyway. So yeah, you might as well have a little bit of a look at where your carbohydrate intake is. Yeah. And again, some people operate better on carbohydrates. Some people operate better on fat. Exactly. Yeah. one of our clients is from Italy, and he loves fats.

00:34:39:23 - 00:35:02:12
Like, he operates so good on on fats. But then, like, as soon as he's, like, on the carbs or vice versa, you sign him, his partner a different. But his partner's Aussie and he's like from Italy. So they grew up on different cuisines. So when he has these partners cuisine, he just blows out and feels like shit and I can't remember which one was which.

00:35:02:12 - 00:35:22:15
But again, they're just two different people. So but again, they're just different people work on different fuel sources. You just got to work out what's best for you. Covid definitely not bad for you. They are good for you. But quality matters. And I feel like that's what's so wrong with the internet, right? Is someone will come along and say carbs are bad because they're bad for them.

00:35:22:16 - 00:35:44:17
Fat is good because they fat is good for them. And it's like, you can't. Not everyone can take that piece of advice like you have to take it with a grain of salt and water and where they what carbs I talking about. Yeah. Like, are they talking about lollies? Yeah. Well yeah we. Yeah. Anyway, anyway next question. Best treatment and exercises for an old knee injury.

00:35:44:19 - 00:36:11:20
I'm losing strength and flexibility as I get older and want to slow its degeneration. Any temperature treatments or exercises that focus specifically on knee injuries? temperature. somebody actually had, like, brought this up in the gym the other day. I'm glad he brought temperature up as well. they were just having a niggle in their back, and she was like, oh, I've been asked my back and she's not getting better.

00:36:11:20 - 00:36:33:01
I said, put a heat pack on it. She put a heat pack on it and she wasn't sure what I meant but like microwavable heat pack. Oh wait, wait pack. And she comes in next and she's like well we're back. I'm like, well like ice isn't like that. Good. Oh, this is just good for numbing a pain once you've done the injury.

00:36:33:03 - 00:37:02:09
from there, I'd recommend heat. again, there's a fair bit of research to back that up, in my experience. But, yeah, the heat might bring a bit of, pain to it because it is heat, so your body's like, well, what's that heat? I'm going to put send a bit more pain signals and that's okay. But that heat actually causes a bit more blood flow, which can, you know, help that injury or, you know, that old creaky knee, feel better and move better.

00:37:02:11 - 00:37:30:00
So heat is a good option for temperature treatments. as for exercise, right? Same old answer. Just start with simple exercises and just build it up. But the best thing for that knee is movement. really? That what movement? Just simple ones that you can do properly, safely and over time. You just going to make those, movements harder either by, you know, making the actual movement harder.

00:37:30:00 - 00:37:49:01
So for example, would be a goblet squat. And then over time you might go to a front squat, a barbell front squat, and then a barbell back squat. And obviously if that the load increases as well. But the load is increasing with the difficulty of the movement. All good exercises. It's just you got to figure out where you're at.

00:37:49:03 - 00:38:19:08
You might try a few things and, you know, stuff it up and go, oh, that hurt my knee. I'm not ready for that yet. Yeah. So you pull it back to the easier exercise or a lot of white. So movements, all types of movement, those movements. if you're doing a squats, for example, through the full range of motion as deep as possible, extending all the way up with good form and, you know, good, control, that's going to help with your flexibility as well through that knee joint as well.

00:38:19:08 - 00:38:43:17
So just don't be afraid to move through a little bit of pain in that knee. It's going to be okay. Just keep it safe. Controlled light weight and it's just going to get better from there. Okay, the last question. Everybody feel like we've been here for a long time. Okay. this is a good one too. Actually, they've all been really good, and we've had guys and gals this time, which is amazing to see.

00:38:43:20 - 00:39:12:19
Yeah. Thanks. Thank you, everybody, for coming in. okay. I do everything right. Eat, sleep, exercise, recovery, etc. but I still have body fat. Why? Excellent question. Good question. And this come from about three different clients. And I'll sort of just mesh it up into the one question. and yeah. Fair point. Like and this I wanted this question to be in there because, yeah, it's a valid question.

00:39:12:19 - 00:39:37:18
I'll do everything right. Why do I still have body fat? I ask myself this question all the time. Yeah. Go on elaborate because it's healthy to have body fat is what I said to all three clients. Now, obviously they. And the thing is, we all jump on social media. I say all these people that, you know, have absolutely no body fat, but that's not healthy, right?

00:39:37:20 - 00:39:57:10
And that's okay. If you want that, you have to understand that there's different things you're going to have to commit to and sacrifice a lot to get that. And that's 100% if that's what you want. Go for it. Yeah. But if you're doing all the right things, as in eating, sleeping, exercising, recovering properly, you're probably going to have a bit of body fat.

00:39:57:12 - 00:40:18:09
And that's okay because it's healthy. Because it's healthy. so I did look up a couple of different stats, and, this is why I wanted to bring em up. So essential. Body fat, so essential. So anything below this is where your body starts breaking down all sorts of bad things just to survive. This is what you would not want to go below this.

00:40:18:14 - 00:40:41:04
Some people obviously do for bodybuilding shows and all that sort of stuff. So, essential body fat for men. What does everybody think it is? I thought it was. It could be again. Everybody's going to a little bit different. This study said eight, full 4%, 4% body fat. Yeah. Essential. okay. For your body to function, I would say it's probably a little bit higher.

00:40:41:06 - 00:41:06:14
Now, the difference for women is pretty big essential body fat for women. Do you want me to drum roll something? Everybody, please. 12%. Yeah. Huge difference. Yeah. Okay, so just in that, in that was just one study, like again. Yeah. We can pick the share that study as well. But, like your body needs fat. And I know a lot of women that have gone under that 12%.

00:41:06:16 - 00:41:24:00
And I you know, I think they look right. They've committed I know what it takes to get there. So I appreciate that a whole lot more. but even the ones I've talked to, they know it's not healthy and it's not. And they say this is not healthy and they don't do it often, especially if they're prepping for a bodybuilding show or whatever.

00:41:24:02 - 00:41:43:19
They might do it. What? Most people do it once and that's it. Yeah. Like that was, you know, I'm rough. It's not worth it. And a lot of unfortunately we see it in social media all the time thinking it's worth it, but it's just definitely not. So, yeah, you are meant to be have a bit of body fat.

00:41:43:22 - 00:42:14:08
Body fat? I wanted to I added two notes below this question, below Jax's notes, which were body image dissatisfaction and body dysmorphic disorder. So the question did these were the three people that asked this question women? two women, one guy? Yeah. So I feel like the more it's very common and I say it on social media a lot, the more you train, the more body image dissatisfaction you are likely to have.

00:42:14:08 - 00:42:36:16
Because honestly, training is a lot of time and effort that you have to put in and the results in the progress are slow, whether you can see them or not. Like and a lot of the time, once you get to the end of the spectrum, you have to keep training, but you're not going to change much. Whereas when you're beginning, you might just look at a weight and you start to change, right?

00:42:36:16 - 00:42:58:23
Because you it's new and your body's like adapting to it. But the longer you do it, the harder it is, the harder you have to push. Do you see any change? So that's when I think body image dissatisfaction comes in because you're like, I'm pushing harder than I have. I've been pushing like this hard for two years and my body's not changing or you think that your body looks different than it actually does.

00:42:59:02 - 00:43:21:21
I feel like I go through this a lot. I and I think everybody does. Everybody does. That's why I want to bring it up, because how you see yourself in the mirror is so different to how everyone else sees you. And also, depending on how much sleep you've had, the food you've eaten, the stress you're under, the amount of liquid you've had is also going to influence how you perceive yourself and how you actually look.

00:43:21:23 - 00:43:48:20
So I think, yeah, just be aware of body image dissatisfaction. And I really wanted to highlight that it is very different from body dysmorphic disorder, because that gets thrown around on the internet a lot body dysmorphia, but that it actually has to be clinically diagnosed. So you have to go to a psychologist and be mentally unwell enough. And it physically interferes with your life to be to have body dysmorphia.

00:43:48:20 - 00:44:07:21
And I feel like a lot of the time people are like, oh, I'm body dysmorphic. Or they'll tell their friends like their friend. My complain like that. They don't look the way they want and they're like, you're being stupid. Yeah, you have body dysmorphia when it's actually a very serious thing and it will interfere with your life, and you can actually get on with your day without not thinking about your appearance.

00:44:07:21 - 00:44:29:06
So I wanted to also clarify the difference between those two, and just make sure that you guys are aware that body image dissatisfaction is is a common thing, and it's just something you have to manage, just like anything else. Sadness, anxiety, depression, all of the things, all of the emotions. It's just it's kind of like another emotion that you have to learn to be aware of and manage.

00:44:29:06 - 00:44:48:16
I suppose. And look, we could go on to all about these like genetics plays a big role like, you know, and then body size and like your limb size and all that sort of stuff. So 12% on one person can look completely different, but you hold it when you hold it. Yeah. True. But like so that plays into it as well.

00:44:48:16 - 00:45:17:18
But also I will add one of our previous guest Harish, brought up a good point. When you're judging yourself like that, you're either belittling somebody or putting somebody else on a pedestal. Forgot about that episode with Harish. That was a really good, really good episode. So like, what are you doing? Like when you say you're too fat, are you belittling somebody or you know, you're putting somebody else on a pedestal and that's somebody else that you're putting on a pedestal and comparing yourself to?

00:45:17:20 - 00:45:38:13
Like, have they got great genetics that allows them to not carry any body fat, or are they taking some sort of enhancement or, you know, or are they doing you know, are they completely starving themselves to achieve that look. Yeah. Like you don't know. So again you just focus on you. And although it's very easy, it's a lot easier said than done.

00:45:38:15 - 00:45:59:05
It's very hard to do but just yeah, focus on your own journey. And as long as you're doing all those things right and you're happy, healthy, moving properly, there's nothing else to worry about. On that note, we're done. Is that it? That's it. That's when we go perfect again. Yeah. Great questions. Thank you everybody that says subminimum. Those questions.

00:45:59:07 - 00:46:26:16
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00:46:46:09 - 00:47:03:07
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00:47:03:12 - 00:47:22:02
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00:47:22:05 - 00:47:26:08